Lindy sighed, then looked at Lin Fusi in front of her, and said softly: "This kind of reincarnation is also a kind of torture for you, right?"

"This kind of topic is meaningless." Linfus lowered his eyelids and said softly: "No matter how I feel, it will not have any impact on what has happened."

Lindy raised her head, knocked her head gently on the door frame, and said: "I'm just out of curiosity - just think of it as... the curiosity is satisfied before revenge?"


Lin Fusi sighed, then took two steps back, leaned against the wall on the other side of the corridor like Lindy, and said in a deep voice: "At first, when I realized that my awakening would mean destruction When I was there, I suffered, despaired, mourned, and tried to resist."

"and then?"

"Then? Then I became numb." Linfus looked at the floor and said expressionlessly: "In Lord Lin Qiong's words, I was ruined."

"Since you're numb, why did you come to me?"

"Although I am a sinner with blood on my hands, Signor and the others are not, and Gale is not—I don't want my sins to affect them."

Hearing Lin Fusi's words, Lindy couldn't help laughing.

"Indeed, this is a very ridiculous thing." Hearing Lindy's laughter, Lin Fusi said without any fluctuation in his eyes: "A person whose hands are covered with blood and who is burdened with crime suddenly said something, I hope my sins will not affect other people..."

"No, no, I'm not laughing at you, but I feel..."

Lindy interrupted Lin Fusi's words. She walked in front of Lin Fusi, then stretched out her hands to hold her face, and said softly: "Lin Fusi, is she actually a very clumsy child?"

Lin Fusi:?

The development of the matter was somewhat beyond her imagination, causing her onyx-like eyes to reveal a kind of bewildered emotion, as if she was silently asking——what is the meaning of ye?

Lindy looked into Lin Fusi's eyes, and said softly: "I want to do something for Haifeng, but I find that I can't do anything, so I can only use the method of atonement to eliminate other people's misunderstanding and hostility towards Haifeng— —”

Being stared at by Lindy made Linfus feel uncomfortable. She subconsciously looked away and said, "I don't quite understand what you are talking about."

Lindy looked at the other party's guilty and stubborn appearance, couldn't help but chuckled, then said with a serious expression, "But do you know? Your behavior like this is very wrong, very selfish, and very stupid!"


As if frightened, Lin Fusi subconsciously shook her body and asked, "What, what do you mean?"

"Have you ever wondered, if I really listened to you and sent you to the court of the Space-Time Administration for trial-or just stabbed you to death in a fit of rage-what would happen after that? "Lindy looked at Lin Fusi blankly, and asked: "Do you think Gaifeng would clap his hands happily after hearing the news, and then said to the four knights with a smile, 'Okay, Lin Fusi is alone. With everything down, we can get away with it'?"

Will Hayate say that?

The kind person will kindly distribute candy to Weta, will gently touch Weta's head to comfort her, will excitedly imagine the future with them, will carefully ask them to cover the quilt, and will happily share with them The daily life of myself and Lin Qiong will...

Would that Hayate say such a thing?

Lin Fusi shook her head almost without hesitation, and said, "No."

"You also know that she will not feel relieved, nor will she feel lucky, nor will she feel happy because of this - then why are you doing this?" Lindy let go of her hands, Then he leaned against the wall next to Linfus and said: "So, your behavior is clumsy at best, and selfish, stupid, and self-righteous at worst."


Lin Fusi's lips twitched twice, but she couldn't speak.

She thought: 'Am I wrong? '

Lindy looked at Lin Fusi who was in deep thought, smiled slightly, and continued: "Let's put it another way-if Haifeng finds me secretly and tells me 'Lin Fusi is my subordinate, her fault is My fault, I hope to atone for her' and then..."

"Will not!"

Lin Fusi interrupted her without waiting for Lindy to finish speaking, and she said in a slightly hasty voice: "I won't let that happen!"

"Then why do you do this yourself?"

Lindy stood up straight, then gently patted Linfus on the shoulder, and said softly: "Think clearly how much harm your behavior will bring to the people around you."

After speaking, she walked towards the depths of the corridor without looking back.

However, her back at this time seemed much more relaxed than before, as if...

It's like letting go of a heavy burden.



"Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid!"

With tears in his eyes, Gaifeng hammered Lin Fusi's chest with his small fist, and said angrily, "Why do you do such a thing on your own initiative?"

"Yes, sorry."

Linfusi knelt down on the floor with a low eyebrow and whispered: "I, I just want to..."

"You want to piss me off!"

Gale's voice was raised a little higher, which immediately made Lin Fusi's head shrink in fright, "Have you ever thought that if you die, I, Signor, Vita, Shamal and Zafira, we will How sad is it?"

"Yes, sorry..."

Lin Fusi's head would hang to the ground, "I, I won't do it next time——"

Hai Feng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you want to have another time?"

"no no!"

Lin Fusi hurriedly shook her head and quickly explained: "No next time, no next time!"

Lin Qiong looked at the scene of nine-year-old training 19-year-old, and couldn't help but happily patted his knees twice.

Probably Lin Qiong's movement was too loud for Gaifeng, who was training Lin Fusi, to see it.

Attention, you disturbed the Haya post.

She looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "Ni Jiang! What are you laughing at?"

"I just think..." Lin Qiong suppressed a smile and said, "Haifeng is like a mother educating her children!"


Gaifeng let out a mournful cry, and she rushed to Lin Qiong with a "wow!", hammered Lin Qiong's abdominal muscles with her small fist, and said, "Ni Jiang is a villain!"

"What's wrong with me?"

"Shouldn't Ni-chan be educating Linfus with me at this time?" Gai Feng puffed his cheeks, "You were laughing beside me! The atmosphere is gone!"

"I didn't mean to, but, but...hahaha!" Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing again, he lay on the floor and giggled, making Fengqi's face swell like a puffer fish

"Ni sauce!"

she yelled.

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh anymore... Pfft!"


The sound was even louder than before.

"Ahem, promise not to laugh. If you laugh again, you will be a puppy!"


"Hayate, sorry."


"Woof! Hahahaha——"


Gale screamed like a groundhog, and she threw herself into Lin Qiong's arms, then clawed at his cheek and said, "Don't laugh, don't laugh!"

"Puff puff puff~"

Seeing Lin Qiong's smile became happier, Gaifeng immediately attacked more furiously and forcelessly, and then Weita beside him was speechless with envy.

Hey, hey, I also want to play with Hayate like this!

Sensing Weita's envious eyes, Lin Qiong immediately yelled: "Weita! Didn't you see that your dearest brother Gaifeng is being attacked? Why don't you hurry up and rescue him?"

Vita: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Before she could react, Hayate shouted: "Vita, don't listen to Ni-chan! Come and help me tickle him!"

Vita:! ! !

The left side of the scale: Lin Qiong’s request for help

The Right Side of the Scale: Gale's Call for Help

After weighing a billionth of a second in my heart, the balance on the right quickly fell, sending the chips on the balance on the left directly into outer space.

"Hailstorm, here I come!"

Vita quickly rolled up his sleeves, then rushed towards Lin Qiong and said, "I'll hold his shoulders for you!"

"Yeah! Let's tickle him!"

"Wow, you two! Damn it, I want to come back with revenge!"

"Wow, Ni-chan resisted! Signor, come and help!"

"……I'm coming!"

All of a sudden, the whole room became noisy.

Linfusi: 0v0

Linfus: Should I continue to kneel?

Chapter 0333 Attacked

"Have some free time——"

Lying on the table in the pavilion, Alyssa complained lazily.


Lying beside Alisa, Alicia also complained the same.

Suzuka looked helplessly at her two friends and said, "Doesn't leisure mean peace? Isn't this good?"

"It's not that peace is bad, but..."

Alisa moaned and said: "But after going through the previous battles, there is always one kind, one kind..."

She sat up, then moved her fingers a little frizzily, and said, "Wow! I have an indescribable feeling in my heart!"

"I understand, I understand too much!"

Alicia nodded empathetically, and gestured with her hands in front of her body: "It's like the feeling of having a hundred ants crawling in your heart, and you want to scratch but can't, right?"

Alicia grabbed Alicia's hand vigorously and said, "Those who know me, Alicia too!"

Alicia took Alisa's hand backhand and said, "Tamashi's big cock!"

'I can't see that when you fight, you want to beat the opponent's brains out--'

Suzuka twitched the corners of his mouth, then put down the novel in his hands, and said, "If you are really bored, maybe you can go to the courtyard of Sky Castle to compete? If there is Sister Feisha, you don't have to worry about getting hurt—" —”

High EQ: Go and learn from each other.

Low EQ: Don't be crazy here.


Alyssa shook her head, swung her short legs, and muttered: "If we spar for no reason, wouldn't it become a fight?"

Alicia nodded and praised the passage: "Fighting is not good!"

Tsukimura Suzuka: ?

She couldn't hold back anymore, she really wanted these two people to see her mental activities in the previous few pages——

'You guys wanted to beat each other's brains out before, but now you're telling me that fighting is not good? '

She rubbed her head, and said helplessly: "Then you can also learn from Feite and Naye, and contact magic—"

As she said that, she also looked outside the pavilion——

Naye and Feite were standing face to face with their eyes closed, and above their heads, a magic bullet was attacking an empty soda can one after another, causing it to keep floating in the air.

Heart of the Rising Sun: "56—"

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