"Let me explain, Nanoha."

Fei Te smiled helplessly, and said: "Only real combat can make us grow in adversity - after you started to learn from me, isn't your strength growing every day? And after letting go of all practical combat yesterday, you The improvement should be greater than usual, right?"


Naye thought for a while, then nodded a little embarrassedly, and said, "It seems to be like this—that is to say, did brother Lin let us fight in order to make us improve faster?"

"There are factors in this area, but more of it should be hope that we have the ability to protect ourselves." Feite thought for a while, and asked a very realistic question, and said: "I think Brother Lin should not train us. The purpose is to have fun, but I hope that when we grow up, we can become a new fighting force like those guardians."

"So that's the case—" Naye showed a clear expression, she put her hands in front of her body and clenched her fists, and said, "Okay! Then I will work harder!"

"Nanoha, just accept it so easily..."

Arisa glanced helplessly at Suzuka.

"Because Nanoha, um, isn't very good at thinking—"

Suzuka couldn't help but smile.


At this time, Alicia coughed suddenly, and then said angrily: "I said, what we are going to discuss, isn't this?"

"Ah! Sorry sorry—"

Naye reacted, she touched her head with embarrassment, and said, "We are going to discuss...uh...what are we discussing?"

Alisa and Alicia covered their faces at the same time.

This silly boy, what can we do in the future?



at the same time.

Super Bull 13 Battleship Asra.

"This data is really..."

Looking at the data in her hand, Lindy thought for a while and said, "Exaggeration!"

"What level is it?"

Amy leaned over curiously, and when she saw the data on the report, her eyes widened in astonishment, and she said, "How is it possible? Two S-levels!? They're only nine years old!!"


The employees below also took a deep breath. A nine-year-old S-class mage is simply unheard of. This is no longer a question of genius. Rice! !

"Huh, Kronor—"

Amy breathed out a breath, looked at Crono aside, and said: "It seems like yesterday's withdrawal order was too much! If a war starts rashly, even a fully armed Crono will..."

"I know."

Crono nodded lightly, then looked at Lindy, and said, "Captain, please ask for support! The current situation is beyond what our fleet alone can handle."

Involving two S-level wizards in one breath, and they are still such young super-super-super genius wizards, I am afraid that they will directly alarm the core management of the Space-Time Administration, right?

"That's what I meant."

Lindy nodded, she leaned back in her chair, and said thoughtfully: "Speaking of which, do you think it is possible for us to instigate one of their teams? I remember that when they were detected yesterday, they were in a civil war, right?" ?”

Amy showed an awkward yet polite smile, and said, "This...with all due respect, I don't think it's possible."

Lindy was not angry because her subordinates "disobeyed" herself, but asked thoughtfully, "What's the reason?"

She believed that Amy would not refute her without reason.

"Captain, please look -"

Amy stretched out her hand to operate on the keyboard, and said, "This is the scene of their battle that we captured yesterday."

Lindy and Crono came together on the screen, and Xiaozheng couldn't help asking, "Is there anything special about this?"

"Wait, Amy, you zoom in here—" Lindy stretched out her finger and pointed to the screen, and Naye and Feite released the magic part, saying, "Zoom up the magic circle of these two people."

"it is good--"

A smile appeared on the corner of Amy's mouth, she knew that Captain Lindy would definitely find out about this!

As the picture zoomed in, Lindy and Kronor squinted their eyes subconsciously.

Lindy murmured, "This magic circle is neither Midzilder nor Belka!"

Kronor supported the operating table with both hands, and murmured: "Magic circle with cat's paw pattern? This is an unprecedented and unprecedented magic genre——"

Amy nodded and said: "That's right! In addition, when Crono appeared on the stage, the other party not only joined forces, but also said something like this-"

With Amy's manipulation, the video fast-forwarded to the scene where Kronor confronted Fett after he appeared on the stage, and Fett in the screen looked at Kronor and said: "Recovering the seeds of the holy stone is a gift from the master." Give me a task!"

"—As shown in the video, the other party mentioned the existence of 'Master'!" Amy held the document in her arms and said solemnly: "So I speculate that these little magisters who use the cat's claw magic circle , it may be from the same sect, and the battle this time is also very likely to be just an internal... um... actual combat training? Or is it a random test?"

Lindy leaned back on the chair with some numb claws. She raised her hand and rubbed the bridge of her nose, and said, "What is the origin of this sect? After attacking the Seed of the Holy Stone, it was only used as a prop for experimental training... ..."

What the hell is this thinking?



Three days later, night.

When the magic power fluctuation of the second holy stone seed appeared in the detectors of the three parties, they all realized that the moment of formal confrontation with the other party had arrived!


Lin Qiong's family.

"Fit, come on!"

Lin Qiong made a cheering gesture towards Feite, and then said with a smile: "If you can't beat the people of the Space-Time Administration, you can also run back crying? My brother will comfort you well!"

Feite clenched his fist subconsciously, and said calmly: "Brother Lin, don't underestimate me! I will definitely win, and then I will let you reward me!"

Consolation and rewards are completely different concepts!She wants rewards, not comfort——


Nanoha's house.

"Dad, Mom! Then I'm going out!"

Nanoha, who had already changed into a blue and white combat uniform, ran out of the house, then waved to Shirou's father and Momoko's mother, and said, "I will definitely win this time!"


Shirou's father sighed and said with some worry: "I really don't know what Master Lin is thinking. This child is only five years old, right? Let her participate in actual combat or something..."

Brother Gong Ye who was standing at the door put on a pair of dead fish eyes, and said angrily, "I was only 12 years old when I was thrown to do a mission by my father!!"

Patriarchal can't be like this, can it?hateful!



"My gentlemen—"

Looking at the support soldiers who had been arranged from the headquarters of the Space-Time Administration, Lindy held her hands on the platform in front of her and said seriously: "The enemy you are going to face this time is a magician who is not of the same genre but has strength as high as S-level. Sir! I hope you will never take them lightly because of their age, do you understand?"


All the magisters replied in unison.

"Then, everyone, let's go!"



Haiming City, a suburb.

The Seed of the Sacred Stone quietly floated in the open space of an abandoned factory outside the suburbs, and on both sides of it, members of the Naye team and the Feite team were confronting the team of the Space-Time Administration.

The wizard in charge of the Space-Time Administration is not Kronor, but a man who looks about 25 years old. He is not tall, and he wears a pair of round-frame glasses on his face, giving people a TV drama look. He may have the vicious vibe of a villain in the movie—but he's actually a super-elite mage who's been fighting for the Space-Time Administration for ten years.

"Two children—" the round glasses pushed the glasses on the bridge of their noses with a smile, and said, "Do you know how dangerous the seed of the holy stone is? It is an ancient heritage that can destroy the world—it The best destination is to be sealed by the Space-Time Administration!"

Chapter 0308 Do you understand the value of elites?

Hearing the speech of the round-rimmed glasses—full name is Felix Arathor—Crono, who was standing in the position of the squad leader, couldn't help but glanced at him, and couldn't help but recall the conversation with him before he set off.



Crono approached Felix, who was inquiring about the information about the Holy Stone Seed, and said seriously: "When I was reporting on my work, I reported that I had tried to persuade the other party to surrender, but was rejected. Why are you still... "

"Why do I have to persuade you to surrender again?"

Felix looked at Crono and smiled. He pulled the chair in front of him and said softly, "Sit down——hot cocoa or sweet milk?"

"I'm not a child..."

Crono muttered a few words, and then said without changing his face: "Cocoa made with hot milk, thank you."

"Ha ha!"

Felix laughed. After brewing the drink according to Kronor's request, he put the water glass in front of Kronor, and said: "It's a little hot, be careful."

Crono nodded, then put the drink in his hand and looked at Felix with questioning eyes, hoping that the other party would give him an answer as soon as possible.

"The reason is actually quite simple - if possible, I want to avoid direct combat with the opponent as much as possible." Felix pushed up his glasses and said softly: "According to the report handed over by Ms. Lindy, Those two magicians have already reached the S-level level at a young age—right?"


"From the first level, these are two super-talented mages with high strength. If we fight head-on, it is difficult for me to guarantee that there will be no casualties-I don't want the corpses of my subordinates to become my honor. "

"From the second level, it is difficult for us to guarantee whether they are the only disciples of their own school. If there are seniors with the same talent who have just grown up, we will be in trouble - starting a war rashly will most likely lead to the Space-Time Administration Conflict with that mysterious genre."

"From the perspective of the third level, there has never been such a house number before, but since the first one has appeared, we must consider the second and third hidden genres-if this conflict leads to further conflicts, lead to One old school after another, and things get more troublesome."

After saying these words, Felix smiled and continued: "Another point is your age - in their eyes, you are the same age as them, and children often don't give advice to their peers. I take it very seriously, but I am different, I am an adult, and they may listen to what I say."

After listening to Felix's analysis, Krono, who was sipping a hot drink, couldn't help but feel admiration, and thought: "As expected of the super elite of the headquarters, you have to consider so many things..."



Withdrawing his thoughts, Kronor refocused his attention on Naye and Feite, the leaders of the other party, and waited for the other party's answer.

"Is the seed of the holy stone such a dangerous thing?"

After hearing Felix's admonition, Naye couldn't help asking Feite in a low voice.

Feite nodded slightly, and said: "A single seed of the holy stone may not be able to do it, but when two or more seeds of the holy stone gather together and collide with each other, it is true that Yu's dimensional shock will be generated. It is possible to destroy a planet in one go."

To give a simple example, this is equivalent to a pair of giant hands appearing in the universe. It holds the earth, and then shakes the earth dozens of times like a bartender shaker—then may I ask, can life on the earth How many creatures are left?


Naye couldn't help but click her tongue. She glanced at the Heart of the Rising Sun in her hand, and said with some trepidation: "Holy, the seed of the holy stone is really so scary..."

"However, that is the seed of the holy stone in the unsealed state."

Feite explained calmly, "As long as the seed of the holy stone is sealed, it will be no different from ordinary magic crystals."

"That's good--"

Naye couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, she muttered: "I thought I was running around with things that could destroy the earth at any time."

Too ha.

Feite couldn't help laughing and said, "Why did Brother Lin let you do such a dangerous thing?"

"That's right—"

Naye showed a dazed expression.

After Feit saw that Naye was no longer entangled, he turned his head to look at Felix again and said softly: "I'm sorry! Recovering the seeds of the Holy Stone is an exam question arranged by the master for us. If we give them to If you say it, we won’t be able to pass the exam.”

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