'The rock seems to be four times the size of the Phoenix King? '

Lin Qiong shrank his neck a little guilty, he couldn't help but blushed, and said, "Okay, it's my fault! What compensation do you want?"

"Double the ice cream!"

"Two buckets of each?"



Lin Qiong did not immediately agree to Feng Wang's request, but showed a slightly suspicious look, looking at the little bird in front of him.

"You, what is that look in your eyes?"

Feng Wang slowed down the frequency of flapping his wings, Lin Qiong stretched out his left hand and let her land on his fingers.

"I just find it weird—"

Lin Qiong touched his chin with his right hand and said, "Weird in every sense of the word."

Feng Wang narrowed his eyes: "What do you want to say?"

"First of all, camel sauce shouldn't be so unreasonable to take a joke and hit you hard—"

"Secondly, if you're really hungry, you don't just ask for double the ice cream—"

"Finally, if you are really hit with full damage by Camel Sauce's quadruple-restraining sanctions gravel, where do you have the strength to give me the ultimate impact?"

Speaking of this, Lin Qiong found that Feng Wang's expression had completely changed into [→v→], and he could not help but lift her up in front of him, then squinted his eyes and said: "Be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist—— explain!"


King Feng uttered a slight mournful cry, and then said falteringly: "That's right, there's no such thing! It's just being beaten!"


Feng Wang, who was being stared at by Lin Qiong, couldn't help jumping in his direction, pointed his butt at Lin Qiong, and then sang "Jiujiujiu", saying "Don't care about Fengfeng, Fengfeng doesn't know what to do." "Attitude.

"This guy--"

A "#" symbol suddenly appeared on Lin Qiong's forehead, and just as he was about to say something, he heard Arceus's voice with a smile on the side: "Qion, if you can, please satisfy Feng Wang's wish." ~"


As soon as Lin Qiong turned his head, he saw Phoenix King flapping his wings in front of him, tweeting, "Wait a minute! Lord Arceus, this kind of thing..."

"Nee shut up!"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and pinched King Feng, with such force that King Feng's tongue stuck out, "Tuo Jiang, you suddenly told me this, could it be that King Feng has some terminal illness, and his life is not long, that's why you let him Shall I fulfill her dying wish?"

Phoenix King:?


Arceus: ?

Heathcliff: ?

Four question marks appeared on the screen, as if the four teammates greeted Yasuo on 0/21/0.

"Why do you think of this kind of thing? Your brain circuit is too amazing -" Arceus showed a dumbfounded expression, and explained: "During this period, you have often asked Phoenix King to use her Healing ability, right? A lot of fatigue has accumulated in her body, and the gravel treatment I just used was equivalent to giving her a slightly painful full-body massage."


Hearing this sentence, Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then couldn't help looking at Feng Wang, who was pretending to be dead with his head tilted and his tongue sticking out, and was about to speak moved when he heard Arceus' supplement.

"So this guy really lacks exercise, right? He's so exhausted after this level of exhaustion—" Arceus squinted at Fengwang, and complained, "Just exercising with Jiushu and then suddenly exercising at a high intensity caused muscle tension. It’s like a hurt middle-aged man, what a shame.”

The emotion that was still brewing in Lin Qiong's heart disappeared with a "pop".

Chapter 0349 Transfer Pokémon

"Oh oh oh-"

After Lin Qiong took the young lady and the others over, they immediately looked at the projection in front of them and let out a voice of amazement.

"The Castle in the Sky before made me feel outrageous, but now Aincrad..."

The eldest lady rubbed the bridge of her nose and said worriedly: "Oh my god, how many people will be arranged to take care of this?"

"Puff haha——"

After hearing the eldest lady's words, Lin Qiong suddenly laughed.

"What! Are my words funny?"

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "The city of the sky needs dozens of maids to tidy it up to keep it clean. Aincrad's area is more than a hundred times that of the city of the sky?"

Lin Qiong waved his hands with a smile on his face, and said, "No, that's not what I mean, it's just... um..."

"Erina, do you know? A few hours ago, Lin Qiong expressed the same worries as you." At this moment, Arceus came over, looked at the aunt with a smile and said to the eldest lady: "Although I I don't really understand, but this should be the 'synchronization rate of husband and wife' that you humans talk about, right?"


The eldest lady raised her hands to cover her blushing cheeks, and then muttered falteringly: "Husband... husband and wife or something... Although... it is true that it is true, but it is really embarrassing to say it directly." ...and again...wow!"

Seeing the eldest lady who was in chaos with a puff of white smoke above her head, Lin Qiong couldn't help giving Arceus his thumbs up.

What "Although I don't understand it very well?", you obviously understand it very well, right?

Lin Qiong came up behind the eldest lady with a smile on his face, then stretched out his hands to hug her waist, and whispered in her ear: "Erina really likes to be shy~ Obviously, she can't do anything like this~ I’ve done it~”


The eldest lady uttered a lovely mournful cry from the depths of her throat, and she turned around in embarrassment, but after seeing Lin Qiong's smiling eyes, she immediately felt no anger at all.


The eldest lady pressed her forehead to Lin Qiong's chest, and then whispered: "Not yet %&*..."

Lin Qiong tilted his head and asked, "What did you just say?"

"No, nothing!"

The eldest lady shook her head with her face flushed, she bit her lip, and screamed in her heart: "Ah, what are you talking about, idiot Erina!" ! '

The only thing she was lucky about was that the voice she spoke just now seemed to be very vague, so other people didn't hear what she said.

No wonder!

From an angle that the young lady didn't see, Lin Qiong and Arceus were smiling as their aunts, while the secretary wiped the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief movedly, and Yoyo even had a "knocked" expression.

After all, with everyone's strength at this time, they all heard very clearly what the eldest lady said just now——

"Not a couple yet, you haven't proposed yet—"



"Oh, this thing is interesting——"

Standing in front of the console, Miss Passionate showed an excited smile on her face, "But for you, it should be dizzy, right?"

"Sparrow food."

Lin Qiong stood beside Miss Wanshitong with a serious face, then folded his hands together and bowed to her, saying, "I'll leave everything to you, Miss Wanshitong!"

"Wrap it on me~"

Miss Know-It-All tapped the console in front of her with a smile, and said to herself: "Although from the eyes of ordinary people, that little white hair (referring to Heathcliff) has already done a great job, but in my opinion ..."

Too immature!

"Then what, I still need to discuss with the camel sauce which areas of Aincrad to put the Pokémon in—"

Lin Qiong looked at Miss Wanshitong with a little embarrassment, then pointed to the direction of the door, and said, "So, why don't you continue to study here, and I'll yo-yo first?"

"After you leave, remember to call Violet and Heathcliff over." Miss Master looked up at Lin Qiong and said, "I want to teach them something."

"Oh, okay!" Lin Qiong was about to leave, but suddenly stopped in his tracks, then turned his head curiously and asked, "Don't you need to call Mei over?"

Mei, the first scene in Chapter 205, is the artificial intelligence carrier No. [-] developed by Heathcliff in the world of the bone king based on Violet, and was later given Mei's identification ID.

Miss Know-It-All smiled lightly and shook her head, saying, "No need."


Lin Qiong nodded, and left the control center with cheerful steps.


Seeing his leaving back, Miss Passionate shook her head involuntarily and said to herself.

"The reason for giving Heathcliff some guidance is to reward him for the fact that he has done so much for you."

"Teach Violet, because she is currently the most suitable life form to be the maintainer of the control center."

"But why does Mei accept my advice?"

"My stupid host—"



"Unexpectedly, you unexpectedly respect Pokémon's... um... elf rights?"

Arceus turned his head to look at Lin Qiong who was riding on his back, and said with a smile in his eyes: "I thought you would just let me transfer a batch of Pokémon to Aincrad."

"Then you can't specify it." Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "What if there are some Pokémon lovers? Let's force them to be transferred, that would be bad."

Arceus nodded lightly and said, "Actually, I really like your idea."

But what he didn't tell Lin Qiong was that even if Lin Qiong asked him to transfer the Pokémon directly, he would communicate with the Pokémon first, and then only transfer the Pokémon who were willing to live in the new area.

"Hey, after all, Pokémon are extremely simple creatures—"

Lin Qiong touched Arceus' neck and said with a light smile, "Anyone with a conscience will not be willing to hurt Pokémon after encountering them."

Many Pokémon can even give up everything and wait painfully on the spot just because their master says "Wait for me, I will definitely come to pick you up" - although most of the time, they will never wait for their master to return. up.

Do you think so, Xiaozhi's Bi Diao?

"You can say that, I am very happy."

Arceus' voice was filled with tenderness and relief, "Have you thought about it? Which Pokémon to invite first?"


Lin Qiong thought for a while, and said, "Why don't you just follow the number in the illustrated book and invite it smoothly? I remember the first one was Suantouba, right?"


Arceus was silent for a few seconds, then moved his lips, and said with a complicated expression: "I can understand the garlic, but the lower part of the frog seed is not a bastard, no matter how you look at it?"

"Oh, that's garlic toad, fire-breathing lizard, and water bastard!"

Arceus sighed, then brought Lin Qiong to the Kanto area, and started the "abduction" operation.



With the assistance of Lin Qiong and Arceus, a large number of Pokémon were transferred to various levels of Aincrad, and each Pokémon found its own suitable living area——

For example, Little Fist Rocks live in the mountains on the second floor. They and their evolutionary forms—Rumble Stone and Rumble Rock—are responsible for taking care of the surrounding environment and avoiding landslides and the like.

For example, the water tortoise lives near a river on the ninth floor of No. 30. There are not only rich tree and fruit resources around it, but also a large number of ordinary fish in the river, plus the mushrooms and ordinary berries growing around it. , fungus and other natural plants are enough for them to live a rich and comfortable life.

For example, the flower leaves live near the Flower Courtyard on the seventh floor of No. 40. They are the best gardeners and a more beautiful embellishment of this garden. With their hard work, this garden will bloom into something more beautiful than the original. The scenery is even more beautiful.

"Isn't that nice?"

Standing in front of the projection of the control center, Lin Qiong looked at the Pokémon who were evenly distributed below fifty floors, showing a satisfied expression, and said: "Not only the original posture, but also the regional form have been recruited. , as expected of me—"

For example, Little Fist Stone, after Pokémon Sun and Moon came out, in addition to its own "rock, earth" attributes, it also read a "rock, electricity" branch form - what else? Lada, Raichu, Mountain Rat, and more.

"Hey hey, suddenly there are a lot of six tails—"

The eldest lady hugged her own Krach and said with a happy face: "When I have the opportunity, I will definitely go to the snowy mountains - the thought of being surrounded by more than a dozen Ice Vulpix makes me feel happy. Feel."

Kracher: "???"

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