"Hahaha, okay, okay, I'll just be with you—"

Lin Qiong laughed loudly. He stuffed the cake into Haifeng's mouth, and blocked her next words, "I'll stay overnight! Then tomorrow morning, according to the tradition of my hometown, I'll make it myself The chef will make you a bowl of longevity noodles, okay?"


"Call brother!"

"Ni sauce!"

"I said I like Ni Jiang the most!"

"Ni-chan is an idiot!"



Tonight's blast has an unprecedented smile on his face.

Chapter 0325 Book of Night Sky, Recovery

Late at night, at eleven forty-two.


Lin Qiong sat by the bed, looked at Gai Feng who was obediently lying on the bed, and said, "You can only stay up until twelve o'clock at most? You must go to bed after the clock turns!"


Gaifeng, who has been crazy all night, nodded obediently, she blinked at Lin Qiong, and asked with hope: "Qioni sauce, next year's birthday, can I do the same?"


Lin Qiong crossed his arms and said in distress, "I may not live here next year..."


It was only at this time that Haifeng remembered that Lin Qiong did not settle in Haiming City, but because of work, he only lived here temporarily—that is to say, he would move out at some point, and at that time he would move out again. I was left alone.


At the time of Haifeng emo, Lin Qiong changed the subject and said with a smile: "If it's just to celebrate Haifeng Jiang's birthday, even if I'm in another world, I will make time to come over."

"Qioni-chan said strange things again—"

Haifeng showed a sweet smile, and said reproachfully: "Another world or something, it sounds unlucky!"

"Oh, it's just a saying." Lin Qiong smiled and waved his hands, then glanced at the clock on the bedside table, and said, "Well, it's almost time, get ready for bed."


Gai Feng nodded gently, and just as she was about to say good night, a dim but unignorable light suddenly lit up from the bookshelf behind Lin Qiong.


Haifeng subconsciously supported the bed with his hands, struggled to sit up, and then looked at the book on the shelf that was bound by a cross-shaped chain, showing a dazed and bewildered expression.

Because she knew that book, it was a book that had been kept in her home since she was sensible—it was only because it was locked by a cross-shaped chain and could not be opened, so she put it on the bookshelf as an ornament!

She never expected that this book would actually shine! ?What kind of supernatural phenomenon is this?

"Ni, Ni-chan—"

After all, Gao Feng was still a child. She moved behind Lin Qiong, carefully grabbed his clothes, and said with some fear: "What, what is going on?"

"It's just that the book of Yetian has awakened." Lin Qiong touched Haifeng's head, then looked at the book of Yetian, which was gradually floating up on the bookshelf, and said, "I will appear by Haifeng's side just to Here comes this book."


Gaifeng looked at Lin Qiong. In her heart, very complicated emotions were bursting out at this moment. She ignored the book floating in the air (Book of Yetian:?), and asked with a sad face: "Did Ni-chan approach me just to take advantage of me?"

"Would you like to hear what pig talk you're talking about?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Haifeng in surprise, then stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, and said, "I did bring this book here at the beginning, but after formal contact and understanding of Haifeng's personality, I also found out I regard you as my younger sister from the bottom of my heart."

Hayate showed a hopeful expression: "Really, really?"

"If you were a brat with a weird temper who didn't know what to do, I wouldn't like you so much—" Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows confidently, then pinched Haifeng's face, and said, "But who made our family Is Haifeng a good baby? Who wouldn't like such a cute and good little sister?"

As if feeling Lin Qiong's sincere feelings, the negative emotions that had not yet been brewed in Haifeng's heart disappeared with a "pop", replaced by a kind of happy sweetness.

Book of Night Sky floating in the air: ?

Can you save me a little bit?I am also a Taikoo heritage after all, okay?I am awakening, but you ignore me and only focus on showing the love between brother and sister?

Hahahaha, I finally awakened once, but you let me lose so thoroughly!


Angry, angry!

Book of Yetian, angry!


Accompanied by the crisp cracking sound, the chains wrapped around the surface of the Yetian Book began to crumble, and soon completely disappeared from Lin Qiong and Gaifeng's sight.

After breaking free from the shackles, the Yetian Book suddenly opened, and the thick pages made the sound of flipping pages, making Lin Qiong subconsciously clenched his clothes tightly, and looked at the "abnormality" of the Yetian Book with uneasy eyes. .

Suddenly, the Yetian Book stopped turning pages, and four balls of light of different sizes flew out from the open pages, and then quickly landed on the ground. Four types.

Lin Qiong looked at the three people and one dog with their eyes closed, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up: "The Four Knights of the Book of Night Sky finally appeared—"



After a few minutes.

Hayate home.

living room.

"Also, that means..."

Haifeng sat beside Lin Qiong, holding the Book of Yetian in his arms, and said with some anxiety: "I am the master of the Book of Darkness, and you are the guardian knights of the Book of Darkness, right?"


Signor, who was kneeling on the ground, nodded, and she said in a deep voice, "We, the Four Knights of the Book of Darkness, will swear to protect your safety from today onwards!"

"Swear to protect your safety—"

The little loli Weta, the big sister Sharma, and the dog man Zaphila all lowered their heads at the same time, and swore an oath to the blast.

"Big, everyone, don't need to be like this—"

Gao Feng, who had never seen this formation before, quickly waved his hands and said in a panic: "Swearing to protect it to the death is too exaggerated."

"No, what they said is not an exaggeration at all, Haifeng." Lin Qiong patted Haifeng's head, and then with her head in her hands, said with a puzzled expression: "The Book of Darkness of the Immemorial Legacy, known as the It is the 'Encyclopedia of Magic', the owner has the ability to control all magic in this world."

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Blast couldn't help opening his mouth wide, then looked at the book in his arms in surprise, and said, "It, is it so powerful?"

"That's right!"

Little Lolita raised her head proudly, and said, "The Book of Darkness is the strongest magic tool! We are also the strongest guardian knights!"

"Yes, but..."

Gao Feng, who kept Lin Qiong's words in mind, glanced at Vita in confusion, then looked at the "Book of Darkness" in his arms in confusion. He couldn't help but raised his head and looked at Lin Qiong and asked: "Qiongni-chan, just now. In the room, didn’t you say it was called the ‘Book of Night Sky’?”

Hearing Gale's words, the four knights frowned unanimously, and then set their sights on Lin Qiong.

Why did the master's brother-in-law know about the "Book of Darkness"?And also called them "Book of Night Sky"?No matter how you think about this situation, it is wrong, right?

"This gentleman—"

Signo's blue eyes stared at Lin Qiong, unconsciously took on a questioning tone, and said, "Can you explain why you know about the Book of Darkness?"

Lin Qiong smiled. He glanced at Gao Feng, who was also curious, and said, "This matter started a long time ago. Please listen to me and tell me slowly -"

So, he began to talk about the past of the Book of Night Sky——

The real name of the Book of Darkness is "Book of Night Sky". It is a magical device created by super ancient scholars in order to collect and study different magics. It can travel the world with its master!

However, a certain holder with a high self-esteem modified the magic program of the Book of Night Sky without authorization, causing it to lose control, changing from the Book of Night Sky to the Book of Darkness.

"...The current Book of Darkness has lost its instinctive function. It has become an evil thing that collects magic power and then destroys the world, then goes to the next world to collect magic power again, and then destroys the world again."

After listening to Lin Qiong's description, Weta, who has the most irritable personality, jumped up first. She rushed to Lin Qiong with an angry face and shouted: "What nonsense are you talking about! We, how could we be that kind of thing !?"

"Vita is right."

Zaphila crossed her arms, looked at Lin Qiong with unkind eyes, and said, "We are the guardian knights of the Book of Darkness, and we haven't even noticed our abnormality, so how do you know us so well?"

"Your existence depends on the Book of Yetian, what do you use to discover its abnormality—" Lin Qiong gently patted Weta's hands holding his collar, and said softly: "If I didn't guess If it is wrong, after you recover, there is a voice in your head telling you, you need to collect magic power to repair the Book of Darkness?"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, the four knights immediately looked at each other with ugly faces.

"Okay, don't be stubborn with me—"

Lin Qiong interrupted Signor, who was about to speak, and said: "For the specific situation, you just follow me for a while--Gaofeng, you come with me too!"

"Eh? Me?"

"That's right! Your legs were caused by the Book of Night Sky. Now that she's recovered, I can treat you with confidence."




Garden of time, research room.

"Okay, that's awesome—"

Gaifeng, who saw this kind of high-tech research room for the first time, was looking around with curious eyes, and the four knights were closely following behind her—but, their expressions at this time were not quite the same. Beautiful, filled with a kind of worry and hesitation.


"Miss Know-It-All—"

Lin Qiong shouted into the research room: "Dear Miss Know-it-all~ Smart Miss Know-it-all~ Miss Know-it-all~~"

"I don't know everything—"

Accompanied by a smiling voice, the long white-haired Miss Know-it-All came out from the backstage of the research room, "I only know what I know."

"What a beautiful big sister, and, and..." Haifeng looked at Miss Wanshitong eagerly, and then took a peek at Miss Wanshitong's exaggerated heart, "Okay, so big!" '

I am so envious!Will I be able to develop like that one day?

Chapter 0326 Gale: Get Lolita in 3 minutes, because I am...


Miss Wanshitong leaned on the edge of the table, looked at Yagami Hayate in front of her, and the four knights behind her, and said, "This is the host of the Book of Night Sky? It's just a child—"

"Whether one can become the host of the Book of Night Sky has nothing to do with age."

Lin Qiong smiled, and then stretched out his hand towards the Book of Yetian in Blast's arms.

Seeing her movement, the four knights subconsciously raised their hands to stop her, but when they saw Haifeng actively handing the Yetian Book over, they could only look at each other helplessly.

"Here, the main body."

Lin Qiong handed the book of night sky to Maomao, the master of everything, and after she took it, he turned his head and looked at the group of five behind him, and said, "Oh yes, I forgot to introduce you—her name is Lafite, But we usually call her Miss Passionate, and she is the head of our scientific research department."

"This statement will make people think that I am a bastard."

After flipping through Yetian Book with her head lowered, Miss Wanshitong curled her lips in dissatisfaction, and said, "In order to cover up the fact that the program has been modified, a layer of camouflage encryption was specially added? But this level of encryption can stop Can't stop me—"

With that said, Miss Know-It-All placed the Book of Night on the experimental table, then sat down as if no one else was around, and quickly tapped on the virtual keyboard in front of her.

Lin Qiong glanced at the big screen that was rapidly scribing codes, and couldn't help but leaned into Blast's ear, and whispered, "Do you have the feeling of a hacker in a movie?"

Haifeng nodded his head with his eyes shining slightly, and said in a low voice, "Sister Wanshitong is so amazing!"

"That's right, she's our proud Miss Know-It-All—"

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