Yagami Hayate ate the black pepper steak on the plate with some frustration, and then glanced sadly at Lin Qiong, who was making pasta, "Sure enough, am I the only one who regards today's time as a date?"Even though it's just a date between brother and sister——'

Yagami Hayate is not a brainless heroine in urban novels. How could she have the idea of ​​falling in love with an older man like Lin Qiong who not only has a girlfriend, but also has a 20-year age difference with her?

What's more, she is only [-] years old, only [-] years old! !

Therefore, Hayate Yagami is not looking forward to a "date between a man and a woman", but a "date between a brother and a sister".

The results of it?

"Forget it in the hospital, but the idiot Qiongnijiang in the library actually watched two hours of beautiful girl photos—" Haifeng clenched his fists, "Now at the restaurant, my brother helped my sister cut the steak ', 'Brother feeding sister to eat' and such scenes did not appear! '

What is Lin Qiong doing?

Lin Qiong is desperately building!


After Lin Qiong finished eating the pasta, he let out a breath of satisfaction, then picked up a tissue to wipe the corners of his mouth, and said, "Although it's an assembly line product, and it's still a cheap store, the taste is surprisingly good!"

"It tastes really good—"

Haifeng nodded with his mouth puffed, and then poked the beef in front of him with a fork.


At this moment, even Lin Qiong noticed something was wrong.

He looked Gaifeng up and down, then leaned his upper body forward, and asked strangely: "Why do I feel that your nature is not too high? Are you in a bad mood?"


Haifeng looked at Lin Qiong with his mouth puffed up, and said, "Because, I'm obviously looking forward to today's date—"


Lin Qiong really couldn't get this answer right.

He looked at Gale in front of him blankly, and said, "What did you just say?"

"I said, people are obviously looking forward to today's date—"


Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, then looked around in sweat profusely, and was relieved to find that no one was paying attention.

"Scared me--"

He looked at Hayate dumbfounded and said: "Haifeng, do you know? In our human society, if you attack a girl your age, you will be given a pair of silver bracelets, and you will be provided with food and shelter, and you will be supervised daily. Exercise!”

If you are lucky, maybe you can still do handwork?Like Paradise Umbrella or something.

Haifeng also seemed to realize that there was something wrong with his speech just now.

She blushed and said embarrassedly: "I, I mean, the date of my brother and sister!"

"Huh, look at you scaring me—"

Lin Qiong wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said: "I was really worried just now that the two brothers wearing hats rushed over and pressed me to the ground, then put on the bracelet and took them away for me—"

Damn, it's hard to explain such a thing as fooling a [-]-year-old girl into dating me!

'However, if you go in, maybe you can see a certain dragon king? '

Lin Qiong thought maliciously.

Haifeng stuck out his tongue and said, "I'm sorry, Qiongnijiang!"

"It didn't cause any misunderstanding, so it's not a big problem!" Lin Qiong waved his hand, and then asked with a delicate expression: "Ahem, speaking of which, you said just now that you are looking forward to today's...uh...brother and sister play?"

Lin Qiong couldn't say the word dating, so he changed it to play.


Haifeng nodded vigorously, as if to vent her dissatisfaction, she forked a piece of beef and stuffed it into her mouth, chewed it hard a few times before swallowing it, and then continued: "I originally thought Yes, in the library, you will discuss the contents of the book with me, and it turned out that Qiong Nichan actually read the photo for two hours!"


Lin Qiong showed a subtle expression. He scratched his face and said, "Hail, I think the situation you imagined is more likely to happen to people of the same age."


Haifeng pursed his lips, and muttered: "Okay, it seems to have some truth."

Let a man in his third year discuss the contents of a book with a [-]-year-old girl?What are you talking about?

When Little Red Riding Hood saw the wolf who had eaten her grandmother, she angrily pulled out the black cutter, and chopped off its dog's head with a Noxian guillotine?

On the prince's wedding day, the mermaid princess set off the wrath of the ocean and made the whole country bury the foolish prince with her?

Princess Lettuce is an old woman who flips her hair and a teenager goes crazy, and a lion pierces Godzilla's hemorrhoids with his hair-rearranging technique, causing Pacific Rim to happen?

Where is this going?

"So, what about the restaurant?"

Haifeng poked the beef cube in front of him with a fork, and said, "I thought Qiongni sauce would help feed me!"

"Well, this is indeed my negligence—" Lin Qiong rested his chin, and said thoughtfully: "I have to admit, I didn't think of this—so, do you want to feed now?"


Haifeng's mood became brighter visible to the naked eye.

She couldn't wait to hand the fork to Lin Qiong, and then opened her mouth wide "ah--".

"Then... eh?"

Lin Qiong looked at the teeth in Haifeng's mouth and said, "Hifeng, you seem to have tooth decay? Did you eat too many snacks? I'll take you to the dentist tomorrow..."


Haifeng quickly raised his hands to cover his mouth, then shook his head tremblingly, and said, "No, there is no tooth decay! No, don't go to the dentist!"

There is no child who is not afraid of the dentist, no!

Lin Qiong looked at Haifeng's look on the verge of crying, and couldn't help laughing: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm just kidding——Bifengjiang's teeth are very healthy, there is no tooth decay!"

"No cavities?"


Gale immediately looked at Lin Qiong with bared teeth, and said, "Qioni Sauce! Are you too bad?"

It's so bad, prepare to stare with your eyes, prepare to hit with your fists, prepare to hit me with a black limousine, prepare to take out the Zeta sublimator and shout my name loudly——

"Hahaha, because Hayate was so cute just now—"

With a smile on his face, Lin Qiong picked up a small piece of beef with his fork and said, "Come on, open your mouth - ah~~"


Although his face was full of resentment, Haifeng obediently opened his mouth under the temptation of feeding PIay.

'Hmph, forgive Qiongnijiang now!Next time you bully me again, just, just take revenge on him! '



After eating and drinking enough, Lin Qiong pushed Gale to a nearby commercial street with a lot of traffic.


Looking at the commercial street full of neon lights in front of him, Hayate couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is my first time coming to this place. I didn't expect it to be so lively!"

Because of her limited mobility, Haifeng has always tried to avoid going to places with too much traffic—such as paradise, parks, or commercial streets, she avoids as much as she can.

Therefore, this was really the first time she came to the commercial street, and she was immediately shocked by the turbulent crowd.

"Don't look stupid."

Lin Qiong smiled and rubbed Gaifeng's head, and said, "Let's go, let's go shopping together and see if there is anything we need to buy."


Haifeng nodded excitedly, and then asked in an expectant voice: "Qioni sauce, what are you going to buy?"

"I remember that there is a Disney flagship store here——" Lin Qiong walked into the commercial street with a strong wind, then bent down, and said in her ear: "I will buy you the hottest Ling ○How about Belle's doll?"

"Ling ○ Belle!"

Haifeng subconsciously showed a joyful expression, but when she thought of the price of Ling ○ Belle, she hurriedly shook her head and said, "Also, forget it, that one is too expensive!"

As the hottest Disney IP at the moment (there is none), the price of Ling ○ Belle is several times that of other dolls - Haifeng is not very willing to pay such a high price for such a doll.

"Hey, what's so expensive?"

Lin Qiong laughed. He winked his eyes at Blast and said, "Your Qiongnijiang's salary is very high, huh? Don't buy a Ling ○ Belle doll, even if you buy a whole set of peripherals." It’s no problem at all to come down and give it to Haifeng!”

"That's not OK!"

Haifeng shook her head, and she whispered, "That would be such a waste! If this much money is used to buy vegetables, I still have leftovers for a month's worth of luxurious cooking!"

"I rejected your rejection!"

Lin Qiong resolutely exercised his power as an adult, and said: "Children just want to listen to adults-I said buy it! Buy it!"

Haifeng turned his head and looked at Lin Qiong helplessly, and said, "Ni Jiang! Is our position reversed? Normally, it should be children clamoring to buy toys, and then adults think it's too expensive, so they don't want it in every possible way?"

"Haha, doesn't this mean that our Haifeng is sensible?"

Lin Qiong paid for a candied gourd from a roadside stall, then stuffed it into the hands of Gaifeng, and said, "Here, eat some hawthorn to help you digest."

"Ni-chan, you are not ready to accept my opinion at all, are you?"

Gaifeng sighed, after biting off a hawthorn, she handed the candied haws to Lin Qiong's mouth, and fed him one, before taking it back.

"Indeed it is."

Lin Qiong nodded confidently, and said: "Based on what I know about Haifengjiang, a child as good as you would definitely refuse to buy it just to save money—but, I refuse! My favorite thing Lin Qiong does , just buy a gift for a good boy!"

Good kids are rewarded, bad kids are punished!Why do good children learn to wrong themselves because they are good?

It's up to me to break this stupid reality!

Thinking of this, Lin Qiong rubbed Haifeng's head with a smile, and said, "So Haifeng-chan can honestly accept Ni-chan's kindness!"


Blast pursed his lips moved, then raised his hands, gently covered Lin Qiong's right hand, and nodded vigorously.

Chapter 0319 is completely manipulated

When Lin Qiong walked out of the flagship store pushing Blast, the little girl was already holding a pink plush fox doll in her arms, with an undisguised happy smile on her face.

"Ni Jiang, this is the first time I've received a gift from someone else—" Haifeng pinched the fox's big tail, thinking brimming with happiness: "I will always, always cherish her!" '

"Tsk tsk, just now I said 'it's too expensive, I don't want it', 'I want so much money' and so on—" Lin Qiong couldn't help but joked when he looked at Haifeng's smile and couldn't look at his eyes: "In the end The doll is hugged in my arms, and the crow's feet are about to come out from laughing."


Haifeng quickly touched his eyes with his hands, then glared at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "Ni Jiang, I'm only [-] years old! I won't have crow's feet!"

"Not now, but in 30 to [-] years, sooner or later there will be."

Lin Qiong waved his hands completely ignorant of a woman's heart, and said, "It's just a rehearsal in advance!"


Haifeng almost died of anger, she pouted and said, "How can a girl rehearse that she has crow's feet in advance?"

"Maybe you have a special hobby?"

"No! Not at all!"

Haifeng retorted loudly: "I! Yagami Haifeng! It's super normal!"

"Tsk, what a pity."

'What are you regretting!What about your tears!Can you protect Nebula M77 like this? '

Haifeng puffed his mouth, then hugged Lingna Belle in his arms, and muttered: "You idiot, Ni Jiang!"

Really!Can't you just let people be moved for a few more minutes?

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