Idiot, big idiot!



If he were shopping with ordinary girls, then this commercial street would make Lin Qiong miserable——

Almost every few stores you visit, you can see fashionable brand stores or jewelry stores!

If this is changed to the eldest lady, then it must be like a male player exploring the game map, exploring every cave, every house, and every copy, okay?

Turtle, it's scary to think about it!

But there is no such worry when going shopping with Hayate, because the initiative is in Lin Qiong's hands: he asks Hayate to go to the clothing store, and Hayate has to go to the clothing store; he asks Hayate to go to the jewelry store, and Hayate has to go Jewelry store; he asked Haifeng to go to the doll shop, and Haifeng had to go to the doll shop.


Haifeng looked at Lin Qiong who was scribbling cute children's clothes on his body, and couldn't help crying and said: "Qionisang, don't you need clothes or something? And..."

She glanced at the sofa next to her, and there were already piles of clothes on it, at least a dozen or so.

"...And, haven't you already bought a lot?"

"That's different! I just bought pajamas and winter clothes, but isn't the season changing soon?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand, and said confidently: "It will be spring soon, so you have to wear thinner clothes, right? Besides, it will be summer after spring, so you have to prepare short sleeves?"

"This guest is so right -"

The shopping guide was so excited that she almost dug her index finger into her temple. Her face was filled with a 1200% enthusiastic smile. Even if Lin Qiong said the sun was green, she would use a green transparent sticker to make the window green, and then tell Lin Qiong Say "You're right!"

After all, Lin Qiong bought a dozen high-end products for Gale in one go, right?This has almost put the four shining golden characters "I am rich" on his head.

High-quality customers belong to yes.

"——If customers are going to buy spring clothes! Now is the time for new products to be launched!" The enthusiasm of the shop assistant at this time has not even been felt by her husband. "We just came with a batch of spring clothes that are very suitable for this young lady!"

As for summer clothes?

Sorry, she didn't even mention it!A qualified fashion brand store will not keep those "outdated" summer clothes!Therefore, the new summer clothes must wait until the spring fashion conference before being put on the shelves - this is definitely not a trick to get customers to come to your door again, absolutely not!

"Is there one that is easier to wear and has a better fabric?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, and said, "My sister is not very active, and I am worried that there will be damage."

"Of course there is!"

The words of the customers who are willing to spend money are the truth. The lady clerk walked towards the clothing area and said, "Our fabrics are all first-line fabrics, and the stitching techniques are also exquisite and beautiful. There will never be any problems..."

Listening to the distant voice of the clerk, Hayate couldn't help but let out a breath, then looked helplessly at Lin Qiong and said, "Ni-chan! This is too exaggerated!"

"It's not an exaggeration at all!"

Lin Qiong shook his finger and said, "Have I seen it? Are the clothes that Gale Feng wears already of an old style?"

Haifeng said with some embarrassment: "Because I bought them during the clearance period——"

Haifeng, who is nearly [-] years old, naturally cannot work outside, so her source of income depends on regular calls from a distant uncle who has never shown up. Although the living expenses paid by the other party are not small, but sensible Haifeng still chose to save as much as possible.

For things like clothes and snacks, she would go to the "clearance store" or "temporary store" to buy things, which can save a lot of money compared to normal purchases.

However, since it is a "clearance store" and a "temporary store", Haifeng can't afford to choose what style of clothes she can buy - she can only further choose from the "leftover" products Her favorite product, so occasionally failed to buy her favorite snacks, which made her a little disappointed.

She is used to this kind of life, so there is no problem at all.

"Hmph, that's because I don't know you, it's different now—"

Lin Qiong shook his fingers, and then said confidently: "Now I will not let you wear these old styles and ill-fitting clothes! New arrangement!"


Haifeng sighed, she was just complaining about Lin Qiong's waywardness!After all, his own Ni Jiang is world-class in terms of willfulness.



Soon, Gaifeng, who bought Lin Qiong and changed into a new winter suit, walked out of the store, behind him was a smiling shopping guide who bowed hard—mother, the sales contributed by this person today are designated to make her a Top seller of the season!

After confirming the eyes, Bu is a fucking local tyrant!I hug my thigh directly!

"Such a waste--"

Haifeng clutched his chest, and said with a distressed face: "Why are these clothes so expensive?"

Her behavior at this time was like the reaction of an old man who has used a hundred-yuan phone all his life and was given an 8848 by his grandson and learned the price of this phone - the key is Xiaolong 865, how dare you Sell ​​2W ah!

Lin Qiong looked indifferent. Anyway, he only needed to get a few hundred-carat diamonds from the Food World and sell them here, and there would be no shortage of money.

"Don't worry! It's just some small money."

Lin Qiong pushed Gai Feng while comforting him: "You have to get used to this kind of thing. After all, after the spring fashion show is announced, we will come here to buy summer clothes."

"Come again!?"

Gale's voice raised several times. She looked at Lin Qiong in disbelief, and said, "Ni Jiang, I feel that my previous clothes are enough! There is no problem at all! There is no need to buy new ones at all!"

Haifeng was hit by the price;

The gust of wind was generated and entered a retreat state;

Haifeng used three consecutive persuasion;

Persuading Sanlian seems to have no effect.

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think."

Lin Qiong showed his greasy and domineering CEO style at this time. He said with a smile: "I am buying clothes for my dear sister, who dares to have any objection?"


Hai Fengsheng leaned on the back of the chair without love, not like a person with handicapped legs and feet, but like a person with a low IQ.


Lin Qiong thought for a while, then walked around to Gao Feng and looked at it thoughtfully.


Haifeng shrank his neck uncomfortably, and whispered, "Why, what's wrong?"

Lin Qiong touched his chin, and said with a smile: "It's decided, let's buy another hairpin for Haifeng!"


Gale made a very disturbing sound, but she couldn't resist Lin Qiong who possessed the power of Bayel, so she could only watch helplessly as Lin Qiong pushed her into a nearby jewelry store.

'All, all gold and diamonds...'

'Ken, it must be expensive, right? '

Haifeng swears, if she can stand up now, she will definitely turn around and run without hesitation, without looking back!



"To be honest, I thought you would show the same expression as when you bought the clothes just now."

Lin Qiong looked at Gao Feng, who had already put on a new hairpin, and joked with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be quite calm."

"Because I'm used to it."

Gale's voice was calm and empty, and she couldn't help but look at the night sky aside, with a distant look: "At least compared to the price of those clothes, I feel that the price of this hairpin is quite acceptable to me—"

"Hahaha, it seems like this-"

Lin Qiong laughed. He pushed Blast to continue walking towards the depths of the commercial street, and said, "I remember there is a very famous dim sum shop here. How about going to see if there are any satisfactory dim sum?"


Haifeng showed a heart-beating expression, but when she thought of the amount of money Lin Qiong spent, she immediately showed a painful expression, and said, "It's still..."



Hayate leaned back on the chair helplessly, and then said feebly: "Ni-chan! You are powerful, and this is unreasonable!"

"Power is power." Lin Qiong said indifferently, "If I ask for your opinion, Haifeng Sauce will definitely choose to refuse because of the price, right?"


The wind screamed—

Xi Ma Da is completely controlled by Qiongni-chan!

"Ah! Buy it! Buy it and buy it!"

In the end, Haifeng decisively let his sanity go to zero, and then said in a self-defeating manner: "I definitely want to buy a lot of snacks that I like, and eat the wallet of Qiongni sauce!!!"

Since you can't resist, enjoy it!

Seeing Haifeng's energetic appearance, Lin Qiong said cheerfully: "Buy it, just buy it! Come again if you don't have enough!"


Sorry, I, Lin Qiong, never look at the price when buying things!

Chapter 0320 you coax children!

"You are really useless."

After walking out of the dim sum shop, Lin Qiong looked at Gai Feng, who was sitting in a wheelchair with low brows and pleasing eyes, with a blank face, and said bitterly, "This is what you said——"

Lin Qiong cleared his throat, and then imitated the way Gao Feng spoke just now.

"I won't be merciful this time! Ni-chan, prepare to cry for your wallet!"

"Today, Hayate will transform into a gluttonous demon. Buy big! Buy snacks for ten days!"

"Feel trembling for my greed! Ni-chan, it's too late to regret now—"

Listening to Lin Qiong's imitation, Haifeng lowered his head in shame, even the tips of his ears were stained with a deep red layer.

After imitating what Gaifeng said just now, Lin Qiong replied with the same tone before, and said: "The result? That's it? After looking at it for a long time, I finally bought a thousand-layer nephrite jade and a meat floss bread. A caterpillar and a box of mooncakes, bang, gone?"

"Does this mean you won't be merciful?"

"Is this the incarnation of a gluttonous demon?"

"Is this my trembling greed?"

"That's it? Is this your level?"


Gao Feng held his head in his hands, looked at Lin Qiong with tears in his eyes, and said, "I'll be stupid if I scold the child again!"

Lin Qiong reached out and tapped Haifeng's head lightly, and said, "You're also an idiot if you don't scold me."


Hayate covered the spot hit by Lin Qiong, puffed his mouth and said, "Anyway, Ni-chan didn't buy a lot of bread and sweets in the end anyway! You won't be able to eat them all in a few days, they will spoil!"

The shelf life of this kind of freshly baked handmade bread is only about a week at most. From the perspective of Haifeng, it is obvious that Lin Qiong can't finish eating it in a day or two!


"You underestimate my appetite too."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but raised his fingers to pick his ears, and said with a look of disdain: "It's reasonable, if I really eat these breads, I can dry them up in a day."

This is true.

The more powerful a creature is, the more energy he/she/it needs on a daily basis, it's pretty simple common sense - if a creature wants to rely on food to replenish its depletion, then it either eats a lot of normal food, or intake of moderate amounts of energy-dense foods.

Obviously, the bread and desserts that Lin Qiong bought can only be regarded as ordinary food. Even if he can eat food for 20 or even 40 people in one go, it is probably enough for him to consume the salted fish for a day without moving much.

"Ni sauce—"

Gao Feng looked at Lin Qiong behind him and couldn't help but said: "You will get fat if you eat so much! Your figure will be out of shape!"

"I won't—"

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