Seeing the dog girl in front of her suddenly look downcast, Zafira was a little speechless.

He thought for a moment, put away his posture, then crossed his arms and asked, "Are you going to fight or not?"

"Fight, of course—"

Elf nodded, then hesitated for a few seconds, and said, "Hey, can I ask you a question?"

Zaphira looked up to the sky and sighed, and said, "Just ask."

"Do you think the title 'Dog Leg No. [-]' sounds good?"

"Are you telling the truth?"



"That's right..."

Elf fell to the ground at that time, exuding an aura like a pear, and muttered: "I just feel that the gap between the number one dog leg and the number three dog leg is not small."

'Truth be told, number one dogleg isn't much better—'

Zaphira stared with a pair of dead fish eyes.


Suddenly, Elf's eyes lit up and she jumped up from the ground. Then she looked at Zafera enthusiastically and said, "Soda Soda, can I discuss something with you?"

Zaffira looked at Elf suspiciously, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Hey, it's like this—"

Elf came over with a smile and said, "Let's join forces!"


"What do you want to join hands with?"


Elf coughed dryly, then put her hands on her hips, and said confidently: "Don't you think—"


"We are under the command of Master Lin Qiong, the four kings of lackeys—" Elf called out his name in a majestic manner, and then changed the subject: "Is this much better than the number three lackeys?"


Zafeila's tail moved slightly, and he rested his chin thoughtfully, muttering: "The four heavenly kings of running dogs? The four heavenly kings..."

Although the lackeys in front are a bit subtle, I have to say that the Four Heavenly Kings are really handsome!And it also avoids the embarrassing situation of having to call myself third...

Seems pretty good?

"However, I want to be the third heavenly king."

Zaphira swung her tail and said with her head held high.


Elf raised her eyebrows, and then said with a look of fighting spirit: "It seems that there must be a battle between us!"

"I can't ask for it!"

Zaferaji's fists clashed in front of him, then he repositioned himself and said, "Let me taste your strength!"

Don't let me be too disappointed, junior!



Castle in the Sky.


While Lin Qiong was eating the popcorn in his hand, he said to the know-it-all cat lying on his lap: "What do you think of the outcome of the battle?"

"If the configuration of the Knights of the Book of Night is still the same as in the original book, then they must be the ones who lose—" the know-it-all cat swept Lin Qiong's chin with its tail, and then said with a smile: " But they have been fully strengthened by me, and coupled with their superb fighting skills, defeating Nanoha and the others is not a problem!"

"Are you so confident?"

"That must be!"

"Then I have to appreciate Nanoha and the others' few defeats——"

Lin Qiong immediately showed a happy expression, and he conveniently fed a popcorn into the mouth of the know-it-all cat, and then quietly watched it with interest.



"what happened?"

Signor looked at Feite, who was suppressed by him, and asked, "Testerosa, weren't you very confident just now? Is this the only result?"

"Don't... look down upon... me..."

Feite gritted his teeth with both hands and struggled to support Xigno's strength, "Light! Son! Spirit! Spear!"


Following Fite's instructions, eight golden cone-shaped spiritual guns appeared behind her, and then, under the control of the thunder axe, attacked Xigno.


Signor retreated, and then turned sideways to avoid the attack of the photon spirit gun. However, with Fite's control, the photon spirit gun turned again in the air and attacked Signor for the second time.


Signor raised his eyebrows, then raised Levatin in his hand, and said, "Levatin! Firewall!"


Xigno waved her right hand forward, and blazing flames spurted out from Levadin's sword blade, forming a gorgeous wall of flames in front of her, engulfing all the photon spirit guns that flew towards her. .

The next moment, a golden arc cut through the wall of fire in front of Signor, and a figure emerged from it, and then rushed towards Signor.


Xigno raised his sword to block Fite's attack, and then praised: "When you used the wall of fire to block my sight, did you launch a surprise attack without hesitation? You are very courageous, Testarossa."

Feite ignored Signor's words, but after the attack was fruitless, he quickly distanced himself from Signor.

'It's getting tricky—'

Feite stared at Signor in front of him, analyzing in his mind: "Under the blessing of the spell, my strength should be far superior to that of ordinary mages, but I can't fight against her." leading--'

That proves that Signor should have the same technique as her to enhance his physical fitness!

"In this way, I don't want to get any benefits in terms of strength—" Fate took a breath, then his eyes became sharper, and he whispered: "Lightning Tomahawk · Assault Mode!"

Thunder Tomahawk: "It's on fire!"

Fate's body was shrouded in a thin golden flame entwined with lightning like the second stage of a Super Saiyan, and then he rushed towards Signor.

'What a fast speed! '

Xigno was shocked. After she barely blocked Feite's attack, she recalled the information Lin Qiong told her and couldn't help but muttered: "It is indeed a golden flash!"

Golden Flash Fite!

After entering the attack mode, Fite implemented his attack policy - that is, he will never fight you in a stalemate, and he will retreat after the first attack and prepare for the second attack!

"Ding Ding Ding-"

A series of collisions sounded between the two of them. Even if the experienced Xigno could not keep up with Fite's movements, he could barely cope with it.

It seems that Fite will not be able to take down Xigno for a while.


"—— Lie Po!"

Along with Nanoye's roar, a pink magic cannon shot into the sky and hit the fleeing Vita.


Vita complained, and then quickly swung his hammer to fire a miniature magic cannon, which held a stalemate with Nanoha's Tenshin Liebo for half a second, and used this time to hurriedly avoid the lock of Tenshin Liepo.

"What's the matter? Red guy, don't just run away, you're fighting back!"

Nanoye made a sarcastic sound without mercy, causing a visible vein to appear on Vita's forehead - she was very familiar with this sentence. This was not the first time she suppressed Nanoye through fierce attacks, sarcastic Nanoha's lines?

"You guys seem to be very good, but in fact you are very narrow-minded!"

Vita looked at Naye in front of him with a face full of black lines, and couldn't help complaining: "Isn't your magic power too exaggerated? This is No. 18 shelling magic, right? Why is it still so powerful!"

"Even if it takes another eighteen rounds, I can hold on—"

While looking at Vita majestically and eagerly, Nanoha continued: "Hurry up and admit defeat!"

At the same time, Naye couldn't help snickering in her heart: "This [free magic power recovery device] that Linney sauce set up for me is really great!"The mana consumption has been reduced a lot—'


How could Vita give in so easily?After she once again dodged a bombardment spell, she clenched the Hammer of Judgment with both hands and roared: "Don't go too far!!! Hammer of Judgment, let her see our power!!"

"Explosive Flame Mode—"

With the Hammer of Judgment's response, the magister in her hand was recharged twice, and then the head of the hammer transformed into a giant armor-piercing hammer with a jet port on its back.

"The big one is coming——"

Looking at Vita who had been filled with magic ammunition and whose magic guide had undergone such a big change, Nanoha immediately put herself on high alert and murmured: "We must not let her attack hit!"

So what's the best defense?

The answer is to attack!

Heart of the Rising Sun·Strike Mode!

"As long as I blow them away, they won't be able to hit me, right? Heart of the Rising Sun!"

"You are right, my master!"

Good guy, so Nanoha's encounter with Heart of the Rising Sun is like watching Mung Bean, and 4090 is watching Cyberpunk 2077.

Nanoha raised his right hand and arranged a series of reinforced buffer shields in front of him to slow down Vita's attack speed. His right hand held the Heart of the Rising Sun in strong attack mode, allowing it to quickly condense magic power. .

'Speaking of which, this is the third time I've used Starlight Explosion——'

The first time was when I had just obtained the Heart of the Rising Sun and tried various modes and magic. I was shocked by the power of this magic at that time;

The second time was when fighting Els, but that time the Starlight Explosion was a weakened version. After all, Nanoha was also afraid of killing people;

The third time was the first time, Naye went all out to release Starburst for the first time.


A pink magic flow visible to the naked eye appeared around Nanoha, and a magic mass that kept shrinking and expanding shone at the top of the Heart of the Rising Sun.


Vita couldn't help but shrink his eyeballs, and then shouted angrily: "Hammer of Judgment, increase my strength!"


Following the Hammer of Judgment's answer, the hammer in Vita's hand charged two magic projectiles again, and the volume became even more exaggerated than before.

"Hammer of Judgment - Crush Mode!"


Holding a giant hammer head more than ten meters long, Vita roared, and smashed the sharp, rotating hammer tip towards Naye, and Naye simultaneously released his own star burst.


The pink beam of light and the red-glowing giant hammer collided in mid-air.

Chapter 0336 The respective battles

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