"Mu Da-"

Zafira slapped Elf's face with a right fist wrapped around the tail of the water, panting likewise: "I, I think you're the one who can't do it, right?"


Elf fired a flaming punch with her backhand, and looked at Zaphira unyieldingly: "What nonsense are you talking about? It's obviously you who can't do it!"

"Mu Da-"

Zafira fought back without hesitation, his eyes widened: "You're talking pig talk! It's obvious that you're dying!"

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

"Then come again!"

"Who is afraid of who!"

The two started fighting each other again. You punch me, I punch you.


"Guha...ha...cough cough..."

Vita lay on the ground in a state of embarrassment, struggling to support his body with the Hammer of Judgment, and looked at Naye in front of him with a slightly blurred vision.


Lying on the ground, Naiye turned around trembling all over, and while panting, pointed her palm at Vita, traces of pink light gathered in her palm, but before it could condense into shape, it The loss of control dissipated into the air.


Weta sneered: "What's the matter? White, didn't you say you wanted to knock me down? Why are you the one who got down now?"

"Hey, long-winded--"

Naye supported the ground with her hands, then imitated Vita and sat up with the heart of the rising sun, and said without showing any weakness: "When I return my breath, I will beat you down!"

"Do not make jokes--"

Vita clenched the Hammer of Judgment tightly with both hands, and then blushed and stood up from the ground—although his legs were swinging, but he was staggering anyway—with a blushing face.


A victor's smile appeared on Weta's face: "I've already stood up! Admit defeat, white one!"

"No... no it's just..."

Naye gritted her teeth, she grabbed the raised part of the head of the Heart of the Rising Sun with both hands, and then wobbled up from the ground, "...Stand up...Wow!"

Because of the oblique application of force, the tail of the stick supported on the ground slipped suddenly, causing Nanoha to lose his balance and fall to the ground, and the Heart of the Rising Sun also rolled to the side.


Weta couldn't help laughing, "Didn't you... huh... huh... didn't stand up at all?"

As she said that, her legs softened and she knelt down on the ground.

'But, damn it, are you out of strength? '

Vera propped her hands on the ground, looking at her legs angrily.

"You, don't you... sit down too?"

Naye lay on the ground, looked at Vita weakly, and said mockingly, "You're not good either!"

"I'm sitting anyway!"

"It doesn't make any difference if you can't stand up!"

"You bastard, stupid!"

"You're the stupid one! Idiot idiot!"

"You are the one who calls others stupid!"

"You are an idiot!"

"You are!"

It seems that after losing physical strength and magic power, there is still a war of words to fight.



Garden of Time.

"Ahh, hateful, hateful, hateful!"

Weta, who was lying on the hospital bed, patted his quilt with his hands angrily, and said, "Give me another minute, and I will restore the minimum magic power, and I will definitely be able to knock that white guy away with a single hammer!"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes and said, "You're thinking farts! In another minute, Naye might have recovered her minimum magic power—you can't beat her like a magic cannon."


Weta uttered a mournful cry, and then threw himself into Blast's arms with a "wow", saying, "Blast! I've been bullied, woo-woo--"

"Ah ha ha--"

Hayate helplessly comforted the coquettish Vita and said, "I watched Vita's battle! It was very, very amazing!"


Vita's eyes lit up, he raised his head in surprise, and asked, "Hey! Hayate! What do you think of my performance?"

"Uh, this..." Haifeng swallowed back the evaluation of "I really miss the villain berserker" that was almost blurted out, then blinked and said: "Very courageous."

"Hey hey!"

Vita suddenly showed an expression like a puppy being praised, and said happily: "If one day I can fight side by side with Haifeng, I will definitely protect Haifeng!"

"Hey hey-"

Zaphira, who had turned into a puppy and was lying on the end of the bed, raised her head and said with a speechless face: "Don't make a mistake! I am the guardian beast of the shield. Even if I have to protect Hayate, I should be the one to protect him. right!"


Vita showed an expression of unwillingness, and she said angrily: "Zafira, you are too stingy! Just give me the responsibility of protecting Gale!"

"what are you thinking about?"

Shamar, who was sitting by the bed peeling an apple, raised his head and said helplessly: "You are the core attacker of the team. If you stay to protect Hayate, who will be responsible for breaking through the opponent's defense?"

"Isn't there Signor—"

"She can't do anything against high-defense targets—"

"Signo is so spicy!"


She rolled up her sleeves, and said blankly: "Then practice?"

Weita shrank his neck and muttered: "You bullied me, a nine-year-old child who is bedridden, and you don't talk about martial arts."

It was hard, and Signor's fist was hard.


Haifeng smiled and put a candy in Weta's hand, and said, "Let's protect me to Zafira! Weta will help me tear apart the enemy's defense, so I can output as much as I want!" "


Vita, who was still fighting with Zafira just now as a protector, rebelled without hesitation, then raised his hands excitedly, and said, "I will definitely use the hammer of judgment to blow away all the enemies who stand in front of the blast. !"


Gai Feng smiled and nodded, then looked at Lin Qiong who was leaning against the door frame, and asked, "Ni Jiang, how long will it take for Weta and the others to recover?"


As soon as these words came out, Vita, Xigno and Zafera were all shocked. The three of them quickly looked at Lin Qiong at the door and winked at him crazily.

The translation is: brother, raise your hand, dear brother!

Is Ke Linqiong this kind of person?That must not be it!How can it be interesting to cheat them by giving them a hand?

Therefore, Lin Qiong said solemnly: "As early as when they returned to the Garden of Time, the secretary had already cured them all! They are still lying on the hospital bed, just pretending to be sick on purpose, wanting to enjoy your care That's all."

Hayate's eyes widened. She turned around and looked at the three people who were looking at each other. She narrowed her eyes and said, "Is what Ni-chan said true?"

"This, this..."

Weita looked away guiltily, and stammered, "Wei, Weita doesn't know?"

"Although the superficial injury has healed, the internal injury still needs some time to heal."

Signor sat on the hospital bed without changing his face, and said, "I know my own body best!"


Hayate looked at the three people in front of him with a [_] expression, and then said in a dangerous tone: "If I know that you are lying to me, I will tickle you! I am very good at tickling!"

Hearing the lovely threat of Gale, Vita, Signor, and Zafira couldn't help but hesitate for a moment—why does this "punishment" sound the same as "reward"?

How about we deliberately admit that we lied to Hayate and then accept the reward... No, let's enjoy the punishment?

Wait, that doesn’t seem right either?

Chapter 0339: I was so moved that it disappeared

In the end, the trio still didn't accept the reward... Ah bah, it's a matter of enjoying the punishment-mainly because Lin Qiong is standing here, the three of them are somewhat reluctant to let go.

Lin Qiong: Why do I feel like their eyes are chasing me away?

That won't work!70.00% of other people's body is water, and 70.00% of my body is anti-bone!


Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, and then staggered into the room under Weta's eyes of "Why don't you leave? I want to be tickled by the wind", then straddled a chair and put his hands together Putting it on the back of the chair, he said, "After the first battle, what do you think of Naye and the others?"

"Violent maniac!"

Vita said without hesitation: "There's definitely something wrong with that guy's extra points, right? The only attack methods are magic cannons, and then there are magic cannons - is she a magic cannon generating machine??"

Lin Qiong was delighted. Do you think the title of King of Haiming Cannon was for nothing?

"To be honest, I think you and her are not the same." Zafira raised her eyelids and said speechlessly, "Would you like to see the picture of you attacking with a sledgehammer?"


Vita immediately widened his eyes, and said, "Zafella, you actually speak for others!? Are you a lolicon?"


"Aren't you a loli too?" He couldn't help retorting, "Why didn't I speak for you?"


She raised her head and said proudly: "Because I'm very mature, you subconsciously regard me as an upright lady!"


Zafira twitched the corner of his mouth, then twisted his body and turned his butt towards Vita.

You're thinking about farting.

Annoyed, Vita couldn't help but wanted to raise her foot and kick him twice, but this task was still not completed after all—it wasn't that she couldn't get down her feet, but because her legs were too short!

After all, you can't expect a loli to sit on the head of the hospital bed and kick up to the end of the bed, right?Who can do this except Luffy?

"Okay, okay, Vita is not angry, not angry—"

Hayate looked at Vita who was so angry that he started to show off, and he couldn't help but laugh and comforted the little fried hair, saying: "I know, Vita is actually a very good child, right?"


It took Vita a second to complete the transition from fraying to smoothing after being soothed by the blast, causing Shamale to accidentally cut off the apple skin——somehow she showed a regretful expression, Originally, I wanted to challenge the achievement of peeling the whole apple and constantly peeling it.

"Signor, what do you think of Feite?"

Lin Qiong continued to ask.

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