The subtext is: Even if your magic power is drained, it is impossible to fill the Book of Night Sky in one go, so there is no need, really no need!

Who would have thought that after hearing her words, Lin Qiong showed a surprised expression and said, "Do you know the book of Ye Tian, ​​or do I know the book of Ye Tian?"


Would you like to see what pig talk you just said?

Shamar was sweating a little and said in a daze: "Well, after all, I am also one of the four knights of the Book of Night..."

Lin Qiong picked out his ears, then blew on his fingertips, and continued to ask: "Even the book of darkness is the book of night sky, and the four knights who don't know the program has been modified?"



Shamar stopped talking. She glanced at Signor, gave him a look of "I'll leave everything to you", and then hid away with a low eyebrow.

I, defeat provoked Smecta!

Xigno rubbed his head and said helplessly: "Mr. Lin, we do not know the fact that the Book of Night Sky has been modified, but we still know a lot about absorbing magic power."

"Now that you understand, it's easy to handle."

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand and said, "Then start absorbing magic power."


Just when Signor was about to say "Did you listen to what I said?", he saw that Lin Qiong's palm began to condense magic power, and the concentration was getting higher and higher...

The expressions of the four knights began to change.

From helplessness, to doubt, to surprise, to horror, to fear, to collapse, and finally to peace.

"Almost enough?"

Feeling the magic power in his palm, Lin Qiong stroked his chin and said, "Is it enough for four hundred pages?"

"Enough, enough..."

Vita stuttered and glanced at Shamael, then asked tremblingly, "Shamale, is that enough?"

"Big, probably..."

Shamal also stuttered, "Lord, the main thing is, I have never seen such a large amount of magic power, it is really a little... a little uncertain..."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and said, "Let's absorb it first, and I'll call someone over when it's not enough."

'besides? 'x4

The Four Horsemen had a feeling of "the 60 version, the whole body is made with perfect details and the top-notch graduate number wakes up and finds that it has reached the 110 level version" - what happened to this world?Can it still get better?When will the poor stand up?I was so angry that I couldn’t remember what happened next.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up——"

Lin Qiong urged again: "It's quite tiring to hold it!"

"oh oh--"

Vita nodded in panic, then hurriedly opened the brand new Book of Night, then pointed the page at Lin Qiong, and grabbed the magic power condensed in Lin Qiong's palm with his right hand.


The next moment, Weita suddenly let out a muffled snort, and then Gaifeng on the side was taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "Weita sauce, are you okay?"

"No, it's okay! It's just that the weight of this magic power is beyond my imagination..." Vita turned his head and smiled "don't worry" towards Gaifeng, then looked at his partner, bowed Said in a low voice: "Samaer, Signor, Zafira, come and help me!"

The three knights looked at each other, came to behind Vita one after another, and stretched out their right hands one after another—the next moment, the expressions of the three all noticed subtle changes.

'Okay, so heavy...'

Signor clenched her teeth, she subconsciously raised her left hand and grabbed her right wrist for support, a trace of blue veins appeared on her forehead due to excessive force.

'What a quality of magic...'

Zafira's hair stood on end, his eyes were squeezed to the limit, and his body trembled involuntarily.

'Brother Haifeng, what is the background? '

The Shamal people are almost stupid.

If this were an urban novel, it would probably be that the male protagonist gave his sister a glass bead to play with. Then the sister’s family sent the glass bead for identification out of curiosity. It turned out that the glass bead was three centimeters in diameter and perfectly round. As flawed as a diamond ball.

Just listen carefully.

"Vita, are you ready?"


"Start absorbing!"

Following Xigno's instructions, the four knights invariably controlled the Book of Night and began to absorb the magic ball in Lin Qiong's hand. From the moment the first ray of magic entered the Book of Night, the Book of Night began to Turning the pages at an incredible speed.

One page, ten pages, fifty pages, one hundred pages, two hundred pages...

Under the gaze of the four knights, the progress of the book of night sky quickly completed the transition from (0/666) to (588/666), and at the same time made the four knights very tired.

"Thank you for your hard work, you four. All we need to do is wake her up."

Lin Qiong reached out his hand with satisfaction to catch the fallen Book of Night, then placed it flat on the table in front of him and said: "I offer it as a sacrifice with the unwashed tea cup that the wind drank from, come down, The controlling personality of the Book of Night Sky!"

Yagami Hayate:?

Four Knights:? ?

Book of Night Sky: ? ? ?

Chapter 0328 Healed

How to describe it?

To use a Martian word to describe it, it is probably——

The Book of Yetian made a loud noise, and the regulatory personality made its debut!

In the eyes of everyone, the controlling personality with long silver hair, red eyes, red linear lines on her body, wearing a black uniform, and four black wings behind her—at this time she has not yet been named Lin Fusi by Gale— Appeared in the sight of everyone.

"After many years, I woke up again."

The controlling personality opened his eyes, looked at his palm with a hint of sadness, then shook it lightly, and said: "The speed of collecting magic power is faster than I imagined, all guardian knights, hard work ”

However, the imaginary answer did not appear, and she could not help but wake up from the depression, then raised her head and looked around, and when she saw so many people in the room, she suddenly asked strangely: "Why are there so many people? And why do you look at me so strangely?"

Weta slightly moved his gaze away, and said, "Why?"

Shamar laughed dryly and said, "Yes, why?"

Zafira closed her eyes, then silently took a small step back: You can't see me, you can't see me.

Signor was silent for a few seconds, then he couldn't bear to look away.

"Guardian Knight, why are you behaving so strangely?"

The controlling personality frowned, she glanced around, and asked again: "What happened?"

Signor coughed dryly twice, then looked up at the controlling personality, and said, "You should be able to read our memory, right? Some words are inconvenient to say, so you should read it yourself."

The controlling personality frowned, then Weiwei's eyes flashed red, and said, "Then let me see what happened—"

Read memory, start...

"So that's it. Have you already known the truth about the Book of Darkness? But, Book of Yetian... I really miss this name!"

"However, as the controlling personality of the Yetian Book, I must remind you that it is useless! The Yetian Book has been revised by generations of masters, and its internal magic programs have become a mess. Even if you No matter how powerful it is, it will definitely not be able to clean it up.”

"Oh? The quality of a person's magical power is so exaggerated, aren't you really an ancient heritage? And...ju...ju... unexpectedly..."

At the beginning, she had a controlling personality like "my sister is just pulling, and I don't love anyone", but suddenly I started to stammer.

She stared at Lin Qiong with her eyes wide open, and said loudly, "Slander! This is slander! He's slandering me!"

"Stop talking, we all understand."

Signor comforted him and said, "Although your hobbies are a bit strange, we won't look at you with colored glasses."

"That's right!"

Vita also nodded his head and said, "You like Haifeng, and we also like Haifeng. We are actually a family!"


Zafira nodded silently, offering a bit of warmth to the personality control.


The controlling personality was kicked out of the live broadcast room because of his aggressive words.

"I have to explain..."

Just when the personality control decided to explain it, Lin Qiong "coincidentally" raised his hands and clapped his hands, "accidentally" interrupted her speech, and said, "Okay, okay! This is the end of the chat, Let's talk business-"

Control personality: "?"

There is one thing to say, no bragging, no black, pure passerby, she wants to hit people, but the problem is that after reading the memories of Signor and others, she thinks that she should not be able to beat Lin Qiong-mainly because the animal swallowed it in one breath. There are more than 500 pages of the book of the night sky, and as a result, my face is red and my heart is not beating and I am out of breath.



"If I'm not mistaken, after you revived, the instinct in your body—or the program of the modified Book of Night Sky, began to urge you to destroy the world, right?"

Lin Qiong looked at the controlling personality and said something that made the faces of Gale and the Four Knights change.

Facing Lin Qiong's question, the controlling personality nodded gently and said: "That's right - I can barely control this impulse now, but... it won't be long before it will be enforced."

"So, empty words are useless, let's let the facts speak for themselves!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said loudly: "Miss Know-It-All, please start your performance!"

Miss Wanshitong shook her head helplessly, and then muttered, "I'll let you pretend to be tough, and let me do all the hard work—heh, man."

Lin Qiong: Ah, what?



After coaxing Miss Know-It-All, our almighty man showed his strength and started to restore the program of the Book of Night Sky with dazzling movements...

No wonder!

"It's too much trouble to fix."

Miss Passerby leaned back on the chair, then opened her mouth to eat the agate grapes that Lin Qiong fed to her mouth, and said with a smile: "So while keeping the memories and consciousness of the five of you, I have put the entire Yetian The program of the book was rewritten."

Everyone: "???"

Vita stared at Ms. Know-it-all dumbfounded, and said, "Well, can this kind of thing be done?"


Miss Know-It-All tilted her head and said, "Did you say your lines wrong? It wasn't 'can you do it', but 'it's already done'!"


The next moment, the four knights raised their hands and patted themselves in unison, as if they were checking whether they were different from before - I have to say, this reaction was a bit cute.

"As expected of my dear Miss Know-It-All, amazing!"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up to Miss Wanshitong, and said, "Amazing! No. [-] in the world!"

"Hmm, it's okay to praise me more, right?"

"Miss Know-It-All's white hair is awesome!"


"Cat ears are so cute!"


"The figure is also great!"

"That is!"

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