"That's natural."

Lin Qiong smiled, with a gentle smile on his face, and said: "Pokémon are very simple-minded creatures. Even if the owner has a very bad attitude towards it, it will never leave it - yes A bunch of silly, lovable guys.”

Felix on the side put down the teacup as if nothing had happened, and then said casually: "Speaking of this——Mr. Lin, I've been hearing how cute Pokémon are from you just now. I wonder if there are any group photos for us to see? After all It’s hard to imagine just how cute it is.”

Captain Lindy's eyes lit up, then she acted like a little girl, and said with some excitement: "Yes! Like Gengar, who you say is the cutest in the world, and Menas, who is so beautiful that it makes people enchanted, and I am very curious about how cute, beautiful and cute the incredibly cute fairy Eevee is!"

Probing, still probing - these two people want to use this method to explore the authenticity of the "Pokémon" that Lin Qiong said, so as to further understand Lin Qiong's origin.

"Photos? I don't have that—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand without hesitation, and at the moment when Lindy and Felix exchanged glances, he picked up the last cookie on the table, threw it towards the sky, and said, "After all, photos can False, but reality can’t, right?”


Lindy and Felix subconsciously followed the cookie's parabola, and in the next second they saw a little purple fat man coming out of Lin Qiong's shadow, and stretched out his short hand to catch the cookie. Qi, and then casually threw it into his mouth.


Gengar happily held his face in his hands, and then made a happy sound.

Good time~ I feel cured~

"Here, this child is Geng Gui—"

Lin Qiong smiled and put his arms around Geng Gui's...uh...I don't know if it's the waist or the neck, and said, "Isn't it cute?"


Geng Gui twisted his body in embarrassment.

I hate it, although she is indeed the cutest in the world, but I can't boast like that!

"Yes, it is indeed cute..."

Lindy and Felix stared dumbfounded at the creature they had never seen before, and their doubts disappeared in an instant—Magia Bakune!The unexplored new world he talked about seems to be true! ?

What does this mean?It means that the stronghold of this "cat's claw magic school" may be outside the exploration range of the Space-Time Management Bureau—the mysterious area belongs to it.

"Of course, my Geng Gui is the cutest in the world!"


Embarrassed, Geng Gui slipped back into Lin Qiong's shadow, leaving behind a somewhat helpless Lin Qiong. He shrugged his shoulders towards the two of them and said, "Well, this kid is a bit shy, don't mind~"

"Uh, no, it's fine."

Felix still seemed a little unresponsive to Gu Lai, and stammered a little: "Very, um, quite cute."

"That must be! As I said, my family, Geng Gui, is the cutest in the world—"

Lin Qiong smiled, then he turned around, waved to Linis, and said, "Linis, pack your things—"

After finishing speaking, he looked back at the guests and said, "Then, we can also start the formal communication!"


When Linise pushed the dining car and disappeared into the front hall, Lin Qiong supported the side of his face with his hands, then gracefully stroked the know-it-all cat in his arms, and said, "You guys specially asked Feite to send me a message, what do you think about it?" What are you talking to me about?"

Felix glanced at Lindy, and after seeing the other party nodded slightly, he took the lead and said, "Mr. Lin! I believe you should know how dangerous an ancient heritage like the Seed of the Holy Stone is—if you can't Control it well, the space shock it produces can destroy a planet!"

"Ok, I know."

Lin Qiong nodded—it would be better to say that all neon works, all kinds of gadgets will involve the concept of "destroying the world"!It seems that without destroying one or two worlds, there is no way to bring out its force.

"Now that you know, can you hand over the Holy Stone Seed to the Space-Time Administration?"

Lindy looked into Lin Qiong's eyes and said seriously: "If I remember correctly, the Holy Stone Seed should be excavated by a young man named Yuno under the Space-Time Administration, and then escorted to the Space-Time Administration headquarters. "

Lin Qiong nodded reservedly, and said, "And then?"

Then?i fucking...

Lindy took a deep breath, then said with twitching eyes, "But the Seed of the Holy Stone appeared in your hands—does this mean that Mr. Lin has done something to the spaceship where Yuno is?"

"Wow, this is slander, slander, gossip, you know?"

Lin Qiong covered his chest pretending to be sad, and said in a sad tone: "Why can't Mr. Yuno die by himself?"

Even Krono couldn't hold back at this moment, he silently took off the label of "good guy" from Lin Qiong in his heart, and then added the label of "bad guy"—you can believe it when you say it Do not believe?If you don't believe it yourself, why do you let us believe it!

"Anyway, Yuno has probably been killed by you, so you can say whatever you want—" Lindy lowered her eyelids expressionlessly, and said, "It's impossible to check the situation now, so..."

"Why can't it be verified?" As if seeing the distrust of the people opposite, Lin Qiong pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "I didn't lie to you! How about I make a video call to Yuno now, and you can ask yourself he?"


This time it was really hard for Lindy and Felix to deal with it.

The two looked at each other, and Felix asked with a confused expression: "You mean, we can talk to Yuno-kun?"


A question mark popped up in Lin Qiong's head, and he said puzzledly, "Why not?"

'So, Yuno wasn't secretly executed by him? '

She hesitated for a while, and decided to find out, so she whispered: "Then, then... watch the video?"


Lin Qiong took out the communication device decisively, put it on the table, and dialed Yuno's communication number.


After the communication device rang a few times, Yuno's profile was instantly projected.

"Master, are you looking for me?" Yuno's attention was not on the communication device, but as if he was operating something, "I'm busy here——I will give the first enhancement program to you soon." Writing is complete!"

The strengthening process that Yuno mentioned was exactly the Pokémon skill move that Gadget had implanted into Elf. When Yuno saw it, he was immediately shocked, and then he kowtowed and prayed to Gadget. Maomao taught him - a jack-of-all-trades, Maomao couldn't help it, so he gave him the tutorial and asked him to program the first skill within half a month.

Looking at Yuno's face that was extremely energetic and even slightly fat; listening to his calm expression and natural tone of voice...

Lindy and Felix couldn't hold back again.

Yuno, what are you doing, Yuno! !

"You... You Nuo-kun..."

Lindy bit the bullet and asked: "Can you explain to me why you appeared on Mr. Lin's space-time ship? Aren't you supposed to be responsible for transporting the seeds of the holy stone?"

"This voice..."

Yuno finally realized something. He pushed up the anti-myopia glasses on the bridge of his nose, then looked in the direction of the communicator. He suddenly showed a surprised expression and said, "Isn't this Captain Lindy? And Fei Mr. Leakes, long time no see——"

No wonder the task related to the Seed of the Holy Stone was assigned to these two people, so they are old acquaintances?

'But what about old acquaintances? Lin Qiong showed a bad smile, "I'm sorry, Yuno has completely turned into the shape of a know-it-all cat - he can never go back!"Jie Jie! "

Chapter 0313 Terrible——

Lin Qiong is very confident, very confident.

He didn't believe that after seeing the power of Yoyo and the guardians, and the gold content of Miss Passer-Talent's mind, Yuno would still foolishly try to curry favor with the Space-Time Administration...

Yuno: What Space-Time Administration?How unfamiliar!

Yuno: Guan, don't call me, I'm afraid Sky City will misunderstand!

Seeing Yuno's healthy and well-fed face and the expression of surprise, Lindy couldn't help rubbing her head, and then asked nonchalantly, "Aren't you escorting the Seed of the Holy Stone? Why did you appear here?"

"Ms. Lindy, all this is thanks to Mr. Lin!"

Speaking of this matter, Yuno immediately showed a grateful expression, and said without pretending: "My spaceship suddenly broke down when it was passing through the planet numbered 114514, and it crash-landed directly inside the planet, and because of landing The collision caused the spaceship to spontaneously ignite and explode, I only had time to escape in a hurry with the seed of the holy stone, and I didn’t even have a chance to send a distress signal—”

"and then?"

Felix asked.

"Just when I was in despair, the young master appeared there and rescued me!" Yuno said with undisguised gratitude, "He rescued me from that planet, so I'll stay here temporarily." On his spaceship."

'Master? '

Lindy keenly noticed Yuno's name for Lin Qiong. She glanced at Lin Qiong who was smiling next to her, then looked away, and said, "Okay, I probably understand the situation!"

After finishing speaking, she nodded towards Lin Qiong and said, "Mr. Lin, you can hang up now."

Lin Qiong asked curiously, "Don't you need to ask any more questions?"

Lindy shook her head and said, "It's no longer necessary."

What else is there to ask?He already called you master, if I still don't understand that Yuno is already yours, I will be a captain for so many years.

"I'm a little curious—"

Lindy looked at Lin Qiong in front of her, and said softly, "What kind of magical power does Mr. Lin have that can make You Nuojun give up his bright future in the Space-Time Administration and go to you instead?"

Although Yuno's combat effectiveness is not very good, it can be seen from his role as the administrator of the infinite library in the original book that his real talent lies in clerical work.

"This, it involves some... um..." Lin Qiong stretched out his finger and stroked it, and said, "Some small corporate secrets—it's not impossible for Captain Lindy to know, as long as you are willing..."

Lin Qiong didn't understand what he said, but all three people present understood what he meant.

The expressions of Lindy and Felix were a little subtle. Did they really not expect that Lin Qiong would turn around and openly poach the corner of the Space-Time Administration?Why are you so brave? ?

"There's no need to talk about this—"

Lindy waved her hand, and she said softly: "Mr. Lin, even if your method of obtaining the Seed of the Holy Stone is legal, but such a dangerous ancient heritage, I still think that our Space-Time Administration should be responsible..."

"Captain Lindy is right." Felix on the side also helped: "Our Space-Time Administration has dealt with many dangerous legacies and has rich experience in dealing with them!"

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth, and then said with a bit of laughter: "You know what? In my impression, organizations that boast of their rich handling experience are often not very good——"


A question mark popped up in Lindy's head.

"For example, Marvel's S.H.I.E.L.D. brags all day long that it has rich experience in dealing with Hydra, but what's the result? It turns out that S.H.I.E.L.D. has become Snake Shield!"

"For example, a certain foundation keeps shouting about 'we control, we contain, and we protect' all day long. What's the result? The result is that we fail and we run away."

"For example, a space-time administration said that he has rich experience in dealing with ancient heritages. What happened? The result was that the Book of Darkness got out of control and had to be destroyed."


Hearing Lin Qiong mention the time of the Book of Darkness, Lindy and Crono clenched their hands into fists.

"Oh, by the way, I remember Captain Lindy's surname is Harlowen, right?" Lin Qiong seemed to remember something, looked at Lindy and said: "If I remember correctly, the victim of the Book of Darkness time, Clyde Harlowin, should he be your husband?"

Lindy nodded expressionlessly.

"What a pity."

Lin Qiong lowered his head, casually stroking the back of the know-it-all cat, and said, "He is obviously such an excellent man, but because of the incompetence of the Space-Time Administration..."

"The loss of control of the Book of Darkness has nothing to do with the Space-Time Administration!"

Lindy interrupted Lin Qiong's words. She closed her eyes and said, "The loss of control of the Book of Darkness is something that no one could have predicted—it was just a tragedy caused by accident!"

"Really? But if the Book of Darkness had fallen into our hands back then, it would have been impossible for it to get out of control."

Lin Qiong nodded noncommittally and said: "In short, over the past few years, there have been quite a few ancient legacies that have happened in the hands of the Space and Time Administration, so I don't think you have the ability to handle the seeds of the Holy Stone."

What Lin Qiong said was very blunt, but he also expressed his thoughts very bluntly—since you are unable to take care of the Seed of the Holy Stone, let me take care of it!

"Mr. Lin, do you mean that you have the ability to deal with the seed of the holy stone?"

Lindy looked at Lin Qiong and asked.

"of course."

 Yakrono asked a little unconvinced: "Why are you so confident?"

Lin Qiong calmly threw a Holy Stone Seed on the table and said, "I dare to carry the Holy Stone Seed with me."


The three of them stared dumbfounded at the seed of the holy stone on the table, feeling as though they hadn't woken up yet.

"If you suspect that it is a fake, I can show it to you—" Lin Qiong leaned back on the chair and said, "So, I don't trust the ability of the Space-Time Administration, what's the problem?"



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