Lin Qiong lifted up the hem of his clothes, revealing his eight-pack abs and mermaid lines, and said with a proud face: "Your Ni-chan has done a good job of exercising-"


Lin Qiong's words were interrupted by a flashing light next to him.

His expression froze slightly, then he turned his head and looked at a white-collar beauty beside him who was full of embarrassment.

"That, that—"

The white-collar lady bent down with an embarrassed look on her face and said, "I'm really, really sorry! But, I really can't help it, your figure is so good!"

"This one……"

Lin Qiong put down his clothes, waved his hands speechlessly, and signaled the white-collar lady to leave quickly - but instead of running away, she handed him a business card shyly.


Lin Qiong pointed to himself.

The little sister nodded quickly, and then said expectantly: "Well, if you need anything, you can call me anytime! Have dinner, watch a movie, and then...hehe!"

As if worried about Lin Qiong's misunderstanding, the young lady added: "Of course, I'm the one to treat you!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and ran away shyly, leaving Lin Qiong stunned.

"what is this?"

Lin Qiong looked at the business card in his hand, looked at the sky with a speechless face, and said, "Miss White-collar Sister's Aid and Communication.mp4?"

"Ni-chan, what are you talking about?"

Haifeng looked at Lin Qiong blankly.

"It's nothing too important."

Lin Qiong threw the business card into the trash can, and then said with the corners of his mouth: "I just think that the world is really declining, and people's hearts are not old! There are female hooligans secretly taking pictures of me, it's abominable——"

If this is a gender call, if the woman writes a small composition on V blog or D tone, I'm afraid it won't be retweeted over [-] times and commented over [-] times!The air is shaking and cold, when will the man stand up, I don't remember.



After encountering the sudden attack by the white-collar lady, Lin Qiong lost the mood to continue shopping, so he pushed Blast to go home.


Suddenly, Gaifeng stretched his head forward suspiciously, and said, "Ni Jiang, what seems to be happening ahead?"

Lin Qiong raised his head and took a look, and found that a large group of people eating melons were gathered together, as if they were watching something interesting.

interesting!How can I miss me, Haiming Melon King, when watching the excitement?

So, Lin Qiong immediately pushed Blast to find an empty seat, and looked into the crowd——

A woman with a microphone, a man with a camera, and a bald man with a naked upper body.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Lin Qiong leaned into the ear of a middle-aged man beside him and asked, "It's late, tell me."

Haifeng, who was sitting in a wheelchair, also pricked up his ears and listened curiously.

"Oh, who are these people, from the amateur talent show group."

The elder brother glanced at the thousand-day yen that Lin Qiong handed over, and immediately showed a warm smile and said: "I just happened to interview that person, and then he said what he was..."

Before the elder brother could finish speaking, the shirtless and slender man clasped his hands together, bowed to the surroundings, and said loudly: "Everyone! I love Shuo Niubi, which is an old Yangliu ancient martial art that is not allowed to pass on! This sect has been silent for a long time, enter..."

I don't know if it's for impressing the style or for real, but the man's way of speaking is quite "archaic", which makes Hai Feng feel like he's hearing it in a cloud.

"Dongni Sauce——"

She tugged at Lin Qiong's clothes and asked curiously, "What is he talking about?"

Lin Qiong squatted beside Blast, and said with a smile, "What he means is that he is going to perform a martial arts performance to make a name for himself."


Hayate nodded suddenly, then his eyes shone, looking at the field with some expectation, and said to Lin Qiong: "Qiongni-chan, let's go after watching this? I haven't seen martial arts yet!"

"it is good."

Naturally, Lin Qiong had no objection, so he stood up and watched it together with the surrounding melon-eating crowd.


The man first punched a few times in a decent manner, and then said with his head held high: "The ancient Yangliu martial art is a skill for killing the enemy in battle! If you have practiced to my level, even twenty or so casual people can't get close to me." body!"

"Clap clap-"

The melon-eaters around clapped their hands very cooperatively. The old man bowed to thank the surroundings again, and then said: "Next, I will perform a set of fierce and fierce martial arts!"

In the expectant eyes of the crowd, including Hayate, the man waved his fists a few times, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhing me doing", then jumped up on the spot and performed an extremely powerful roundhouse kick, which aroused sighs from the people around him.

Then I saw him sprain his ankle when he landed, and he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

The surrounding atmosphere dropped to freezing point in an instant, but the man who fell didn't seem to feel it at all, stood up very naturally, and said calmly: "There is water on the ground, my feet slipped, and it won't happen anymore! "

As he spoke, he gave another roundabout kick, but he lost his balance when retracting his legs, slipped again, and then sat down on the ground.

The light in Hayate's eyes disappeared, and she said to Lin Qiong expressionlessly: "Qiongni-chan, let's go back."

Lin Qiong nodded while suppressing a smile, and pushed Blast away from the scene.



"I'm stupid, really."

On the way home, Jiaofeng thought about She: "I actually really believe that that person is who he is, and I'm looking forward to his performance!"

"I can only say that you are still too young."

Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing. He stretched out his hand to straighten Haifeng's hair, and said, "When you grow up a bit, you'll understand that guy is just a show."

Hayate turned his head suspiciously, looked at Lin Qiong and said, "Could it be that Ni-chan has already seen that that person is a liar?"

Lin Qiong nodded, chuckled and said, "I can see it from the beginning."

As early as when the other party introduced himself, Lin Qiong quietly sensed the other party's body with the power of waveguide, and then found that this "heir of the ancient martial arts school" who claimed that "more than twenty people could not enter the body" not only had no magic power in his body, Its physical fitness is only the level of fitness enthusiasts.

With this level of physical fitness, if you say you can fight three, four or even five people, Lin Qiong can reluctantly believe it, but you can't get in with more than twenty people?

Heh, unless you're holding a mop full of shit.


Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Blast couldn't help being startled, then puffed out his mouth in dissatisfaction, and said, "That Nissan didn't tell me earlier!"

"Hahaha, didn't I see your interested face?"

Lin Qiong laughed and said, "Just watch it for fun, and you haven't lost anything anyway, right?"

Hayate muttered: "Although this is indeed the case, I always feel like my expectations have been disappointed."

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "How about I make a magic trick for Blast?"

Haifeng's eyes widened: "Ni Jiang can do magic?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and said: "Little guy, don't underestimate your Ni-chan! I'm proficient in eight brick-breaking methods, sixteen chest-breaking rock-breaking postures, 32 magic techniques, and 64 porcelain-touching techniques. The all-round man of methods!”

Haifeng couldn't help exclaiming: "Although I don't understand what Ni Jiang is talking about, I still think it's a very powerful thing!"

Seeing this, Lin Qiong said triumphantly, "I'm going to perform a very scary magic trick for you right now, it's called...eating eyeballs raw!"

'Raw, eat eyeballs raw! ? Gaifeng was taken aback immediately, and thought in shock, "Well, what's the matter with this kind of performance that sounds terrible?"Are you really okay with performing this kind of tricks on a [-] year old? '

Then she saw Lin Qiong raised his right hand and scratched it in front of his right eye, then closed his right eye and stuffed the contents in his hand for a few times, then spit the contents back into his hand and stuffed them Back in the right eye.

Lin Qiong: "How is it? It's amazing, isn't it?"

Hayate said expressionlessly: "Ni-chan, I'm a child, but I'm not a fool!"

You coax the child!

Lord of the night sky, furious!

Chapter 0321 Gengar’s great failure

Under the control of Lin Qiong, the battle for the seed of the holy stone is still going on in full swing.

There are three parties in the contestants, namely——

White Tyrant Group: Nanoha, Suzuka and Alyssa;

Golden Beloved Concubine Group: Fit, Elf and Alicia;

Black chaos into the group: Felix, Els and Krono.

That's right, after realizing that they were not Lin Qiong's opponent, the team of the Space-Time Management Bureau also chose to abide by the rules of the game and join the battle, and their random entry did cause some troubles to others—especially It was after Lin Qiong prohibited the white team from joining forces with the golden team, and the three holy stone seeds had already been acquired by the black team.

"Damn it-"

Alyssa stomped Jiojio on the spot angrily, and said, "Those guys are too bullying, aren't they? Focus on attacking me and Suzuka, and then go to besiege Naye!"

"If it were me, I would also adopt such a plan."

In contrast, although Suzuka was also very angry, she was able to analyze the matter with a neutral attitude, "Who made me and you the weak point of our team? Isn't Alicia of the Feite team also a weak point?" ?"

"But Team Feite has Elf!"

Alyssa immediately lay down on the table and said feebly: "Alf can be considered a B-level after all, much better than the two of us who are C-level."

"Then we can only train further."

Suzuka put down the teacup in his hand, and said calmly: "I have canceled all the itinerary for the Golden Week, and I plan to use all the make-up classes and rest time before that for cultivation."


Alisa's eyes widened, she gritted her teeth, and said, "Me, me too!"

She will definitely, definitely not want to become Nanoha's weakness and hold her back again!



"Are we really okay with this?"

Crono looked at the three sacred stone seeds placed in the safe with some worry, and said to Felix.

"What's the problem?"

Felix glanced at Krono, then drank the coffee in his cup gracefully, and said: "Our actions have obtained Mr. Lin's acquiescence - he is now a guest on the Asla, if he has If there is any opinion, it has already been put forward.”

"No, that's not what I meant." Kronor shook his head, and said with a subtle expression: "What I mean is that we deliberately targeted Naye and Feite's friends to attack their weaknesses."

Felix laughed. He shook his head and said, "Mr. Krono, you are still naive! This tactic is just a very common tactic - it will become the weak point of the team because of your weakness. Do you have to make an agreement with the other party in a life-and-death fight, and you are not allowed to attack your own weaknesses?"

Krono hesitated for a few seconds and said, "Well, I mean, Naye and Feite are already S-level mages at the age of nine, and they may grow to SS-level or SSS-level magicians in a few years. Class, and you bully their friends like this, are you really not worried about her revenge?"


Felix paused slightly while holding the tea cup, then said with a nonchalant expression: "I am a super elite from the headquarters of the Space-Time Administration. I have received special training and will never be afraid of any retaliation——"

'Yes, is it? '

Crono looked at Felix's pale face.

'yes? '

Crono looked at Felix's trembling right hand.

'Yeah? '

Crono looked at Felix's wet cuffs.

Felix added: "Unless the opponent is very aggressive!"

Kronor got it: Obviously, Naye and Fett are in this "very fierce" category.


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