You all have me!You have me!Damn it, what good are those vixens out there?Is it true that domestic foxes are not as showy as wild foxes after all?

How can it be repaired!

As a result, Krach, who was still somewhat dignified at first, couldn't hold back anymore. She tried her best to act coquettishly, pestering the eldest lady and making "oooooooo" sounds. One was called clingy, the other was enchanting.

"Good guy, I call him good guy—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but twitch the corners of his lips and said, "I understand King Zhou a little now, okay? Who can withstand this!"

Shan Gao Hu Ye, Yae is my sister, okay?

"Me, too……"

The eldest lady lay on Krahe's back with all kinds of confusion, and then said with a happy face: "Ah, I feel that it is enough to have Krahe, and Bing Liuwei on the snow mountain side has nothing to pursue—"

Krach: Phew—

She breathed a sigh of relief: Done!Really, it's not easy to keep your own territory!

"Are you really not pursuing it?" Lin Qiong uttered a demonic whisper from the side: "Imagine a dozen little beavers swaying over you like this and sweeping your face with their furry tails. Sweep and make a sound of 'woo woo woo' - this is ten times more happy!"

The eldest lady was silent for a few seconds, then smacked her lips and said, "Sure enough, I still have to give it a try."

Kracher: Master Lin Qiong ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

Chapter 0350 I don't know who I learned from


Lying on the chair, Lin Qiong exhaled a long breath, and then reluctantly groaned: "I have to work again soon, I am so unhappy! I want to be a loser, oh oh oh, I don't want to work, I want to be a rich woman Keep it!"



"Oh no, I seem to have been kept by a rich woman?"

Lin Qiong reacted, then opened his hands towards the eldest lady with a smile, and said: "Hug me rich lady, give me a hug Erina!"

"Good good-"

The eldest lady reluctantly let go of Krach, then moved in front of Lin Qiong, reached out and held his head in her arms, and said with a smile: "I will support you~"

Kracher: ?

She fell to the ground with a defeated look on her face, leaving tears of humiliation in her heart: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Sir Lin Qiong, I have no grudge against you, why are you doing this to me, uh uh uh uh --"

"Erina stickers—"

Lin Qiong buried his face in the abyss contentedly, then took a deep breath of the scented breath, and said in a muffled voice: "I am now, maybe even a dragon can kill me!"

Before the eldest lady could answer, Miss Know-It-All, who was modifying the control center left by Heathcliff, said without raising her head: "Okay! Be ambitious! I recorded this sentence, and I will use 200 decibels later. The trumpets are played on a 24-hour loop around Yilong's island."

"I'm sorry, I admit that I spoke a little too loudly just now——"

Lin Qiong raised his head and said sincerely, "Can you switch to silent playback?"

"As expected of you—" Miss Wanshitong was amused by Lin Qiong's reaction. She glanced at him and said, "It's not impossible, I just add a subtitle scroll bar."

Lin Qiong:?

He couldn't help but said, "You want me to die! Does it make any difference?"

Miss Passionate thought for a while and said, "One is to see with the eyes, and the other is to listen with the ears."

"Zhuo, this ending is not all death." Lin Qiong waved his hand, and then buried his face in the abyss of the eldest lady again, "Hey, I'm going to die anyway, let's bury it for a while."

The eldest lady smiled and shook her head, then gently stroked Lin Qiong's hair - let him bury it if he likes it!Are you still buried less?

"Well, Master, I have something to ask -"

At this time, the secretary came over and said with some concern: "Now the ingredients in Aincrad, apart from the berries, fungus, and mushrooms in the forest, are only fish and shrimp from the river! Then What shall we eat in the future? You can't eat Pokémon, right?"


Lin Qiong couldn't help but shiver, then looked at the secretary with a frightened face and said: "The secretary is so scary, he actually wants to eat Pokémon!"

"I didn't say that! Young master, don't slander me!"

The secretary was in a hurry at that time, she angrily greeted Lin Qiong's back with her fist, and said, "What kind of crazy person can eat Pokémon?"

"Indeed! Renewable resources such as the tail of the slow-witted beast and the green onions of the scallion duck are fine, but those charcoal-grilled Kentello tongues, sliced-skinned scallion duck, or deep-fried warm pork chops, etc., just think about it." It makes people shudder." Lin Qiong shuddered, then stretched out his hand and rubbed his arm, "So, smart young master, I have already made preparations!"

The secretary gave Lin Qiong a thumb on his back like a maid, and asked curiously: "What is the method the young master said? Could it be that he regularly goes to the Food World to buy ingredients?"

Although this is indeed a solution, this method should not be worth showing off for Lin Qiong, right?

"Of course not! I'm talking about the serious way—"

Lin Qiong snorted twice, and said, "I once asked Camel Sauce to use the amazing animals and plants in the gourmet world as the model to create a batch of food that retains the wonderful taste and texture, but removes the gourmet cells. replica--"

"oh oh!!"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, the secretary urged excitedly: "Then what are you waiting for, young master? Hurry up and ask Lord Arceus!"

"Actually, I think that for this project, Camel Sauce should still be at the stage of creating a new folder." Lin Qiong waved his hand and said helplessly: "After all, he should have been busy working with Heathcliff during this time. Together to build Aincrad, there is probably no time to reproduce the creatures in the gourmet world."

"Oh, it seems right—"

The secretary and the eldest lady looked at each other and nodded in understanding.

"Our dear host, actually we have a small suggestion -" Miss Wan Shitong paused the system optimization work she was doing, then turned her head to look at Lin Qiong and said, "You can let the alpaca pause first. A project, because we are now preparing to carry out a research related to the food demon. If it succeeds, we will no longer have to worry about the food demon going berserk."


Two big exclamation marks suddenly appeared on Lin Qiong's head. He looked at Miss Know-It-All with surprise, and immediately blew a rainbow fart: "Uh-huh, as expected of Miss Know-How, she can even answer the food devil's questions. Solve it! It’s too strong!”

Miss Wanshitong looked at Lin Qiong dumbfounded, and joked: "Host, we just said 'research'! Didn't you say that the research has been successful?"

"Hey, Miss Know-It-All takes action. Isn't it easy to control those little food demons?"

Lin Qiong stretched out the thumb and index finger of his right hand, made a gesture of "I got it right", and said with a happy face: "Hey, then I will talk to Tuo Jiang about this matter first, if it is settled , you can breed some creatures with lower hunting levels in Aincrad in the future."

"go Go--"

Miss Wanshitong waved her hand generously, and said, "I'm continuing to optimize the program here! During this time, you can ask A Jian to continue your special training for you, and we will go to the next world when we are done."


Lin Qiong bowed to Miss Wanshitong, then hugged and kissed the eldest lady, and ran to find Arceus happily.

"Really, presumptuously—"

The eldest lady touched her lips, showing a doting smile, and said: "He is obviously older than me, but he feels like a child."

"Probably, this is the aura of the young master!" The secretary joked, "If the young master suddenly becomes wise and mature, I will not be used to it."

"Well, the wise and mature Qiong..."

The eldest lady wrinkled her face and thought for a moment that Lin Qiong showed the expression of an IQ character. Then she burst out laughing and said, "No, no, I can't imagine Qiong like that at all -"

Fortunately, their chat records were not heard by Lin Qiong, otherwise he would have to tremble with anger.

What happened to this world?Can't characters with amazing brain circuits show their intelligent side?Isn't it just a trick?I'll come up with a hundred for you right now!

One hundred ways to cheat Fengwang snacks!



Labyrinth City, Orari.

"I said, I said—"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang on his shoulder, and couldn't help but said, "You guy is relying on me, right? Can you follow me?"

"You fart, I care about you!"

Feng Wang slapped Lin Qiong's face with his wings angrily, and said, "You want to practice with Jianzai, can you do it without me treating you by the side? Obviously you can't!"

"Ah this-"

Lin Qiong thought for a few seconds, and then couldn't help but sighed: "It really makes sense! As expected of Fengwang sauce, it's really my caring baby!"

"Mouth area—"

Feng Wang vomited directly to show his respect, "You should hurry to find Ah Jian! Then hurry back to the food world—by the way, you forgot the ten buckets of ice cream that you promised me!"

Lin Qiong:?

Low EQ: I want to cheat food and drink

High emotional intelligence: I want to treat you

It has to be you, Feng'er!

"You are a fire-type Pokémon, aren't you afraid of diarrhea after eating so much ice cream?"

"You're kidding! I'm the god of fire. I just want ice cream and I have diarrhea? Who do you look down on?"

"Huo, is it so fierce?"

"Just kidding, I'm super brave!"

"How brave? Let me be healthy!"

"Do you know about Kyurem in the Hezhong area? I chatted and laughed with it!"

"Okay, Niubi! As expected of Phoenix King, you have face—"

"That must be!"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang who was bragging and didn't make drafts, and couldn't help poking her proud chest with his fingers, and said softly; "When I have time, I will let Camel Sauce take us to meet Kyurem .”

Phoenix King: "..."

"I'm so fucking sick of Emperor Yan—" Feng Wang couldn't help but look up at the sky, tears rolled down his eyes, "How did I forget that this guy knew Arceus, seeing a beast is as easy as a rich man meeting Fuli Ji?" '

# May I ask how can I hit it off with the grumpy Kyurem when we meet for the first time and talk and laugh happily?Very urgent, waiting online#

Lin Qiong glanced at Feng Wang whose shoulders had become stiff, with a smile on his lips, he shook his head helplessly.

'Forget it, let's not expose this guy. It's not easy for her to pretend [beep——]——'

Lin Qiong clasped his hands behind his back, and then started strolling on the streets of O'Lari, as if Kuo Shao was shopping.


After sniffing the air, King Feng poked Lin Qiong's face with his wings greedily, and said, "I smell a good smell, is there something delicious?"

Lin Qiong looked up, and at a glance, he saw the fried food chain store he invested in that has swept the entire Orario - at first it only sold fried potato balls and fried chicken, but now it has started selling pork chops, fried potato cakes, Fried crispy bones and crispy pork belly.

"Want to eat?"

"miss you!"

"Then go buy some."

"Wuhu! Why are you so friendly to me today? Could it be that you did something to apologize to me behind your back?"

"Then don't buy it."

"Wrong, brother, I was wrong!"

"I'm not happy to treat you better!"

Lin Qiong looked angrily at Feng Wang on his shoulder, and muttered, "I don't know who I learned from!"

Phoenix King:?

'Who else can I learn from? She blinked her eyes innocently, "I can only say that everyone who understands understands, and those who don't understand must be pretending not to understand!"Crumbs! '

Chapter 0351 Doesn’t it make me look like a stupid person?

Ten minutes later, Lin Qiong walked out of the fried food chain holding the largest paper bag in his left hand.

"Hiss, this is too tempting—"

Feng Wang stood on Lin Qiong's shoulder, stretched his head to look into the bag, then sucked his saliva and said: "Pork chops, chicken tenders, chicken nuggets, chicken legs, chicken popcorn, ham, squid rings, French fries, rice cakes, and even Even ice cream can be fried! What kind of fairy shop is this—"

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