Walking Bird——Hoou-chan, come!Brother Qiong will take you out to play today!

Going to the theater—Come on, Fit!Don't lose, Vita!

Finally, amid Lin Qiong's somewhat unsatisfied expectations, the Space-Time Management Bureau came to its conclusion.



Spaceship Asura.


Lin Qiong sat on the sofa, looked at Lindy who was rubbing her head, and said, "Is the 'judgment' from the Space-Time Administration very troublesome?"

"It's not so much trouble, it's better to say..."

Lindy's expression at this time was deeply exhausted. She leaned back in her chair and said with a wry smile: "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, I hope you can understand—the Space-Time Administration is actually a joint force, so it is inevitable that there will be some opinions. Disagreements on the subject, and..."

and compromise of interests.


Lin Qiong supported his side face, then picked up the Nestlé wafer on the table, took a bite, and said, "So, those people above are targeting me?"


Lindy sighed, and said: "The hawks questioned that you snatched the Seed of the Holy Stone from Mr. Yuno, and judged that His Excellency Lin Qiong, who has completely controlled the Seed of the Holy Stone, is a dangerous SSS-level element. "

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's something that the hawks did."

Lin Qiong smacked his lips and asked, "Did that dove say nothing?"

"Actually, Admiral Graeme is a member of the Dove Faction. He strongly supported you at the meeting, but..." Lindy looked at Lin Qiong helplessly, and said, "However, the Hawk Faction is biting the bullet in your hand. The issue of the source of the holy stone seed finally won more than half of the votes."

Lin Qiong raised his hand and scratched his face, thinking: "Sure enough, did the actions at the beginning still have an impact?"But who told that that was Miss Know-it-All's plan? '

"No problem!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand, looked at Lindy and said, "What is the Space-Time Administration going to do? Send warships and soldiers directly to encircle me?"

"The hawk faction did have this idea at the beginning, but it was strongly blocked by the dove faction." Lindy put down the teacup in her hand and replied: "After a series of discussions, the final plan of the Space-Time Administration is to invite You conduct a military exercise."

"It is said to be an invitation, but it is actually compulsory, right? If I refuse, it will be enforced, and the army is overwhelming, right?"


"Then let them send troops." Lin Qiong stood up with his hands in his pockets, then walked towards the door, and said, "I don't like being held on my head to participate in any military exercises—"

'Anyway, it's going to be a fight, so just defeat the army that the Space-Time Administration is proud of, and then make a request to visit the infinite library as a victor—in this case, the reference authority obtained , it should be directly full, right? '

Thinking of this, the corner of Lin Qiong's mouth curled up into a smile, "In this case, Ms. Know everything should be able to read all the books in the infinite library, right?" '

Suddenly, Lin Qiong paused, then touched his chin with his hand, and said to himself: "Wait a minute! Isn't all of this within Miss Wanshitong's calculations?"



Four days later.

"Tsk tsk-"

Lin Qiong put his hands behind his back and looked at the scene in front of him. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Your Space-Time Management Bureau really thinks highly of me! Sixteen space-time ships of the same level as Asra, and four A more advanced warship."

I just don't know how many wizards are there in these ships?What level is it?

What responded to Lin Qiong was a rainbow cannon fired from the main gun of one of the space-time ships.


Leona snorted coldly, then dodged to the front of the team, raised her shield and easily blocked the final weapon in the original book that easily annihilated the sea monster summoned by Lynves.

Kyle spread his wings, then raised his weapon high, and said in a deep voice: "You disrespectful person! Accept the trial!"

Flame impact!


Crimson flames fell from the sky with Kyle's weapon, and easily enveloped the battleship that fired the rainbow cannon just now—in less than five seconds, an alarm of "too high energy load" came from that ship Voice.

"Kyle, stop it first."

Seeing that the ship's shield was about to fail, Lin Qiong said softly.


Kyle immediately stopped the magic power output, and then put down the weapon in his hand, but even so, the surface of the battleship's shield exuded a trace of burning heat.

It seemed that they were frightened by Leona's unscathed resistance to the rainbow cannon, and Kyle's gestures to suppress the space-time ship's combat power, so the entire area was silent for a while—even though Graeme and Lindy reported Lin Qiong's Achievements, but after all, seeing is believing.

"Mages who are here to participate in the battle and belong to the Space-Time Management Bureau, let me ask you a question—" Lin Qiong floated in front of Kyle with his hands behind his back, and then raised his right index finger in front of him , smiled and said: "Is there someone who wants to withdraw from this operation now? We promise that those who surrender will not be killed!"

What responded to Lin Qiong was a volley of fifteen rainbow cannons.

"Hey, is that still the case?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help sighing, he looked at the Hongguang Cannon getting closer and said to himself: "Maybe someone wants to quit, but the captain doesn't allow it?"

"Deflection Shield!"

Accompanied by Yoyo's voice, a shield glowing with rainbow light under the sun appeared around everyone, but when the rainbow cannon hit the shield, there was a strange divergence phenomenon, following the shape of the shield Refraction resembles the direction of the void.

"The rainbow light cannon is also a type of light cannon..." Youyou gently put down the staff in his hand, and then said softly: "And the light within the controllable range can be manually controlled in the refraction direction to avoid damage."

Naye, Suzuka, Alisa, Feite and Alicia on the side have already looked stupid, okay?Their eyes are as shocked as the cute new players of LOL seeing the geometric wine barrel and the tricky demon barrel.

"The four of us each have a main ship, and the other sixteen ships will be handed over to the guardians."

Lin Qiong moved his shoulders slightly, and then said with a smile: "I hope this big toy can be stronger so that I can play with it for a while."

"It's better not to force the ship into trouble."

The eldest lady held a sword in her arms, then raised her sword, stroked the blade gently, and said: "That battleship is to you, just like the furniture is to the husky, it has no resistance at all."


Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "Why do I feel like you are calling me a husky?"

"Illusion desu."

The eldest lady averted her eyes, then rushed towards the first main ship first, saying: "I got on first!"

"Is this a guilty conscience?"

Lin Qiong shook his head helplessly, and rushed towards the second main ship without saying a word, "Then, everyone, let the Eight Immortals cross the sea and show their magical powers!"


Secretary Zhan couldn't help but sigh. She pursed her lips helplessly and said, "Is she a support character? She suddenly asked me to fight or something..."

Saying this, she took out a giant pink hammer that was comparable to Vita smashing mode (the hammer handle is still tied with a pink bow ribbon), and then, with the stunned expressions of Naye and others, she moved towards the first The three main ships ran over.

"I say……"

Naye turned her head blankly, then looked at Yoyo who was not far away, and said, "Sister Yoyo, that unusually huge hammer, could it be Sister Feisha's weapon?"


Youyou nodded lightly, she raised the staff in her hand, and then looked at the fourth main ship, muttering the most reasonable words Lin Qiong taught her: "Use your hand to show politeness, and start your hand to overtake to show respect." polite..."

Super Magic Element Ensemble! !




Under the three-party onlookers of Naye, Haifeng, and Lindy, the staff of Sky City fully demonstrated to them how exaggerated the fighting power of the huskies who wantonly demolished their homes is.

Half an hour?No, it's too long!

In just 47 minutes and [-] seconds, Luo, who was the slowest to demolish the house (ship), also flew out of the ship, and then threw the captain of the space-time ship in front of Lin Qiong with a smile on his face.

"Tsk tsk, Luo, you are the slowest—"

Morgana looked at the male bird man teasingly, and joked: "Xia came out in 5 minutes? Can you do it, don't be raped by the family—"

"What do you know? A man can't be too fast!" Luo put his hands on his chest and snorted coldly, and then came to Xia in a twirling dance, gently holding her hand, and said affectionately: "As for the family Violence? No, my Xia is so gentle, how could she domesticate me?"


Xia was silent for a few seconds, and then broke free from Luo's hand. Under the blank expression of the other party, she took out the longbow with a painful face, and said with tears in her eyes, "My Luo, I'm sorry—"

"Why! My Xia, why on earth?"

"Because, because..." Xia choked up, "Because, the young master solved the battle in 27 seconds."

Luo Cang looked at the sky desolately, then opened his hands and sighed: "Come on! Give me a happy time—"

"Okay, okay, stop playing tricks—"

Lin Qiong was dumbfounded and stopped Luo's dramatic behavior, and then focused his attention on the twenty captains who were surrounded by everyone.

"Okay, captives—" Lin Qiong crossed his arms and looked down at the group of dejected captains: "Who has the means to contact the superiors? I have something to say to the senior management of the Space-Time Administration. I hope Don't you be ignorant of good and bad!"

Otherwise, I will buy an old-fashioned lighter, then remove the live mechanism on the front, and severely shock your little penises!

Chapter 0344 Have I lied to you!

The next thing is much simpler.

When the hawks of the Space Administration learned that the "Galaxy Fleet" they had sent out was broken through from the front by the opponent in just ten minutes, and then all of them were dismantled, they were immediately dumbfounded—no, this How could the crowd be so fierce?

After being stupid for a while, the doves reacted quickly, and then used "mistakes in decision-making" as an excuse to severely suppress the arrogance and power of a wave of hawks, and successfully occupied the initiative within the Space-Time Administration.

If nothing else, the next chief should be a core member of the dove faction.




Lin Qiong put the notice in front of him and showed it, "The reading license of the unlimited library, the highest authority~"


Miss Passenger nodded in satisfaction, and she reached out to take the notice in Lin Qiong's hand...

But was dodged.


The know-it-all cat squinted at Lin Qiong, and was greeted by his expression of pretending to be innocent and still blinking.


She sighed helplessly, then stood up, and then spun around in a circle - with the silver-white brilliance, Miss Know-It-All suddenly transformed into a Know-It-All cat with fluffy and fragrant hair.

With a little force, she jumped onto Lin Qiong's thigh, then raised her front foot to step on Lin Qiong's chest, and gently pushed him down on the sofa.

"Ibrahimovic and Wind Speed ​​Dog will be jealous again?"

The know-it-all cat looked at Lin Qiong condescendingly, looking at him with a "tsundere" expression unique to cats, and said: "I won't save you if Ibrahimovic slaps you with his steel tail at the wrong time, right?"

"If it's the price I have to pay for Rua Know-It-All Cat, even if I am stepped on by a young lady wearing black stockings, I won't be afraid!"

"That is a reward for you, right?"

"If you see it through, don't tell me it's broken!"

"By the way, I don't understand a little bit." The know-it-all cat tilted his head, then stretched his waist on Lin Qiong's chest, and said, "Why do you insist on rua my cat form? Don't you Not interested in my normal legs?"

"Well, it's not that I'm not interested..."

Lin Qiong raised the know-it-all cat, then covered his face with her, and said in a muffled voice, "I just suddenly feel a little sorry for Erina."

'Why does it sound so like the kind of boy who masturbates for the first time in adolescence and then confesses himself in the sage's time! ? '

Know-it-all Maomao widened his eyes, and said in disbelief: "Why are you so innocent in this kind of place? Obviously, the contents of the notebook on the computer will change too much even if you read it too much, you will feel that it is too much!"


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