Gale put his elbows on the table and said to Lin Qiong: "Otherwise, there will be a lack of nutrients, such as vitamins and the like!"

"Oh! Haifeng knows so much, it's amazing!"

Lin Qiong smiled, stood up, rolled up his sleeves, and said, "Leave the work of washing the dishes to me! Gaifeng, go and take a rest."


Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Hayate quickly rolled his wheels and rushed to the kitchen, saying, "I'll just come! Onii-chan should go watch TV."

"You should be watching TV -" Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Dinner was cooked by Hayate, right? The family has to divide the work and cooperate."


Haifeng lowered his head in embarrassment, and then said falteringly: "Well, that's all right——Let's watch TV together later, I found a very interesting program."


Lin Qiong made an OK gesture, then turned on the faucet, hummed a tune that didn't make a melody, and became a dishwasher.


Haifeng looked at Lin Qiong's back and showed a silly smile.

After a few seconds, she came to her senses, hurriedly pushed the wheelchair to the living room, and muttered in a low voice, "It's okay, I can't be in a daze! I need to make some preparations in advance, let me think about it..."

'If you watch TV, you must have some snacks, right? '

Haifeng hurriedly opened the snack cabinet, took out chocolate sandwich biscuits, potato chips and candies, and spread them on the coffee table.

'There are snacks, but also drinks! '

She quickly opened the refrigerator, took out the juice Lin Qiong bought and put it in the refrigerator, and thoughtfully prepared two glasses.

'And, and... right!pillow! '

She looked at the only pillow on the sofa, then hurried to the room, took out the small pillow on the bed, and placed it on the sofa happily.

'What else do you need to prepare? '

Hayate shook his upper body with excitement, his expression full of anticipation.

'This is my first time watching a TV show with someone else!Finally someone to discuss the content of the show with me!Hayatie, waku waku—'

Hayate, cute!

Chapter 0316 Bet

In Hayate's short urging voice of "Nichan Nichan, the show is about to begin -", Lin Qiong hurriedly put the washed dishes on the shelf, and then wiped his wet hands on his clothes, While walking quickly to the sofa, he said: "Come on, come on -"

After walking into the living room, Lin Qiong looked at the snacks on the table, couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "Oh, drink! I didn't expect that Xiao Blast secretly hid so many snacks at home?"


Only then did Haifeng realize that he seemed to have exposed all the snacks he had stored—fortunately, he kept pretending to be a good boy in front of Qiongnijiang, and always taught him not to be picky eaters!

"Heh heh, the little guy is not good--"

While sitting in front of the coffee table, Lin Qiong stretched out his hand to pinch Haifeng's limp face, then picked up the strawberry with the green leaves removed from the fruit plate, pressed it against Haifeng's lips, and said, "Punish you for eating a strawberry." A strawberry!"

"What kind of punishment is this?" Gale blushed and bit the strawberry handed over by Lin Qiong, then narrowed his eyes and said happily: "Sour and sweet, delicious!"

"That's right! This strawberry is a high-end product."

Lin Qiong threw one into his mouth. After chewing it for a few times, he frowned in dissatisfaction and said, "These strawberries are not good! When I have a chance, I will give you the specialty strawberries from my hometown to try. ——That’s called delicious.”


Haifeng couldn't help laughing: "Qioni sauce, what you've said the most to me in the past few days is, 'When I have a chance, I'll bring you some specialties from my hometown—'."

"Have it?"


Haifeng raised his fingers and counted one by one: "First, it's dessert; then it's popcorn; then it's lettuce; then it's beef; then it's pork chops; and finally it's today's strawberry-dome sauce, a specialty of your hometown Is that too much?"


Lin Qiong coughed twice in embarrassment. Did he say this like he was an old liar who liked to brag about "hometown specialties"?

"Here, you wait, I will call my acquaintance in my hometown when I get home, and ask her to send me a box of popcorn and strawberries, so that you can taste what is delicious in the world!"

"Good good-"

Haifeng nodded with a smile on his face, and said, "The show has started! Ni-chan, let's watch the show—"

Lin Qiong nodded lightly and said, "Okay—"


The "new program" mentioned by Haifengkou refers to a variety show that randomly interviews amateurs on the streets of various cities, hoping that the other party will come to "show off their talents".

Of course, as everyone thinks, those who are interviewed are often real social cows, and these social cows add a lot of laughter to this program.

For example, just now the program team interviewed a "super handsome guy" who was broken up by his girlfriend because his singing was too unpleasant, so he was alone and melancholy by the river.

And the talent of this handsome guy is of course a handsome guy. He said indignantly: "The reason why Nanazi dislikes my singing is because she has no artistic talent! I want to clear my name through this show! Make her regret—”

Thus, the "handsome guy once in a millennium" "one-shot talent" officially began!


The moment he opened his mouth, Lin Qiong and Blast, who were drinking, sprayed out their drinks at the same time. While coughing in embarrassment, the two hurriedly picked up the tissue next to them, and wiped the dirt on their bodies and the tea table. water stains.

How would you describe this handsome guy's voice?That's no longer just a matter of being out of tune, it's almost like using the tune of a hero's song to sing a love cycle!

The key is that he himself has an affectionate, intoxicated and complacent look on his face, as if he is singing some divine song on earth!

I can't stand it, I really can't stand it!

"Good guy, no wonder his girlfriend broke up with him because of singing, I can't bear it if it were me—"

Lin Qiong threw the tissue into the trash can, and then said with a distorted expression: "If it were me, I would break up with him too, okay? Who can stand up to this kind of singing!"

"Yes, indeed—"

Hayate on the side nodded in sympathy, and said with a frightened look on her face: "Fortunately, Qioni-chan turned off the sound quickly, otherwise... um! I can't imagine it!"

Lin Qiong also nodded with lingering fear. He pointed at the TV screen and said, "How should I put it? I feel like this should be regarded as a broadcasting accident - ah, the staff stepped forward to stop it."

In the ridiculous scene, the staff stopped the self-indulgent performance of the "fat tiger singing Mushan" in a panic, and then left the local area as if fleeing.

"I'm afraid the program team never dreamed that the first guest they interviewed would have such a broadcasting accident, right?" Lin Qiongle patted his thigh, and then said to the wind beside him with excitement: "Gaofeng, let's have a fight. How about gambling?”

Gale asked curiously: "What are you betting on?"

Lin Qiong pointed in the direction of the TV, and said, "How about betting on whether there will be a genius who has a broadcast accident like the little brother just now?"

Because it was the first time to discuss the content of the program with someone, and even had to "guess" about the next development, even knowing that "gambling" is a bad behavior, Haifeng still couldn't resist the temptation and nodded: "Well, What is Oni-chan's bet?"


Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "I bet there will be a broadcast accident in the future! If I win, Haifeng will sing a song for me!"


Gaifeng suddenly made a troubled voice, and she waved her hands in embarrassment, and said, "I, I, I don't sing very well!"

"Sing even if it doesn't sound good!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand unreasonably, and said, "It's such a happy decision! Well, it's Haifeng's turn to say your bet!"


Gaifeng, who was forced to operate, puffed up her mouth in dissatisfaction. She snorted angrily, and said in revenge: "Then I will bet that there will be no broadcast accidents in the future! If I win, Oni-chan will say three times." Say I'm an idiot!"

Lin Qiong nodded decisively and said, "No problem!"

"There has already been a broadcast accident, and the staff of the TV station will definitely carefully select the people to interview next..." Haifeng thought in his heart: "I won the situation, it's a big deal!" '


Facts have proved that plans cannot keep up with changes!

At the very beginning, the staff of the program did as Haifeng thought, carefully selecting the interviewees for the next interview, and there were indeed a few very interesting amateurs——

For example, a very cute and sweet Lolita girl, her "one talent" is that she can turn her eyeballs in different directions - she can even make her left eye down and her right eye up this kind of thing;

For example, a child who looks very cute, his "one talent" is to perform hip-hop, and he dances quite similarly, not at all the kind of person who just shakes his hands and claims to be dancing;

For example, a middle-aged man who looks like a social animal, his "first talent" is to freely control goosebumps - under the camera, the audience can clearly see that after the host said "qi", his Dense goosebumps suddenly appeared on my arms.

"Good guy—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help applauding: "How did these people develop these weird skills?"

Haifeng said with some envy: "It looks so interesting—oh, it would be great if I could learn some special skills."

'Like learning magic? '

Lin Qiong glanced at Haifeng, then looked at the clock on the wall, and said with some distress: "It's over, the show will end in 10 minutes! Am I getting ready?"


After being reminded by Lin Qiong, Hayate looked at Lin Qiong excitedly and said, "Qiongni-chan, don't be ridiculous! You must shout three times later that I am a fool!"

Lin Qiong patted his chest, and said seriously: "Manly tofu, do what you say! See you in 10 minutes!"

"Well! See you in 10 minutes!"

Haifeng also clenched his little fist excitedly.

Thanks to Lin Qiong's "reminder", in the following interviews, Xiao Haifeng would take time to look at the clock on the wall after a few seconds, feeling like a student waiting for the last class before the summer vacation .

'There are still 3 minutes! 3 minutes! '

Haifeng clenched his fist, then waved it excitedly, 'I'll win in just 3 more minutes! '

However, as I said just now, plans cannot keep up with changes!

Just in the last 3 minutes, on the body of the last amateur interviewed by the program, the broadcast accident happened again——

This amateur's "one talent" is magic. He collected the mobile phones of several staff members and put them in his handbag mysteriously, saying: "Several people, a miracle is about to happen—— "

Before he could finish his sentence, he ran forward madly with the handbag in his arms, his unrestrained appearance was like youth lost in the setting sun.


Haifeng stared dumbfounded at what came out of the TV——

"Baga! You're a liar!"

"Yabai, my new phone!"

"Come on!"

"Signal, first cut off the signal—"

After a period of confusion, Lin Qiong couldn't help but patted his thighs and laughed heartily when he saw the four people with "signal interruption" on the TV screen: "Hahahahahaha! What a magician! Hahahaha!" "

Dude, are you going to put yourself in prison?

"Ahh! Why did a liar appear at the last moment!"

Haifeng was about to turn into a screaming groundhog, and she said unwillingly: "Just three more minutes, three more minutes, O'Neill will have to shout that I'm an idiot!"

"But it's a pity that these 3 minutes turned into a reversal of victory-"

Lin Qiong smiled, and looked at the blast in front of him with a smile on his face, and said, "Blast sauce, come and sing!"


Looking at Lin Qiong's malicious smile, Gaifeng uttered a mournful cry.

Today's victory -

Yagami Hayate's defeat!

Under Lin Qiong's guidance, he finished singing a song and meowed like a cat with a blushing face.

Chapter 0317 Life is not easy, the wind sighs

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