"As expected of the flagship of the Space-Time Administration, it feels really powerful."

Lin Qiong sat on a chair in the reception room, looking around at the interior decoration of Asra, and said, "What level of magic cannon can it withstand?"

Hearing this, Lindy, who was pouring tea for Lin Qiong, froze in her smile, then swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said, "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, please don't say such a horrible thing suddenly."

"Did I say something scary?"

Lin Qiong touched his head in confusion, and said, "I'm just curious about Asla's defense level."

Lindy put the teacup in front of Lin Qiong, and said helplessly: "A mage who can face the rainbow cannon head-on asked me what level of magic cannon Asura can resist-this is enough It's heart-wrenching."

"Haha, don't worry, I'm not interested in dismantling it."

Lin Qiong smiled and waved his hands, and before Lindy could breathe a sigh of relief, he continued: "After all, this thing looks interesting, I should find a way to snatch it back and study it."

Lindy was silent for a few seconds, and said helplessly again: "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, my little heart can't stand your repeated frights."

"Okay, okay, no kidding."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders innocently, and said, "Let's get down to business—what are your plans for calling me here?"

"Is such that--"

Lindy recalled the document report she saw this morning, and then said with a strange expression: "Well, Your Excellency Lin, I heard that you have been staying with a little girl recently?"

'what's the situation? '

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and said, "Why, your Space and Time Management Bureau also serves as FBl?"

"No, no, don't get me wrong."

Lindy waved her hands hastily, and then said uncomfortably: "It's actually like this. After investigation by the Space-Time Management Bureau, it was found that the girl you approached recently seems to be related to a long-lost ancient heritage... ..."

'It seems that because I was close to Hayate, Gilgrim felt a sense of crisis? '

Lin Qiong chuckled, and asked, "What else is going on? Well, do you have an investigation office? Is Gale Wind related to any ancient heritage?"

Lindy shook her head awkwardly. In fact, she herself felt that the document on the top of her head was a bit strange, and the wording was a bit too "ambiguous" - many places felt obscure and unclear. If it weren't for the fact that it was clearly stated in the document With the anti-counterfeiting seal of the Time and Space Administration, Lindy would definitely think that someone forged the document.

"Tsk tsk, it looks like the old man just asked Lindy to test me—"

Thinking of this, Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Although I don't know that Haifeng has anything to do with the ancient heritage, but you have misunderstood me this time—the reason why I got close to Haifeng is that I realized that she has a very good talent for magic. Take him as a disciple, that's all."

"So that's how it is..."

Lindy pondered for a few seconds, and then said: "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, can you please observe Gale more in the next few days to see what ancient heritage she is related to?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "No problem, I will notify you when I get the news—"


"How's it going?"

After Lin Qiong left, Felix came to Lindy and asked.

"The situation is not good."

Lindy rubbed the bridge of her nose, and said helplessly: "Although I don't know where he got the news, what is certain is that he must know what the ancient heritage around that girl is."

Felix sighed, then imitated Lindy, rubbed the bridge of his nose, and said with a wry smile: "That's right, his reaction was too bland, it seems that there is a kind of..."

Lindy continued: "...I already knew how you would feel about asking this, right?"

Felix shrugged his shoulders and said: "That's true! But this time I'm not going to go all out - what the hell are you going to do against a macho guy who's been unscathed by a rainbow cannon? I still want to live two more years. Year!"

My monthly salary is just this much, why should I work so hard?



[It seems that she has discovered your reason for approaching Gale——] Miss Know-It-All’s voice reached Lin Qiong’s mind, [After all, your reaction was too direct and there was no concealment at all. 】

Lin Qiong smiled and replied: [I didn’t plan to hide it at all!But I didn't expect that the old man couldn't help but jump out. It seems that the last failure to contain the Book of Darkness indeed caused a great psychological shadow on him. 】

[After all, a person of unknown origin who snatched the seed of the holy stone suddenly approached the host of the Book of Darkness that he had raised for [-] years, he would be a ghost if he was not nervous——]

[Can this be my fault?He was obviously the one who cowarded him, and he didn't even dare to show his face. 】

[After all, he failed once——]

[But we will succeed. 】

【That is inevitable!Who let the cat next to the host be us? 】

[Yes, yes, my know-it-all cat is the cutest in the world!The twin catgirls next to that guy are simply not comparable! 】

While chatting with Miss Wanshitong through reading, Lin Qiong returned to his home, then sat down on the sofa, and lay down lazily.


Geng Gui suddenly emerged from the shadow, then waved his fist a few times, then turned his head and looked at Lin Qiong expectantly.

Are you playing games?

"Two people go together, escape from birth, just get through the big adventure and the fighting cube theater?"

Lin Qiong turned over, and then groaned and said, "I don't think there's anything else to do? How about Geng Gui, why don't you give me Kangkang live broadcast?"


Gengar's eyes lit up, and then he patted his chest.

I, Geng Gui, are always the top three in the third-person solo queue in the Asian server. Today, I will let you see what is called the little prince of steel guns! !

In this way, Geng Gui, the little prince of the steel gun, officially announced his journey to the world of the magic cannon...


"Mouth, mouth Jie..."

Geng Gui lay on the ground pale and hammered the floor remorsefully.

Why, why is the Internet in this world so backward...

Listening to Geng Gui's tearful look, Lin Qiong touched his chin and said to himself: "This is my negligence. I didn't expect that the earth in the magic cannon world was only a few years away. 21st century……"

Mistake belongs to yes!Or the PS5 brought over by honest players.

Chapter 0322 Showdown

After clearly realizing that they had become the weak point of the team, so that they were targeted again and again by their opponents, causing the team to fail one after another, Alisa and Suzuka learned from the painful experience and used all the rest time to practice.

Positive introversion is helpful for the progress of the small group. After seeing the efforts of these two people, I originally thought that "there are Fate and Elf in the team anyway" and "Alisa and Suzuka in the Naye team Alicia jumped up from the lazy couch with the thought of "about the same as me", and then threw the potato chips, mung bean cake, spicy strips, beef jerky, plum, wafer, sandwich biscuits and juice in front of her into the bag next to her. In the snack cabinet, he also rushed to the training ground.

"How can you be compared to that guy Alyssa!"

"The head can be broken, the blood can flow!"

"Don't lose to Alyssa!"

Looking at the hard-working figures of the three little ones on the balcony on the second floor, Lin Qiong couldn't help but nodded, and then sighed from the bottom of his heart: "Roll up! Roll them all up!"

"By the way, have you been tired recently?" The know-it-all cat lying on the armrest flicked his tail and said, "Or are you immersed in the daddy game?"

"Hey, it can't be called a dad game—"

Lin Qiong touched the tip of his nose and said, "But don't you think that my daughter is really a caring little padded jacket? Blast is too obedient!"

Know-It-All Maomao squinted his eyes and made a [→_→] expression, and said: "We don't have any objections, but if you relax your practice now, be careful that the world will suffer in the future."

"hold head high?"

Lin Qiong was taken aback. He put his elbows on the armrest, and then leaned in front of the know-it-all cat, and asked curiously, "Could it be that you have found a suitable world?"

"A world that fits you perfectly."

Know-It-All Cat licked his paws, then wiped his face, and said with a smile: "There is almost an inexhaustible supply of white mice that can be treated roughly, and according to my analysis, said It may not necessarily allow you to learn some rules-based abilities."

"Eh? Rules department?"

"Using flames and lightning is an element system; using pure magic to attack is a magic system; using weapons is a physics system—" the know-it-all cat stood up, then shook his body, and said: "And time, space, life and death are Rules."

"Hey, in the settings of other novels, the rule system is generally the strongest, isn't it true?"

"Isn't this a matter of course? As long as you are willing to learn the elements, magic, and physics, you will be able to get started sooner or later! But for the rules system, some people spend their whole lives studying it and can't even get into it."

Hearing what Mao Mao said, Lin Qiong immediately became interested.

He didn't care about watching Lolita's training anymore, but sat cross-legged on the recliner with the know-it-all cat and cat, then put it on his lap, and said, "Which world do you want me to go to in the next world?"

"Reaper's World!" The know-it-all cat raised its tail and said gracefully, "Don't you think that those virtuals in the virtual circle are the least valuable, cheapest, and least psychologically burdensome little white mice to consume?"

"It makes sense? Let alone me, I'm afraid Erina won't be merciless if he cuts it—" Lin Qiong showed a thoughtful expression, and said: "And think about it carefully, the late death seems to be really Is it like the ability of the rule system is going everywhere?"

Black cavity and ringing are the capabilities of the space system;

Inoue and Two Blades are abilities of the time system;

The initial solution for Shattering Bee is the ability of the death system.

In addition, Kyōraku Shunsui's Flower Sky Crazy Bones, Yhwach's omniscience and omnipotence, and the Ichimonji of the Military Master Division all involve some rules to a greater or lesser extent.

Seeing Lin Qiong's heartbeat, Maomao, the know-it-all, smiled and said, "Then, the next stop is the World of Death?"

"Well, it's decided!"

Lin Qiong showed an expectant expression on his face and said, "After the matter of the Book of Darkness is resolved, let's go to the World of Death!"

Know-it-all Maomao nodded in satisfaction, then lay on Lin Qiong's lap again, thinking: "In addition, we also want to study the so-called Zanpakuto, to see if we can develop a food demon that can be converted into a Zanpaku sword." The way of the knife!If it succeeds, gourmet cells can also become a great weapon in the hands of our host—"



The raging battle for the Holy Stone Seed has come to an end.

After Alisa, Suzuka, and Alicia went through half a month of hard work day and night, although it would not be said that the counterattack defeated Krono and Els, at least they would not be defeated by the two as before. The people defeated first, and then besieged Naye (Fite).

As a result, the balance of victory gradually began to tilt towards Team Naye and Team Feite—after defeating Felix, the captains of the two teams immediately overturned Els and Kronor with absolute strength.

So much so that when the last holy stone seed appeared, the progress of the three teams was actually four.


Castle in the Sky.

Lin Qiong sat on the sofa and said to the eldest lady sitting next to him: "I said that I didn't deliberately control the collection progress of the three teams, do you believe it?"

The eldest lady nodded gracefully, then took a bite of BB popcorn, and said, "I believe in you! Because you don't have such an IQ at all."

Lin Qiong:?

He looked at his girlfriend and asked, "Dear Miss Erina, why do I feel like you are scolding me?"

The eldest lady stuffed a piece of popcorn into Lin Qiong's mouth with a smile on her face, then licked the sugar sticking to her finger, and said, "It's just an illusion, how could I scold you?"

"Okay." After chewing a few mouthfuls, Lin Qiong swallowed the popcorn in his mouth and said, "Who do you think will be the final winner?"

"It's not a team from the Time and Space Administration anyway."

The young lady chuckled lightly and said, "With the progress of Alisa, Suzuka, and Alicia, it has become more and more difficult for Els and Crono to suppress them."


Lin Qiong nodded, then opened a bag of potato chips casually, stuffed it into his mouth, and said, "Now we'll see whether the winner is Naye or Feite—"


Just when Lin Qiong and the eldest lady were having fun watching the live broadcast——

Earth, Pacific Ocean, an uninhabited island.

"Boss, I sent again—"

Els was wrapped with binding magic. He looked at Felix with an innocent face and said, "I am no longer their opponent."

Felix glanced at his capable general, and said with a sneer, "Look at what you said, am I their opponent?"

Crono: "?"

Why do I feel that you are quite proud of losing to a [-]-year-old girl?

He pondered: Could it be that I was the only one in the whole team who was fighting seriously, and then I was seriously knocked out?

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