Alisa clasped her hands behind her head, then looked around, and said, "Why hasn't there been any movement after so long? Could it be that the purpose of the person who arranged the enchantment is not us?"

"Miyue's Tears——"

Suzuka raised the staff in his hand and said, "Wide area search!"


A contralto came from the core of Miyue's Tears, and a large number of purple "search ends" shot out from the top of the staff and spread towards the surroundings.

A few seconds later, Suzuka shook his head and said, "Nothing was found within 200 meters around."


Alyssa immediately inserted the weapon in her hand into the soil next to her with a bored expression, then squatted down, pulling out weeds on the lawn in boredom, and said: "In other words, the target is really not us?"

"Can't relax yet."

Fit, who has the most combat experience, shook her head and said: "There are ways to avoid wide-area searches, so even if nothing is discovered,..."


Before Feite finished speaking, the Thunder Light Tomahawk in her hand made a hasty but firm sound.


Fite only had time to let out a short cry when he saw a silver light rushing from a distance, and then accurately hit the shield arranged by the Thunder Tomahawk.

"who is it!?"

The others also reacted quickly, and then looked in the direction of the attack——

Arisa drew her one-handed sword and stood in front of Suzuka;

Suzuka raised her staff with a wary expression;

Alicia came to Fate's side and drew the longbow;

Nanoha and Suzuka stood together, raising their staffs;

Feite clenched the thunder battle ax in his hand.


But what responded to them was a roar that fell from the sky.

"Heavy Hammer Spark!"

Vita's violent figure fell directly into the middle of the circle of people. As she landed, the impact visible to the naked eye spread to the surroundings, knocking several people who were caught off guard to pieces.

'be cheated--'

Feite rolled several times in mid-air, and finally managed to control his body, filled with a kind of regret in his heart—obviously, the initial attack was the opponent's "disguise", the purpose was to attract their attention, and then Sneak attack from the air.

If it were her before, she should have been able to react, but the daily life she spent with Nanoha and the others was too harmonious, which made her sense of combat dull a lot.

"Everyone, where are they?" Feite waved her right hand in front of her, and after dispersing some of the dust and smoke in front of her, she tried to find traces of her friends, but at the moment she was about to take action, something appeared in the corner of her eyes. Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a flash of flame.


The sixth sense, which had been silent for a long time, was crazily alerting her. Feite instinctively raised the Lightning Tomahawk in his hand, and shouted: "Rapid Shield!"


In the next second, a flaming one-handed sword slashed at the shield in front of Feite, but the hastily raised shield lasted only about a second before it was full of cracks.

However, enough is enough.

After reacting, Feite quickly distanced himself from the opponent, then raised the Thunder Light Tomahawk in his hand with a look of wariness, and asked, "Who are you?"


Just after saying two words, Xigno's voice suddenly got stuck - for some reason, Feite seemed to see three parts of embarrassment, three parts of trouble, three parts of resistance and one part of shame from the other person's face. .

what's the situation?

When Fite was confused, the other party gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "I am Pretty Cure (Puffy Girl) Pink Momo!"


For just a moment, Feite's expression froze.

She stared dumbfounded at the heroic Ji knight holding a sword in one hand, then scratched her head with both hands, and repeated: "Q, baby Q? Pink? Peach?"

"Exactly, that's right!"

Signor's face was expressionless, but he said with great hesitation: "Pink, red, honey, peach!"

Word by word, gnashing of teeth.


Fate opened his mouth, hesitated for a while, and then stammered, "Very, very cute name."


For some reason, Xigno was not only not happy after receiving the compliment, but he raised the weapon in his hand angrily and shouted: "Levadine! Let her see our strength!"


"Lightning Tomahawk, prepare to fight—"

Seeing this, Feite ignored his doubts and raised the weapon in his hand.

"Okay, master!"


the other side.

"Wow ah-"

After being thrown away by the impact of Vita's landing, Alyssa rolled on the ground several times in embarrassment before stabilizing her body in disgrace.

She hurriedly climbed up from the ground, then clenched the one-handed sword in her hand, looked around, and asked: "What's going on? What happened?"

"We were attacked by surprise -" Blazing Soul replied: "Master, be careful of enemies."

"I know!"

Alyssa responded, and at this moment, Suzuka's voice came from the side: "Alyssa, lower your head!!"


When she heard her companion's voice, Alyssa lowered her head subconsciously, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw a green crystal flying over her head.

If she hadn't dodged just now, this crystal might have hit her in the back of the head! !

"Here, who is it?"

Alyssa turned around with a pale face, and shouted in the direction where the crystal retracted.

"Hmph, since you asked, let me tell you—"

A smiling voice came from the smoke: "I am Pretty Cure Green Apple (Green Ringo)!"



Alicia: ?


The third battlefield.

"Ola Ora Ora Ora—"

Weta's face was filled with the expression that a rescue villain should have. She waved the hammer in her hand wildly and taunted: "What's wrong? White guy, don't just run away, you should fight back!"

While dodging Vita's attack, Nanoha asked, "Who are you?"

Vita snorted coldly, she raised her right hand, four iron balls appeared between her fingers, and she threw them into the sky.

"I am—" The first iron ball was hit.

"Pretty Girl of Light—" The second iron ball was shot out.

"Red Ichigo-" The third iron ball was hit.

"Sine! Euler—" The fourth iron ball was hit.

"You are not bright at all, you are not strawberry at all -" Nanoha gritted her teeth and blocked Vita's attack with a strengthened shield, and then said angrily: "Why are you attacking us?"


Vita was stunned for a moment. After thinking for a few seconds, she said naturally: "Of course it's for the ancient heritage in your hands, the seed of the holy stone!"

Naye couldn't help but said: "That kind of thing is not on us!"

"Who cares about you——"

Vita didn't listen to Nanoye's rebuttal at all, but instead rushed towards her again, shouting: "Sinai!"

A vein visible to the naked eye appeared on Naye's forehead. She clenched her staff tightly with both hands, and then shouted: "You bastard! Listen! Me! Speak! Talk!!"

Heart of the Rising Sun·Swift Attack Mode!


"I said—"

Elf looked at Zaphira in front of her, hesitated for a few seconds and then said, "Are you also a Pretty Cure?"


After hearing Elf's words, Zafira's movements suddenly stopped, and then she showed an even uglier expression than Signor.


After seeing her expression, Elf showed a 0ω0 expression, then said excitedly while wagging his tail: "Hey, what's your code name?"

"I, I am..."

Zafira's expression was like that of a foreigner eating snails for the first time. He stammered and said, "Yes, yes..."

Elf looked at the other party expectantly: "Yes?"

"I am, Light, Pretty Cure..." Zafira said with a dark face, "Blue Soda."


Hearing Zafira's title, Elf made a strange voice: "Why are you the only one who isn't a fruit?"

"Because I'm male."

"Eh? Shouldn't it be someone like Pretty Boy?" Elf crossed her arms and said strangely: "Master Lin Qiong's interest is still as strange as ever -"


Zaphira was silent for a few seconds, then sighed and said, "Smell?"


Elf chuckled, put her hands on her hips, shook her animal ears proudly, swung her tail, and said: "Canines have very good noses, so the smell of Lord Lin Qiong on you, You can’t hide it from me——”

"I guess so-"

Zafira shook her head helplessly, then slowly opened her position and said, "However, even so, a battle cannot be avoided."


Not to be outdone, Elf put on a fighting stance and said, "I won't show mercy -"

"This is my line!"

"Big man, I am the number one henchman under Master Lin Qiong!"


Zafira was silent for a few seconds, and said, "Have you considered Fairy Eevee and Wind Speed ​​Dog?"

Alf, who was still aggressive just now, hesitated slightly, and then continued: "Then I am the third-ranked dogleg——"

Damn it, why do you suddenly feel that your momentum is not so strong?

Chapter 0335 Ultimate Collision

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