
In the middle of the magic barrier, a mushroom cloud slowly became angry, and a huge storm swept over the surroundings, forcing Zaphira, Elf, Signor and Feite, who were fighting, to stop what they were doing. , raised his arms in front of himself to block the storm.

Apart from……

"Luna Shield!"

Suzuka raised the Miyue Drop in her hand, and a lavender shield enveloped her, Alisa, and Alicia.

"Take it, you nasty woman—"

Alisa yelled, then clenched the one-handed sword in her hand, and rushed towards Shamal who was floating in the air: "Super Master Alisa whirled—"

'What a lively child——'

Shamaer raised the magic weapon in his hand helplessly, and said softly: "Yingluo Zongsuo—"


Hundreds of thread-like magical powers appeared between Shamar and Alyssa. Looking at these slender threads, Alyssa said without fear: "This kind of thing that can break upon impact cannot stop Miss Alyssa. , Hey!"

Unlike the reckless Alisa, Suzuka has already discovered the strangeness of these silk threads!Without hesitation, she stretched out her right hand towards Alisa who had already hit the first silk thread, and said in a low voice, "Miyuezhidrop, pull Alisa back!"


With Miyue Zhidrop's answer, the defensive magic shield that originally enveloped Alisa quickly turned into a cage, pulling Alisa who was sprinting back abruptly.

"Wait, wait!"

Alyssa, who was restrained in mid-air by the "cage", kicked her legs angrily, and said with bared teeth and claws: "Suzuka, what are you doing! I almost chopped her down!"


Alicia glared at Alisa and said, "Take a good look at Suzuka's shield!"


Alisa was slightly taken aback when she heard Alicia's words, then looked at the shield obliquely in front of her, and was startled—a slender cut had already appeared on the original arc-shaped shield, as if a hot The iron wire scratched the trace left by the foam block.

"This, this, what's going on?"

Alyssa couldn't help but widen her eyes, but she quickly reacted, looking at the lingering life-threads surrounding Shamal with frightened eyes, and said: "Are those threads? But, But……"

How could such a thin line have such an attack?

"It's a pity that we are enemies -" Shamar raised her finger with a smile and said, "Sister is not kind enough to explain her magic to the enemy, thereby exposing her own weaknesses~"

"Gu, damn it!"

Alyssa waved her limbs angrily and shouted: "Suzuka, let me go! I'm going to chop her-"

"Calm down first—"

Suzuka sighed and said: "Let Alicia try the long-range attack first - if you don't understand the principles of those threads, it will be too dangerous for a magician like you who is fighting at close range to approach rashly!"

Those silk threads can cut through her magic shield in an instant, and they can definitely cut through Alisa's defensive dress in an instant—although it can be cured, she doesn't want to see her friends missing arms and legs here.

"give it to me--"

Alicia held the platinum sky bow in her hand and said, "Hmph, it's my turn now!"

'Ha, you are still a child after all——'

Shamaer sighed, held her side face in distress, and whispered: "The real enemy will not leave you such a long time to discuss tactics—"

Still work!

Standing in the defense of the lingering lifeline, Shamar raised his right hand very calmly, and said softly: "Tracking arrows, 36 rounds—"

"Ding Ding Ding-"

Like crisp silver bells, one after another light green magic arrows were generated behind Shamal, and then shot out towards Alicia with a sound of breaking through the air.

"Hmph, you actually want to fight against me?"

Alicia snorted coldly, raised the longbow with her left hand, put her right hand on the string, and said softly, "Puncture and shoot!"

A white-gold magic arrow appeared on the bowstring, and after Alicia let go of her finger, it turned into a white light and flew towards Shamal.

"Ding Ding Ding-"

One after another, the tracking arrows collided with the piercing shots. They were like a mantis using its arms as a cart, easily bounced away by the piercing shots, and seemed to have no blocking effect at all.

"Hey, how's it going?"

Alicia raised her right hand excitedly, and said, "Just pierce her like this, and shoot... ah?"

Under Alicia's gaze, the ejected tracking arrow did not disappear, but quickly adjusted its direction in the air, and then flew towards the piercing shot again.

One hit, ten hits, twenty hits, fifty hits...

The 36 tracking arrows hit the arrows of the piercing shot one after another, making the light of the piercing shot dim and the flying speed getting slower and slower...

"Why, how could this be?"

Alicia looked at this scene dumbfounded, and she said in disbelief: "How could my piercing shot be blocked by such a weak attack?"

"It should be that the continuous collisions quickly consumed the magic power in the piercing shot—" Suzuka frowned, and said in a low voice: "But this did not happen to the opponent's attack, so either the opponent has been replenishing Magic power, or the quality of the opponent's magic power is higher than yours, and consumes less magic power."

"Try again!"

Alicia raised the long bow in her hand again, staring sharply at Shamal in front of her, "Piercing Shot·Two Arrows!"

'Using numbers to win? '

Shamar nodded secretly, thinking: "Indeed, if there are two or more arrows, my tracking arrows will indeed be too late to be consumed, but—"

Who told you that I can only do one trick?

Shamar raised his right hand in the shape of a pistol, pointed his index finger at Alicia's piercing shot, and whispered: "Scorching light shot——"

"call out--"

A green light beam shot out from Shamaer's fingertips, penetrated Alicia's two piercing guns successively, and then sank into the ground, leaving a bottomless hole.

"Any other tricks?"

Shamaer raised her right hand, pretended to blow a breath, then looked at Alicia with a smile, and said, "Your attack seems to be ineffective against me—"

"Ah, why is this guy so difficult!"

Alyssa stomped her feet angrily, and said, "There's that nasty line in close combat, but you can't hit her from a long distance—"

Hearing Alisa's words, the corner of Shamaer's mouth twitched imperceptibly—kids, do you know that my role in the team is actually an auxiliary role?You can't even beat a support!

In fact, the easiest and most brutal way to defeat Shamal is to crush it directly with the quality of magic power, which is the so-called "one force breaks all methods" - for example, if Naye locks Shamal to burst the starlight, All Shamal could do was prepare a pit for himself before the magic cannon attacked.

To put it bluntly, this is like playing a game dungeon. If you are Nine Days Baby, you can ignore many dungeon mechanisms and directly use damage to kill the boss. If you are an ordinary player, you can only follow the mechanism to defeat the boss.

"We need to band together—"

Suzuka took a deep breath and said, "Alisa will be in close range, I will be supporting in the long range, and finally Alicia will be the main output."

"Eh? Why isn't my main output—" Alisa complained dissatisfiedly, then squinted at Alicia, and said, "Big idiot, it's up to you this time!"

"Put it on me——"

Alicia raised the bow of the sky with a serious face, "Avant-Garde, please!"

"There is no need for this kind of thing—" Alisa snorted softly, then stepped on the ground with her right foot, and rushed towards Shamaer with her sword in hand: "——You remind me!!"

"Is the relationship between these two people good or bad—"

Seeing that the two who were arguing just now quickly became good comrades fighting side by side, Shamaer couldn't help showing a subtle expression.



"But, damn—"

Elf rubbed her face, then looked at Zafira with condemning eyes, and said, "I said, are you too despicable?"


Zafira showed a puzzled expression and asked, "You have short hands, do you blame me?"

It was also a swift straight punch, but Zafira relied on her slightly longer arm to give Elf a hard blow, which shook her brains evenly.

"Damn it, shouldn't there be a fair duel?"

Facing Elf's accusation, Zafira thought for a while and said, "No, I'm mad at you."

Fuck me!

Elf directly gave up her human form, transformed into a big pink-haired she-wolf, and rushed towards Zafira: "I'm going to kill you, ouch!!"

Zafira stretched out his hands to support Elf's upper and lower jaws, but the moment he raised his legs to prepare for an attack, a stream of flames spurted out from deep in Elf's throat.


Zaphira had time to block the move with both hands in front of him and withstood the move - fortunately, his defense was relatively high, but his arms were a little black, so it was no big deal.

"Spray flames..."

Zaphira put down her hands, then looked at Elf with squinted eyes, and said, "Tsk, it's actually a fire attribute. It seems that our compatibility is not very good."


Elf raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you of the water attribute?"

"Half of the answer is correct, I am of water/steel attribute!"

Zaphira's eyes lit up with red light, and then she transformed into a dark blue giant wolf, entwined with silver-white energy, and rushed towards Elf, and said with a ferocious smile: "Pop Flash——"

"Then our compatibility is really bad!" Elf sneered. She faced Zaphira's attack without fear and roared: "Flash Charge——"

Chapter 0337 he / she is too sensible


Lin Qiong was lying on the plump thighs of the eldest lady, while enjoying her hand-feeding service, while watching the battle screen on the projection screen, he couldn't help saying: "Good guy, these guys are really fighting! Tsk tsk, this subordinate Yes, ruthless!"

What Lin Qiong is watching is the aftermath of the battle between Naye and Vita——

The two people's ultimate moves caused an explosion directly after the collision. Although both sides hurriedly put up their shields, how could an explosion of that scale be blocked by the hastily put up shields?

As a result, both of them turned red from the impact of the explosion, blood dripped down their heads, and soon stained the ground red.

"What do you mean, isn't this just what you want?" The eldest lady patted Lin Qiong's arm angrily and said, "If you ask me, it's too late to let them do actual combat training until they are 16 years old!"

"I would like to, but do you think that with the characters of Naye and the others, they can really squat until they are 16 years old?"

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady helplessly, and said: "Because of me, the battle between Naye and Feite is much gentler than in the original book. If there is no experience in fighting against the four knights of Yetian, Naye may not be able to fight." Become stronger than the original, but also weaker than the original."

The strength lies in Naye's magic power and magic device, and the weakness lies in Naye's combat experience.

"Miss! The young master is right——"

The secretary looked at the other people who were fighting in the picture with distressed expression, and said, "In this kind of world with supernatural power, you won't encounter any danger just because you are a child—"

Don't forget, they are the protagonists of this world!How can the protagonist spend his daily life without incident?So Lin Qiong decided to take advantage of this time to train them on their combat experience—at least they were injured now and Xiandou and Fengwang would heal them, so they could only rely on themselves in the future.

Unless Lin Qiong is willing to stay in this world and shelter Naiye and the others like a nanny until they grow up—but then again, even if Lin Qiong is willing to waste time here, Naiye and the others don't want to be alone. Protected as a vase.

The eldest lady sighed softly and said, "That's why I didn't stop him!"

For these little guys, we grown-ups are really heartbroken!




Naye felt the faint pain piercing through his body, looked at Vita who was also in a panic in front of him panting, and said, "Already, are you out of strength?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Vita took a deep breath, then clenched the hammer of judgment again, and said in a low voice: "Little brat, your roots and I are not at the same level!"

"What, what!?" Naye's eyes widened, she looked at Vita angrily, and said, "You are also a child yourself, why do you call me a brat?"

"No Road Race!"

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