"After all, only incompetent adults would think of avoiding a disaster by not resisting at all and sacrificing a child."

Lin Qiong leaned back on the chair, supported his cheeks with his fists, and glanced at the two cat girls who were staring at him with unkind eyes - these two familiars were loyal to Jill, and those who didn't know it thought they were It's a bitch.

But it’s the cat girl.

"Hahahaha, it is indeed as you said—"

Faced with Lin Qiong's sneering ridicule, Graeme was not angry, but let out a complicated laugh, "I'm an incompetent adult——Clyde died because of my order, and in the end, I'm going to use the same way of sacrificing a little girl.”

Hearing Graeme's tone of calmly facing his failure, Lin Qiong felt speechless—how can I continue to scold you if you admit your mistake like this?Can't you just keep your mouth shut?Like the ninja pot in Naruto?

#If a bad thing happens in the ninja world and the culprit cannot be found, then Danzo must be doing it#

Lin Qiong is not worried about Ye Tian's book running away, because he has the top cheat of Miss All Things, and he easily repaired Ye Tian's book—of course, from the perspective of God, even without Lin Qiong's intervention, the dark secrets in the original work The book incident was also resolved with the sacrifice of only Lin Fusi.

But Graeme has neither God's perspective nor top cheats!From his point of view, he has already failed once in the Clyde incident, plus he is old and no longer young, so he would choose this conservative method of "sacrificing one person to protect the world", which is perfectly normal up.

But to despise is to despise.

"Tsk, you are honest."

Lin Qiong clicked his tongue, then curled his lips and said: "But I'm a little curious - now that the Book of Night Sky has been successfully solved, shouldn't you be an ostrich, pretending that nothing has happened, and continue to beat the wind regularly? Money? Why did you ask Lindy to invite me here? Could it be that you are too comfortable in a high position, so you deliberately found someone to scold you? "

Don't there often be plots like this in novels?

Just the kind of villainous lady who is unruly, willful and domineering in front of outsiders. After being spanked a few times by the male lead angrily, she awakens a strange wail and becomes the male lead's exclusive M.

'But she is a young lady with a sweet voice and a good figure, so you, a bad old man in his teens, don't want to get involved? Lin Qiong slandered in his heart: "Of course, dozens or even hundreds or thousands of years old, but beautiful witches who seem to be in their teens or twenties are very welcome—"

After hearing Lin Qiong's ridicule, the two catgirls grinned again—probably like a cat arching its back and screaming.

"Okay, don't be so rude to them—" Seeing the performance of his familiar, Graeme helplessly raised his hands and touched their heads, and the cat girl who was blowing cats just now rubbed his palm happily .

Lin Qiong twitched his lips: "So you are actually dog ​​girls, right?"Fake cat girl! '

How can cats be so sticky... oh, my know-it-all cat seems to be the same?

That's fine.


Lise Roti puffed up her mouth in dissatisfaction, and said, "That person has been mocking you—"

"I did something wrong." Graeme shook his head and said softly: "This is the full strength he deserves."

'Can't this person be a bit tougher?It's been a long time, I really can't curse anymore. Lin Qiong scratched his hair speechlessly, then looked at Grom in front of him, and said, "So what do you want to do with me? If it's just to explain something, then I already know your identity." Now that you have your identity, can you leave?"

"Actually, I still have something to ask you -"

Grom pondered for a few seconds, and said, "I don't have the face to see that child anymore, so I would like to ask you to take good care of her."

"I don't need to bother you." Lin Qiong waved his hand, then stood up and said: "The Book of Yetian has been repaired, and now that Gaifeng's legs have also been healed—her life is very happy now, no Need anyone's care."

"Really? Then I'm relieved."

Seeing Lin Qiong's leaving back, Graeme said softly: "I will truthfully report the matter about the Seed of the Holy Stone and the Book of Darkness to the Administration, and then try my best to help you fight for some rights. Compensation can be made - but what kind of decision they will make in the end, I can't guarantee."

"It's not a big problem! Let them come here." Lin Qiong waved his hand indifferently, and then walked towards the door leisurely, leaving the last words between him and Grom, "in the future, don't It's good to meet, I really can't get along with you."

Chapter 0342 Leave it to me!

After Lin Qiong left Graeme's side, he didn't immediately go to Sky City to watch a live-action movie with the eldest lady. Instead, he came to the Garden of Time and found Miss Know-it-All who was sorting out the information.

"I said Cat-"

Lin Qiong lay on his side on the sofa, grabbed a handful of Langweixian and stuffed it into his mouth. While chewing, he said, "You've been sitting here for a few months, haven't you finished it yet?"

"If you mean knowledge, I've learned all I can."

Miss Wanshitong leaned on the back of the chair behind her, and then folded her right leg over her left leg with an elegant look - looking at her black stocking thighs that were somewhat deformed due to squeezing, Lin Qiong couldn't help but smack her lips. Smacking his lips, he said, "Then why don't you go back? I haven't rua my cat for a long time, and I feel a little lonely."


Miss Know-It-All glanced at Lin Qiong sideways and said, "If you can't defeat me, you can still defeat your Fairy Eevee, your Wind Speed ​​Dog, and your girlfriend's Pikachu. You can even defeat Krach and Pinocchio—you give me back a cat?"

"That's different!"

Lin Qiong sat up, then sipped the seasoning on his fingers, and said solemnly: "Ibrahimovic is Ibrahimovic, Wind Speed ​​Dog is Wind Speed ​​Dog, Pikachu is Pikachu, and you are you."

"Hehe, the score of this sentence is a little high——"

Miss Wanshitong smiled happily, then sat on the tea table in front of Lin Qiong, and naturally placed her slender feet wrapped in black silk on Lin Qiong's legs, and said, "Do you mind giving me a massage? A little tired after standing for a long time~"

The ending of this "呀~" is a little low, but with a slight rise, it seems to be angry, it seems to be complaining, and it seems to be charming, which makes Lin Qiong feel itchy.

Lin Qiong sniffed his nose subconsciously, and then smelled a very soft fragrance - he was very familiar with this fragrance, and he could smell it from the cat's body when he usually inhaled the know-it-all cat. taste.

He lowered his head and found that Miss Know-It-All's feet on his thighs were swinging playfully, and her ten toes were slightly spread out. You could see that the round nails painted with light pink nail polish were exuding a glow under the light. An attractive luster.

"I generally don't serve others easily."

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and held Miss Wan Shitong's right foot, feeling the delicate touch of the stockings in his hand. He winked at Miss Wan Shitong and said, "But obviously, Miss Wan Shitong is an exception."

"Oh, then I really feel honored -"

Miss Wan Shitong chuckled lightly, then supported her chin with her hand, feeling the touch on her feet that was more like "touching" than "massage", she squinted her eyes and said, "Didn't you ask me what I was doing just now? ?"


"The magic in this world is so messed up! Can you believe it? There are seventeen kinds of shield magic, and that's not just the types on the market!" Miss Know-It-All said with a hint of disgust in her voice. "But are so many shields useful? The shield magic I taught Naye and Feite is more than twice as effective as these shield magic!"

"so what?"

Miss Know-It-All put her hands on her hips and said: "So I decided to classify all the magics, and then I optimized and programmed the magics of these categories myself to come up with the most perfect version, and then discard the inferior products!"

Hearing these words, Lin Qiong couldn't help but smacked his lips and said, "As expected of Miss Know-It-All, she easily accomplished what I couldn't do!"

Miss Passionate seemed to be very happy, she said in a slightly upbeat tone: "I allow you to praise me more!"

"Oh alright!"

Lin Qiong subconsciously rubbed his nose with his index finger, and immediately felt a faint fragrance penetrate into his nostrils - this fragrance was very familiar to him, and he could often smell it when he smoked the Know-It-All Cat. smell.

'No, haven't I changed my behavior too much? '

Lin Qiong hastily put down his hand, and then in Miss Wanshitong's smiling expression, she said solemnly: "Miss Wanshitong is cute and gentle, it is really a blessing to make you my gourmet devil !”

'No, I'm not gentle at all—'

Miss Wanshitong blinked, and then seemed to think of something. She smiled and gently stepped on Lin Qiong's abdominal muscles with her toes: "Host, can I ask you a question?"

"You said."

"Are you willing to let me be your only gourmet devil? Trust me, respect me, and rely on me from now on." Miss Know-It-All supported her chin with both hands, and then said with an ambiguous smile on her face, "No matter how strong or weak , in health and disease, in success and in failure, will stay with me for the rest of my life—until death cannot separate us.”


Hearing Miss Wanshitong's speech, a big question mark appeared in Lin Qiong's head.

He put his hand on his chin suspiciously, and muttered, "Why does this word sound so familiar to me? I'm afraid it's not a marriage oath!"

Miss Passionate poked Lin Qiong's belly button with her right thumb in dissatisfaction, as if urging him to speak quickly.

"Okay, okay, I said it, I said it - I don't want to say it, I just think it sounds familiar."

Lin Qiong innocently grabbed Miss Wanshitong's right foot with his left hand, then raised his right hand and said: "I swear, I am willing to let Lafite be my only food devil! I will trust her from now on..."

After repeating Miss Wan Shitong's oath, Lin Qiong saw Miss Wan Shitong showing a satisfied smile, which made him couldn't help but mutter: "After all, she is a food demon stronger than the white ghost in Alu's body, how can I get it?" Is it so easy to be satisfied here?”

"Your statement makes me sound like a woman who can be easily dealt with -"

Miss Wanshitong puffed her mouth, stomped on Lin Qiong's abdomen with her feet angrily, and said, "Am I a very, very, very hard food devil?"

This "unusual" way of speaking is very similar to Emilia in RE:0, and Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing.

"Yes, yes, the very hard-to-serve gourmet devil lady—"

"I said, don't you think I'm joking?"


"Red bean puree?"

"Red beans!"

"If you hadn't said this while touching my feet, I would still believe you a little bit—"



Miss Know-It-All retracted her feet angrily, then stepped on the coffee table and said, "Welfare time is over! I won't let you touch me anymore!"


Lin Qiong showed a disappointed expression. He shook his hand a little bit unsatisfactorily, and said, "One thing to say, this feel is much better than a plate of walnuts, a fidget spinner, or a card pusher. I can play Yi Yi. night."

Miss Know-It-All raised her eyebrows and said, "Hmm? Just one night?"

Lin Qiong shrugged: "Okay, let's have fun with our legs?"


Miss Know-It-All crossed her index fingers in front of her, made an "X" gesture, then squinted her eyes and said, "Wrong answer! The score for this answer is very low, right?"


Lin Qiong scratched his head and thought for a while, then snapped his fingers and said with joy, "Oh, ho, let's play for the rest of our lives!"


Miss Wanshitong showed a satisfied expression, then put her feet on Lin Qiong's lap again, and said, "Speaking of which, the Book of Night Sky is almost finished, is it time to go to the next world?"

Miss Know-It-All's curiosity is boundless, and a mere world of magic cannons can't satisfy her desires at all!

"Well, it's a little bit closer."

Lin Qiong told him about Graeme's invitation, "At least we have to get the Space-Time Management Bureau settled, and then, um, dear Miss Know-It-All, are you interested in the Infinite Library?"


Miss Wanshitong's eyes lit up immediately, she jumped up from the coffee table with a force on her waist, then sat on Lin Qiong's lap, supported Lin Qiong's shoulders with both hands, looked into his eyes, excited and excited He said expectantly: "Have you found a way?"

While stroking her legs, Lin Qiong looked at her speechlessly, and said, "Miss Wan Shi Tong, I don't think that with your wisdom, you won't be able to see what I'm going to do."


Hearing this, Miss Wanshitong couldn't help but sighed, then rubbed Lin Qiong's face with her hands angrily, and said, "Stupid host, you can't pretend that you don't know, and then tell me that you don't know it in front of me. plan?"

"But Si, I don't think Wo is better than Li—"

Lin Qiong looked at Miss Wanshitong innocently, and after she let go of her hands, she continued to ask: "But what are you playing?"

"It just occurred to me that men have a desire to show off in front of women—" Do-it-all pinched Lin Qiong's nose, and said, "So I want you to show yourself, and then I will act like admiration .”

Lin Qiong waved his hands, then looked at Miss Wanshitong dumbfounded, and said, "Forget it, this is not suitable for you at all."

"Okay, okay, let me guess what you think, um—"

Upon seeing this, Miss Know-It-All raised her eyebrows helplessly, and then maintained her straddling posture and said: "Grom will report the information about this incident, so the response of the Space-Time Administration will be either hostile or friendly—— If you are hostile, defeat them and then read the Infinite Library as a winner; if you are friendly, read the Infinite Library as a collaborator, am I right?"

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Lin Qiong couldn't help giving a thumbs up, and said, "As expected of my family's Miss Know-it-All, you really took advantage of my small thoughts!"

"Of course~"

Miss Wanshitong proudly puffed up her chest, allowing Lin Qiong to enjoy the benefits of facial cleanser, "Then, my lovely host, Mr. Lin Qiong, we are looking forward to the day when we go to the infinite library!"

Lin Qiong, who was enjoying the facial cleanser, didn't say much, he just gave his thumbs up silently.

Suck!give it to me!Suck!

Chapter 0343 The battle ended in 10 minutes

The days that followed were a bit dull. To sum up, it’s probably...

Recruiting cats-know-it-all cats, come here!Quickly let the rua suck!

Funny dogs - Ibrahimovic is good, Fengsu dog is good, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!

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