In Neon, it is very common to visit the neighbors around after moving and send a small gift.

So after hearing Lin Qiong's reason, Blast Feng did not suspect him, pushed the wheelchair to the door, opened the door with his hand, and said, "Let you—"



After Lin Qiong looked at the blast that opened the door, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect that there would be a little girl in a wheelchair behind the door.

But he quickly "reacted", squatted down with a smile, brought the gift box in front of the other party, and said: "This is some snacks I bought in the store, if possible, eat it with your parents. "

"Well, thank you!"

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Haifeng nodded with a smile on his face, and said, "My name is Yashen Haifeng, nice to meet you, Mr. Lin."

Hayate Yagami was not prepared to blame her new neighbor. Firstly, the other party did not know about her situation. Secondly, she felt that there was really no need to publicize the death of her parents everywhere.

"Little sister Yagami, hello—"

Lin Qiong smiled at her, then put the gift box in her hand, and said, "Remember to tell your parents that this is a dessert with a short shelf life, so it's best to eat it tonight! If you want to save If so, remember to put it in the freezer section of the refrigerator—”

Haifeng nodded and said, "Well, I see!"

Lin Qiong stood up with his hands on his knees, and said, "Then I won't disturb you! Goodbye, little sister Yagami—"

Gale waved towards Lin Qiong and said, "Goodbye, Mr. Lin!"

After Lin Qiong left her sight, Blast retreated a little, closed the door gently, then put the gift box on his lap, and moved the wheelchair to the living room.

"He's a gentle person—"

Yagami Hayate recalled the scene of Lin Qiong squatting down to accommodate her in a wheelchair. He couldn't help but smile softly and murmured: "As for dessert, you have to taste it with tea..."

After making the tea, Haifeng put it and the gift box on the coffee table in front of the TV, and then switched the TV to her favorite program, then she stretched out her hand and pulled off the ribbon on the outside of the gift box.

"Let me see what dim sum Mr. Lin sent... Wow!"

Looking at the neatly placed cookies, egg tarts, and a small piece of fruit cake in the gift box, she immediately showed a joyful expression, and said, "It looks delicious—I'm starting it!"

Putting a piece of cookie into her mouth and crushing it lightly with her teeth, the taste that bloomed on the tip of her tongue immediately made Haifeng show a happy expression. She couldn't help but take another bite, one bite after another...


When she came to her senses, she found that she had eaten all the snacks in the gift box.

She touched her belly in distress, and said, "It's over, eating so many desserts in one go, I'm going to gain weight—"



On the other side, after Lin Qiong returned to the house next to Yashen's house alone, he threw his coat on the sofa, then couldn't wait to sit in front of the sofa, picked up the handle and urged: "Hurry up, Geng Gui! Do it, do it!"


Geng Gui suddenly got out of Lin Qiong's shadow, then sat down beside Lin Qiong, picked up the 2P handle, and joined the game.

Tonight is a carnival night for men who have temporarily returned to living alone!


Ibrahimovic, who was lying on the sofa, yawned gently, then quietly wrapped his ribbon around Lin Qiong's arm, and closed his eyes contentedly.

0315 - Waku Waku

A week later.

Haiming City, Zhongqiu Town.

a supermarket.

Haifeng, who was sitting in a wheelchair, was looking at the two tomatoes in his hand with a serious face, as if he was judging which tomato was better.

"As for it? After watching two tomatoes for so long—"

Standing behind her, Lin Qiong stretched out his hand angrily, took two tomatoes from her hand, put them into the shopping basket on Haifeng's lap, and said with his hands on his hips: "TimeIsMoney, my friend Since I can’t decide, I’ll just buy them all—at least one for tomato scrambled eggs, and one for tomato beef brisket!”

Gaifeng turned his head helplessly, and said, "Mr. Lin, you're like this again—besides, a single tomato can't cook tomato beef brisket!"

"Then buy a few more—"

Lin Qiong took a few more tomatoes and put them in the shopping basket under the dumbfounding eyes of the blast, and then said confidently: "Go, go buy some meat! The whole tomato sirloin tonight!"

"Yes Yes--"

As if knowing that he couldn't beat Lin Qiong, Haifeng hugged the shopping basket in his arms helplessly, complaining: "It's all Mr. Lin's fault, I feel like I've started to gain weight recently!"

"No way! It's just an illusion——"

Lin Qiong smiled, then pushed Blast's wheelchair and continued to move forward, saying, "Children, you have to eat a lot of meat to gain strength!"

"I'm going to get fat!"

Lin Qiong comforted: "No way! And you'll be fatter and cuter, you're too thin now—"


Haifeng puffed up his mouth helplessly, then took a large cabbage and put it in the shopping basket as if to retaliate, and hummed: "Mr. Lin must eat at least half of this cabbage!"


Lin Qiong made a painful sound. He pointed to a cabbage next to it that was too small and asked, "Can we change it? You know, I am a carnivore, and eating so many cabbage will kill me!"

"Hmph, da~baa~"

Haifeng quickly put the large Chinese cabbage in his hand into the shopping basket, then stretched out his hands with a smirk and made an "X" sign in front of him, and said: "Mr. Lin is obviously an adult, but he is still a bit picky eater." !"

"No! It's not that adults are picky eaters, but that adults only buy what they like when they buy vegetables, so they don't seem to be picky eaters."


Haifeng wrinkled his nose, and said hesitantly, "Well, do you want to buy some fruit?"

"Buy it!"

Lin Qiong pushed Gaifeng to the fruit area with an indifferent face, and said, "What do you want to eat? Apples? Strawberries? Kiwis?"

"Just buy some apples—"

Haifeng was worried that Lin Qiong would waste money again, so she quickly picked up a few apples and put them in the shopping basket—she knew very well that her neighbor was very...

"How can I just eat apples!"

Sure enough, under Haifeng's helpless eyes, Lin Qiong took two boxes of strawberries that looked expensive, and then another box of kiwis, and said, "Buy these first, and then buy after you finish eating—"


Gale sighed and muttered: "Mr. Lin, this is too wasteful - if you want to eat strawberries, wouldn't it be nice to buy some strawberry milk?"

"Strawberry milk is strawberry milk, and strawberries are strawberries, how can they be confused?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Let's go and buy other vegetables—"

'Really!Why did it become like this——'

Haifeng helplessly covered his forehead.



Yes, why did it become like this?

On the way home, Gao Feng was chatting with Lin Qiong while thinking about this issue.

About a week ago, Mr. Lin moved to her house as a neighbor, and then came to visit her house, and presented a very delicious dessert.

She originally thought that the interaction between the two would end here, but what she didn't expect was that the next evening, the new neighbor came to her door again - he had temporarily moved here due to work reasons, and was originally planning to rely on takeaways to cope with the situation. During this period of time, due to a moment of negligence, there was no phone number of a nearby store, so I had to come to my neighbor for help.

Out of good intentions, Haifeng suggested: "Mr. Lin, if you order takeaway at this time, I'm afraid it will be delivered very late - how about eating at my house today?"

Lin Qiong waved his hands and said, "That's so embarrassing!"

Haifeng smiled and said, "Just take it as a return gift for the dessert that Mr. Lin gave yesterday—it's really the best dessert I've ever eaten! It can't be more cost-effective to use a meal as a return gift."

"Hahaha, that's a specialty of my hometown, I'll bring you some when I have a chance—"

Lin Qiong laughed, and then agreed to Haifeng's invitation.

At the dinner table, after Lin Qiong learned about her family situation from Haifengkou, he apologized for his previous speech (referring to mentioning her parents many times), and Haifeng hurriedly waved his hands, expressing that those who don't know are not guilty—the two People are so you and I chatted sentence by sentence, and the relationship gradually changed from strange to familiar.

When Lin Qiong left after dinner, Gao Feng showed a bit of reluctance. After all, she had been living alone since she was sensible. Now that there was suddenly someone who had been chatting with her for a long time, she would feel reluctant to leave again. Nothing more than normal.

'However, that's the end of fate——'

While tidying up the bowls and chopsticks, Gaifeng lowered his head in frustration, and murmured, "I probably won't see each other again in the future."

Then, the next evening, Lin Qiong knocked on the door of her house again with a smile.


Lin Qiong held some dishes in his hand, then raised his right hand towards her, and said, "I was thinking that you are eating alone anyway, why don't you make me an extra serving? As a reward, the food and wine will be paid by you in the future." I'll take it—"

Just like that, Lin Qiong pushed her wheelchair into the room with a smile on her helpless and troubled expression.


"Then, the relationship with Mr. Lin began—"

Haifeng glanced at Lin Qiong who was pushing the wheelchair behind him, and couldn't help but said, "Qioni sauce, you accompany me to buy vegetables every day, is there really no problem at work?"

Lin Qiong said with a smile: "No problem! My job is relatively easy, so I only need to work a few hours a day."

"That's good--"

Haifeng breathed a sigh of relief, and then said nervously and expectantly: "Then, Qiongnijiang, do you have time tomorrow afternoon?"

"every afternoon?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "I should be able to free up some time. Does Haifengjiang have any arrangements?"


Haifeng nodded, and said with a little joy: "Actually, tomorrow is the day when I go to the hospital for a review. I want to ask Qiongni-chan to accompany me! Also, after I get out of the hospital, I want to stop by the library ..."

Probably because it was the first time she had someone by her side, Haifeng seemed a little dependent—no matter how mature she was, she was still just a [-]-year-old child.

"it is good."

Lin Qiong touched Haifeng's head with his hand, and said, "Speaking of which, I heard that there is a very good western restaurant opened by the library, let's go eat together every day."


Haifeng said hesitantly: "Western restaurants will be very expensive, right? Why don't I buy vegetables and prepare them myself——"

"What are you worried about? Your Oni-chan is a member of Lipai society?"

Lin Qiong laughed, he patted his chest, and said confidently: "It's absolutely fine to treat the lovely little blast to a meal!"

"Well, that's fine."

Haifeng nodded helplessly—she knew very well that she couldn't persuade Lin Qiong, which could be seen from the fruits and beef in the shopping bag.

"Okay, let's go home and have dinner——"

Lin Qiong cheerfully pushed Blast Feng towards home, and his words made Blast's little heart beat a little faster.

Someone went home with her!

Let's go home together!

This feeling is really great!




With Haifeng's stunned expression, Lin Qiong, who put a large bowl of tomato brisket into his mouth, touched his stomach with a happy face, and then expressed a pleasant feeling: "Huh! Sure enough, human beings have evolved to the top of the food chain Come here, just for the meat eaters—Long live the meat, eat the meat, eat the bowl, and eat the bliss!"

In this world, there is nothing better than eating meat!

"If you want to eat meat, you also need to eat vegetables!"

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