"The sound is great too!"


Under Lin Qiong's burst of super rainbow farts, Miss Passionate looked at the controlling personality who was staring blankly at her hands, and said, "The impulse in your body that urges you to destroy the world all the time has disappeared. Bar?"


The controlling personality nodded blankly, she clenched her fist lightly, and said, "It has disappeared without a trace! I am... completely free."

Vita hurriedly looked at Haifeng, and said, "In this case, are Haifeng's legs..."

Facing Vita's hopeful expression, Haifeng tried to move his legs, then shook his head towards her and said, "I still can't move."

"How can it be so fast?" Lin Qiong squeezed Jifeng's nose with his hands, dumbfounded, and said, "The Book of Yetian has been corroded for nine years. How could it be possible that the back foot was healed instantly after the core was rewritten?"


Gaifeng looked at Lin Qiong pitifully, and asked eagerly, "How long will it take to heal?"

"This is-"

Lin Qiong thought about it.

"If you call me Qiongnijiang, it can be cured in about a week—"

"If you call me dear Qiongnijiang, it can be cured in about three days—"

"If you call my dear and handsome Qiongnijiang, it can be cured in about a day—"

"If you call me..."

Before Lin Qiong could finish speaking, Hayate shouted with a blushing face: "Dear, the most handsome, gentle and smart Qiongni-chan in the universe!"

"Hey! The little guy has a future! Just wait -"

Lin Qiong laughed, he patted Gaifeng's head with a smile, then swaggered to the window of the research room, and shouted outside: "Feng'er! Where is my Feng'er! My dear Fengfeng~~"

"call out--"

The next moment, accompanied by a rainbow-colored light, a rocket sparrow appeared in front of Lin Qiong cursing: "Can you stop shouting so disgustingly? I'm eating, I'm so lucky that I vomit!"

"Damn it, I told you to be more affectionate, but you're still out of breath?"

"You call it intimacy? You call it disgusting!"

"Fengfeng, my Fengfeng!"

"I'm sorry! You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

"Hey, aren't you stupid?"

"Naughty animal! Three days..."

"I won't see you in three days, I'll go to Jiewa!"

"You stole my lines!" Feng Wang jumped his feet angrily, "Nie Zhan, believe it or not, I will make you bald today?"

"Besides threatening me with your bald head, can you change some interesting lines?" Lin Qiong raised his right hand speechlessly, and after Feng Wang landed on his finger, he turned his head and said to the stunned Gai Feng and others : "Here, let me introduce you, this is Feng Wang, my good buddy."

"I'm female."

"That's good sisters!" Lin Qiong changed his words: "If there is anyone in this world who can cure Gaifeng's problems most easily, it must be her."

Ms. Gathering might be able to come up with ten or twenty sets of ways to cure Gale in one go, but she probably won't be able to cure Gale with a flap of her wings and a shot of holy fire like Feng Wang - there's no way, Responsibilities are different and cannot be forced.

Phoenix King puffed up his chest with a look of embarrassment and said: "That's right! I am the Lord Phoenix of love and justice, life and glory, and invincibility—"


Lin Qiong thought for a moment and said, "Forget it, I want to ask you for help today. I won't tear you down."


Seeing that Lin Qiong was not quarreling with himself, Feng Wang felt bored and stopped playing. Instead, he looked down at Hayate who was sitting in the wheelchair and said, "Well, let me see, it turns out that's how it is, the solidified magic power." Did it erode the nerves in the legs and make them lose feeling?"


Lin Qiong nodded, and said: "Can it be cured? I told you in advance, but I have already blown it out for you. If you can't cure it, you will be called the god of your life."

"I knew you bastard had no good intentions in calling me here!" Feng Wang fluttered his wings angrily and landed on Gaifeng's lap, and said, "But this problem is indeed a bit tricky. Even if I make a move, at least nine—”

"Nine?" Blast was stunned for a moment——Nine?nine years?September?nine weeks?






Soon, after Phoenix King yelled "One", she flapped her wings and returned to Lin Qiong's finger, then gracefully raised the bird's head and said, "It's cured."

Do you understand the gold content of the God of Life (Tactical retreat.

Chapter 0329 Phoenix King’s Punishment

After hearing Feng Wang's declaration that "he has been cured", the eyes of the four knights and the controlling personality once again focused on Haifeng.


Hayate lowered her head with a hint of astonishment. She did not describe it hastily, but gently pulled up the thin blanket on her legs, revealing a pair of small and tender feet.

Lin Qiong took a look - well, the nails were well trimmed, and it didn't seem like they were damaged because of the loss of feeling in his legs.

Very good, as expected of my sister!

Gale didn't know Lin Qiong's inexplicable sense of pride, but lowered his head, stared at his toes, and then...

"Move! Move!"

After Vita saw Hayate's toes shrank, he immediately shouted happily: "Haste, your toes are moving!"


Shamaer also showed a happy expression, and she bowed towards Lin Qiong, the Phoenix King on her finger, "Thank you, Lord Fengwang, for your treatment."

"No courtesy, no courtesy—"

Feng Wang waved his wings indifferently, and said: "Thank him if you want - if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't use my divine power casually."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but teased Feng Wang's beak with his index finger, and said dumbfoundedly: "No, you still put your resentment here? It happened so many years ago, can't you look away?"

"Hey, it wasn't you who was betrayed, of course you can see it—" Feng Wang rolled his eyes, then pecked Lin Qiong's finger in retaliation, and muttered: "My young heart has been indelibly Where can the wounds heal so easily?"

'It hasn't been cured after hundreds of years?You are so young at heart—'

Lin Qiong scratched his head in distress, and said, "What about the whole beans?"


Feng Wang's eyes lit up, she flapped her wings happily, and said, "I think it's okay! Give me some spicy ones, that's strong enough!"

Lin Qiong took out an edamame out of nowhere, put it on the top of his thumb and flicked it lightly, Feng Wang rushed out to eat it with a "swish" and ate it into his stomach, and then returned to Lin Qiong's finger with a "swish". Spicy sprayed out a small ball of holy fire, and then said happily: "Hey, this pepper is strong enough!"

Lin Qiong poked Phoenix King's beak with his finger, and said, "Do all of you fire-types like spicy food? Wind Speed ​​Dog likes spicy curry the most, and you also like edamame made with dragon's breath chili."

"How can a fire type who doesn't like chili peppers be called a fire type?" Feng Wang had a disdainful expression on her face, and she snorted: "What a shame!"

"I'm quite confident."

Lin Qiong shook his head, then looked at Gai Feng who had stood up from the wheelchair, leaned on the table surrounded by the four knights, and tried to walk, and said, "You can't send the Buddha to the west, and you can't send her muscles to the west." Repair it?"

Feng Wang obviously could solve the muscle atrophy of Haifeng's legs while eliminating the erosion of magic power, but she didn't do so.

Feng Wang looked at Lin Qiong with a look of "you don't know what is good or bad", and said, "Don't you have an excuse to give him a massage openly?"

Lin Qiong:?

He stretched out his fingers to pinch Feng Wang's beak with a blank face, and said angrily: "What kind of pig talk are you talking about? I'm such a fucking beast in your mind? Can I take her sister?"

No matter how hungry I am, I won't use this method against a nine-year-old girl, right?

"Hmph, thanks to your conscience."

The corner of Feng Wang's mouth hooked slightly, and then he flapped his wings and flew in front of Blast, and said, "Because Lin Qiong knelt on the ground and hugged my thigh and begged me, so I will reluctantly give you a big set." -"

In Gaifeng's blank gaze, a burst of dust with seven colors of light sprinkled from between the wings of Phoenix King.The next moment, Haifeng felt that his originally weak legs were filled with strength, and some of the original minor problems (mouth ulcers, etc.) on his body disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Gai Feng widened his eyes, and said in surprise: "This, this... It's completely cured! Lord Feng Wang is so powerful!"

"Hmph, praise me a little more... Hey! What are you doing?"

Just as Feng Wang was about to put his hands on his hips for a while, he felt Lin Qiong's fingers pinching her head.

"What am I doing?"

Lin Qiong brought Feng Wang to his face with a smile, and said, "Of course, I beg you to hug your thigh, slightly!"


Seeing Lin Qiong's movements, Feng Wang subconsciously struggled, and she said loudly: "Lin Qiong, you are blaspheming! Do you know what consequences this will cause?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Feng Wang, then put down the phone in his hand, and said, "Perhaps, Feng Wang's leather swallow portrait will appear in front of Logia?"

King Feng: "?"

She couldn't help but screamed: "No! Only this one can't do it! Let's keep a line in life, so we can meet each other in the future!"

Lin Qiong sneered and said: "Jie Jie, Miss Feng Wang, you don't want Lugia to see your skin swallow, right?"


Feng Wang let out a mournful cry, then fell on Lin Qiong's palm without love, and said sadly: "The bitter wine hurts my throat, my innocence is ruined!"

Gaifeng on the side watched the interaction between Lin Qiong and Feng Wang, and laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten up.



After a bit of fluttering, everyone finally sat down again.


Haifeng took a sip of Momoo's milk in front of him, then narrowed his eyes beautifully, "Everyone has their own name, how about yours?"

The controlling personality shook his head gently and said, "I'm different from them. I don't have my own name."

Her duty is to destroy the world after waking up, and then find the next host. She doesn't need to communicate with the host at all, so she naturally needs a name.

"That's not okay—"

Gaifeng shook her head, she raised her fingers seriously, and said, "We will definitely live together in the future, so you still need a name!"

'Living together -' The controlling personality was silent for a few seconds, and then said softly: "Then, please give me a name."


Gai Feng tilted his head, then looked at Lin Qiong who was sitting beside him, and said on a whim, "Ni Jiang, why don't you give her a name?"


Lin Qiong was taken aback, then waved his hand, and said, "Don't! This is the controlling personality of your magic device, what does it have to do with me? Take it yourself—"

"Oh! Why doesn't it matter?"

Gaifeng ran up to Lin Qiong, and said with a smile, "Ni Jiang put in a lot of effort tonight, right?"

Hearing Gale's question, Vita nodded quickly and said, "Gate is right!"

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth—good guy, a piece of fruit candy and a pat on the head will subdue you kid, right?Became a blaster, right?

Shamar also pursed her lips into a smile, and said, "It doesn't matter if you choose a name for Mr. Lin's hard work and relationship with Haifeng."

Xigno also nodded slightly and said, "I think it's okay."

Xiao Blast just wanted Lin Qiong to give the controlling personality a name on a whim, but these guardian knights all have their own careful thoughts-after letting Lin Qiong give the controlling personality a name, at least the two sides have a friendship Inside, and judging from what Lin Qiong showed, the value of this friendship is not low.

Lin Qiong scratched his head in distress and said, "You really want me to take it? Then don't regret it -"

Haifeng nodded his head expectantly, and said, "Come on, come on! Ni-chan!"

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