"Testarosa? A very good warrior."

Signor put his hands on his chest, showed a satisfied smile, and said, "I didn't expect to meet such a fighter in this era, not bad!"

"Where's Shamal?"

Shamar recalled the performance of Alisa and the three of them, and couldn't help but nodded and said: "Although due to their age and vision, their performance was a bit immature at the beginning, they were able to quickly find solutions after being prompted. Method – overall, very good.”


"Although I'm a little dazed when I'm not fighting, but after entering the fighting state..." Zafira recalled the scene of fighting with Elf, and felt the phantom pain in the corner of his mouth again, which made him twitch He smacked his face and said, "Not bad!"

What is forced grid, this is called forced grid!

Hearing everyone's comments, Lin Qiong couldn't help but smile and said: "It seems that everyone thinks very well of them? Then I feel a little more relieved, but -"

He tapped his arm and said, "However, please work harder for the next period of time!"

"Don't worry."

Lin Fusi, who was leaning against the wall, opened her eyes, and said calmly: "You are the elder brother of Haifeng, and we will naturally fight for you."

Lin Qiong hesitated for a few seconds, and then said: "To be honest, I know I shouldn't say this, but I don't want to commit such a bitch, I feel uncomfortable yuppie."

Under the puzzled eyes of everyone, Lin Qiong coughed dryly and said, "If Gaifeng and I fell into the water at the same time, who would you save first?"


After a few seconds of silence, Lin Fusi couldn't help but said, "Is there a possibility that we can all save because we know magic?"

"Pfft haha-"

Hayate looked at Lin Qiong, the rare "Qi Zhi Limited Edition", and let out a series of laughter: "Ni-chan, you have today too!"

"Hey! It's kind of cool."

Lin Qiong touched his head, grinned and said, "I didn't expect that this bitch did something to me. Hey, I feel a little uncomfortable."

"Hmph, this is all Ni-chan's fault!"

Hayate made a face at Lin Qiong and said, "Who told Ni-chan not to think about good things?"

Heck, that's true.

Lin Qiong chuckled, then rubbed Gao Feng's head and said, "Okay, then you can stay with them here. I have to go see the little guys on the other side."

"Okay, bye Ni-chan——"

Although Gao Feng was a little reluctant, he still nodded sensibly, and then watched Lin Qiong leave.


Seeing Haifeng's appearance, Shamaer pondered for a few seconds, then waved to her, and said, "Hailstorm! I'll teach you something—do you know that girls who can act like a baby are the best... "

Gale, learning new knowledge.



Castle in the Sky.

"Before you go find them—"

Lin Qiong, who was about to enter the room, stopped, then scratched his head and said, "You have to make some preparations!"

Two minutes later, Lin Qiong, who was originally neatly dressed, had become such that an unsuspecting maid would scream when she saw it, and this was exactly the result he wanted.

Then, run!

Lin Qiong ran all the way to the door of the lounge, then pushed open the wooden door roughly, looked inside with an anxious look, and asked, "How's the situation?"

The movement caused by Lin Qiong instantly attracted the attention of Naye and others who were sitting and resting. They looked at Lin Qiong at the door and were immediately shocked by Lin Qiong's "embarrassment" at this time——

His previously neat hair has now become messy; his shirt has only three buttons, one of which is crooked, and only the right side of the hem is tucked into his pants; his lower body is still wearing purple Gengar pattern pajamas; The right foot is only wearing a sock that is worn inside out, and the sole of the foot is covered with a layer of dust; although the bare left foot is wearing a shoe, the heel is stepping on the upper...

From all of this, it can be seen that Lin Qiong probably got the news that they were attacked in his sleep, and then put on his clothes and shoes in a hurry, and rushed over in a hurry before he had time to check carefully.

Looking at Lin Qiong like this, the girls in the room all felt warm currents flowing through their hearts - only Elf, who knew the truth, was looking at Lin Qiong standing at the door with contempt. .

'Oh, man—'

She snorted softly, then turned her body towards the door and pointed her butt towards Lin Qiong - eat the fart!

"Linney, we're fine."

Naye looked at Lin Qiong at the door, and hurriedly said, "Sit down first!"

"Huh, that's fine."

Lin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief. He walked to the sofa in the room, sat down on his buttocks, and said with a wry smile, "I was sleeping when I heard the maid say that you were attacked, so I ran over in a hurry."

"Hey, hey, it's okay!"

Nanoye raised his right hand, made a strong movement, and said: "We are very powerful!"


Lin Qiong rolled his eyes. He lowered his head and pulled his shirt out of his pants. Then he unbuttoned the buttons and buttoned them up again, "I heard the maid say that Nanoha was sent to prison." When I came here, I was beaten very badly - my front teeth were missing, my nose was flat, my face was covered in blood, my eyes were purple and so on."

Of course, this is fake.

"No! That kind of thing doesn't happen at all!"

Nanoha was so anxious that she almost jumped up. She slapped the table and said, "If you don't believe me, ask Fit-chan, I'm not like that!"

indeed!Naye's injury was mainly due to a cut in the head, then slight muscle strains in both hands, and slight fractures in the right arm and legs-specifically, the extent of the injury was comparable to Vita's.

It can only be said that the fighting method of these two children is too reckless. This head-on fighting method will naturally cause a lot of reaction.

'It seems that physical exercise has to be put on the agenda——'

Lin Qiong glanced at Naye, and thought: "Anyway, we can't let Naye be the same as the original book, because the side effects of magic cause pineapple and pineapple in the body." '

"Cough cough, Qiongni sauce." In the eyes of Naye asking for help, Feite coughed helplessly twice, and said: "What Naye said is right, although she also suffered some injuries, it is definitely not what you said. So... uh... embarrassing."


Lin Qiong showed a puzzled expression. He looked at Naye pretending to be suspicious, and said, "Could it be that Naye felt ashamed and asked you to cover her on purpose? I heard from the maid that Naye was in When I was sent here, because of the missing front teeth, I was lying on the bed and crying non-stop!"


Alyssa beside her burst into laughter. She fell into Suzuka's arms and shook her shoulders desperately.

"It doesn't happen! It doesn't happen!"

Nanoha really jumped up this time. She hurriedly waved her hands and explained: "Linni-chan, don't talk nonsense, I didn't cry! Really not!"




"It's more real than Kagurazaka Mafuyu!"

"OK then."

Seeing this, Lin Qiong could only sigh regretfully, then smacked his lips and said, "It's a pity, I thought I could see Naye crying with a mouth missing one front tooth."

Naye puffed up her mouth, then looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "Linney sauce, the touch you just brought me, bang, it's gone!"

Not only was it gone, it made me angry!

Chapter 0340 Music

Lin Qiong looked at Naye's grinning face, and was a little worried that the girl would turn into Index and rush towards him, and then click on his head.

So he thought for half a second and said, "A strawberry puff, forgive me."

Naye shook her head firmly and said, "Baa!"

Lin Qiong stretched out another finger and said: "Two strawberry puffs, plus one yellow peach egg tart!"

Nanoye wavered for a second, but quickly strengthened her determination - who is she?

Takamachi·King of Sea Guns·White Tyrant·Making friends with guns·Naye!

How could she forgive Linny-chan just because of such a small profit?

So she nodded and said, "Okay!"

Eh?Wait, how did I agree?

I obviously want to refuse!Could it be that the world line has discovered a change?

She looked at Lin Qiong in surprise, and said, "Lin Nichan, have you mastered the law of causality, and then changed the reality I was going to reject into the reality I agree with?"

Unmoved, Lin Qiong pointed to the corner of her mouth and said, "Before you say this, wipe off the drool from the corner of your mouth."

"Suck it-"

Naye subconsciously sucked in her saliva, then blushed, and said to Feite: "If I say it was an accident, would you believe me?"

Feite pondered for a few seconds, and said: "Naiye, it's okay if you lie to me, I can nod to believe you, so that you can have a psychological comfort, but don't lie to yourself, you can't lie to yourself, the saliva at the corner of your mouth I haven’t wiped it clean yet…”

"Wow ah ah-"

Naye threw herself into Suzuka's arms at that time, and said, "I'm so hot!"

Throw me to death!

Lin Qiong hiccupped happily, and the room was filled with joy for a moment.


After jostling in the lounge for a while, everyone welcomed a new guest.

The captain of the space-time battleship Asura, Lindy Hallowin.

"How did you come?"

Lin Qiong looked at Lindy who was brought over by the maid, then glanced at Amy who was following her, and unceremoniously stretched out his right hand.


Amy twitched the corners of her mouth, and said speechlessly, "Lord Lin Qiong, this is your home, not Asla."

Lin Qiong didn't care: "Don't talk so much, just say whether you brought it or not?"

Under Lindy's uncontrollable gaze, Amy took out a plastic bag from her bag angrily, handed it to Lin Qiong, and muttered: "I'll kill you."


Lin Qiong happily took it, then looked at Nanoye and the others, and asked, "Do you want to eat it? Oreos, they are quite delicious."

"Should I-"

Alisa raised her right hand first, and said impatiently: "Hey, I haven't eaten after the fight! I'm starving to death, so I'll have some snacks to fill my stomach."


Lin Qiong distributed a bag of Oreos to everyone, and then opened a bag himself, then looked at Captain Lindy who was sitting on the single sofa again, and said, "Could it be because you are worried? You can’t finish the Oreos on Tesla, so you’re here to deliver them?”

Amy clenched her fists -- can this person chat?I really want to squeeze the juice from the devil pepper and give him an enema!

"Ahem, you can rest assured about this! There will be no leftover sweets from our Asla." Lindy coughed twice, then put on a serious expression and said, "The reason why I'm looking for you, They came here for the group of people who attacked Nanoha and the others today."

Hearing Lindy's words, the relaxed atmosphere in the room suddenly became serious.

Lin Qiong glanced at Nanoye and others whose expressions became serious, adjusted his sitting posture slightly, and then said to Lindy: "Captain Lindy, who is this person?"

"They are the knights of the Book of Darkness!"

Lindy's expression was very solemn and solemn: "The Book of Darkness is the same ancient heritage as the Seed of Holy Stone in your hands, but its danger rating is higher than the Seed of Holy Stone!"


Hearing Lindy's words, Nanoye and Feit couldn't help but look at each other.

"Lindy... sister." Feite was about to call his aunt, but after seeing the black air floating behind Lindy, he immediately changed his words forcefully: "What is the Book of Darkness? How dangerous is it?" Where is it reflected?"

Lindy took a sip of the tea brought by the maid and began to tell——

"The ultimate goal of the Book of Darkness is to destroy the world, and when it succeeds, it will escape into the void and start wandering until she finds the next world where magic exists."

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