The next day, early in the morning.


Haifeng opened his eyes in a daze, then turned his head to look at the wall clock in a sleepy manner, only to be surprised to find that it was already past eight o'clock in the morning!

'How come it's so late? '

She quickly propped herself up with her hands, let her upper body stand upright, and then recalled the scene last night—it seems, probably, it was because she couldn't sleep for a long time in bed?

So, what is the cause of insomnia?


The next moment, Gaifeng uttered a mournful cry, and then fell straight down with his hands covering his face.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, Gale's scream of "It hurts so much—" echoed in the room.

She covered the back of her head, showing an aggrieved expression, and muttered: "No matter what you think, it's all Qiongnijiang's fault! He's an idiot! A big idiot!"

Woohoo, to let others sing such a embarrassing song!Daba, I can’t think about it, dabaaah——

The so-called dark history is something that when you are alone, when you recall it, you will want to dig out the Kingdom of Light with your toes...

Oh, the current Haifeng has no feeling in his legs, and he still can't dig out the Kingdom of Light.

After laying on the bed covering his face for another 5 minutes, Gaifeng sniffed, then supported the bed, moved himself to the wheelchair beside the bed, muttering "Qioni sauce is an idiot", and came to the direction of the bathroom .

Even if you get up late, you still have to brush your teeth and wash your face!Otherwise, how do you wake up?In the afternoon, I have to let the idiot Qiong Nijiang accompany me to the hospital, then go to the library, and have dinner...

'etc!etc! ! '

Suddenly, the wind that was about to squeeze the toothpaste suddenly stopped in place, and she tremblingly put the toothbrush and toothpaste on the washstand, then covered her face with her hands, and mourned: "The library has extra meals, isn't it?" Is it the same as a date!!"



"Can you tell me, what is Miss Haifeng angry about?"

Lin Qiong pushed the wheelchair on the way to the hospital, and then asked Yagami Haifeng in front of him strangely.


Haifeng made a cute voice, and then said: "I'm not angry!"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, then pointed to the note on Gaifeng's back shoulder, and said, "Then what's the matter with the 'I'm angry' on your left shoulder and the 'Need to coax' on your right shoulder?"

Gaifeng coughed lightly twice, and said, "Ahem, this is, um, the shape of the clothes!"

Lin Qiong thought about it, but he still didn't tell her that the "Need to be coaxed" note was half up, otherwise the girl would cover her face like an ostrich again.

But it's not impossible for me to bully you, is it?

"That means Hayate-chan isn't angry, right?"


"Then let's sing again."

"Ni-chan is an idiot!"

Gai Feng patted the armrest of the wheelchair twice, and said angrily: "Big idiot! The biggest idiot in the universe!"

"Nonsense, the number one idiot in the universe is clearly Gale."


Gaifeng's eyes widened, she turned her head to look at Lin Qiong, and said, "It's not me!"

"It's you!" Lin Qiong said confidently, "Have you forgotten the bet you made yesterday?"


"Didn't you say yesterday that if you win, you need me to shout three times..."

"I am a fool!"

"Yeah, you're an idiot."


Haifeng was stunned again, it took her two seconds to react, and then hurriedly said: "I'm not, what I mean is, you want to call me an idiot!"

"You're an idiot."


Gaifeng stayed in the wheelchair, she stared straight at the ground in front of her, and murmured: "No, this is not right!"

Lin Qiong suppressed a smile and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I want you to call me an idiot!"

"Yeah, you're an idiot."

"I mean, you're an idiot!"

"Yeah, you're an idiot."


In the end, Gale was still unable to collapse, turned into a groundhog, and issued an indescribable groundhog scream——



Although the relationship between Lin Qiong and Blast is already very close, but his identity is an outsider after all, so he didn't go to see the doctor with Blast, but waited outside the hospital for her to come out, and then pushed the wheelchair again. library.

"what did the doctor say?"

Haifeng blinked and said with a light smile, "The doctor said the situation is better. If you continue the treatment, there will be hope for improvement."

"is it?"

Lin Qiong nodded noncommittally—how could he not know that Gale was only comforting him?The loss of feeling in her legs was due to the erosion of the magic power of the Book of Darkness. The technology of ordinary people, let alone treatment, may not even find the cause.

"Let's go to the library next."

Lin Qiong pushed the wheelchair and said, "It's only after three o'clock in the afternoon. You can read books in the library for two hours, then borrow the books you want to read, and then we'll go to eat—oh yes, after eating After dinner, how about we go shopping for a while?"

'Eat, eat, and shop! '

Haifeng raised her hands to cover her face, and even her ears turned red, "This, this, isn't this more like a date!" '

Being too shy, Haifeng even forgot that he was still "angry", and only cared about being shy!


Lin Qiong looked at Gaifeng who suddenly stopped talking, and couldn't help but tilt his head in doubt, and muttered: "It's really hard to guess what a child's mind is. '


Inside the Windbud Hill Library.


Haifeng held the book in his hand, and then looked dissatisfied at Lin Qiong who was sitting opposite her reading the novel.

"what happened?"

Lin Qiong turned a page of the book, then raised his head to look at Haifeng, and asked with a smile, "Why don't you read the book and look at me?"

"Qioni sauce, is it really okay to read this book in your library?"

Haifeng looked around and felt that everyone was looking at her and Lin Qiong with strange eyes. He couldn't help shrinking his head and said, "Why don't you look serious?"

"This book is quite serious——"

Lin Qiong looked at the photo of the beautiful girl in his hand, then raised his head and said, "Spacium Seven, a national idol."

The "SV" group that Lin Qiong mentioned is a very famous group in the magic cannon world at the moment. It is composed of seven beautiful girls. The key point is that this group is not just selling meat. It can be said to be an all-around idol.

What Lin Qiong is looking at now is the photo of the "Sister Yu" in the SV - Maeda Minami. It can only be said that it is worthy of the role of Sister Yu. It is really white, big, big, upturned, long long!


Haifeng puffed up her mouth in dissatisfaction. She saw Maeda Nan in a swimsuit on the cover, and couldn't help but ask, "Does Qiongni sauce like this kind of curvy girl?"


After Lin Qiong heard Haifeng's description of Maeda Nan, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and then said with a smile on his face: "Well, this description is pretty good, it's really warped."

To be precise, it should be big warped-thin-tight warped-slender.

"Qioni Sauce!"

Looking at Lin Qiong's unscrupulous appearance, Gaifeng couldn't help puffing up his mouth, and looked at it with condemning eyes.

"Unless he likes a special man, there shouldn't be any man who doesn't like a beauty with this figure, right?"

Lin Qiong turned another page, then looked at it with relish, and said: "With this kind of figure, even if she has an average appearance, she can be called the best, not to mention her appearance is not low—"


Hayate immediately looked at Maeda Minami with a hostile look, as if she was her imaginary enemy - if she could stand up, she would hit Maeda Minami into the air with a roar, and hit her until she couldn't come down!

Lin Qiong changed the topic: "However, I am different——"


As soon as Haifeng showed a joyful expression, Lin Qiong said calmly: "Not only do I like her curvy body, I also like a slimmer figure, or a slightly fleshy one is fine."

Well, yes, lsp dares to face its own OS.

Any questions?



Gaifeng was silent, she sighed helplessly, and said to herself: "Should I praise Qiongnijiang for daring to face her own desires? Or should I despise him for not rejecting anyone who comes?"

Life is not easy, Gaifeng sighed.



After coming out of the library, Haifeng was obviously a little bit aggrieved—mainly because Lin Qiong went to find the photo of Itano Haruna, who was in charge of Lolita in the SV group, after reading the photo of Maeda Minami, and looked at it happily .


There is obviously a real loli right in front of you, right? A [-]-year-old, fresh loli?

To see this kind of pirated loli instead of watching such a cute loli sister!

Donny sauce is an idiot! H madman! hentai!

In the broken thoughts in Haifeng's heart, Lin Qiong has pushed her to the very famous western restaurant mentioned earlier—of course, it is not a luxurious western restaurant, but a very affordable western restaurant.

"Is there anything you want to eat?"

After pushing Blast to the edge of the table, Lin Qiong sat across from her and said with a smile, "By the way, according to online reviews, this store's cold potato is a must."

Haifeng looked at the mashed potatoes dotted with ham, salad dressing and cherry tomatoes on the menu, couldn't help but nodded his head quickly, and said, "That's it! It looks delicious."

"it is good."

Lin Qiong smiled, and then continued to recommend: "How about this golden Liuxin Beef Rice?"

Haifeng flipped through the menu, found the dish that Lin Qiong said, carefully observed the picture, and said, "Well, it feels like omelet rice, and then added a large piece of beef, and replaced the tomato sauce with black pepper sauce. Appearance - I can make this at home myself, let’s eat some that I can’t make at home!”

"Then how about a double pizza with smoked bacon and chicken?" Lin Qiong touched his chin and said enthusiastically, "Well, let's have another snack platter, a sausage platter, and an Italian pizza." Noodles—what else do you want to eat?”

If he had just met Lin Qiong, Haifeng would probably be worried that he would not be able to eat so much after ordering so much, but after seeing Lin Qiong's amazing appetite, Haifeng calmly added a portion of rice with milk and seafood. Black pepper steak and a chocolate lava cake with vanilla ice cream.

From this point of view, it is really hard work for Haifeng, who is usually in charge of Lin Qiong's dinner.

Chapter 0318 accept my kindness!


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