"I see--"

Felix nodded slightly. He pondered for a few seconds and said, "Since you can't make a decision, can you let me meet your master?"

It's very simple, since children can't make decisions, let adults make decisions.


Feite thought for a few seconds and said, "I will raise your request with the master, but we are not going to hand over the seed of the holy stone today."

"I understand."

Felix nodded. Just when Crono thought he would announce his retreat, he didn't expect that after bowing slightly to Nanoye, Fit and others, he said: "Ladies, because of our responsibilities, we I have to compete with you all for this sacred stone seed, but I hope that both sides can compete peacefully and not make a fatal move unless necessary, okay?"

Feite was silent for a few seconds, then put his gaze on Naye, and said softly, "Nanoye, what do you think?"

"Eh?" Naye saw the ball being thrown on him suddenly, looked around in a panic, and said a little uneasy: "Yes, is it possible?"

For the naive Nanoha, isn't being able to die the best way to deal with it?

"I understand."

Fit nodded slightly, looked at Felix and said, "Then, just this time, we will agree to your request."

"Thank you for your understanding."

Felix smiled. He looked at the sky, then thought about it and said, "We each discuss tactics for 10 minutes, and then officially start the war, okay?"

"it is good."



After being temporarily separated, Felix sat in a security room of the factory while Crono stayed, and said with a smile: "Looking at your expression, I know you have a lot of questions to ask - just ask them."

Kronor looked at Felix in confusion, and asked, "Why do you want to start a war? Didn't you say that you should try to avoid fighting?"

Felix opened the thermos bottle he carried with him, then took a sip of the wolfberry and chrysanthemum tea inside, and said: "What needs to be avoided is not a fight, but a fatal fight - after all, we also need to show a certain amount of strength to make the other party Realize that the Space and Time Administration isn’t too hot either.”

If you blindly use words to persuade, you will inevitably leave the other party with the impression of being "weak" and "easy to bully". Therefore, appropriate and necessary heavy blows still have to be made.

"I see--"

Crono showed a dazed expression.

"Also, Mr. Krono, what the little girl said just now was 'only this time' and agreed to our request—" Felix put the lid on the thermos, and then said softly: "Do you understand this? The subtext of the sentence?"

Krono understood that this was the "examination question" given to him by Felix, so he quickly gathered his thoughts and said, "What she means is that she will go back and ask her master for instructions, but if the master refuses to cooperate with the Space-Time Administration, She will not hesitate to launch a lethal attack on us."


Felix nodded lightly, and then said with emotion: "This school is really scary! A nine-year-old girl has such awareness, how did she cultivate it?"

Lin Qiong: Well, does stealing someone else's SSR count?


After a short 10-minute negotiation, the personnel from both sides faced off again on both sides of the Seed of the Holy Stone.

"Then, before starting, please allow me to report on the team configuration here."

Felix looked at Fit in front of him and said: "Due to your level, we are going to send out three five-person teams to attack - it may be suspected of bullying the minority, but please understand."

Well, these are two S-rank wizards, not to mention three five-member teams, Felix can't wait to send thirty five-member teams, okay?

Who doesn't know that once a magician reaches S level, he becomes a living monster?

Um?You ask why he knows?

Oh, because he's also S-rank.

"It's okay."

Feit raised the thunder battle ax in his hand without changing his expression and said: "No matter how many people you send, we only have six people here."

"I understand."

Felix nodded, he turned his head and glanced at Krono, and said softly: "Mr Krono, I will trouble you to attack with the main force later, before Els and I hold back those two S-rank magic guides." When you are a soldier, take the other members as soon as possible, and capture the remaining four people—the idea is that it is best not to cause any harm!"

"I understand."

Crono nodded.


6vs15, the official start!

"Eyes, come on!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Felix and Els rushed towards Feite and Naye holding the staff at the same time.

"Fate, the one who uses the bombardment is handed over to you—"

Naye's eyes locked on Els, and then he said seriously: "I'll be in charge of dealing with the close-combat mage!"

"it is good."

Feite nodded quickly and said: "I will deal with him as quickly as possible, and then come to support you!"

As soon as the words fell, Fite rushed towards Felix like a golden flash, while Nanoha stopped Els with a short-charged magic cannon: "Your opponent is me!"


Els, who was big and thick, clenched the logging ax in his hand—compared with Feite's Thunder Light Tomahawk, the ax in Els' hand was more ferocious and more "threatening".

He looked at Naye in front of him, and asked puzzledly, "Why did the mages of the bombardment department come to me?"

Nanoye said with a smile: "Because I need a lot of experience in fighting close combat magicians! I want to defeat Feit and let her be my big cock!"

Chapter 0309 playing tactics, the heart is dirty

After hearing Naye's arrogant speech that almost regarded him as a "substitute" or "experiment", Els not only did not show an angry expression, but felt that the kid in front of him was looking down on him, but remembered The information that Nanoha accidentally disclosed.

'Sure enough, they are teachers and sisters of the same school, and this battle is just an actual combat training within the school. '

Els thought this, and then lightly stepped on the ground with his right foot. As the magic circle was generated, his body quickly ejected towards Nanoha, thinking: 'Although he is an S-class mage, but After all, I'm just a kid, I should be able to rely on my combat experience...'

Suddenly, a pink magic circle appeared next to Els' leg, and then turned into a chain and wrapped around his left calf in an instant, making his rushing movement stop in mid-air. .

"Trap? When—"

Ayrs' eyes shrank suddenly, and at this moment, he found a dazzling pink light coming from the top of his head, and he raised his head hastily—Nanoye, who was charging the magic cannon, suddenly reflected in his eyes In sight.

"Uncle, compared to Feite, your speed is nothing to mention—"

There was a trace of disappointment in Naye's voice. Apparently, a powerful player like Els did not bring her the combat experience she imagined. "Please lie down first!"

"Heart of the Rising Sun!"

"Yes Sir!"

"God breaks!"

At the same time, Naye quietly reduced the output of magic power, only exerting about 30% of its original power.



The thick pink magic cannon enveloped Els' figure, and the rest of the troops on the ground belonging to the Space-Time Administration hurriedly launched defensive magic to prevent the abandoned factory from being destroyed by the aftermath of the magic cannon.

"Yes, did you succeed?"

Nanoha took a few breaths, then looked expectantly at the smoke below.

"Starting wide-area search——"

The Heart of the Rising Sun responded quickly, and a large number of search terminals spread rapidly, preparing to conduct a carpet search of the surrounding area, but...


A figure appeared behind Naye, and he raised the logging ax in his hand with a sinking face, and then swung it downward vigorously.


Even before Naye could react, the Heart of the Rising Sun had already launched a spherical pale pink barrier magic all over Naye's body in an instant.

Three tenths of a second after the barrier was created, the back of the logging ax slammed heavily on the barrier, but the imaginary collision did not occur—Els, who swung the magic weapon with all his strength, only felt that his strength hit the barrier. He landed on something light and fluffy, and this feedback made him feel so uncomfortable that he was about to vomit blood.

Els floated in mid-air, looked at the pink shield ball that was thrown out by himself without any resistance, and said, "This is the first time I have seen a magic circle that can move with the user."


Naye, who didn't choose to fight hard, easily resolved the opponent's attack, floated back into the air again, and said with a little pride: "If you choose to resist hard, the magic shield condensed in a hurry will definitely not be able to stop you attack?"

"That is inevitable."

Els is very confident. After all, the truth he believes in is "power makes a brick fly" - I can make countless mistakes, but as long as I hit you once, I can kill you instantly!

"If I guessed correctly, you did not deploy your shield for defense just now, but also launched an attack, which offset my bombardment magic -"

Nanoha took a breath and said: "It seems that this uncle also has a lot of practical experience - I was too rude just now."

I actually thought you were a rookie.


Els' mood is a bit complicated. It should be a happy thing to be praised by the opponent, right?Maybe?But, but, why do I feel such a subtle discomfort in my heart? ?

"Then, let's start the second round, this uncle—"

Naye regained his posture and said, "We all have a certain understanding of each other's strength now, shouldn't it be like just now?"


Els, who was 16 meters tall and whose arm muscles were thicker than Nanoha's waist, was silent for a few seconds, and then said softly: "I am [-] years old."

"Eh?" Naye was stunned for two seconds, and then made a louder voice: "Eh!? Ten, 16 years old!?"


Bureau Els nodded and said, "So, don't call me uncle."


Nanoye blushed hard, and she hurriedly retorted: "I, if I knew your age, I wouldn't call you uncle!"

For Naye, it is indeed a shame to call someone who is only five years older than him "uncle".

"Keep fighting."

After clarifying his age misunderstanding, Els gripped the ax again and said, "Just, don't call me uncle anymore!"

Even he, at the age of 16, would not be able to bear being called "Uncle" again and again by a girl of about ten years old! !


the other side.

"This speed, this pressure..."

Unlike the "friendly" Naye and Els group, the situation on Fett and Felix's side is much more dangerous--as a super elite, Felix actually grew up from a nine-year-old child He felt heavy pressure on his body, which made him feel like he couldn't keep up with the times.

It's like Wang Chang in the first movie came to the Internet age, and then stared at the other party in stunned silence after talking for half an hour, and then OTKed himself.

"It seems like you rarely face enemies like me."

Feite looked at Felix and said softly: "Or, this is the first time you have encountered an enemy who is so fast like me."


Felix nodded helplessly. After just a few fights, he realized that the little girl in front of him was the "fastest" among all the enemies he encountered.

Every dodge, every block, every counterattack required a lot of effort from him, which gave him the feeling of "I am indeed old" - Hey, Els, can you help me? Point, get rid of your opponent, and then come over and give me a hand?

Thinking of this, Felix took the time to glance at Els...

Ah, very good!

He saw a stupid top laner with no displacement, being kited by an ADC equipped with "physical damage will slow down the target" and "self-acceleration when the attack hits" at the same time-oh yes, this ADC There is also a three-ring mechanism, and it comes with a short CD displacement.

How can the word "miserable" be so good?

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