"Compared to this—"

At this moment, Lin Qiong squinted his eyes to look at the watermark on his clothes, then looked at Haifeng, and said, "Hailwind, you don't think it's because you dislike your snot and saliva, that's why you suddenly turned and rushed into Shamaer In your arms, right?"

Hayate looked away guiltily: "No, no -"

Hayate revealed



Lin Qiong pinched her face expressionlessly, then pulled her face to both sides and said, "Yes! Yes!"

"Yes, sorry!"

In Hayate's tearful apology, the parting atmosphere seemed to become less sad.



Food Halberd World.

Nakiri's house.

"came back!"

The eldest lady pushed open the door of the house like a child, and then shouted loudly: "Grandpa! I'm back!"

However, what appeared in front of the eldest lady was not the "grandfather" in her mouth, but Managi Nakiri, who was dressed in black, with pink hair and peasy eyebrows.

"Erina, you are a girl in your 20s, can't you be more steady?" Nakiri Managi shook her hair with her hand, then leaned against the wall, looking down at her daughter, and said: " It’s too disgraceful to the identity of the Nakiri clan!”

"Wulu Sai, you doudoumei BBA!" The eldest lady stuck out her tongue at her, then put her hands on her chest, and said angrily: "Why are you here to pick someone up? Where's your grandfather?"


Hearing this, Nakiri Shinagi's eyelids drooped slightly. She held her right arm with her left hand, then tilted her head and said in a heavy voice: "Father, he is no longer here..."


The luggage in the eldest lady's hand fell to the ground with a muffled sound. Her originally relaxed and happy expression turned pale in an instant, and a sense of dizziness flooded her brain.


Leaning in Lin Qiong's arms, the eldest lady breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked with difficulty: "What's going on?"


Nakiri Magi sighed, and then said softly: "Today, the old man just went to attend the opening ceremony of an old friend's hotel, so he is not at home."

Missy: ...


Miss: ヽ(Д)ノ

After 20 seconds of silence, she took a deep breath, then kicked off her shoes in a completely disregard of etiquette, and then walked quickly to the front of Nakiri Magi, glaring at her. Looking at her, she said: "Mother! Dear! Big! People! Don't make such jokes casually!"


Nagiri Nakiri stretched out her slender little finger and licked her ear, then put her nails in front of her mouth and blew, and said absent-mindedly: "A stupid person can't blame the society."


Visible veins popped out on the eldest lady's forehead. She raised her right hand, poked her mother's chest with her index finger, and said through gritted teeth: "Mother! You are really smart! You are here!"

"It hurts, it hurts—"

Nakiri Shinagi screamed as she felt the pain.

Although she waved her hands vigorously, trying to resist the "milk poke" attack by the eldest lady, the difference in combat power between the two is obviously too much, so...

"Wait for me—"

"I told you to wait!"

"It's swollen, it's swollen!"

"Mom was wrong, I was wrong!"

"I shouldn't be joking! Stop poking!!"


After being poked more than 60 times, Nagiri Nakiri sat down on the ground with tears in his eyes, and then let out a groaning sound while covering his enlarged chest.

The eldest lady stood where she was, looking down at her mother expressionlessly, then mercilessly took out a handkerchief from her skirt pocket and wiped her fingers.

"Σ( ° △ °|||)"

Nakiri Managi showed a surprised expression: "Wait, wait! Erina!? What happened to your expression of 'ah, I accidentally touched something dirty' just now!? What's going on!? "


The eldest lady stretched out her slender fingers to dig her ears, then put her nails in front of her mouth and hammered it with a "huh", and said absent-mindedly: "Mother, don't you already understand the meaning of what I just did? Is there any need to ask?"


Standing at the door, Lin Qiong, who maintained a 0v0 expression, couldn't help raising his head, and said with emotion from the bottom of his heart: "Dear Erina, you're actually unexpectedly narrow-minded, right?"Your actions just now are exactly the same as what your mother did just now, right? '

Even the description of the narration is the same!

"You unfilial daughter!"

"Ah yes yes yes—"

"Damn it, it's better for me to give birth to a piece of barbecued pork than to give birth to you!"

"Ah yes yes yes—"


"Ah yes yes yes—"

Obviously, the combat effectiveness of the mother who has lived at home for a long time vs. the eldest lady who has been infiltrated by Lin Qiong for a long time is not at the same level at all.

Today's victory or defeat, mother's defeat (or victory).

I was severely bullied by my daughter (but temporarily grew a cup size).



Elven world.

"Pick and pick—"

Phoenix King stood on the ground, then scratched his butt with his wings in a daze, and said in disbelief: "No, you did this?"

"That's right!"

Heathcliff crossed his arms, looked at the floating city in front of him with a radiant face, and said in a passionate tone: "The new student, Aincrad! This is my most perfect work so far!"

On the basis of the original Aincrad, it has been comprehensively optimized and expanded. Some specific areas arranged for combat have been replaced with terrain. Various terrains have been set up, and many common plants have been added. The materials have been replaced and modified into more advanced magic plants.

This is a perfect sincerity that embodies all of Heathcliff's efforts!

The alpaca brother on the side→_→||| looked at Heathcliff and thought, "If it wasn't for me, you would have died suddenly 128 times in the past six months—"

Chapter 0346 easy to handle Phoenix King

After restoring his original posture, he spread his wings and flew around the first level of Aincrad, leaving a trail of rainbows behind. After Ho-oh returned to the square on the Street of Beginning - it was the same one published by Kayaba Akihiko in the anime. The place where the declaration of imprisonment was made.

"How does it feel?"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang who once again turned into a rocket bird and landed on his finger, and asked curiously.

"One word, awesome!"

"That's two words."

"One word, dick!"


Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up to King Feng and said: "As expected of you, it's really a simple and crude way to describe it!"

Feng Wang tilted his head and said, "Why am I absolutely sure that you have something in your words?"

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Arceus, and said, "Tuo Jiang, can you project the scene where the Phoenix King spoke in the past?"

"Why not?"

Arceus' eyes brightened slightly, and a projection appeared in front of Lin Qiong and Feng Wang. It was a picture of Feng Wang appearing in front of a rainbow hero more than 100 years ago——


"Feng, Lord Feng Wang..."

The Rainbow Hero held the dying Ibrahimovic in his arms, looked at the God of Life who appeared in front of him with pleading eyes, and begged: "Please, save Ibrahimovic, please—"


The Phoenix King spread her wings, and her feathers glowed with colorful light in the sun, making her figure even more sacred: "Everything in this world follows the principle of equal exchange. Treat the one in your arms." Ibrahimovic, you need to pay a corresponding price——"

"Lord Feng Wang, no matter what the price is, as long as I can pay it, please take it!"

"Even if it's the identity of the Hero of the Rainbow?" Phoenix King looked down at the Hero of the Rainbow. , you will have the opportunity to drive the three holy beasts under my command—then, are you going to use such power and honor as a price in exchange for the life of the weak Ibrahimovic in your arms?"

Under the pressure of King Ho's momentum, the Hero of the Rainbow responded loudly and instinctively: "I do!"

Feng Wang lost the momentum around him, then slowed down his voice, and asked, "Why?"

"My Eevee, he is my most important partner!" The Rainbow Hero looked at Ho-oh with firm eyes and said unwaveringly: "In my eyes, even if there are one hundred Rainbow Heroes, Not as good as its life!”


Ibrahimovic looked at his master weakly, and gently leaned his head on his arms: "I think so too, that's why I will fight for you with all my strength—"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Hearing the boy's answer, Phoenix King let out a happy laugh. She spread her wings and said solemnly: "Okay! Then I promise you—"

The next moment, the iridescent feather in the arms of the Rainbow Brave exuded colorful light. It floated in front of the Phoenix King, and was surrounded by white sacred fire. It turned into a handful of holy ash and floated into Ibrahimovic's body. in the arms.

"Boo... Booy!"

Ibrahimovic's ears twitched slightly, then he opened his eyes and licked his trainer's cheek happily.

"I fulfilled your Ibrahimovic's wish - I increased its potential, but it also lost the possibility of further evolution." Fengwang looked at the Rainbow Brave who was holding Ibrahimovic in tears with joy, With a slight softness in his eyes, he said, "Then, goodbye, Hero of the Rainbow!"

After saying that, Phoenix King flapped his wings and flew towards the distance.

"Eh?" The young man looked at Feng Wang's leaving back, showed a puzzled expression, and muttered: "Didn't I already use the identity of the hero of the rainbow to exchange Zhi..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a feather slowly falling from the sky.

"This is……"

The boy caught the new rainbow feather, then pressed the peaked cap on his head with his hand, showing a smile full of happiness.

"Thank you, Lord Fengwang—"

As if he heard the boy's whisper, a smile appeared on the corner of Feng Wang's mouth, which was flying in the air.


"How? I was handsome back then, right?"

Feng Wang sat on Lin Qiong's shoulder, then looked at himself in the projection with emotion on his face, and said, "How handsome! How could there be such a handsome man like Feng Wang? Right!"

The pronunciation of "Yeah" is particularly forceful.


Lin Qiong did not answer Feng Wang's question, but held his chest with both hands and made a very tangled and troubled sound that everyone could hear.

King Feng asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"No, I'm just..." Lin Qiong rubbed his nose, then looked at Arceus, and said, "Tuo Jiang, please play back Feng Wang's speech just now."

Arceus nodded slightly: "Okay."

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