Lin Qiong smiled, and he pulled a chair over and sat beside Gale, and then said to the four knights behind him, "You four don't stand here, sit down."


Probably realizing that she and others were completely unable to resist, Signor sat on the sofa with her legs together and her hands on her knees. Shamal and Vita sat beside her, and Zafira Then he sat down on the ground.


Weita raised her head worriedly, looked at her companion, and said in a low voice, "Is this really all right? Dark... The Book of Night Sky is in the hands of that person, if she wants to do something..."

Shamal gently held Weta's hand, and said in a low voice, "Weta, trust them."

Vita looked a little impatient: "But——"

Signor shook his head and said, "They shouldn't have any malicious intentions, otherwise, it wouldn't be our turn to show up—"

Vita pursed her lips, and then continued to look at the Book of Night and Sky placed on the workbench with uneasy and hesitant eyes - she now felt like a little girl whose originally happy family had suddenly been broken up, and she felt so uneasy about this The world is full of strangers.

'Damn, why is this happening...'

Vita clenched his fists, and then gritted his teeth angrily, "If what they said is true, doesn't it mean that we have..."

What the carefree Vita didn't realize was that she wasn't the only one who was unwilling to be reconciled at this time. Signor and Shamar's faces were quite ugly, and Zafira's tail didn't even move.

Apparently, the four knights are a little hard to accept that their "truth" is actually an evil tool to destroy the world, not what they think...


Just when the four knights closed their emo, a wheelchair appeared in their sight.


Signor was the first to react. She called out the word "Master" and was interrupted by the blast.

"Can you stop calling me by that name?" Haifeng looked at Signo with some embarrassment, and said, "If you can, just call me Haifeng!"


Looking at the hesitant Signor, Haifeng continued: "According to what Qiong Nichan said, I am the heir of the Book of Night Sky, and you are the knights of the Book of Night Sky - so you should listen to me, right? ?”

"Of course!"

"Then I ask you to call me by my name from now on!" Haifeng showed a playful smile and said, "I would rather be your 'friend' than being your 'master'!"

Seeing the sincere smile of the girl in front of him, Signor was silent for a few seconds, then nodded slightly, and said, "I see, ha... Hayatie."


Haifeng immediately bent her eyes happily, put her hands and fingers together on her chest, and then looked expectantly at the remaining three knights.

The three looked at each other, and then called out Haifeng's name one after another, fulfilling her small request.

"Hey, that's fine."

Hayate showed a happy smile, she put her right hand into her pocket, and then said to the four of them: "Can you stretch out your hands? With the palm facing upward--"

Although they didn't understand what Hayate wanted to do, since it was her order, the four knights naturally had no reason to refuse - the four of them all stretched out their right hands, and then looked at Hayate in front of them.

"I saw your sad expressions just now." Haifeng took his hand out of his pocket, put a hard fruit candy in each of the four palms, and said, "Qioni Jiang told me, Sweets can bring happiness to people, so I will give each of you a candy, I hope you will be happy!"


The four knights stared blankly at the candy in their palms.

"What's the matter? Try it!"

Haifeng blinked his eyes, and then said with a little show off: "This is the fruit candy that Qiongnijiang brought from my hometown, but it is super, super, super delicious!"

"oh oh……"

Vita hurriedly opened the packaging bag, and then stuffed the fruit candy into her mouth——when the candy touched the tip of her tongue, a sweet but not greasy fruit fragrance immediately enveloped her sense of taste, making her shut up involuntarily. on his own eyes.


Seeing that the four knights in front of him were immersed in the "healing" of the fruit candy, Gaifeng couldn't help turning his head, and sticking out his tongue at Lin Qiong playfully.

Seeing this, Lin Qiong smiled at Gaifeng, then raised his thumbs up, and said to Gaifeng with his mouth: "As expected of my sister, she is beautiful—"

'Hey, it's been praised——'

Haifeng happily stuffed a fruit candy into his mouth.



Just after Haifeng and the four knights bonded for 10 minutes, Miss Passer-Tron finally stopped typing on the keyboard, then turned around and said, "Those four over there, come here."

Hearing Miss Know-It-All's call, the Four Knights looked at each other, and then with Hayate's encouraging eyes, they stood up from the sofa and walked to the screen.

"In order to make you aware of the truth about the Book of Night, I specially compared the current 'Book of Darkness Program' with the original 'Book of Night Program', and then highlighted the modified parts in red—— Miss Know-It-All pointed at the picture on the screen and said, "You yourself are the four knights of the Book of Night, so you should be able to understand these things, right?"

"of course."

Signor nodded, and after she said "thank you" to Miss Pass, she looked up at the data on the screen.

"Damn it, it's really like this..."

Soon, Weta, who had roughly read the data comparison, couldn't help cursing, "And in order to encourage us to collect magic power, unexpectedly..."

Having said this, Vita couldn't help but turn around, then ran in front of Hayate, threw herself on her lap, and choked with sobs: "Haifeng, please don't hate us, okay?"

"How can I hate you?"

Haifeng stroked Vita's head in some unknown way, and she said softly, "Why did you say such things suddenly? What happened?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Blast and Vita, his lips moved, but he didn't make a sound—let them make it clear here, and I won't get involved.

"Haifeng, you, your legs..." Vita looked at Hayate's legs with sad eyes and said painfully: "The reason why your legs lost consciousness is because of the erosion of the Book of Night."

"Ni-chan seemed to have said this before she came..." Hayate recalled what Lin Qiong said before she was teleported over. She couldn't help but glance at Lin Qiong. After getting a nod from the other party, she lowered her head again. He looked at Vita and said softly: "Vita, please explain to me carefully what is going on."

"That's right, the Book of Darkness is deliberately eroding Gale's legs in order to allow us to collect magic power—" Vita sucked his nose, and said: "This is really not our intention, we don't even know about it !"

"I know, I know—"

Haifeng quickly comforted the emotional Vita, and said: "The program of the Book of Night Sky has been modified, and you have been kept in the dark, haven't you?"


Vita pursed her mouth and said, "Hayate, don't hate us, okay?"

"Of course I don't hate you guys!"

"Then, will you still give me candies after that?"


"Really? Really really?"



Vita burst into tears and laughed, lying on Gale's lap with a happy face, making the three knights behind him look at each other dumbfounded.

"Clap clap-"

At this moment, Miss Passport clapped her hands lightly, and after attracting the attention of the four knights and Gale, she said calmly: "Okay, this is the end of the family exchange, and it's time to talk about the business - as long as you thoroughly Fixing the wrong program of the Book of Night Sky can restore it to its original posture and remove the erosion on Galewind's legs."

Four Horsemen: "!!!"


Chapter 0327 Come, control personality

"Could it be that this is what Ni-chan said——"

Haifeng looked at Lin Qiong and said, "A method that can heal my legs?"

"After all, your legs were originally caused by the program of the Book of Darkness! So as long as the error is corrected, the erosion will naturally stop." Lin Qiong touched Haifeng's head with a smile, and said: "You will be able to and Just like ordinary children, run, jump, and then fall to the ground with a bang, flattening your chest—"


Gai Feng let out a wow, and then "Pu Pu——" hammered Lin Qiong's abdomen with his small fist, and said, "Ni Jiang is a villain! A big villain!"

"Wow haha!"

Lin Qiong let out a hearty laugh. He stretched out his hand to rub Gao Feng's head and said, "Are you looking forward to it?"

Haifeng pursed his lips and nodded, and said, "Yeah!"

"That, Your Excellency Lin Qiong—"

At this time, Xigno on the side said uneasily: "It's not that I want to attack Hayate, but is it such a simple thing to modify the program of the Book of Night?"

"Huh? How could it be simple?" Lin Qiong glanced at Signor strangely, and said, "The program of the Book of Night Sky has been revised by one master after another, and now it is roughly equivalent to a network connected by more than a dozen different wires. together, then knead into a ball of knotted wool—while you untangle it, you have to pay attention to whether the 'threads' you find are the connecting parts."

"Listen, it sounds terrible..."

Haifeng, the only one who did housework, had her eyes almost turned into mosquito coils. She held her head in both hands, and mournfully said, "Wow, just thinking about it makes my head burn!"

"Don't listen to his nonsense—"

Miss Know-It-All poked Lin Qiong's waist with her fingers, and then explained in his scream of "Aww", "It's true for you, but for me, it's just a knotted thread. It's just to the point of dismantling."

After all, I'm the lady who knows everything!


The blond and gentle elder sister, Shaqima... No, Shamaer hesitated for half a second, then looked at Ms. Know-it-all seriously, and said, "I'll leave everything to you!"

"No problem, leave it to my Miss Know-it-all~"

Lin Qiong put his left arm around Miss Wanshitong's neck, gave a thumbs up to several people with his right hand, and said, "She knows everything and can do everything, Miss Wanshitong!"

"certainly not--"

Miss Wanshitong poked Lin Qiong's waist again, and then hummed: "However, before modifying the program, we still need to awaken the controlling personality of the Book of Night Sky."


Signor narrowed his eyes when he heard what Miss Know-it-all said, and said, "If you want to wake up 'her'..."

Miss Passionate nodded and said, "That's right, we have to complete the magic power collection task of Book of Night Sky first."

"give it to me!"

Vita looked at Miss Passionate with a stubborn face, and said: "Since completing the collection task is the prerequisite for curing Gale, then I will fight!"

Man wants to fight!Pure man Weta applied to play!


Ms. Know-it-All rejected Weta's application for the battle indifferently. She said calmly: "It's just collecting magic power. We need as much as we want here—right?"

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, then pointed at himself and said, "Dear Miss Know-It-All, if I guess correctly, do you mean..."

Miss Know-It-All suppressed a smile and nodded: "It's the 'could it be -' you were thinking about."

blast:? ? ?

What riddles are you making?Can the Riddler get out of the gram?

Lin Qiong sighed helplessly, then picked up the Book of Night from the workbench with an innocent look, threw it to Vita, and said: "Little guy, prepare to absorb the magic power."

"Eh? Eh!?"

Weita looked at Lin Qiong confusedly like Mami-senpai, and stammered, "Suck, suck whose?"


Lin Qiong glanced at her and said, "Mine."


Haifeng quickly looked at Signor and asked, "Signor, how do you absorb the magic power?"

"Well, generally speaking, the collection of magic power of the Book of Night Sky is to directly absorb the magic core of the magician—well, it is something similar to the core of magic power." Signor hesitated for a few seconds, and finally Still didn't choose to hide it, and said: "The magician's telekinetic core is absorbed, which is equivalent to the feeling of an ordinary human being exhausted to a coma! Although there will not be any sequelae, it is inevitable to rest in bed for a period of time."


Hearing the words, Gaifeng quickly controlled the wheelchair and came to Lin Qiong, saying, "No! You can't absorb the magic power of Ni Jiang—"

"What Haifeng said is right, how could we attack Haifeng's brother?" Shamaer also came over, she looked at Lin Qiong with complicated eyes, and said: "Mr. Lin, to wake 'her' needs to absorb at least 400 The magic power of more than one page, and the core of telekinesis of an SSS-level mage can only absorb dozens of pages at most."

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