
"How does it feel?"

"One word, awesome!"

"That's two words."

"One word, dick!"


Phoenix King: Σ( ° △ °|||)

At this moment, even Feng Wang couldn't hold back anymore, she supported her chin with her wings, and fell into serious thinking with sweat profusely.

Wait, wait for me!

By the way, are the people in these two pictures slightly, slightly, slightly different? ? ?

"Wow grass—"

Feng Wang spat out a mouthful of old blood, then fell on his back to the ground, his feet twitched and muttered to himself: "I, my image, Lin Qiong mistaken me!!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Junyan He Ding said desu?

"Can the fuck give me the blame?" A big question mark appeared on Lin Qiong's head, and he stretched out his hands and grabbed Feng Wang's head, bringing her to him, and said, "You Can you show some face for the paralysis? I, Lin Qiong, walk upright, speak elegantly and easy-going, and never lie, how can I pollute you?"

Phoenix King:?


Heathcliff: ?

Antiline (death and death):?

As soon as this remark came out, all four people present raised a big question mark to show their respect for Lin Qiong.

Feng Wang couldn't help but said: "No, can you show some face?"


Lin Qiong's tone rose: "Why am I so shameless? Please explain it clearly to me!"

King Feng couldn't help but sighed and said, "Can you please have some idea in your mind? I'm too embarrassed to expose you!"

Lin Qiong shook Feng Wang in his hands like a rag, and said, "You're slandering me, do you know? You're slandering me!!"

Feng Wang didn't say anything more, just showed a very mocking smile

Obviously, sometimes it doesn't take words to mock a person, just a small action.


Lin Qiong's face was full of veins and he changed his hand to a hand, grabbing Feng Wang's head.

"What do you want to do?"

There was a trace of panic in Feng Wang's voice.

"Ultimate invincibility——"

Lin Qiong swung his right hand in a circle and waved, "Destroying Heaven and Earth Phoenix King Shockwave!!"

I throw-

"call out--"

In the sound of breaking through the sound, Feng Wang was thrown out by Lin Qiong.

'Oh, stupid Lin Qiong——' the moment he flew out, Feng Wang looked at Lin Qiong with disdainful eyes, 'do you think that an attack of this magnitude can have an effect on me? '

Lin Qiong also gave her a mocking look: 'Oh?Yeah?Then you look in front of you—'

Feng Wang raised his head and glanced at the front of himself, and immediately looked at Lin Qiong with anger on his face: "You are so weak——"

In front of her is...

"It's kono Arceus! The World!"

Arceus raised his head and raised his chest, and then shouted the above lines in a high tone - the next moment, with the spread of blue energy, everything around him fell into a state of stagnation, only everyone's thoughts were still active.

"You really have courage, Phoenix King—"

Arceus looked at the Phoenix King in front of him and said in a teasing voice: "Facing me, Arceus, you actually don't run away, but take the initiative to attack?"

Phoenix King:? ? ?

Feng Wang: What pig-nosed talk are you talking about?How dare I attack you, me!And Lin Qiong threw me right in front of you!So you just want to fuck me, right?

"Then, let me taste it, Phoenix King's ultra-ultimate, invincible and devastating Phoenix King Shockwave!"

Arceus said in a light-hearted voice: "Then, time began to flow."

'You just want to kill me, right? ! ! '

Phoenix King flew towards Arceus with tears in his eyes, and then roared in his heart with grief and indignation: "If that's the case, don't blame me!"God Bird Onslaught——'

The magnetic field rotates 140 million divine birds to attack, give me the next step, Arceus! ! !

Facing the menacing Phoenix King, Arceus said calmly: "Hold on—"


In the desperate eyes of Phoenix King, her head hit the golden shield covering Arceus hard, and then she rolled her eyes and fainted with a "Gah——".


Seeing this, Lin Qiong raised his right hand and drew a nondescript cross on his chest, then said silently: "Qianlue, Phoenix King of the Kingdom of Heaven, I hope you will have a good time over there."

Heathcliff and Antiline who were on the side made the gesture of the cross in a learned manner, and then bowed their heads in unison in prayer.

"I, I feel—"

King Feng raised his head with difficulty, then stared at Lin Qiong with eyes unblinking, and said hoarsely: "I can still save it!!"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then showed a greasy smile of a domineering president, and said, "I don't want you to think, I want me to think!"

King Feng: "?"

Arceus: "Pfft——"


Feng Wang got up from the ground angrily, then rushed towards Lin Qiong, screaming, "I'm at odds with you!! I'm a ghost..."

"Peach jam's hand-made ice cream in a large vat! The 5L kind!"


"Vanilla, chocolate, taro, matcha, strawberry, one bucket each!"

"I will never forget to pray for you underground! Chirp!"

Lin Qiong: Heh, the easy-to-handle Phoenix King——

Chapter 0347 An awesome attack

"Lord Lin Qiong and Lord Fengwang, the relationship is really good—"

Antiline looked delicately at Feng Wang who was raising his right paw, like Lin Qiong emphatically saying "Okay, five barrels!", and couldn't help whispering to Heathcliff.

Heathcliff nodded slightly and said softly: "This is his unique ability."

Antiline leaned forward and asked curiously: "You mean, he can unite the people around him, or something like that?"

"Do not."

Heathcliff shook his head, and then said expressionlessly: "I mean, he can turn everyone into a bitch, and then defeat them with his rich experience of bitch."


Antiline maintained a -v- expression, and said, "Well, ah, that's right."

Lin Qiong:?

At that time, he couldn't help showing an expression like a husky pointing at someone.jpg, staring at Heathcliff with a strange light in his eyes, and said: "I heard you secretly say bad things about me!"

"No, you misunderstood."

Heathcliff gently pushed the mirror on the bridge of his nose, and said, "I'm speaking ill of you in an open and honest manner, not in secret."

Lin Qiong: "?"

Feng Wang: "Ahahaha, hahaha——"

Hard, hard, Lin Qiong's fist became hard immediately.

Rolling up his sleeves, he walked towards Heathcliff: "Let me tell you, today I—"

Heathcliff put his hands in the pockets of his white coat calmly, and then said expressionlessly: "Do you want to visit my elaborately crafted Aincrad?"

"——You must take a good visit here!"

Lin Qiong put down his sleeves again, then reached out and patted Heathcliff on the shoulder, and said, "Speaking of which, you wouldn't have secretly stuffed a super-Aero's hidden room here, would you?"

Heathcliff was silent for a few seconds, and then asked, "What kind of Arrow's room are you talking about?"

"Like, uh..."

Lin Qiong touched his chin, and then said with a funny face: "Between the fifth and sixth floors, there is a 5.5 floor, and there are a large number of elves, dark elves, angels, fallen angels, succubi, etc. living in it. Beast-eared girl, you can hang out with them every day...hehehe..."

Phoenix King: →.→

Arceus: -_-||

Antiline: OO

Heathcliff raised his hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose, then said indifferently: "Please don't substitute your adolescent fantasy into reality!"


Lin Qiong pouted angrily, then looked at Antiline and said, "I said Antiline, this guy is so boring, you have to be careful about your married life—"

Heathcliff interrupted Lin Qiong's speech indifferently: "Are you still going to visit?"

"Go, go, of course -"

Lin Qiong didn't care to continue teasing Heathcliff, he hurriedly followed the other person's footsteps, and said, "Is it true that we have to go through all the hundred floors? How long will it take?"

Heathcliff squinted at him and said, "Would I make such a stupid proposal? Of course I'm taking you to the control center on the first floor—"

Lin Qiong nodded suddenly and said, "Ouch! By the way, you really didn't create any hidden rooms?"

Heathcliff pushed his glasses, gritted his teeth and said, "If you need one, I'll get one right now."

Lin Qiong paused, and then said with some guilt: "Tell me first, what kind of one are you planning to make."


Heathcliff sneered, and said, "Just between the ninth and hundredth floors of No.90, hollow out the inside and fill it with TNT, what do you think?"

"Ahem, I absolutely don't need it, it's a waste of resources!"

"I think it's okay."

"Really, no, no!"


"More real than pearls!"

"OK then."

Listening to the conversation between Lin Qiong and Heathcliff, Antiline couldn't help snickering, and followed with cheerful steps.

This kind of ordinary daily life, which she had never experienced in Theocracy, really made her want to stop.


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