

1st floor, control center.

"Is it actually movable?"

Lin Qiong looked at a cube floating on the ground like a Rubik's cube in front of him, and asked curiously.

"Who told you to take the Sky City away?"

Heathcliff glanced at him, and said angrily: "In my design, Sky City is the core area of ​​Aincrad. After it is officially embedded in Aincrad's 1st floor, Aincrad will be destroyed." Engrand will be officially launched, and then this control center will also be transferred to the control hub of Sky City."

"Oh oh oh-"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands unknowingly, and said, "Although I don't understand what you're talking about, it must be something extraordinary, right?"


Heathcliff sighed deeply to cover his tears: "I miss Miss Lafite very much now, when will you bring her here?"

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "Uh, definitely next time, definitely next time."

Heathcliff was silent for a few seconds, then faced Lin Qiong, pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his middle finger, and said, "A person like you will never have paper in the toilet."

"I never use paper to shit, I always wipe it with dollars—" Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and said confidently, "Do you have any objections?"

"What can I say?"

Heathcliff walked up to the console expressionlessly, then pointed at a crystal-colored device in the center that was exactly the same shape as Arceus's Millennium Wrist and said: "This is the core controller. If you seal it with spiritual power, you will gain the supreme control of Aincrad."

"I understand the truth, but this shape—" Lin Qiong glanced at Arceus teasingly, and said, "Camel sauce, mixed with private goods!"


Arceus chuckled and said, "After all, I also contributed, right? It shouldn't be a problem to add some decorations you like to the innocuous places, right?"

"Add, you can add!"

Lin Qiong touched Arceus' back and said, "Even if you want to add a statue of Arceus to the starting street on the first floor, it doesn't matter!"


Arceus showed a subtle expression. He tilted his head and said, "Let's forget it? If it turns out that the passing residents will ask me for blessings or something, I will become very troubled."

Lin Qiong was taken aback, and said curiously: "Is it really the same as in the novel, after believers pray like gods, the gods can really hear it?"

Of course, it is best to add your name and home address when praying, otherwise the confused gods may not be able to distribute prizes because they cannot find your address.

"That's not true. If, as the God of Creation, I don't even have the ability to block prayers, that would be too inferior."

Arceus shook his head and vetoed Lin Qiong's guess: "I just simply feel that watching others pray to my stone statue is a very embarrassing feeling-you might as well make up your mind."


Lin Qiong crossed his arms, imagining that he was in a square, and then a stone statue of himself stood in the center of the square, and then several adventurers came forward, looking at the stone statue of Lin Qiong devoutly, and interlaced their hands and fingers in front of their chests Pray: "Great, kind and brave Lord Qiong, please bless our operation smoothly—"


Lin Qiong couldn't help clasping the soles of his shoes with his fingers, then shuddered, and said with disgust on his face: "In every sense, the brain supplement just now is too damn evil!"


Arceus said with emotion: "It's because I can't bear such prayers from humans that I appear less and less in front of human beings—that feeling really makes people feel uncomfortable."

Lin Qiong joked: "It's so strange! I'm an ordinary person, so I'm not used to this kind of situation. I didn't expect that Lord Arceus, who was born with a god, would feel this way?"

"It has nothing to do with identity, does it?"

Alpaca sauce muttered: "Even if you are a god, there are things you are not very good at!"


Lin Qiong nodded his head—for example, Arceus, who was helpless in the face of the eldest lady's curse, isn't he not very good at "human" things?

"Okay, you two—"

At this moment, Heathcliff tapped the surface of the console with his knuckles and said, "Both of you, can you pause the communication for a moment? We have been standing here for a long time—"

"Ahem, okay, okay."

Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice.

For some reason, he felt that the way Heathcliff looked at him just now was like the daughter of the novice village chief who was waiting to be rescued in the main mission. Favorability is the same as when the player returns to the main line with a full body costume at the end.

A little bit sharper.


Feeling uncomfortable, Lin Qiong coughed dryly again, then stretched out his hand to the Crystal Thousand Universe Wrist, held it gently, and poured magic power and spiritual power into it together.

The next moment, a galaxy-like spot of light quickly spread to the entire crystal Qianyu wrist, embellishing it with kirakira's—it's a pity that everyone present was not moved by this picture, and even wanted to laugh .

At the moment when the Crystal Qianyu wrist was completely lit, Lin Qiong looked at Xiaofu and said, "Is this all right?"

"Next is the person with the second authority set up under you." Heathcliff folded his arms and said calmly from the side: "You should have played online games, right? It's like a vice president, an elder, an elite member In that way, the division of settings and permissions will be fine."

"As expected of Heathcliff, the simple and easy-to-understand statement—"

Lin Qiong immediately understood, he smiled and said, "Then let me Kangkang, what right do you have... Wait! Wait, wait!"

Lin Qiong pointed at the permission prompt titled "An Awesome Attack" decorated with a circle of skulls on the projection screen in front of him, and couldn't help but said: "No, this looks very, very awesome. Wonderful thing, what’s going on?”

"It's just a safety device."

Heathcliff looked at Lin Qiong calmly, and said vigorously: "In case you encounter an enemy that you cannot deal with, then activate this authority."

"and then?"

"Then, Sky City will escape urgently, and the remaining Aincrad will charge towards the target at sub-light speed—"

"I'm Zhuo, isn't that a self-destruct attack?"

"Just say it's awesome or not."

Lin Qiong fell into silence, whether he should talk or not, such a large building charged towards others in a destructive manner, it was indeed a bit like Feng Wang pecking at a big milk pot—a bird eating a cow.

Chapter 0348 Hard work, Fengwang sauce!

After learning that Aincrad still has the hole card of "I will launch an awesome attack", Lin Qiong, under the guidance of Heathcliff, began to formally get in touch with Aincrad's various skills. permission.

In this way, 1 minute and 30 seconds passed.

"I give up, I'll play with you."

Lin Qiong closed his eyes and closed the page in front of him, and said cursingly: "What the hell is the difference between this and asking me to accept the eve premium account directly as a newbie? Take it away, put it all away, don't let me see them."

Brain pain, and it's not a general brain pain, it's a pain that bulges from the brain to the temple.

Heathcliff couldn't help rubbing his head, and said, "I've tried to make the interface as simple as possible! As a result, you don't even want to read the explanation?"

"I see, you have [-] pages in the manual catalog of each product?"

Lin Qiong was not calm anymore. He scratched his hair with both hands and couldn't help but said, "Xi Ba, do you think I'm a genius?"

"While it's a good thing that you're self-aware of your intellect,..."

Heathcliff rubbed his head and said: "It's not an option for you to ruin it now, right? At least you have to find basic maintenance personnel, right? And there are also management personnel and so on."


Lin Qiong put her hands on her hips, and said confidently: "Leave this matter to Violet! Anyway, this is her job. Besides, there is Miss Know-it-All, and the more troublesome things are left to her. Enough!"

Faced with Lin Qiong's completely rotten attitude, Heathcliff twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Haven't you ever thought about the possibility of that Miss Know-it-All betraying you?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Lin Qiong was just a Cao Cao waving .gif at the time, and said, "Miss Know-it-all, what are you doing betraying me? Besides, if she wants to lie to me with my IQ, she might not be able to sell me, and I will take the initiative to ask others for a lower price Raise your value!"

She was born in [-], and I can't play with her.

Heathcliff rubbed his head and said, "Then let's do some simple operations first—you give me the most basic permission, which is probably equivalent to the 'read-only' level."

"oh oh--"

Lin Qiong stumbled on Heathcliff's instructions, gave him a "read-only" permission, and then watched him operate the projection on the console.

"First of all, Aincrad's overall appearance, I didn't make too many modifications—"

"Then there is the first floor, which is also the largest floor. The modification is not very large, for example..."

"Next is..."

Under Heathcliff's simplistic narration and the demonstration of the 3D map, Lin Qiong and others had a general understanding of Aincrad.

"How does it feel?"

Heathcliff breathed out a long breath, and then took the throat tea handed over by Antiline with some fatigue—he chattered for nearly an hour, and no matter how healthy he was, his mouth would feel parched.

"One word, awesome!"

"That's two words."

"One word, dick!"

Lin Qiong gave Heathcliff his thumbs up, then looked at the miniature Aincrad projection in front of him with some distress, and said, "How many people do we need to take care of such a large area? "

There are more than 30 maids in charge of taking care of the Sky City alone, and the area of ​​the entire Aincrad is more than a hundred times that of the Sky City?

Lin Qiong felt his scalp tingling when he thought that he would have to support thousands or even tens of thousands of people in the future.

"If it's Aincrad's environment management problem, you don't need to worry too much—" Arceus walked to Lin Qiong's side and said kindly: "Have you forgotten the existence of Pokémon? You need to put the right Pokémon in each area, and they will naturally keep the surrounding environment at a good level."

"Oh oh oh!"

Lin Qiong was so moved that he almost cried.

He saved Arceus with tears in his eyes, and then put his face on his body, choked up and said: "Tuo Jiang, you are really a good person! I will never scold you with Feng Wang again for not having a little dick!"


Arceus: "Punish the gravel!

Phoenix King: "!?!?"

After hearing these words, Ho-oh, who had been deserting and in a daze a second ago, was all excited, and then roared in a voice no less powerful than the one that cursed Urahara Kisuke when Aizen was sealed: "Kisama!! If I am killed by Arceus, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost!"

"Then you have to work hard, you must survive, Feng Wang!"

"It's still the sanctioned gravel of the rock system!! Oh oh oh-"

Accompanied by Feng Wang's mournful cry, her body gradually enlarged before Lin Qiong's eyes like a withered flower.

Wait, zoom in?

Lin Qiong, who was about to reach out to catch Feng Wang, quickly dodged. The next second, he saw Feng Wang's body, which had returned to its original form, hit the ground heavily.

Wow, the ultimate shock!

Lin Qiong took a deep breath and said, "Feng Wang, you bastard! Then the force of the fall and the ultimate impact are going to kill me, right?"

"You fart!"

Feng Wang, who turned into a tiger king, gave Lin Qiong a vicious look, then limped up from the ground, changed back to his small appearance, and said cursingly: "You fucking want to kill me, right? I When the fuck did you scold Arceus? Do I have the guts?"


Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang suspiciously and resentfully, and said, "I didn't hit you! Arceus hit you, okay? But you vent your anger on me, should a good person be pointed at by a gun? "

"If you don't fucking frame me, will he beat me?"

Feng Wang was almost exhausted, "Are you pretending to be innocent?"


Seeing that he could no longer pretend, Lin Qiong couldn't help but cough slightly, and then said seriously: "Feng King, you are the majestic God of life, how can you speak with such a conceited tone? This is not good, not good!"

"How about asking me to go all out and attack me with a savage bird?"

"The weather is nice today—what did you say just now? The internet speed here is not very good, so I can't read your text clearly."

"Ha ha--"

Feng Wang sneered, then flew in front of Lin Qiong, looked down at him, and said, "You caused me to be punished by rocks, don't you feel a little guilty in your heart?"

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