
meeting room.

"Any questions?"

Felix repeated Lin Qiong's words, then put his hands on his forehead with a wry smile, and said, "I can't think of anything to refute."

"If the Seed of the Holy Stone is placed in the Space-Time Administration..."

Lindy imagined what would happen and said, "The greatest possibility is that the Holy Stone Seed will be kept in a safe that isolates magic power, and then stored in the safest place, right?"


Felix nodded, and he said in disbelief: "So how did he do it? Why can the seed of the holy stone be so secure? I doubt it is fake—"

Lindy sighed, then leaned back on the chair with a pale face, and said with a wry smile: "It is precisely because it is true that we cannot refute it—"



at home.

"Not bad."

Know-it-all Maomao patted Lin Qiong's head with a meat pad, and praised: "Although the attitude in the end was a little tough, but!"


"Really! How could I lie to you?"

This is true.

It's true that Maomao, who knows everything, will not deceive Lin Qiong, but it doesn't prevent her from setting Lin Qiong's passing score at 1, right?By the way, the full score is [-] points.

In fact, if the know-it-all cat and cat were allowed to go out, she could easily make Lindy and Felix instigate a rebellion from the Space-Time Administration—it would even be no problem to let them act as internal agents to disintegrate the Space-Time Administration from within!

However, who said that there is only one way to pass the game?

As long as our host is willing, even if it's a Pokémon, I can turn it into Xanadu's toothless mouth!


Lin Qiong lifted the know-it-all cat and cat, and then said with a smile on his face: "The next step is to wait for the Book of Darkness to appear—well, it's time to think about how to get in touch with Gale Wind."

The know-it-all cat pretended not to understand Lin Qiong's suggestion, she swept Lin Qiong's face with her cat's tail, and said, "Come on, host, you can definitely figure out a way!"

Lin Qiong looked at Know-It-All Cat, and Know-It-All Cat looked at him innocently.

"Are you deliberately pretending that you don't understand me?"

Lin Qiong angrily let the know-it-all cat lie on his lap, then angrily rubbed the cat's head and said, "Help me, know-it-all A Meng!"

Maomao, who knows everything, said helplessly: "While asking others to help me, she rubbed her head at the same time—our host, your behavior is really unbelievable!"

"That's right, I'm amazing!"

Lin Qiong let go of the know-it-all cat and cat's head, then stroked her belly, and said, "Give me the whole method to get close to Haifeng—forget about pretending to be uncle, I still like to hear Haifeng calling my brother!"

"Please, Haifeng's voice actor is Ueda Kana, and my voice is also Ueda Kana?" The know-it-all cat looked at Lin Qiong dissatisfied, and said, "You can just let me call you?"

"No." Lin Qiong shook his head, and he said confidently: "Children make choices, and I want them all!"

As a result, the know-it-all cat was not only not angry, but also nodded with satisfaction: "Hmm! As expected of our valued host, this kind of greed is the same as ours!"

"So, A Meng who knows everything, please help me!"

"Stupid host! Why don't you just copy the method of the Takamachi house? Move to the next door to Hayate's house, and then pretend to be an office worker who returns late, often go to the other party's house to grab a meal or something, won't you be familiar with it after going back and forth? "


Lin Qiong took a breath, and muttered, "Why does this kind of social animal x young wife's CP look so familiar to me? Maomao, have you read any strange comics again?"

"My knowledge about comics is all obtained from your head, so even if..." At this point, Maomao, the know-it-all, suddenly frowned, then looked down at the hand resting on his abdomen, "What are you doing? "

Lin Qiong picked his fingers, and asked in a voice full of doubts: "No, just, can cats with energy bodies also get sick?"

Know-it-all Maomao instinctively had a bad feeling. She took a deep breath and asked calmly, "What do you mean?"

Lin Qiong picked again and muttered, "Is this a skin disease? Or acne? Or sarcoma?"

'Don't be angry, don't be angry, be angry to give room to the devil--'

Know-it-all Maomao took a deep breath, then slapped Lin Qiong on the back of his hand, and said, "Don't pick it, it's not acne or sarcoma."

Lin Qiong looked at his fingers suspiciously, and said, "Isn't it acne? Then what is this pimple... Oh!"

Magia Bakune!

Chapter 0314 New Neighbors

Although he has decided to get close to Hayate Yagami, Maomao, who knows everything, thinks that with Lin Qiong's IQ, he still needs to help him make a plan, otherwise he will come up with some new tricks.

"So you say she is too much?"

Lin Qiong sat cross-legged on the head of the bed, and said dissatisfiedly: "I didn't pick her there on purpose, but actually tickled me three times and called me stupid!"

The eldest lady rubbed her head, and then said with twitching corners of her mouth: "To be honest, if this kind of thing happened to me, I'm afraid I will scratch you thirty times."

"Don't make trouble, it's not like I didn't..."

"I didn't mean that!"

Angrily, the eldest lady raised her foot and kicked Lin Qiong's waist, and said, "It's not wrong for her to call you stupid!"

"It's too much!"

Lin Qiong fell on the bed, and then cried like an abandoned salted fish: "You bullied me! I'm so angry, can the world get better? When can men stand up!?"


The eldest lady took a deep breath and said, "Jesus can't even catch your punch... No, what kind of punch do you punch as a man?"

"Isn't your statement going too far?" Lin Qiong was shocked. He looked at the eldest lady with wide eyes and said, "Why can't men punch? The air is shaking and cold. When will a man..."

"Stop, stop! I don't want to discuss punching with you—"

The eldest lady stopped Lin Qiong with black lines all over her head, and said: "So the plan Miss Wanshitong gave you is to let you pretend to be a social animal on a business trip, and then use dinner as an excuse to get closer to her, right?"

Lin Qiong nodded: "Yeah -"

The eldest lady curled her lips, and then said hummingly: "Oh? Let's eat... Hum, eat... Hey, let's eat..."


Lin Qiong tilted his head, he got up, and then leaned in front of the eldest lady, and said strangely: "That, dear Miss Erina? I don't know if it's my illusion, I seem, seem, probably, seemingly, Feel a very inexplicable jealousy from you?"

What are you jealous of?

The eldest lady puffed her mouth, and then snorted: "Dear Mr. Qiong! This is not your illusion—your dearest girlfriend is jealous right now!"

Lin Qiong showed a blank expression, and he couldn't help asking: "Okay, my dearest girlfriend, I understand the reality that you are jealous, but can you tell me first, where is your jealousy from? Where did it come from?"

"This one……"

The eldest lady looked away, and muttered in a low voice: "You can say it, but you are not allowed to laugh!"

"Okay, I swear—"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand, pointing three fingers to the sky and two fingers to the ground, and said seriously: "If I laugh, I will make the secretary constipated!"

The eldest lady rested her chin and thought for a few seconds, and said, "Where did Fei Shazi recruit you? Let you frame her like this?"

Lin Qiong shook his head: "No."

The eldest lady turned around, turned her back to Lin Qiong, and said, "Forget it—I'm going to say it! No need!"

"I promise!"

After getting Lin Qiong's unreliable guarantee, the eldest lady groaned and said, "!*...!*"

A big question mark popped up on Lin Qiong's head, and he couldn't help but ask, "Are you speaking the Nakiri language that you created yourself?"

"No way! Let me brew for a while!"

"Good guy, are you still jealous?"

"No Road Race!"

The eldest lady picked up the pillow next to her in anger, then hammered Lin Qiong a few times, and said angrily, "I can't be shy!"

'So why are you being shy about why you're jealous? '

Lin Qiong whispered in his heart.

Finally, after the eldest lady finished brewing, she said angrily: "Then you have to eat the dishes made by other girls for a long time?"

Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then fell onto the bed clutching his stomach, laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, hahahaha—so, are you jealous? Hahaha, yes, it's no wonder you feel that Shy, hahaha, such childish jealousy includes—"

"Don't laugh! I told you not to laugh—"

The eldest lady rushed towards Lin Qiong with a red face, then covered Lin Qiong's mouth with both hands in a panic, glared at him angrily, and said, "Don't laugh if you don't laugh! Idiot, idiot, idiot!"


Lin Qiong blinked innocently, and then pointed to the young miss's hand.

"Then I will let go and you are not allowed to laugh."

Lin Qiong nodded.

The eldest lady let go of her hand.

"Ha ha--"


The eldest lady was so angry that she covered Lin Qiong's mouth with both hands, and then said in a self-defeating tone: "I'm just jealous! I'm just jealous!! I can bear it for a day or two, but it will take a month or even several months? Why does my boyfriend want to eat other people’s food?"

With a smile on his face, Lin Qiong stretched out his hands and hugged the eldest lady into his arms, and after she naturally put down her hands, he put them next to her ears and said, "Although this jealousy is very inexplicable, Erina who is jealous of me very cute--"


The eldest lady let out a low moan, and she whispered in Lin Qiong's ear, "Because, because, you said a long time ago that I am your little cook—"

Lin Qiong slapped the eldest lady's buttocks, dumbfounded, and said, "So you think that if I eat other people's food, it means that your identity as a little cook has been bullied?"

"Bad, that's about it—"

The eldest lady said with a guilty conscience but confidently.

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "How about, after I eat at Haifeng's house every day, I come back to eat at night?"

"Never mind."

Although the eldest lady was a little moved, she still shook her head and muttered: "It feels like I'm making trouble for no reason!"

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady helplessly, and said, "Then what should I do?"

The eldest lady snorted and said, "I want compensation."

Lin Qiong looked at the reddish face of the young lady, and seemed to understand what compensation she wanted.


Made a cool dividing line


Haiming City, Zhongqiu Town.

"Knock Knock Knock-"

Gaifeng, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, couldn't help showing a puzzled expression after hearing the knock on the door—how could someone knock on her door?

After all, her life can be said to be monotonous to pale, and she has neither relatives nor classmates.

Thinking of this, she supported the sofa with both hands to move herself to the wheelchair, then quickly pushed the wheelchair to the entrance, and shouted, "Who is it?"

'If it's a salesman or something, you can only refuse—'

she thought.

"Hello! I'm Lin Qiong—" A very gentle male voice came from outside the door: "Because of work, I temporarily moved to your next door, so I came here to visit!"

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