"Then, it will summon its own knights, and instruct these knights to attack the mages in that world, and plunder their magic and magic power!"

"Finally, when the Book of Darkness has collected enough magic power, it will mercilessly destroy the world and start the next cycle."


After hearing Lindy's description, Naye's five little ones all showed shocked expressions.

"What, what should I do?"

Alyssa looked at the others a little unsteadily, and said, "Why are we suddenly involved in a major event that destroys the world???"

Isn’t this kind of expansion wrong?Doesn’t it mean that saving the world should be the job of Japanese high school students, Chinese time travellers, and American homeless people?Why did you get involved with me, an innocent primary school student?

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "That must be because you are all heroes destined to save the world!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Alisa looked at Suzuka and Nanoha with bright eyes, and said, "Did you hear that? Linney-chan said we are heroes!"

Unlike the excited Alisa, Naye and Feite have different feelings.

"That, sister Lindy—"

Naye looked at Lindy sitting in front of her, and asked a little strangely: "According to what you said, the knight in the Book of Darkness should be a bad villain, right?"


"But, when I was fighting them..."

Naye raised her hand and scratched her face, and said strangely: "Although it's a bit strange to say so, I really didn't feel any malice from them."

Feite also nodded his head and said, "Indeed! I don't think that woman named Signor is an evil person."


Alisa's eyes widened a bit, and she said in disbelief: "Nanoye, Feite! You are not joking, are you? You are the two most injured people——"

Naye had a muscle strain and a slight bone fracture, while Feite had multiple scratches, and they were just apologizing for the enemy instead? ?

This is so unreasonable!

"That's what I said, but I really didn't feel that..." Fite hesitated for a few seconds, and said, "The madness and malice of people who want to destroy the world."

Naye also nodded at the side, and said, "Me too! Although that strawberry spoke very rudely, it really doesn't feel like Feite said!"


Alyssa looked back and forth between Naye and Feite with a strange face, and muttered, "Could it be that you two were brainwashed by the enemy?"

"You're still brainwashing, have you read too many novels, girl?" Lin Qiong raised his hand and knocked on Alisa's head, dumbfounded, and immediately let the little girl hug her head and let out a scream of "owoo".

While rubbing her head, Alisa looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and asked, "Then how do you explain the fact that both Naye and Feite said that the other party is not a bad person?"

"Maybe it's because they don't even know that their actions are destroying the world—"

Lindy on the side took an elegant sip of green tea with five pieces of sugar added, and then said softly: "For example, in the eyes of those knights, her attack on the magician was just to collect magic, or to deal with someone. A super powerful magical beast that doesn’t actually exist but is about to appear in their cognition, or something like that?”

"It's possible! According to what you said, those guys should be derivatives of the Book of Darkness, so it's not surprising that they don't know the truth about the Book of Darkness, but..." Lin Qiong nodded thoughtfully, and then Looking at Lindy delicately, she said, "I have a small question."


"You just said, knight?"



Lin Qiong turned to look at Alyssa and others, and said, "These children just told me that those people claimed to be..."

"They call themselves Pretty Cure!"

Alyssa raised her right hand and said solemnly: "That blonde woman who is fighting us, what does she call herself, an emerald green apple!"

Feite added: "The one who fought me claimed to be Pink Taotao."

Nanoha also raised her hand: "My opponent claims to be Red Strawberry."

'Do I want to get involved too? '

Elf, who was lying on her stomach, thought for a while, then raised her head, and said in a malicious and innocent voice: "Although my opponent is a man, he also claims to be Pretty Cure, but it's just blue soda."


As soon as these words came out, the whole room was shocked.

"Ming, he's obviously a man, but he claims to be a Pretty Cure!?" Alyssa widened her eyes, and said in disbelief, "This, this, isn't this hentai?"


Elf was overjoyed, but said without changing his face: "What's the situation with my hen, but when he said his title, he seemed very serious and solemn!"

Zafira: God is so serious, God is so solemn, I have such a dark face, I thank you and your whole family!

Suzuka: "Serious!?"

Alicia: "Solemn!?"

Alisa said with admiration: "I didn't expect that he would value this title so much—"

Elsa nodded lightly, and sighed: "I never thought that that guy is a muscular macho with thick eyebrows and big eyes on the surface, but he actually has such a girlish side."


Lin Qiong looked strangely listening to the focus of the discussion of the little girls from "Book of Darkness" to "Will Zaphila wear pink Lolita to dance house dances in private", and couldn't help but look at Lindy He took a look, and then wiped the cold sweat from his forehead in unison.

Foreword, Zaphila of heaven (the death of the society is also considered death), please rest in peace.

Also, Elf, be careful. If Zaphira finds out about what happened today, she will definitely not be able to enjoy the juice for you!

As for who leaked it...

A cheerful smile appeared on the corner of Lin Qiong's mouth.

Chapter 0341 Lin Qiong in action


Seeing that the contents of the discussion of the little guys are getting more and more outrageous——

"Do you think Suda usually sleeps on the princess bed at home, holding Reina Belle's doll?"

"Do you think Suda will prepare a golden princess curly wig at home?"

"Do you think Soda can make a big lady's three-stage laugh?"

——Lin Qiong couldn't help coughing twice, and interrupted the discussion of the little guys: "What, I think what you need to discuss is maybe not whether Soda is originally a tiger wearing a rose on his head, but the next issue. What should I do when I get down—"

Naye and Feite came back to their senses, and the two big bosses looked at each other and laughed in unison.

'Hey, stop laughing! Lin Qiong covered the corners of his raised mouth with his hand, "Otherwise Zafira would cry?"He will wear a princess curly wig, wear a pink princess dress, sit on the princess bed, hold Reina Belle and cry in a three-stage pose... Poof, no, that kind of picture must be very funny! '

So, Lin Qiong, you are also a bad guy.

After calming down, Naye put her hands on her lap and said to Lin Qiong: "Ni Jiang, their purpose should be to collect our magic power and magic, right?"

Lin Qiong nodded.

Fate continued: "And this time, because of the appearance of Uncle Felix (Felix foaming at the mouth) and Krono-kun's support, they didn't succeed."

Naye said thoughtfully: "In other words, they will be ready, and then make a comeback and attack us again!"

Fit reached out and held Nanoye's hand, and said softly: "Of course, we will also be prepared and wait for their attack!"


Nanoye held Feit's hand, and then said firmly: "Next time! Next time I must ask Strawberry clearly whether they know the truth about the Book of Darkness, and whether they know about themselves what are you doing!"

Lin Qiong asked in a low voice: "Ahem, what if they don't want to communicate with you?"

Facing this problem, Naye raised his fist and waved it in front of him, and then said seriously: "Then knock them all down, and then have a good communication!"

Okay, very tyrant-like.

As expected of you, Nanoha!



A week later.

The familiar magic barrier once again unfolded over Haiming City.

With the previous experience, Naye and the others unanimously deployed the magic device after the magic device issued the prompt of "detection of the barrier", switching from the "primary school student mode" to the "magician mode".


Weta floated in mid-air with the Hammer of Judgment on his shoulders, then looked down at Nanoha who was staring at him, and said, "This time you are much more vigilant than last time—"


Naye held up the Heart of the Rising Sun in his hand, looked at Vita and said, "I already know that you are the guardian of the Book of Darkness, right?"

"So what?"

Vita tilted her head, she lowered her head, took out a lollipop from her pocket and stuffed it into her mouth, then said with a fierce face: "You want to join us? No, no, I have a loli character That's it!"

'What was she talking about—'

Naye tilted his head, and said to Vita: "Then do you know that the Book of Darkness you acted on has actually—"

"Ah, you are so annoying!"

As if some key word was triggered, Vita, who was originally peaceful, suddenly became irritable - she flicked her right hand forward, and eight shiny metal iron balls had been thrown out of her hand.

"Here! Lord! Die!"

Vita roared, and swung the hammer of judgment in his hand vigorously, and the eight iron balls turned into red streamers and rushed towards Naye.

"Is that so?"

Naye raised her right hand calmly and said, "Heart of the Rising Sun, powerful shield!"


"Then the magic bullet, sixteen bursts!"


"I'll beat you up in one go!"

Naye raised her hands to hold the Heart of the Rising Sun, and said in a low voice, "Then, I will have a good communication with you!"

The conversation between Naye and Vita also took place between Fit and Xigno, Elf and Zafera, and San Xiaozhi and Shamar - it seems that the two sides want to have a good communication, There is still a certain degree of difficulty.




Lin Qiong sat on the chair with a stinky face, and then looked at the three people in front of him with unkind eyes - he should have been resting comfortably on the eldest lady's soft and fleshy thighs, and then eating snacks, While watching the live broadcast of women fighting.

But what?

But because of the invitation of this bad old man, he had to put down his fun and come to this space-time ship.

"It seems that Your Excellency Lin Qiong has a lot of opinions on me."

Jill Graham put down the teacup in his hand, then looked at Lin Qiong who was sitting across the table with a smile, and said, "I don't know what I have offended Your Excellency—this should be the first time we meet, right? "

"Where is it? Mr. Graham is serious. How can I have any objection to you?"

Lin Qiong showed a sly smile and said, "After all, you have supported my family's living expenses for nine years incognito, right?"


After hearing what Lin Qiong said, Graeme silently raised his hand and took a sip of black tea, and then said softly: "Have you really found out about me? When did you know it?"

"When? Well, probably from the beginning—"

Lin Qiong supported his chin and said, "Since I found the trace of Yetian Zhishu and locked it on Gaifeng, I investigated her by the way."

"I see—" Graeme nodded, then lowered his head, and said softly, "Is there any objection to my actions, that's why you have such a bad feeling towards me?"

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