Thunder Tomahawk: "57——"

Heart of the Rising Sun: "58—"

Thunder Tomahawk: "59——"

A series of reports came from the core of the two magic tools, making Alisa and Alicia in the gazebo shudder.

"Da baa da baa!"

Alyssa wrinkled her face and muttered: "I can't even last twenty of that kind of training!"

Alicia also nodded, and said, "It's not at the same level at all—"

"Although it's not at the same level, but..."

Suzuka glanced at his two partners, then put down the novel in his hand, and took out a can from the backpack beside him.

"Huh?" x2

Suzuka gently threw the can into the sky, then closed his eyes, and quickly condensed a purple magic bullet on his fingertips.

"call out--"

The magic bullet flew into the air, and hit the side of the can with a "bang", knocking it into the air, and when it fell, the magic bullet that flew back under the control of Suzuka hit the ground again. The side of the can -

One, two, three...

Under the gaze of Alisa and Alicia, Suzuka's combo has reached 31.

"32, [-], [-]... ah!"


Suzuka, who looked a little pale, opened her eyes, then wiped the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand, and said: "Although there is a gap between our talents and Nanoha and Feit, but this is not a reason for us to be lazy. "


Alisa and Alicia looked at each other, and the two immediately ignited their fighting spirit.

"Oh oh oh! Damn! Suzuka can make 31, why can't I!"

"I not only want to do 31, I want to surpass 31, I want to do 32!"

The two boys looked at each other and rushed to the vending machine nearby to buy a can of drinks. After drinking tons and tons of drinks, they started training with high spirits.

'That's right—'

Suzuka gave a happy smile.



For example, the group of five is about 500 meters away.

"oh oh--"

As if a bad girl was squatting on the roof of a high-rise building, Weta, who was still holding a lollipop in his mouth, put his hand in front of his eyebrows, and muttered: "Is that the disciple Lin Qiong mentioned? It doesn't look like that. How about—"

"The three people in the gazebo are indeed weaker, but the two outside..."

Signor's eyes locked on Naye and Feite, and said softly: "Their strength should not be underestimated!"

"Is it that great?"

Weta said disapprovingly, "It doesn't look like much, does it?"

"So, don't be in a daze during the battle meeting, and don't desert—"

Lin Fusi, holding the main body of the Yetian Book in her arms, glanced at Weta, and said speechlessly: "Master Lin Qiong has already told us in advance that the fighting power of Feite and Naye has surpassed that of S-rank mages. "

"Cut, Cricket S-Class——"

Vita stood up with a look of disdain, then spat out the lollipop stick in his mouth, and then said with a jerk: "Today I want to let them know the power of me and the Hammer of Judgment, right? "

"Of course, my master—" the hammer-shaped pendant hanging on Vita's chest made a sound: "However, my dear master, I want to remind you of one thing—"


"You just spit trash everywhere." Hammer of Judgment reminded: "If Lord Lin Qiong or Lord Haifeng finds out, you will be punished for copying ancient poems."


Weta froze for a moment, then hurriedly picked up the lollipop stick on the roof, threw it into the trash can next to it in a neat manner, then stepped on the eaves of the roof again, and said: "Let's They know the power of me and the Hammer of Judgment, right?"

Hammer of Judgment said cooperatively: "Of course, my master—"

Signor twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "In that case, Naye will leave it to Vita, and I will deal with Feite."

"Then, leave that mother to me."

Zaphila crossed her arms, fixed her eyes on Elf who was lying on the table in the gazebo, and said, "I want her to know that I am the number one dog under Lin Qiong's command!"

'Is the dog world also so introverted? '

Shamar wiped the cold sweat, and then whispered: "I think the number one dog may be the Wind Speed ​​Dog. Also, if Fairy Ibrahimovic is also considered a dog, the Wind Speed ​​Dog may also be ranked second."


Zafira was silent for a few seconds, and said: "I want to let her know the strength of the top three dogs under Lin Qiong's command!"

Vita: The momentum is gone.

Signor: Good knights, why are all of them changed?

Shamal: Life is not easy, the assistant sighs.

Lin Fusi glanced at Shamaer and said, "What should we do?"

Shamar thought for a while and said, "Although I'm an assistant, I shouldn't have any problem dealing with the three little girls."

Lin Fusi froze for a moment: "What about me?"

Shamaer pondered for a few seconds, then suddenly pointed behind Lin Fusi and said, "Look, the flying saucer!"

Lin Fusi turned around in a hurry, only to find that there was only one crow flying behind her, and it was making the sound of "Ba Qua, Ba Qua" while flying.

"Where is the flying saucer?"

Lin Fusi turned her head, only to find that several partners who were standing in front of her had rushed towards the gazebo quickly.

'So, this is...'

Lin Fusi seemed to realize something, she stomped her feet angrily, and said, "You guys——"



the other side.


While controlling the magic bullet to hit the cans in the air, Alisa said, "You said, will a magic barrier suddenly appear covering the entire park, and then a group of mysterious wizards will follow and attack us?"

Alicia complained angrily: "This is reality, not a novel. How could such a nonsensical thing happen? Please be realistic..."


Almost at the same time, the magic devices of several people simultaneously issued a notification sound.

"——Detected that the magic enchantment is covering!"


Alicia's eyes widened. She raised her head subconsciously, looked at the magic barrier spreading in the air, and said in disbelief, "What's going on?"

"Won't someone really attack?"

Suzuka immediately took out his magic device, and said in a low voice: "Miyue's Tears, can you detect the range covered by the enchantment?"

"No problem, my master—" Suzuka's magic device is a purple teardrop, "coverage, about 500 meters in radius—"

"Such a large range?"

Naye looked around in surprise, and said, "What the hell is it? What exactly do you want to do?"

"Could it really be an attack?"

Alisa subconsciously touched the blue oval gemstone on the ribbon on her chest, and muttered, "Shouldn't we transform first?"

"Indeed." Fei Te nodded, she took out her Thunder Light Tomahawk, and said softly: "It doesn't matter whether the opponent is coming at us or not, it's better to prepare for the battle first."


"Heart of the Rising Sun!"

"Mi Yue's Tears!"

"Blazing Soul!"

"Lightning Tomahawk!"

"The Bow of the Sky!"


Along with the chanting of the five people, everyone's magic weapons - Nanoha and Suzuka's staffs, Alisa's one-handed sword, Fite's sickle and Alicia's long bow - were unfolded in their hands, each Distinctive combat uniforms also shrouded them.

"whispering sound--"

Looking at Alyssa wearing a red protective suit, Alicia bulged her mouth and made a dissatisfied sound: "Why do the formal equipment need to be changed? The pink bunny before was obviously very cute——"

"If you think it's cute, you can wear it yourself—"

"I don't want it! That kind of clothes are only cute when worn by other people!"

"Then why should I wear it!"

"Because you're an idiot!"

"You are the one who calls others stupid!"

"You are an idiot!"


"Rebound again!"

"Rebound is invalid!"

"Bounce is invalid!"

"Super bounce!"

"Super rebound is invalid!"

"..." x3

Listening to the quarrel behind them, Naye, Feite and Suzuka sighed in unison.

'Is this guy an elementary school student?Oh, it seems that they are primary school students, that's fine. '

Chapter 0334 We Are Precure

"Are those guys primary school students? Oh, it seems like they were primary school students, so that's okay."

Floating in the air, Weta, carrying a double-headed hammer, watched the movement below through surveillance magic, and couldn't help complaining: "Is this group of guys too low in safety awareness? The enemy has set up an enchantment, and they still have Thinking about arguing here?"

"Because you have confidence in your companions, right?"

Zafira crossed her arms, looked at the small group below, and said, "Didn't Master Lin say that? The white and black ones are already stronger than S-rank mages, so they are so relaxed, right?"

Signor held the Levatin (flaming sword) in her hand and chuckled, and said, "Perhaps it is because of this mentality that Master Lin wants us to educate them."


Shamal said softly: "Everyone, let's go!"

"Oh!" x3



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