Really blind!

Chapter 0311 This is a good man

After the party.

The little ghosts who had had a good time all returned to their own homes. After brushing their teeth and taking a bath, they rolled onto the bed in a numb manner, and then groaned like a pig.

Well, except Fett.

She was sitting with Elf in front of Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, reporting what Felix had said.


Lin Qiong nodded while eating the red bean soup in the bowl, and said, "As expected of the Space-Time Administration, it's a bit different from the idiot I imagined—it's actively seeking contact, and it's completely 'can communicate' His attitude, even more so, he actively asked his subordinates to show mercy..."

The eldest lady held back her smile and said, "Except for the child who didn't hit our family in the end, everything else is under the control of those people, right?"


Elf didn't stop laughing, but she reacted quickly and covered up her laughter with a few coughs.

"I can already imagine how depressing it must be to return to the headquarters after that guy named Felix came on the scene with confidence and then left in disgrace -"

Lin Qiong's face was unabashedly gloating, "I'm afraid he's going to sit at the bar with tears in his eyes, and then the bitter wine will hurt his throat, and he'll hiccup!"


At this moment, even Feite couldn't collapse, she hurriedly imitated Elf, and covered her laughter with a short cough.

"Stop teasing them—"

The eldest lady smiled, pinched Lin Qiong's finger, and said, "Are you going to meet them?"

"Why not?"

Miss Know-it-all's voice came from above the heads of several people—they looked up and saw the know-it-all cat sitting on the shelf on the balcony, licking their fingers gracefully.


Lin Qiong frowned suddenly, he shook his upper body, and after changing several positions to observe the know-it-all cat, he suddenly showed a happy expression and said, "Sure enough! You can see your leather swallow from this angle! "


After a while of silence, the know-it-all cat looked at the young lady who was covering her face with black lines all over her head, and said, "Dear Erina, do you really not care about your man? Shake your head!"

"Ahem, I can't control him—"

The eldest lady looked at the know-it-all cat with an innocent face, and said, "I was eaten to death by him!"


The know-it-all cat glanced at the eldest lady with contempt, and jumped off the shelf—it stepped on Lin Qiong's face on purpose when it landed, and then landed safely on the small table, saying angrily: "Really, if you want to see it, I won't refuse to show it to you! It's strange——"


Feite and Elf subconsciously covered their mouths, and then looked at each other strangely—both pairs of eyes were full of undisguised gossip.

"You show me aboveboard, but you lose your inner taste!"

Lin Qiong smiled, then stretched out his hand and hugged the know-it-all cat on his lap, and stroked her hair while asking, "What did you mean by 'why not'?"

"It's very simple!"

The know-it-all cat flicked Lin Qiong's face with its tail, and then said with a whimper: "From the very beginning, you were not prepared to become an endless enemy with the Space-Time Administration, right? The worst plan is to make the other party fearful." You, and then you and you will not offend each other—in this case, there are better options, why do you have to take a worse route?"

Lin Qiong showed a thoughtful expression and said, "Then see you."



The next day, afternoon.

Haiming City.

Cuiwu Dim Sum House.

In today’s Cuiwu, a “Closed Shop” sign was posted early on at the door, and Shirou’s father, who is the owner of the shop, took a vacation for himself and brought his beloved motorcycle... I mean, Mommy Taozi went there. I went to the nearby amusement park, ready to relive the beauty of the love period.

and so……

At this time in Cuiwu, only Lin Qiong was sitting in the empty hall, holding the know-it-all cat in his arms, and gently stroking her back.

"Let's tell you in advance, lest you reveal your secrets later—"

The know-it-all cat glanced at the clock on the wall, and then hummed and said: "Although the other party exudes goodwill towards you, and you agree to meet the other party, the relationship between you and the Space-Time Administration is destined to not be too wonderful."


"You still ask why..." Know-it-all Maomao covered her face with her hands in a humane manner, and said, "Just imagine - if you are the leader of a certain country, the people under you are digging A hydrogen bomb and its detonator were produced, but during the transportation, the hydrogen bomb and its detonator were intercepted by a group of strangers. You sent someone to communicate with the other party, but the other party not only refused to return it, but also kept telling you 'this It’s safer to put a hydrogen bomb in our hands’, would you clap your hands and laugh and praise the other party as a good person?”

"Ahem, it seems like this?"

Lin Qiong touched his nose in embarrassment and said, "Since it's destined not to be wonderful, why do you want me to meet with the people from the Space-Time Administration again?"

"Idiot! Of course it's an impression, an impression!"

The know-it-all cat hated the iron and patted Lin Qiong's face with a meat pad, and said: "They are also unwilling to hand over the detonator, but [can communicate, and has a gentle and friendly attitude] and [refuses to communicate, has an extremely bad attitude] bring The impression given is completely different!”

"oh oh--"

"After the Space-Time Administration realizes the power of Sky City, the former means that you can become an ally in friendly exchanges, while the latter means that you are a huge threat—" After the know-it-all Mao Mao explained, he couldn't help but sigh Taking a breath, he said helplessly: "Has your brain stopped? Why don't you think at all!"

Lin Qiong hugged Maomao for a while, then buried his face in Maomao's body, and said in a muffled voice: "It's too troublesome to think about these things! I'll leave everything to you, my external thinking circuit, know-it-all, Daxian Author·Maomao Ameng!"


Miss Know-It-All was silent for a few seconds, then she lay down on Lin Qiong's lap dejectedly, and said helplessly: "Our host! If we have some bad thoughts about you, I'm afraid we can sell you, you not only Count the money for us, and even ask for a high price!"

Lin Qiong rubbed his face on the body of the know-it-all cat with a face of indifference, and said, "Then you sell it—"


The know-it-all cat swept Lin Qiong's head with its tail helplessly, and then muttered in his heart: "My baby, you are too late, why are you willing to sell you?" '



After half an hour of messing around with Master of All Things, the agreed time finally arrived.

"Jingle Bell--"

With the ringing of the welcome bell at the door, Lindy walked into the Emerald House with Felix and Clono.

"Yo, it's coming—"

Lin Qiong raised his hand, waved to several people, and said enthusiastically: "Come, come, sit! You're welcome—"

"I've heard of you for a long time, this gentleman—"

Captain Lindy walked over with a smile, then took Felix and Krono to the edge of the table, pulled out a chair respectively, and sat down.

"Before we start chatting—"

Lin Qiong raised his hands and patted on his side lightly. Linis, who had been prepared in the back kitchen, immediately pushed the dining cart to the table with a smile on her face, "Shall I eat something first?"

Hearing the instruction, Linis at the side brought chocolate cookies, colorful macarons and cream puffs to the table respectively, and then poured a cup of the black tea prepared by the secretary for the four of them respectively, and then folded her hands Put it on the lower abdomen, and then stood aside.

"Everyone, try it—"

Lin Qiong took the lead to pick up a piece of chocolate chip cookie, and then put it into his mouth in front of the three of them. While chewing, he gave a thumbs up and said, "It's not me, it's really delicious? This is our The specialties over there are not available in ordinary places!"

"Really? Then we'll have a taste of—"

Lindy and Felix looked at each other, and they reached out their hands at the same time.

'He said, this is their specialty? Lindy put the macaron into her mouth and thought, "If you can taste the flavor of the snack, maybe you can roughly deduce the coordinates of this genre's headquarters—"

If Lin Qiong knew what these two people were thinking, he would have to scold at least: I fucking kindly treat you to a snack, you play tricks with me!Your hearts are dirty!

But he didn't know.

After the cookies and macarons entered their mouths, Felix and Lindy's eyes widened, and an unprecedented sense of happiness enveloped the two of them in an instant——


Felix narrowed his eyes, he felt as if he was in a warm sunny afternoon in winter, and then lay leisurely on the deck chair on the balcony, with his beloved cat lying on his lap, and the speaker next to him was playing to his favorite music—


Lindy closed her eyes. She felt as if she had returned to the day she married her husband. He gently held her hand, kissed her lips, and said to her: "Lindy" , marry me, I will make you happy for a lifetime——'


Krono, who was chewing puffs, suddenly stared, then hurriedly picked up the teacup next to him, took two sips of puffs, and then swallowed the puffs stuck in his throat.

He took a long breath, then looked at his senior and mother who had closed their eyes and said nothing strangely. He lowered his head and continued to make puffs in the bowl. While eating, he muttered: "I have never eaten anything so delicious." Snacks, I really want to take some back to Amy."

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "There are still a few in the back kitchen, I will pack them for you later and take them home."


Crono looked up.

"Don't tell them—" Lin Qiong pointed his index finger at Crono, made a "shh" gesture, then blinked his left eye at him, and said, "This is a secret between us."


Crono nodded

He found out, this is a good man!

Chapter 0312 I'm sorry, Yuno can't go back

When Crono had eaten half of the snacks on the table, drank four cups of black tea, and returned from a trip to the bathroom, Lindy and Felix finally opened their eyes.

"It feels like I had a very wonderful dream."

Lindy raised her fingers, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, then smiled at Lin Qiong, and said, "It's a very delicious snack, something I've never tasted before."

"Unprecedented deliciousness."

Felix went on to say, "I never thought that a dim sum can be so delicious and magical."

Facing the rainbow fart of the two, Lin Qiong smiled reservedly and gracefully, and said, "Thank you for your compliment, I will pass it on to Taozijiang and the secretary."


Lindy's eyes flickered, and she said, "Could it be Takamachi Nanoha's mother? Takamachi Momoko?"

Could it be that the base camp of this mysterious school is actually on Earth?

"Sure enough——" Hearing these words, Lin Qiong understood—the other party had searched Naye and Feite's information [-]%, and at this time, he probably had stripped off the underpants of the eighteen generations of Takamachi's ancestors When he came out, he already knew about the crap about Feite, Alicia and Precia.

"Haha, of course not." Lin Qiong waved his hand and said with a smile: "The peach jam I am talking about refers to Akane Kubomomo, she is the cook of these snacks."

"So that's the case, I misunderstood—"

Lindy smiled, but she sighed regretfully in her heart—it would be great if it was really Takamachi Momoko, then the search range would be narrowed down a lot.

What a pity, what a pity.

"Okay, there's a little snack left—"

Lin Qiong glanced at the embarrassed Krono with a smile in his eyes, and said, "Let's talk after we finish eating! Don't waste Peach Jam's kindness."


Lindy and Felix would naturally not refuse.

After all, who has trouble with their tongue?


Amidst the peaceful exchange of gossip, pleasant snack time passed.

"...I didn't expect such a beautiful world to exist. I really want to take a look when I get the chance."

Lindy took a sip of black tea with a smile on her face and said, "Even if possible, I would also like to get a Pokémon as a companion—it must be very happy to have them by my side, right?"

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