

"Fett sauce--"

The tyrant held the staff with both hands, with unconcealable joy on his face, "Finally, this day has finally come!"

"Ah, that's right, Nanoha."

The beloved concubine also held the photon sickle in both hands, with undisguised joy and excitement on her face, "The day of the final decisive battle."

Naye took a deep breath, and then said seriously: "If I'm not wrong, in the previous battle, Fei Te must have hidden a hole card, right?"

Feite showed a clear smile and said, "Nanoye, you ask that because...you also hid your hole cards, right?"

The two looked at each other, then smiled at each other.


"Going all out—"

"With all my heart—"

"The Final Battle—"

"Start!" x2

Accompanied by the shouts of Naye and Feite in unison, a dazzling magic circle suddenly lit up in front of them.

"Heart of the Rising Sun·Swift Mode!"

"Lightning Tomahawk · Assault Mode!"

Nanoha switched to a form that increased the charge of bombardment magic, while Fite switched to a form that quickly consumed magic power but greatly enhanced his own attribute values.

"Let's decide the outcome——" x2

As soon as the voice fell, Feite had already disappeared in place wrapped in golden thunder.

If it was someone else, they would have already fallen into the panic of "where is the enemy?", but Naye, who had fought Fett many times, was almost used to Fett's speed at this time.

'This speed can keep up with--'

Nanoha's eyes were fixed on the figure that flew through the air quickly, leaving only golden silhouettes behind.

'As expected of Nanoha, you can actually keep up with me and win by death——'

Feite changed his position in the air again and again, but found that Naye's eyes could always be locked on him, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "But it's meaningless just to keep up with the speed!" '


The moment Fit came around behind Nanoye, her direction suddenly turned [-] degrees, and then rushed towards Nanoye's back at a faster speed than before - it turned out that the high speed in the air just now Moving is not her ultimate speed!

'Sonic Blade! '

She waved the photon sickle in her hand again and again, and every time she swung it, a golden half-moon-shaped flying blade flew out from the top of the sickle.


In Feite's "really so" eyes, the sonic flying blades hit the magic shield behind Naye one after another, splashing waves of ripples.

At the moment when the shield blocked the sonic flying blade, Nanoha had turned around and raised the staff that had already been charged.

"—— Lie Po!"

Without even the slightest hesitation, the pink magic cannon spewed out from the top of the staff, and then fell through as a matter of course—the moment Naye turned around, Feite had already dodged with a weird arc , and Nanoha's long-awaited Tenshin Liepo only hit Fite's magic wake.

'Sure enough, God Liepo's firing speed can't keep up with Fite——'

When Nanoha saw that his bombardment failed, he didn't have any strange emotions. Instead, he had a feeling of "it's true" - if Fite was not restricted, it would be almost impossible to hit Fite with the speed of the bombardment magic itself. matter.

'However, it is precisely because of this that I will develop a new magic——'

'Fit-chan, my next blow——'

'It won't fail again! '

Chapter 0323

"Magic shield—"

Naye raised her little hand, put on layer after layer of magic shields again, and then continued to follow the trail of Feite.

Naye didn't expect to use the shield to block Feite's attack. After all, Feite is not a low-speed and fast scraping master, but a high-speed and fast violent fighter - she just wants to let herself have a reaction It's just time.

"Because of the excessive consumption of the assault mode, Feite never lets the battle enter a stalemate, but will make a quick decision—" Naye closed his eyes and began to inject magic power into the magic tool again: "So, The next attack is the time to decide the winner! '

"The next blow will determine the outcome——" Fite, who was moving quickly, glanced at Naye, and clenched the photon sickle in his hand, thinking: "Nanoye, let me see what your cards are. Bar!Let's see if it can force my new moves—'

Just when Feite moved to the right rear of Naye, the direction of her flight appeared a [-]-degree corner again, and then rushed towards Naye while throwing several sonic flying blades.

'Still the same method of attack—'

Naye opened his eyes, cut the shield with the help of the sonic blade for half a second, turned around suddenly, then pointed the staff at Feite, and shouted: "Magic light kills the cannon!"

"call out--"

Accompanied by the slight sound of breaking through the air, a magic cannon that was only three fingers thick shot out from the top of the Heart of the Rising Sun—it consisted of two parts, the magic cannon at the core, and the outer layer surrounding the magic cannon in a spiral shape part.

'So fast! "

Feit's eyes suddenly shrank. The charging speed of Nanoha's new move was more than three times that of Tenjin Liepo. Coupled with Feit's own charging speed, he actually appeared in front of Feit in a few tenths of a second. .

If Feite was 20 years older, she would probably describe her feeling just now as "while racing on the winding mountain road, when exiting a corner at high speed, another car suddenly appeared in front of her".

'It's too late to deploy the shield—'

After such thoughts flashed through Feite's mind, her body instinctively turned to the side, wiping the magic gun light to kill the cannon in an emergency avoidance.

'Did it, but not completely -' Feit glanced sideways at the wound on his shoulder and murmured: "Just a scratch can cause an injury like Jiao's. If he was hit head-on... "

Thinking of this, Feite couldn't help but pursed her lips - with her defense, if she was hit head-on by this move, she might have to ask Brother Lin to feed her fairy beans.

Just when Feite was still in fear, Naye's voice reached her ears: "Feite-chan, it's not time to relax yet—"


Feite turned around subconsciously, and her eyes tightened once again when she saw the magic piercing light killing cannon that had not disappeared and was rapidly approaching towards her.

This time the magic cannon is not a one-off, but a permanent hunting type?

I really belong to you, Nanoha!

Don't get caught by me!

"How about it, Fite? My trump card—"

Feite held the Heart of the Rising Sun tightly with both hands, and concentrated on controlling the direction of the magic gun light killer, and said: "Also, don't think about using the method of 'rushing to the releaser and then dodging away' to make me self-destruct. Oh! That won't work—"

'As expected of Nanoha, you made a faster magic cannon in response to my speed? '

Feite glanced at the approaching Demonic Light Killing Cannon, a smile appeared on his lips, and he murmured in a low voice: "Only in this way can you be worthy of becoming my strong enemy——"

'But, Naye, do you think that only you have the cards? '

Feite said softly: "Thunder Light Tomahawk, use that!"

"Yes Sir!"

Following the response of the thunder battle ax, two golden wings of light appeared on Fite's shoulders, causing her already exaggerated speed to skyrocket again.

"Thunder Battle Ax·Assault Mode·Zero Flying Wing!"

Under Naye's stunned gaze, Feite's figure drew an extremely exaggerated arc in the air, and then came to her in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, she lost consciousness.



"Oh, it's Feite who wins as expected——"

Lin Qiong looked at Naye, who was being held in Feite's arms, and couldn't help touching his chin, and said, "Sure enough, martial arts in the world can be broken at any speed!"

The young lady who was leaning against Lin Qiong's arms fell down and lay down in Lin Qiong's arms, then stretched lazily, and let out a comfortable moan: "Mmm——"

After a full five or six seconds, the eldest lady's stretched body softened again, and then she supported her chin and said: "After all, it is obtained in exchange for persistence - the total fighting time does not exceed 1 minute, and Feite will Already starting to pant.”

"Indeed, Feite is currently practicing the extreme explosive style. If she cannot defeat the enemy, then the one who lies down will be her own——" Lin Qiong put his hand on the eldest lady's waist and rubbed it carefully, and said: "I hope she won't overdo it. She relies on this extreme fighting style, otherwise she will be the one who suffers."

Although this fighting style of suppressing with absolute speed and then killing in one hit is very handsome, it's a bit too tightrope-walking.

"This requires you to educate her well—"

The eldest lady reached for a piece of popcorn and stuffed it into her mouth, then shook her legs and hummed softly: "For example, as a reward for the winner, let's compete with her in person?"

Lin Qiong wiped his sweat and said, "No, is it really okay to use something like this as a reward? Won't it be regarded as deliberate revenge?"

The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong strangely, and said, "What are you thinking? Do you think that Yilong, Erlang, or Jian Yulei are deliberately taking revenge on you when they compete with you?"


Lin Qiong answered in seconds, "Yilong must want to get revenge on me by changing his underpants into pink love hearts, Erlang is out to get revenge on me by changing his wine into red screaming, and Ah Jian is out to get revenge on me when he rubs his pants. The paper on the butt is painted with essential oil!"


The eldest lady pondered for a few seconds, and couldn't help but ask, "Why haven't you been beaten to death yet?"

Absolutely, when did you do these things behind my back? ?

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up with a sassy face, and said, "As long as I confess quickly enough, no one will be able to hit me after I confess!"


The eldest lady felt that she was speechless.


Sky City, training ground.


Lin Qiong clenched his fist with his right hand, put it in front of his mouth and coughed a few times, and then said solemnly: "Masters, I like to fight... Oh no, I took the wrong speech."

Lin Qiong put away the speech in his hand, and then continued: "Masters! The battle for the seed of the holy stone is over! The final winner is the Feite team, let us applaud—"

"Clap clap-"

Warm applause rang out.

"Good! Stop!"

The warm applause stopped.

Lin Qiong looked at Feite.

"Actually, I was thinking before, what method should I use to reward the winner?"

"Linney sauce, no need..."

"Later Erina suggested to me that I would personally compete with the winner as a reward, what do you think?"

"...don't show mercy, please let the horse come here!"

There was a golden flame burning in Fei Te's eyes. She walked up to Lin Qiong with her hands and feet, and said with a sullen face, "I will do my best..."

"I knock—"

Lin Qiong raised his hand and gave Feite a blow, and then said in a dumbfounded voice: "You have just finished the battle with Nanoye. Your magic power, physical strength and energy have not yet recovered. What's the point of sparring with me?"


Feite's expression became visibly lost.

"I didn't say I wouldn't compete with you!" Lin Qiong rubbed Fate's head helplessly, and said, "After two days! When you recover to the state of complete victory, I will fight you again."


Feite's expression cheered up visibly to the naked eye.

She walked back to the team again with the same pace of hands and feet, and then sat on the ground with her hands folded on her knees in a regular manner—but if you look closely, you can see that Fate's upper body is shaking slightly As he spoke, the two little feet were also shaking from left to right.

Very cute little gesture.

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