Lin Qiong stuck his head out from under the know-it-all Maomao angrily, and said angrily: "Please don't elevate the book collection behavior to an individual level!"


"Just say it once!"


Know-it-all Mao Mao lengthened his voice, then jumped off Lin Qiong's face, stood next to his head and looked at him, jokingly said, "I thought you had a heart to open a harem~"


Lin Qiong let out a dry cough, then turned his head, facing the know-it-all cat and cat with the back of his head, and muttered: "Actually, there were some at the beginning—"

Suddenly gained the ability to travel through various worlds, who hasn't thought about it?

"Then why is it gone now?"

"Because I feel that Erina has paid too much for me——"

Lin Qiong scratched his face in embarrassment, and said: "For example, because of my taste, Erina's current recipes are basically Chinese dishes, and she also learned Chinese, and now even the '44 dead tree Tongue twisters like "persimmon tree" can be clearly said, and..."

Listening to the examples cited by Lin Qiong, Maomao, who knows everything, couldn't help but sighed, and said: "If you were an emperor in ancient times with your personality, I'm afraid it wasn't that a certain woman treated you better, and you would be so moved. Yes, and then she will be the only woman in this life - this kind of behavior, if the emperor can't do it?"

Lin Qiong muttered, "I'm not a sister, I'm the emperor."


Know-it-all Maomao sighed, she changed back to human form in a flash of white light, then gently lifted Lin Qiong's head, put it on her lap, and said in an aggrieved voice on purpose: " It doesn't matter if you put a knee pillow on it for a while, right?"


Hearing Miss Wanshitong's aggrieved voice, Lin Qiong couldn't help but hesitated slightly, then relaxed his body helplessly, and said, "It shouldn't matter."

'Host, your character is too easy to handle, isn't it?You should really be thankful that you are not a woman, otherwise, with your personality, it is likely that you are the kind of cow who was soft and hardened by the yellow hair and finally succeeded in getting started—"Maomao, the know-it-all, tidied Lin Qiong's bangs helplessly," However, even men can't take it lightly, right?After all, in many cases, men are more involuntary than women. '

So, Dear Erina, let me apologize here first.

Let us live in peace from now on~

We don't mind calling you sister?

Pinch hehe!

Lin Qiong, completely unaware of Miss Wanshitong's "sinister intentions" at this time, has gradually fallen into a deep sleep amidst the fragrance lingering at the tip of his nose and Miss Wanshitong's gentle touch.



The days that followed were even more uneventful.

Miss Know-it-All is busy entering the knowledge of the infinite library;

The eldest lady and the secretary continued to study cooking in their free time;

Lin Qiong led the guardians to give the little girls final special training.


At this time, Lin Qiong was sitting on the edge of the training ground, and then supported his chin with his hand, looked at the girls who were fighting in front of him, and muttered: "Sure enough, after the identity was exposed, the fighting strength has dropped a lot? ?”

"There's no other way—"

Nanoha, who was taking a break during the intermission, took a sip of juice and replied: "In the face of friends, even if you know there is a treatment method, it is difficult to be cruel."

"That's true—"

Lin Qiong nodded his head happily, and said: "It's hard to imagine that you who are enjoying yourself now, would have wished to beat each other's brains out for hot pot before—"


Alyssa on the side suddenly showed a disgusted expression, she couldn't help poking Lin Qiong's waist with her finger, and said, "Ni Jiang, don't say it so disgusting, okay?"

"Okay, okay!" Lin Qiong raised his hands innocently, and said, "But you guys are so weird, you obviously drool while watching the pig's brain while eating hot pot..."

Alisa beat Lin Qiong's shoulder anxiously with her forceless fist, and said, "That's different! I still like to eat chicken legs, but I'm afraid when I see human legs!"

"Well, it does make sense—"

Lin Qiong scratched his face, then looked at Xigno and Zafera, who were struggling to support themselves under the attacks of Kyle and Sivana, and said, "How long do you think they can last?"

"Well, if Sister Kyle is serious, Sister Signor can probably support..." Naye put her finger on her lips and thought for a few seconds, and said, "Twenty moves? No, about ten moves!"

Feite nodded in agreement, and said, "Zafella's words, about...about fifteen moves?"

Lin Qiong was happy, and he couldn't help but said: "I said, can't you have some confidence in Signor and Zafira?"

Gale on the side took a bite of the biscuit, and said helplessly, "Ni Jiang, although we have confidence in Signor and Zafira, we have more confidence in Kyle and Shivana."


The little girls nodded in unison, and even Shamal and Weta, who were knights, couldn't help expressing their approval.

Lin Qiong burst into tears on the spot. Xigno and Zafera were really miserable. No one in the team thought highly of them, right?Shivering and cold, when will the weak stand up...

Although I am more optimistic about Kyle and Shivana.

Suddenly, Alicia said softly: "Speaking of which, Ni-chan is leaving soon, right?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the originally joyous atmosphere suddenly fell to the bottom.


Alicia looked at Alicia with some complaints, and said, "Why are you bringing up such a heavy topic at this time!"

"Alisa, don't blame Alicia—" Suzuka gently pulled Alisa's hand and said, "Even if we try to avoid this topic, it doesn't make sense. The day of parting will come sooner or later."

"Well, if there are no accidents, we will leave in a week at the latest—" Lin Qiong reached out and touched the heads of Suzuka and Alyssa, and said softly: "But don't be sad, it's not a permanent separation, I will come back to see you!"


Several little guys immediately showed surprise expressions, especially Gaifeng, who was most dependent on Lin Qiong.

"Please, when did you Qiongni sauce lie to you?"

Naye: "Lie to us that you accidentally lost the seed of the holy stone."

Alisa: "You tricked us into eating extremely sour oranges!"

Suzuka: "And candies covered in sour powder!"

Feite: "Arrange Vita and the others to attack us."

Alicia: "Lie to me that Dark Souls is easy!"

Shamar on the side couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, then stared at the embarrassed Lin Qiong and said, "Master Lin Qiong, you... are full of evil, numerous evil deeds, and obvious evil signs—"

"Ahem, those were accidents, they were accidents!" Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, and then said solemnly: "I promise I will come back, okay? Otherwise, I will run out of toilet paper in the future, choke on drinking water, and draw cards." There must be a big guarantee, right?"

"Ni Jiang actually made such a terrible oath!"

"Even the big guarantee for drawing cards?"

"It seems that Ni Jiang will really come back!"

"Yada Thief!"

"Hey, then we have to train hard and work hard to become stronger. When he comes back next time, he will be shocked!"


Seeing how the lolis cheered up, Lin Qiong didn't know why, but instead had a subtle and complicated emotion.

'You are willing to believe me, I am very happy! '

'But why do you believe in the sentence that you must draw a card to guarantee the bottom line? '

'Occasionally, occasionally, I can still have a small guarantee once or twice, okay? '

Chapter 0345 Farewell

After clearly realizing that Lin Qiong was about to leave, Haifeng broke out to an unprecedented clingy level, and even the other lolis became clingy.

In 24 hours a day, Lin Qiong was surrounded by crowds for at least [-] hours, and even the eldest lady couldn't help teasing him that he was the "King of Kindergarten Kids".

However, there is no permanent feast in the world, and the day of parting finally came.




Gai Feng held Lin Qiong's waist with both hands, and buried his face in his abdomen, crying deafeningly, galloping like lightning, and radiantly.


Lin Qiong comforted Blast's emotions helplessly, and coaxed, "It's not like I'm leaving and never coming back! Why do you look like you're parting from life and death?"

"But, but—"

Haifeng raised his head, twitched his nose, and said, "But, I will miss it, miss it, miss Ni Jiang!"

Lin Qiong was the first to break into Haifeng's life as a "family member"—it was fundamentally different from the usual merchant bosses and hospital doctors who treated her kindly.

Hayate’s cry seemed to have infected other people. Nanoha and Feite, who were still in a good mood, also felt their noses were sour. Alisa had already begun to sniff her nose reluctantly, and Suzuka’s eye sockets were also a little bit Wet, Alicia has already rushed over with a "wow".

"Okay, okay, why are you starting to drop golden peas?" Lin Qiong comforted the lolis in a circle, dumbfounded, and said, "If you drop too many golden peas, you will become ugly!"

"Really—" Naye pushed Lin Qiong's forehead angrily, "Ni Jiang, don't say such things when everyone is so sad!"

"Good good-"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and rubbed Naye's head, just as he was about to say something, he heard Alisa holding his other hand, and then shouted: "Ni Jiang, I want to pat my head too! "

Seeing this, Suzuka couldn't help but said, "There's me!"

Alicia also raised her right hand: "Then it's my turn!"

"I, I want to—"

Hearing the voices of his friends, Gaifeng couldn't help but sniffed while raising his head to look at Lin Qiong's face, and said, "I want to too..."

Before she could finish her words, Alisa laughed "hahahaha" from the side: "Puff hahaha, Ji, Blast, you, puff hahaha——"

Followed by the voices of Naye, Feite and Alicia, even Haifeng heard the secretary next to him chuckle.

'Eh eh eh?what happened? '

Haifeng subconsciously took her eyes away from Lin Qiong's face, and then saw something that made her feel ashamed and angry.

It was a picture, on Lin Qiong's clothes, printed with water stains...

A face with nose, eyes and mouth.

"Pfft haha-"

For a moment, cheerful laughter filled the surroundings, dispelling the sorrow of parting just now.

"Wow ah ah ah-"

Accompanied by Gao Feng's screams of shame and anger, she panicked and blocked the "pattern" on Lin Qiong's abdomen with her hands, and stammered: "No, no, don't look at it! Don't look at it!"

"Hailing-chan, don't struggle—"

Alyssa couldn't help but patted Gaifeng's shoulder with her hand, and said, "We've seen everything just now, puff, I didn't expect you to even have snot and saliva..."


Gaifeng let out a mournful cry, and then again... Oh, she turned her head and threw herself into Shamaer's arms, and then said unyieldingly, "Shamale, I'm not hot!!"

Bu Xiang is hot!

"Master Hayate, it's fine."

Shamaer comforted Gai Feng with a smile on her face, and said softly: "Please relax, when you recall the embarrassing things like today, ten or twenty years later..."


"It still makes you awkwardly pick your toes, so get used to it."

"Σ( ° △ °|||)!"

Although he was younger than Shamaer, Gaifeng really felt the air leaking from the intimate little padded jacket.

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