"Els can't count on it. It's better to say that if I don't work harder, I might be the one who will be beaten later—" Felix took a deep breath, and then used Looking at Feite in front of him with extremely serious eyes, he said in a low voice, "In order not to be surrounded and beaten, and for the dignity of an adult—"

"Freeze field!"

The staff in Felix's hand was thrown heavily towards his body, and the blue magic circle quickly spread from his feet to the surroundings, and Feite suddenly felt as if his body was covered with a thick weight. , the speed quickly slowed down.

"You don't really think that I have no countermeasures against an enemy of your type, do you?" Felix twitched the corners of his mouth, and said a little depressed: "Although this move will also affect me , but at least it's bringing your speed down to a range that I can accept."

"Is there such magic?"

Feeling the heavy body, Feite couldn't help frowning his eyebrows, and muttered: "As expected of the Space-Time Administration, the magic reserve is really comprehensive."

"Little sister, next time you want to make me mess up, it's not that simple."

Felix moved his hands and feet a little, and said with a chuckle: "Next, it's time for me to fight back!"

For Felix, expanding the frozen field is not only to reduce Fette's speed to an acceptable range, but also allows Felix to take advantage of his rich experience in fighting in the frozen field .

While "harassing" with words, Felix silently arranged traps in the form of "concussion", "repulsion", and "binding" around his body, and then began to charge the magic cannon.

"Storing power in an honest way would be too disrespectful to me -" Fite calmly held the thunder battle ax in his hand and rushed towards Felix without hesitation.

'There must be magic traps on the front route...'

Feite calculated how much his speed had been weakened, and at the same time calculated where Felix would set up traps—the basic professionalism of bombardment-type mages facing assault-type mages, but where to place the traps? Where, what traps to arrange, and what trap chains to use depend on the usage habits of each wizard.

By the way, mature artillery magicians often prepare two, three, four or even more sets of traps. The way to measure the heart of an artillery magician is to see how well he has mastered them. Several trap formations.

'Then go around -'

Feite quickly made a decision, and she quickly flew to the right, preparing to go around an arc and attack from behind Felix, but at the moment she acted, a magic circle suddenly appeared beside her. now.

It's a shock trap!

An invisible shock spread, Fate felt as if he had been thrown into the washing machine and wandered around for 10 minutes. There was a feeling of dizziness, and there were bursts of nausea in his abdomen-this is exactly what happened. The effect of the shock trap.

After seeing his trap hit, Felix continued to charge the shelling magic without any fluctuations - this is the difference in experience!In the trial just now, Felix has roughly figured out some of Feite's little habits, so it is very reasonable to set traps at several key points for her flying habits, right?

So, those who play tactics have a dirty heart!

Chapter 0310

"I'm sorry, little girl, I've figured out your habits—"

Looking at Feite, who was clutching his forehead and showing pain on his face, Felix continued to taunt with words without any softness: "This is the gap in actual combat experience, you are no longer my opponent."

"Do you think that this level of vibration trap..."

Fit covered her forehead, and she forced her magic power to suppress the discomfort in her body. Then she raised her slightly bloodshot eyes and locked them with Felix in front of her, and whispered: "Can you stop me? "

Have you figured out my habits?Then I'll just go over there!

"Sonic Raid—"

Feite let out a low snort, and her body rushed towards Felix like an arrow from the string, and after half a second of activation, she ran into the restraint trap directly in front of her head--several crimson chains respectively Wrapped around Feite's waist and legs, her charge was directly crushed to death in the sprouts.

"It's all said-"

Felix watched Feite step into the trap again, couldn't help chuckling, and said, "You are not my opponent! In the case of the same strength, the difference in experience is decisive!"

"A mere restraint trap——"

The magic power on Fett's body vibrated, shaking off the chains on his body in an instant, and then waved the sickle with both hands, cutting it off easily, "That's it!"

Charge again!


With the triggering of the repelling trap, Feite felt that she had hit a layer of soft tulle, her movements became difficult, and even a reverse force was making her retreat unstoppably.

"Aren't you still willing to admit defeat? Little girl——"

Felix took a deep breath, and then said softly: "Your strength is indeed far beyond my imagination, but it's still the same sentence-experience gap! Do you understand the gap?"

I'm sorry, verbal blows are also part of tactics, don't blame uncle for being too despicable! !

Facing a nine-year-old child)(female used this despicable adult fighting method, even Felix felt guilty in his heart——Damn it, I must turn on the connecting device and use the electronic wooden fish to knock myself for an hour when I go back today Only merit can make up for it... No, one hour is too short, one and a half hours!


Feite, who was pushed back by the repelling trap, regained her stature in mid-air. She looked at Felix in front of her expressionlessly and said, "Maybe we really have great actual combat experience, you I have indeed figured out some of my habits, and thus set up targeted traps..."


Felix raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you want to say?"

"However, you underestimated my patience."

There was a smile on the corner of Feite's mouth, and she even thanked Precia for her abuse in the past, which made her completely resistant to pain and discomfort, "Now, there is no trap between me and you Bar?"


Felix showed surprise on his face. Before he could say anything, Feite gritted his teeth and charged towards him again. Seeing Kami Sakura getting closer, Felix suddenly showed a smile Smile.

You are still too tender.


The next moment, Feite, who was rushing forward, slammed into a magic shield. This sudden head-on impact made her mind blank for a few seconds.

"The magic shield can still be used like this, didn't you expect it?"

Felix's voice came from above. Holding the staff in both hands, he said softly: "My artillery magic has been fully charged-do you want to admit defeat?"

"Don't even think about it."

Fit covered his forehead, shook his head, and replied through gritted teeth.

"Then I'm sorry—" Felix locked Fett with magic power, and whispered: "Knock impact!"

I have no choice but to ask you to be in a coma for a while!


The crimson stream of light gushed out from the tip of the staff, submerging Fate, who had difficulty moving, in an instant, but Felix did not show a joyful expression.

Because he felt some kind of obstruction from the torrent of magic cannon!

This means that Feite is still resisting—either by deploying the magic shield to defend, or by condensing magic power in a hurry to counterattack.


"give up!"

Felix raised his voice, and said in a serious voice: "My attack is a fully charged shelling magic! Even if you are an SS-level mage, the magic power condensed in a hurry cannot be suppressed." Get over me—"

"That's, I can't tell—"

Feite's voice came from the magic cannon with a trace of difficulty: "I'm going to your side now-don't be caught by me!"

Thunder Tomahawk·Assault Mode! !

Give up defense, give up battery life!

This is the fastest and strongest form of Feite!


The armor on his body deformed rapidly, more jets appeared on his hands, feet, and back, and the high-frequency vibrating photon sickle in his hands also expanded a little.


Felix was slightly startled when he noticed that Fite's resistance was getting stronger. Then, he saw a dazzling golden light carrying flashing lightning and going upstream along his magic cannon with indomitable momentum.


Felix's lips tugged weakly, and he smiled bitterly and said, "Really or not? Are all children nowadays monsters?"

At the last moment of losing consciousness, he turned his head and glanced at Els, and found that his deputy had been overwhelmed by the magic cannon fired by another little girl's magic device.



"Now, I've lost face—"

In Asla's conference room, Felix, who was wearing a bandage, looked at the ceiling with a look of lovelessness, and said to Els, Lindy and Kronor beside him, "I still want to show you The power of the Space-Time Administration is now being shown to us instead."

Krono twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I don't think you can blame this, the strength that those two girls erupted at the last moment is too exaggerated."

Fate first, the scythe in her hand easily - like a red-hot blade cutting into a block of cheese - sliced ​​through Felix's magic cannon, then severed his shield, and his The magic tool was cut off together, leaving a wound on his chest;

Then there is Naye, after she launched the strong attack mode, the starburst of 80.00% power after ten seconds of charging directly overwhelmed Els's strongest slash, and burned all the defensive shields on his body connected to the equipment He was completely naked, and even his body was left with a lot of burns.

Of course, please don't worry about the treatment methods of the mage. Of course, Felix's injury is needless to say, but a large area of ​​burns that is fatal to ordinary people is just a common injury to a mage.


Els glanced at Clono, and said calmly: "That little girl, she was merciful at the last moment—it would be better to say that she was merciful at the first blow."


Crono widened his eyes in surprise, looked at Els in astonishment, and asked: "Really, really?"

"The damage of her second shelling magic is more than four times that of the first one." Els was a little depressed: "I thought my attack power was comparable to hers, but it turned out that I was given a hand by others."

Like Feite's magic device, Nanoha's magic device is also divided into "normal mode", "quick strike mode" and "strong strike mode". Power time, while the strong attack mode is to increase the damage without affecting the power storage time.

"Four times..."

Kronor twitched the corner of his mouth, and then said speechlessly: "Wait a minute, Senior Els, you said she was merciful in the second shelling?"


Els took a sip of milk tea in great depression and said: "While she was charging up, the energy storage panel appeared in front of her - I took a glance and saw that she released the bombardment with about 80.00% of the energy stored."

All of a sudden, Lindy, Felix, and Kronor fell into silence.

"80.00%? In other words, her strongest attack might be [-]/[-] stronger?" Lindy held her forehead and said in disbelief, "It's fine to use an unheard of magic style. Why are even mages monsters??"

"The key is--"

Felix rubbed his head, and said: "The magic power in their bodies is indeed only S-level, that is to say, the magic style they use is a more playful magic formula than the Midzilder style that has been passed down for a long time... ..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone on Asla suddenly fell into isolation.



On the other side, the green house late at night.


Accompanied by Alisa's cheers, the girls raised their drink cups one after another, and after the collision, they drank the drinks in the cups.

"Wow haha, today is so cool!"

Elf said with a proud look on her face: "You don't know! Thanks to Miss Know-It-All for upgrading me and implanting something for me..."

The big dog thought for a while, and then said the name of the dish: "Extreme Speed, Crush, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang and other moves! Wow, those mages are not my one-on-one enemies at all !"

"I saw it, I saw it!"

Alicia clapped her hands happily and cheered: "Elf is so handsome when she returns to her original form, and she easily beats away the magicians from the Space-Time Administration!"


Elf, with her tail flicking behind her, crossed her arms, held her head high, and said proudly, "It's okay to praise me a little more!"

The little girls looked at each other, and then started to flatter them happily——

"Alf is amazing!"

"Alf is the best!"

"Alf is invincible!"

"Alf is number one in the world!"

"Wa hahaha--"

After being praised wildly, Elf finally did not collapse her expression, revealing the same stare and tongue out laugh of Mouri Kogoro.

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