"it is good!"

Lin Qiong's heart was full of pride, he crossed his arms, looked at the controlling personality sitting on the seat, and said: "You are the controlling personality of Yetian Book, with silver hair, red eyes, and black wings, and after gathering these characteristics... "


Hearing Lin Qiong's opening remarks, everyone raised a glimmer of anticipation.

"...I'll call you—"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers and said, "Li Goudan! How is it?"


After pondering for a few seconds, Haifeng looked at the controlling personality with a smile on his face, and said: "In the name of the Lord of the Night Sky, I bestow on you your name. You are the messenger who supports the soul, and you are the breeze that brings luck. You are the voice that spreads blessings—Linfus, this is your new name."

Personality control—no, Lin Fusi spread her wings, knelt in front of Gale on one knee, and said reverently and respectfully, "Lin Fusi, thank you for your name."

Lin Qiong:?

He looked at Feng Wang innocently, and said, "How about letting me name it as agreed?"

Phoenix King: "Oh!"

Li Goudan?This name makes Goudan shake his head!



The next day, morning.


Haifeng rubbed his eyes and sat on the chair, then yawned a little sleepily, and said, "Ni-chan, oh--"

"If you feel sleepy, it's okay to sleep a little longer."

Lin Qiong looked at Blast and smiled, and said, "After all, a certain little guy was so excited that he didn't fall asleep until after three o'clock yesterday, right?"


Haifeng stuck out his tongue embarrassingly, and said, "Because what happened yesterday is really incredible!"

Whether it's the magic book that suddenly awakened, or the four knights who appeared on the stage, and the subsequent reversal of the truth, the appearance of the Phoenix King, and the healed legs-please, these things happened again in just over an hour , making Gale feel overwhelmed.

Lin Qiong glanced at the group of five following her, and said, "Didn't the five of you tell her to go to bed early?"

"This one……"

Shamaer showed a guilty expression, and said: "It's ashamed to say, the few of us also...cough cough...that is, there are a lot of things to say, so accidentally..."

Got it!

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, and said dumbfoundedly: "So the feelings of you are also accomplices, right? Well, each of you has learned to stay up all night—punishment, must be punished! I will punish you..."

Feng Wang interjected from the side: "I will punish you for handing over the red oil beef siu mai in breakfast to the great Lord Feng Wang! Jie Jie!!"

Lin Qiong:?

Chapter 0330 shameful thing (referring to Phoenix King)

Lin Qiong couldn't help stretching out his right hand with black lines all over his head, and flicked his fingers, a spiral micro-wave missile flew out from his fingertips, and then accurately hit the skin of the great Lord Feng Wang. swallow.


Accompanied by a scream, Master Feng Wang lay down on the table with his butt pouted in an extremely shameless manner, and wailed, "I'm cracked!"

"Okay, stop fucking howling!" Lin Qiong grabbed Feng Wang's head and brought her in front of him, complaining: "With that little power, let alone make you crack, even your face will explode! Not open?"

"That's different! That's where it's immature!"

Feng Wang said eloquently: "In short, you bastard has caused me indelible psychological trauma, don't you understand? There are five servings of ice cream for this matter!"


Lin Qiong couldn't help but raise his hand and rub his head, and then he couldn't help but curse: "That's all you've got, right?"

"hold head high?"

"The previous threat was the siu mai for breakfast? You won't let them hand over their lunch and dinner?"

Phoenix King: Σ( ° △ °|||)

"The threat just now is just five servings of ice cream? You won't ask for an extra serving of ice cream every day in the future? That year will be 360 ​​five servings!"

Phoenix King: Σ( ° △ °|||)

After Zhen's feathers stood up all over, Lord Feng Wang widened his eyes, and murmured: "How else can I say, is it greedy or you humans are greedy? Turtle, so it can still be like this?"

Lin Qiong:?

He couldn't help but flick King Feng's forehead with his finger, and said angrily: "You, the majestic God of Life, are actually tempted by such a thing? Can't you have a little bit of moral integrity?"

"No Road Race!"

Master Feng Wang glared at Lin Qiong, and said angrily, "It's all your fault!"

"What's wrong with me?"

"Abetting the crime!"

"You fart!"

"You're just farting! What a pure Pokémon I am? It's only after being with you for a long time that I become what I am now!"

A question mark appeared on Lin Qiong's head. He pushed the siu mai in front of Feng Wang with black lines all over his head, and said, "Go eat breakfast! I have something to tell them—"


Feng Wang pursed his lips, and jumped up and down in front of the siu mai dish.It's just that she didn't start eating right away, but turned her head and looked at the six members of the Book of Night Sky sitting at the table with calm eyes.


After staring at each other, including Gale, six hands stretched out one after another, and pushed the plate of burning wheat in front of him to Feng Wang.


Feng Wang looked at the seven dishes of siu mai in front of him, and couldn't help but let out excited chirping sounds. Lin Qiong covered his face and held his forehead while watching, and sighed endlessly.

"It's a shame, the god of life is so promising—"

Lin Qiong waved to the maid beside him speechlessly, and the cat-eared maid walked into the kitchen with a smile, and brought everyone a plate of siu mai again—so you said Feng Wang, are you in Gan Shenmo?This siu mai is not limited to one plate per person!

What a fool!


Lin Qiong scratched the back of Feng Wang, who was pouting her ass and eating siu mai, with her fingers, making her shake her feathers comfortably: "Also, I have something to ask you all—"

"Your Excellency Lin Qiong, if you have anything to do, please give me your instructions!"

Signor put his hands on his knees, and said with his head held high: "You have given us the grace of rebuilding, as long as it is your order, I will go through fire and water, and I will do whatever it takes!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Hey, don't talk so full of words, it's weird to listen to."

Signor said solemnly: "This statement comes from the heart, and I will never regret it!"

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "Then if I ask you to change your names to Xi Goudan, Sha Goudan, Wei Goudan, Zha Goudan and Lin Goudan, is it okay?"

For the first time, Signor felt that his teammate's eyes were so sharp and piercing, as if they were going to burn through her back.


She couldn't help coughing a few times, and said, "Well, Your Excellency Lin Qiong, it's better not to be joking."

Lin Qiong blinked and said, "What if I'm not joking?"

I can't stand it anymore!

Signor clasped his hands together and said, "Please let me go!"

Lin Qiong nodded contentedly, and said, "I remember, according to the original setting of the Book of Night Sky, after you four knights wake up, you need to attack magicians or monsters to collect magic power, right?"

Shamaer nodded slightly and said, "Please rest assured, we won't do this anymore."

Unexpectedly, Lin Qiong actually said: "I want to ask you to do something, and I just want you to attack a few magicians."


After looking at each other for a while, Gaifeng couldn't help but said, "Ni Jiang, what the hell is...what's going on?"

Lin Qiong took a sip of soy milk and said, "It's like this..."

...so so...

...and so and so...

After Lin Qiong explained, the four knights nodded subtly.

"That is to say..."

Lin Fusi said delicately: "You want us to play the villain and give your disciples... a final exam?"


Lin Qiong nodded, and he said with a serious face: "I hope you can fight with all your strength - no need to hold back!"

"Wait, wait!"

Shamar was startled, and she hurriedly said: "Your Majesty Lin Qiong, you may not know that what we are good at is Belka-style magic, not the mainstream Midzilda style - Belka-style magic sacrifice. The range of action is reduced but the explosive power is increased. If we attack with all our strength, it will easily kill someone!"

"Don't worry, Shamal! My students are not as weak as you think—"

Lin Qiong shook his head with a smile, and said, "Also, it doesn't matter if something happens, we have the most powerful healing methods in the universe!"

Refers to Feng Wang.

"Your Excellency Lin Qiong, are you serious?"

"When did I ever joke?"

"Like let's change our name?"

"Perhaps that is true?"


Signor pondered for a few seconds and said, "Let's talk about how to test your disciples."

Signor: I want to emphasize, I am not cowardly!It's just that my teammates' eyes are too sharp.

Lin Qiong laughed and said, "Before the test, well, please go to a place with me."



Space-time battleship Asura.

会议 室

Lin Qiong took a mouthful of blueberry-flavored sandwich biscuits, and took another mouthful of Gao Lego soaked in Wangzai's milk, and then said to Amy: "How long do you think, Kacha Kacha, they will look at each other and suck?"

Amy glanced helplessly at Lin Qiong, the culprit, and said helplessly, "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, stop having fun! If you stare any further, the captain's eyes will bleed—"

Lin Qiong didn't answer Ai Mi's words, but pressed his chin thoughtfully, and said, "Let me tell you, Team Ai Mi, do you have a feeling..."

Amy: "Huh?"

Lin Qiong looked at the Yetian six-person group on the left side of the conference table, then at Lindy and Crono on the right side of the conference table, and said, "This scene is like two single-parent families having a blind date here."

Amy: "Eh? Ah?!"

"Lindy is obviously a single mother with Kronor, right?" Lin Qiong rubbed his chin with his left hand intentionally or unintentionally, "As for the other side, is Zafira with two daughters? No, no, Vita The hair color is a bit different from Hayate, so Vita is Signor's daughter?"

Amy: "???"

Lin Qiong didn't pay attention to Amy's old man's mobile phone face in the subway at this time, but immersed himself in his own analysis: "Zafela is a single father with his daughter Haifeng, and Signor, Shamaer and Lin Fusi are relatives. , this setting is much more reasonable, right?"

Amy scratched her head with both hands, "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, is there not enough biscuits? How about I go get you some 3+2 and Oreos? In fact, there are also Wangzai Xianbei and Wangwang Snow Cake—— "

High EQ: Is there not enough biscuits?

Low EQ: Can't stop your mouth after eating?

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