So, the winners are done, let's take a look at the losers?


Nanoha was lying pale in the arms of Arisa and Suzuka, a mass of white, soft stuff was coming out of her mouth.

"Nanoye, cheer up, Naye!"

"Open your eyes, I'm Alisa!"

Naye, who was shaken awake by the two, opened her eyes, and then said with a weak face: "I, I seem to have dreamed about something very unreasonable - how could Master, compete with us?"

Alicia came over and whispered: "Are you too tired, so you fainted just now? Let me tell you, just now Linney sauce said that as a reward for Fei Te's victory, he will compete with Fei Te Woolen cloth."


"Nanoye! Why are you dizzy again, Naye!"

"Superman Nanoha, open your eyes, I am Alyssa Flynn!!"

It's really gratifying to congratulate, gratifying to congratulate!



Cosmic Superman... Ah bah, space battleship, Asura.

"You guys are too lazy."

Lin Qiong sat on the chair, took a sip of Amy's Gou Lego, and said, "I think back to those days when you were just starting out. Oh, you were defeated the first time you appeared on the stage, so that's okay."


Felix and Els shut themselves up on the spot.

Lindy smiled wryly and said, "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, did you come here this time to attack us?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Of course not, I haven't been free enough to come here to attack you, and then look at your autistic appearance and let out 'oh ho ho ho ho ho' laughter to further stimulate you."

Felix covered his face, and said to Crono in a disinterested manner: "Keboy, he doesn't seem to be mocking anyone, but he seems to be mocking everyone."

Kronor nodded with blank eyes. He was too naive to think that he was a good person just because of a few desserts!

This person (Lin Qiong) is simply a leader of evildoers, and he is one of the best!He is the kind of evildoer who has to hang the whole fruit on a tree, and then put a [-]-ring whip on his penis and light it as punishment in order to vent his anger! !

Chapter 0324 The Blast of Extraordinary Happiness

Lindy has to admit that some people are really good at chatting, and they can often chat to death—for example, sitting in front of him at this time, eating Oreos, and then drinking Gao Lego's Lin Qiong is an out-and-out chat genius.

What?You do not believe?

Lindy glanced at Felix and Krono, who were sitting beside Ge You, who was lying on the seat as if he couldn't get enough of Hinata, and took a sip of milk tea silently.

"Suck yo-"

Although I'm sorry for Felix and Kronor, Lindy did have a feeling of "It's great that I didn't participate in the war" in her heart.

"Okay, okay, I won't irritate you anymore."

After Lin Qiong ate the last piece of Oreo, he smacked his lips with satisfaction and said, "It's time to get down to business."

Felix glanced at Lin Qiong, and then looked away silently—oh, I thought the "business" you said was to mock us, so it wasn't it?

Lindy put down the teacup in her hand: "What do you want to say, Your Excellency Lin Qiong?"

"Little sister Amy, another Oreo, 3Q—" Lin Qiong waved to Amy next to him, then looked at Lindy with a smile, and said, "It's about the last time you came to me. ——What exactly is the ancient heritage in Yagami Haifeng's hands, I have already figured it out."


Hearing Lin Qiong's words, even Felix and Krono, who were immersed in "I'm a waste", couldn't help cheering up, and set their sights on Lin Qiong.

Lindy leaned her upper body forward, and asked with a serious face, "What is it?"

"Miss Lindy should be very familiar with that thing."

Lin Qiong looked at the female captain sitting across from him, and said softly: "The ancient heritage beside Yagami Haifeng, its true form is the Book of Night."


When the words "Book of Darkness" came out of Lin Qiong's mouth, the entire conference room fell into an eerie silence.

'how so?It happened to be the Book of Darkness..." Amy subconsciously squeezed the Oreo in her hand, and looked at Lindy who was sitting silently on the chair with extremely worried eyes - she knew it, Captain Lindy's The husband died at the time of the Book of Darkness 11 years ago.

Therefore, she was very worried about whether Lindy would become emotionally unstable when she heard this.


A few seconds later, Lindy let out a breath slowly, and then whispered softly: "The Book of Darkness... I haven't heard this name for a long time."

"Well, it seems that my information is correct."

Lin Qiong took the bag containing Oreos from Amy. After opening it, he found that the biscuits inside had become crumbly. He glanced sadly at Amy who was smiling sarcastically, and continued: "Lindy ·The Harlowen of Harlowen is indeed the Harlowen of Clyde Harlowen.”

Clyde Harlowin is Lindy's husband and also Kronor's father—he had carried out the task of transporting the Book of Darkness 11 years ago (in the 54th year of the new calendar), but because the Book of Darkness got out of control and seized Leaving control of the spaceship "Estia", Clyde had to ask Gil Graham (the "distant uncle" who secretly sponsored Gale) to fire and sink himself and the ship he was on. sacrifice.

"This is not information worth concealing, but..."

Lindy rubbed the teacup in question, and then said softly: "Since Your Excellency Lin Qiong knows my origin, can you..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Lin Qiong's raised palm.

"Chew, chew, chew - swallow - tons, tons, tons -"

Lin Qiong swallowed the broken biscuits in his mouth, then took a sip of Golego and said: "If you want me to give you a chance to destroy the Book of Darkness, I can give you an answer now - I refuse. "

Lindy's hand under the table clenched silently. She looked at Lin Qiong without changing her expression and asked, "Can I ask the reason?"

"Do you still remember the reason why I refused to hand over the Holy Stone Seed to the Space-Time Administration?"

Lin Qiong pointed to the four holy stone seeds recovered by the space-time team on the table, and said with a cold expression: "As I said - the space-time administration claims to be an expert in dealing with the ancient heritage, but in fact the fart No! They don't even understand the truth of the Book of Darkness."

Crono stood up excitedly and asked: "Mr. Lin Qiong, what do you mean? What does the truth of the Book of Darkness refer to?"

"Mr. Krono, I am not obliged to answer your questions, am I?"

Lin Qiong propped his chin and said softly: "So, what price can you pay to get an answer from me?"

"Crono, sit down!"

Before Crono could speak, Lindy said calmly, "This is an adult's business, so don't interrupt."

Seeing that Crono was about to refute, Lindy added: "This is the captain's order."

Hearing these words, Kronor sat down unwillingly.

Lindy bowed her head slightly to Lin Qiong to express her apology, and said, "I'm sorry, children are a little ignorant."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I still have a certain tolerance for children."

But there are only three things that can go wrong. Don’t be ignorant of Xiaobi Zaizhi.

"Thank you for understanding." Lindy took a breath, and then said in a deep voice; "According to His Excellency Lin Qiong, there seems to be something hidden about the Book of it?"


Lin Qiong nodded. He reached out and took the four holy stone seeds from the table into his pocket, then stood up, stretched lazily, and said, "What is the truth about the Book of Darkness? You can check it yourself - if you can find it, come to me again, and I will tell you what you want to know."



"how is it going?"

Lin Qiong held up the know-it-all cat in his hand, and said with a proud face: "How did I behave just now? Is it handsome? Is it cool?"

"Handsome, cool, cool!"

Know-it-all Maomao nodded his head, and praised: "As expected of our host, you can handle those people with ease!"

"That is--"

Lin Qiong chuckled, he held the cat and fell on the bed, and then said expectantly: "It's less than a week away, and it's Gale's birthday—and then, Book of Darkness... no, Book of Night Sky will wake up."

"Then—" the know-it-all cat lightly stepped on Lin Qiong's abdomen with its hind legs, then slowly lay on his chest, and asked with a smile: "Are you choosing the original route and letting the four knights and the protagonist group What about the collision? Or should we choose the healing route and let me completely repair the Book of Night Sky? Or should we say——"

"Choose my route! Repair the Book of Night Sky first, and then let the Four Knights collide with the protagonist group!" x2

After Lin Qiong and Wanshitong Maomao finished speaking in unison, Lin Qiong laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, the one who knows me is also Miss Wanshitong!"

Know-it-all Maomao snorted softly and said, "Isn't this natural? The person who knows you best in this world is Kono Lafite!"

"Oh, what an amazing speech!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help giving his thumbs up and said, "Then, I'll leave everything to Lafite Ameng!"

The know-it-all cat flicked its tail and said, "Leave it to us~"

Who made you our most-loved host?

Who made us the Lafite dream you depend on the most?



6 month 3 day.


08: 30.

"Happy birthday to you~"

Sitting on the seat, Lin Qiong clapped his hands lightly and sang a birthday song for Blast, "Okay, Blast, make a wish, and then blow out the candles!"


Gale, who had long been unable to hold back, quickly closed his eyes and made a wish, then opened his eyes, and blew out the candle in front of him with a "huh--".

"What wish did you make?"

"Don't say it! It won't work if you say it!"

"Hey, the little guy is quite superstitious."

Lin Qiong stood up with a smile and turned on the light in the living room, then sat back on the chair and said, "Put the candles aside, I'll cut the cake."

Haifeng took off the candles from the cake and put them aside, and put the disposable paper plate on the table, saying, "It's not superstition, it's a girl's reserve!"

"Okay, the reservedness of a girl—"

Lin Qiong put the cut cake into a paper plate, and said angrily, "Just a [-]-year-old kid, and a girl—at best, he's a loli."

Haifeng bared his teeth and claws on the seat: "Even if I'm only [-] years old, I still have a young girl's heart!"

"Yes, yes, girl's heart, girl's heart—"

Lin Qiong nodded perfunctorily, then cut a piece of cake with a fork and put it in his mouth, saying, "Eat the cake! This is the fruit cake I brought from my hometown, it's delicious."

Haifeng glanced at the cake in front of him, then at the fork in Lin Qiong's hand, and said, "Nijiang, feed me!"

"Hayate-chan really likes to act like a spoiled brat."

Lin Qiong smiled helplessly. He cut a small piece of cake again with a fork, then brought it to Hayate's mouth and said, "But who made Hayate-chan the birthday girl today? I just want to satisfy you, the little one." Your request is ready~”


Gao Feng immediately opened his mouth happily and ate the cake Lin Qiong had cut.

"Delicious, right?"


Lin Qiong held up his chin and looked at Gao Feng chewing the cake with a smile, "You are the birthday boy today, do you have anything else to ask for? I will satisfy you today!"


Haifeng showed a surprised expression, she looked at Lin Qiong expectantly, and said, "Qioni sauce, can I stay tonight?"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and said, "It's better to wait until you are ten years older."

"Ahh! Stupid Ni-chan, what are you talking about to a [-]-year-old girl!!"

Haifeng reacted, and then said to Lin Qiong with a flushed face: "I just want to have a family member with me on my birthday!!"

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