It's not just Amy who can't hold back anymore, she's on a blind date... Ah no, the two parties who were confronting also covered their faces after hearing his "analysis".

As a result, the inexplicable confrontation atmosphere before disappeared without a trace - it was just a confrontation, it was just embarrassing.

Amy's eyes almost popped out, she never expected that the tense atmosphere just now disappeared without a trace.

'Wait, is this also part of his calculation? '

Suddenly, Amy looked at Lin Qiong in shock, and covered her small mouth in surprise, "Use this method to eliminate the embarrassment between the two parties!"This kind of scheming is really terrible! '

If Lin Qiong, who is eating biscuits, knows what Amy thinks, he must give her a thumbs up, and then boast: "Di, you can di!"

"Cough cough."

Lindy coughed twice, then stretched out her right hand towards Yagami Hayate and said: "Hello, I am Lindy Harlowen! I am the captain of this space-time ship Asra, and I am also the 11th The wife of Clyde Harlowen who died in the last Book of Darkness incident years ago."

Yagami Hayate stretched out his right hand nervously, and said, "Hi, hello, I am Yagami Hayate! I am the owner of the Yetian Book."

After Lindy shook hands with Blast, she asked softly, "Book of Night Sky?"

Haifeng nodded, and said, "Well! This is what Ni Jiang told me - the original name of the Book of Darkness is actually the Book of Yetian, and it was originally used for..."

After hearing the reason for the Book of Night Sky from Hayate's mouth, Lindy couldn't help but smile bitterly, then stretched out her hand to support her forehead and said: "In other words, all this time, the Dark... Book of Night Sky Are all the things we do because of our own mistakes as human beings?"

Chapter 0331 Linfus’ abnormality

Lindy Hallowin was having a hard time.

She was uncomfortable because she realized that the destruction that the Book of Night Sky had always caused was not because it was some "evil thing", but the result of human beings who changed its program without authorization.

Lindy Hallowin was very distressed.

She was very uncomfortable because she realized that those mages who changed the program of the Book of Night without authorization were already dead, so she couldn't even avenge her husband.


She put her elbows on the table, then sighed a long time, rubbed the bridge of her nose with her fingers, and said with a wry smile: "This is really..."

People don't know what to do at all.

"Honestly, I'm a little surprised."

Signor looked at Lindy in front of him and said, "I thought you would question our explanation and think it was just a lie made up to get rid of the crime."

"I did think so, but..."

Lindy shook her head honestly, and said: "As far as it is concerned, Your Excellency Lin Qiong has never deceived us in any major matter."

Whether it is the Seed of the Holy Stone or the Book of Night Sky, Lin Qiong said that he could suppress it, he could suppress it, and if he said he could solve it, he could solve it.

Do you understand the gold content of Sesame Credit 930+?

"So that's the case, are we in the honor of Your Excellency Lin Qiong?"

Signor nodded, and said softly: "Actually, we have heard about some things from His Excellency Lin Qiong, for example, about your husband."

Shamar on the side said apologetically: "But, I'm sorry! The Book of Night Sky has not had a single owner, and the memories of our four knights will be reset once, so we don't remember what happened before."

If the memory is not reset, as long as the four knights have gone through the cycle of "collecting magic power - destroying the world", they will understand what the revised book of night sky is, and they will definitely not continue to collect it based on their personalities. It's magic.

Linfus on the side opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but looking at her companions, she finally closed her mouth, then leaned back on the chair, looking at the ceiling with a sad expression.



After half an hour of communication, the stiff atmosphere between the two parties was gone, and the names they called each other changed from "Captain Lindy" and "Miss Hayate" to "Aunt Lindy" and "Hayate-chan" .

"Your Excellency Lin Qiong——"

At this moment, she turned her head and looked at Lin Qiong who had been eating dim sum since just now. She couldn't help sighing, and said, "Every time I entertain you, I spend a lot of money on dim sum."

"Have it?"

Lin Qiong stopped what he was doing, then glanced at the trash can beside him, and found that it was full of packing bags that he had unpacked, so he couldn't help shrinking his head guiltily, and whispered: "No ,no?"

"Hello, yes."

Amy said without giving Lin Qiong any face: "In half an hour, you ate a total of..."

"Disagreement Yali!"

Lin Qiong interrupted Ai Mi's words with his hand, and he said confidently: "The culprit of all this is you——Ai Mi!"

Amy: "Huh??"

Lin Qiong stood up, put his hands behind his back, shook his head and sighed: "Actually, I have eaten enough, but you keep bringing new snacks, and I am embarrassed to let down your kindness, so I can only Keep eating, keep eating—hey, I don’t know how long it will take to keep fit before I can burn off the calories I took in today!”

Amy was dumbfounded at the time, she stared at Lin Qiong dumbfounded, and stammered, " So, is it all my fault?"

Lin Qiong nodded seriously, and said, "One thing to say, it is true."

Amy immediately bowed apologetically, making Lindy beside her cover her face.

"Amy, don't listen to his nonsense—" Lindy, who couldn't bear to see her reserved daughter-in-law being fooled and limped, said, "Think carefully about the performance of Your Excellency Lin Qiong all the time. Are you really embarrassed to speak up if you can’t stop?”

Are you Lin Qiong: "Polite?"

"This one……"

Amy recalled it and suddenly realized that when Lin Qiong came to Asla for the first time, he acted as if he was at his home. Not only did he ask for milk tea and Oreos, but he also asked for more without hesitation after eating. How does this look like you can't bear to refuse? ?

So, she looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, that's too bad!"

Use your eyes to stare!

"Oh, it was exposed——"

Lin Qiong smacked his lips innocently, then smiled and said, "Then bring me a few more bags of biscuits! 3+2 is enough, thank you eggplant!"

Amy walked to the storage room outside angrily and cursed: "You'll get fat to death!"

"Jie Jie—"

The Lin Qiong monster laughed twice, then held the back of his head with both hands and said with a proud face: "As long as I accept my own failure, then I will be invincible."

Gaifeng on the side looked at Lin Qiong worriedly, and said, "Ni Jiang, is it really okay for you to eat high-calorie food like this?"

"No problem!" Lin Qiong waved his hand and said with a smile: "Didn't I eat like this when I was at your house? Do you think I gained weight? Here, my 800 yuan abs— —”

Lin Qiong lifted up the hem of his clothes, patted on his abdominal muscles, and said with a smile: "Relax! I know it well—"

Gain weight?joke!

Not to mention that the ordinary food in the magic cannon world can't satisfy Lin Qiong's consumption at all. Even if it can satisfy Lin Qiong's consumption, it is impossible for Lin Qiong to gain weight—because he learned a technique called "eating food" from Miss Know-It-All .

Shimi, this is a special "eating technique" in the gourmet world. Its general function is to consume excessive amounts of energy and store the excess energy in your own cells - this is equivalent to carrying a large amount of food with you. Charging treasure, never worry about running out of battery.

"It seems like this..."

Haifeng looked at Lin Qiongkuang's figure that didn't look out of shape even when he made desserts and snacks, so he couldn't help but nodded, and said, "Ni Jiang must have a fitness routine, right?"


Lin Qiong nodded, then waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, you can continue to talk about yourselves! Don't bring the topic to me - I will continue to eat snacks, okay?"


Haifeng nodded obediently.



After chatting for more than half an hour, the meeting this time came to a successful conclusion.

"About the Book of Night Sky, you can report it to the Space-Time Administration—"

Lin Qiong looked at Lindy and said: "After all, the 'Book of Darkness' is different from the Seed of the Holy Stone. It should have a name in the Space and Time Administration, right?"

Lindy nodded with a wry smile, and said, "That's true! The Seed of the Holy Stone was born for the first time, but the Book of Night can only be said to be full of bad marks."

is not that right?More than one world has been destroyed.

"Ah ha ha--"

Haifeng smiled a little subtly and dryly—I always felt that I had taken over a very extraordinary thing!


She took a peek at Lin Qiong, and then showed a faint smile——If there is no Ni Jiang, I will be the same as those hosts, and I will be backlashed by the wrong program of the Book of Night Sky, right?Hey, thank you, Ni-chan!

"If there is any action from the Space-Time Administration, or if it's embarrassing you, just come to me." Lin Qiong smiled at Lindy and said, "It's hard to say anything else. But in terms of combat effectiveness, I still have a little confidence of."

Lindy twitched the corners of her mouth, and said dumbfoundedly: "You mean the hard rainbow cannon, and then it's unharmed?"

Lin Qiong smiled modestly and said, "That's almost what it means."

"Okay, okay -" Lindy nodded subtly and said, "If necessary, I will definitely ask you for help."

"Then I'll leave first."

Lin Qiong waved at Lindy, then took Gaifeng's hand, led the four knights and Zaphila behind him, and walked towards Asla's teleportation area.

"Wait a moment."

Suddenly, Lin Fusi patted his pocket, and then said to Blast and Lin Qiong: "I left something in the conference room, you go back first."

"Eh?" Gaifeng was stunned for a moment, and then said gently to Lin Fusi: "Then you go and come back quickly, we will wait for you here."


Lin Fuss hesitated for a moment, then nodded, then turned and walked towards the depths of the corridor.

Just let me bear the sins of the Book of Night.



On the other side, Lindy looked at Lin Fusi who came back again, and asked suspiciously: "Lin Fusi... right? What's the matter?"

Linfus glanced at Lindy and Crono beside her, took a deep breath, and said, "Are you angry? Because your husband, your father, died in the last incident where the Book of Darkness went out of control. "


Lindy stretched out her hand and held Clono's hand, then fell silent for a few seconds, and said, "I don't know, what do you want to say?"

"I'm different from Signor and the others. They are the programs used by the Book of Night Sky to collect magic power, while I am the control personality that is awakened after the magic power collection reaches the standard." Lin Fusi looked at Lindy and said seriously: "Because I am the core program, I actually retain the memory of the past."


Hearing Linfus's words, Lindy's eyes suddenly narrowed.

"In other words, I clearly remember how I used their hard-earned magic power to destroy the world." Lin Fusi took another deep breath and said, "Including your husband's time. "

Lindy raised her head, looked at Lin Fusi with her green eyes, and asked calmly, "What do you want to say?"

"If you want revenge, I'm right in front of you! I won't resist, and I won't defend." Lin Fusi opened her hands expressionlessly and said, "I only have one request, and that is please Let the crimes committed by the "Book of Darkness" disappear with my death, and don't let them involve Gale Wind."

Chapter 0332 Big Stupid!

In the corridor, Lin Fusi looked at Captain Lindy standing at the door of the meeting room with a calm face. The bright light above her head even made her feel a burning sensation.

At the door of the conference room, Captain Lindy looked at Lin Fusi standing in the corridor with calm eyes, digesting the exciting news that she should be able to get revenge, but her heart did not fluctuate.

After a long time, Lindy slightly opened her chapped lips: "Miss Linfus...right? I can call you that."

Lin Fusi nodded and said, "Please be sure to call me like this—this is the name Gale gave me, and I like it very much."

Lin Qiong: What's wrong with Li Goudan?

Lindy nodded slightly. She turned around, clasped her hands on her chest, then leaned on the door frame behind her, and said: "Miss Linfus, I just heard from Hayate-chan that your actions were caused by Ye Ye. It’s controlled by the Book of Heaven, and I don’t have the right to decide, right?”

"Yes." Linfus nodded slightly and said: "I clearly understand what kind of ominous thing the Book of Night Sky is after it is modified, but I can't stop it or resist it - I can only Waiting for the knights to collect enough magic power to wake me up, and then watching helplessly as I activate magic to destroy the entire world."

Lin Fusi's voice was as calm as a lake without ripples, but Lindy could feel the pain deep in her heart, which was like surging groundwater.

"After waking up, the world will be destroyed..."

"After the destruction, you will sleep again..."

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