Looking at these fried foods with crispy skin, as well as the condiments and sauces sprinkled on the surface, Feng Wang felt that her saliva was about to flow down three thousand feet - she could swear that if anyone wanted to snatch this If it was a piece of fried food, even Arceus would dare to touch it.


Lin Qiong smiled, and with his right hand wearing a disposable glove, he pinched a piece of popcorn chicken and shook it in front of Feng Wang, "Do you want to eat it?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" King Feng's eyes followed the chicken popcorn and urged: "Stop playing around and give it to me quickly!"

"Call brother!"

"elder brother!"

"Dessert again!"

"Good brother! Give me chicken nuggets!"


Lin Qiong couldn't help but took a deep breath, and after feeding the chicken popcorn in his hand to King Feng, he also grabbed a piece of crispy pork belly and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing and saying: "You bastard, chew, you can also It’s only at times like this that Chew Chew is the most honest.”

"You are very smart, you are not happy to call you good brother."

Feng Wang patted Lin Qiong with his wings, and muttered: "Give me the one you ate just now, it looks delicious."

Lin Qiong carried out the feeding work again, and then walked towards the Astoria family in a leisurely manner—no one really came back. The first thing to do when returning to Orario was to find this stinky man, Jian, instead of Are you going to find a beautiful sister?

Unless you don't know the beautiful sister at all, how pitiful~


"Hey! Where are the girls?"

After Lin Qiong walked into the residence of the Astralia Familia, he shouted at the top of his lungs: "Your handsome and wise brother Lin Qiong is back, come out to greet him -"

"You guys are totally Sheniu now, right?"

King Feng looked at Lin Qiong speechlessly and said, "I remember you weren't afraid of society at first? You were outshined by that guy Luo Zi."

"Isn't this now that the strength has become stronger? The fist is hard, and the waist is naturally hard." Lin Qiong shrugged and said: "Besides, I am chatting and laughing with the kings of various countries in the world of bone kings. Have you had some exercise?"

'It's good to be brave, but you're too brave now. Feng Wang couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly, then stretched out his head and pecked a grain of chicken rice into his mouth, "Well, it's just right!"Sajia is worth it in this life! '

"Stop shouting, don't call me! They went on an expedition with the Loki Familia, and now I am the only one in the Familia station——"

Astoria came out of the house, and then joked: "The gods of Astoria's family came out to greet you in person, is it enough to give you face?"

"That's a must! This is enough face!"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up to Astralia, then pointed to the paper bag in his arms and said, "Is it on time? I just bought it in the store."

"No, no, this thing is too high in calories, and it's easy to get fat if you eat too much." Astoria took two steps back, then touched her stomach, and said with some worry: "In the God Realm, you can use divine power. You don’t need to worry about this aspect, it’s not so convenient in the lower realm.”

Lin Qiong said dumbfounded: "Is it so exaggerated?"

"Yes! For a goddess, gaining weight is a devastating blow!" Astraea sighed and said with a sad face: "Am I exaggerating? You don't know, right? Since the fried chicken restaurant you and A Jian jointly opened became popular, many male gods and goddesses have gained weight because of it."

"Ah this, ah this this -"

Lin Qiong touched his head subtly, and muttered: "I really don't know about this—it's better to say, I never thought that such a thing would happen."

"Before God gained weight, we didn't expect this kind of thing to happen!" Astoria touched her belly with lingering fear, and said, "Actually, I also ate a lot of fried rice a while ago. Chicken - oops, if I gain weight, my image will be ruined!"

A chubby version of Lady Justice?Hey, I don't know if he's cute or not, but he definitely doesn't have the majesty and aloofness anymore.


"However, let's just say, is there a possibility?"

Lin Qiong looked at Astraea in front of him with a subtle expression, and whispered: "It's just a hypothesis - I can secretly open the door and let you go to other worlds to release your divine power, and then use your divine power to remove excess fat and calories. ?”

Astoria: Σ( ° △ °|||)

She stood there for a few seconds, and then her attention was attracted by Lin Qiong's chewing sound.The goddess looked at the bag in Lin Qiong's arms, smelled the scent of cumin, and couldn't help but take a sip.

"Give me a little too!"

"I'll give you a disposable glove, take it yourself."

"Thank you very much! I'm starting-"

Today's fried chicken is also extraordinarily delicious.




After stuffing a large bag (half a person's height) of fried food and three large 2L bottles of Coke into her stomach, Astoria touched her belly with a happy expression.

"Sure enough, junk food can bring happiness to people—"

Astoria sighed with happiness, then looked at Fengwang lying on the table with a bulging belly, and said with a smile: "Also, Fengwang-san, welcome to Olali as a guest."

"Hi, you, wait a moment—" Feng Wang hiccupped, and then tried to sit up lazily, "Let me... um... first... um... get up..."


Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang with a blank expression as he rolled on the table like a pig's snout and struggled for a while. However, because he ate too much, he failed to get up several times, and finally lay back on the table with a messed up look on his face.

"Oh! Can't get up—"

Feng Wang raised his head, then looked at Lin Qiong, and asked for help, "Brother, give me a hand."

"Can't you flap your wings?"

With a dark look on his face, Lin Qiong helped King Feng up with his right hand and couldn't help but cursed: "You should stop calling him King Feng, call him Feng Zhu or King Pig."

"You unreasonable evil beast!"

Feng Wang couldn't help cursing: "Believe it or not, I will burn your hair with sacred fire while you are sleeping? Burn the roots of your hair!"

"Hey, I have such a bad temper!"

Lin Qiong's eyebrows immediately stood up, and with a flick of his fingers, Feng Wang fell down again with a scream of "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch!", and then Lin Qiong pressed his index finger on Feng Wang's belly with a smile on his face.

"Wait, what are you going to do!"

Seeing this, King Feng yelled in shock: "I am the god of life and fire, you are disrespectful... Aww!"

Lin Qiong gently pressed down with his fingers, causing King Feng to scream before he could even finish his words: "It's about to be squeezed out! The contents of his stomach are about to be squeezed out, ahhhhhh- —”

"Is it wrong?"

"Wrong! Wrong brother!"

"Call something nice."

"Good brother!"

"Hey, that's right!"

Satisfied, Lin Qiong let go of Feng Wang's stomach, then helped her up again, and said happily, "Hey, just this feel, it's so refreshing!"

So cool, so cool!

'I will endure! '

King Feng clenched his fists, and then made a kind expression: "Xiao Bi Zai Jue, don't let me catch you!"Otherwise, you won’t be able to enjoy the juice! '

"Puff haha——"

Astraea watched the interaction between Lin Qiong and Phoenix King and couldn't help but laugh: "Lin Qiong, your relationship with Phoenix King Sang is really good."

"That's right! Feng Wang and I are good brothers—"

Lin Qiong chuckled, then he lay on the table and used his fingers to imitate a little man, and then jumped back and forth in front of King Feng. King Feng was so amused that he couldn't help but stretched his head and tried to peck Lin Qiong's right hand, muttering in his mouth. He said: "Humph, I will reluctantly admit that you are my good brother!"

Seeing the joyful look of this god alone, Astoria couldn't help propping her chin with her hand, as if enjoying some special effects blockbuster, watching Lin Qiong's right-hand villain vs Feng Wang's mini-game.


After pecking for a long time, Feng Wang sat down on the table out of breath and shouted: "No more fun, no more fun! I'm exhausted, I want to rest-"

"Wow, aren't you? You're so exhausted after just so much activity?" Lin Qiong looked at Feng King with the same look that Bados looked at the Sixth Universe's God of Destruction, Xiangpa, "Are you so weak?"

"Wu Lu Sai! You are such a motorcycle -" Feng Wang turned his head and said, "I just miss this kind of full happiness! A guy like you who can eat snacks every day until he is full, You must not understand, right?"

"What pig-nosed words are you talking about?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and then said with a speechless face: "Do you want to recall the time when I missed your portion of snacks? You pig-nose ate more than me, you Are you embarrassed to shout?"

"Damn it! You can eat it at any time. I can only eat tree fruit alone when I return to the elf world. Is it easy for me?"

"Huh? It's not like there's no delicious food in the elf world? Aren't dark gray rice crackers, angry steamed buns, and forest yokan all delicious?"

"Please, I'm the God of Life! How could I buy Angry Buns? Don't I want to lose face?"

"Fuck, you still have the baggage of being an idol, right?"

"is it not OK?"

"No, let's just say is there a possibility, you can continue to transform into the Rocket Sparrow, and then go buy these special products?"


Feng Wang once again used his wings to drag his chin, and then showed a shaken expression with sweating profusely: 'Xi Baga!Doesn't this make me look like a fool? '

Chapter 0352 Why is Ishta more beautiful than Freya?

After staying with the Astoria family for a while, Lin Qiong bid farewell to Sister Liya, and happily found Jian Yulei who was squatting on the side of the road looking at the beauties.

"Ah Jian, you have changed."

Lin Qiong squatted beside him, and said with a sigh of relief: "I think back in the past, when I first met A Jian, you were a hardworking and good young man working hard at the fried potato ball stall on the street. , but what about Ah Jian now? He actually squatted on the side of the road and looked at the white thighs of a passing female adventurer—hey, is this the so-called man who becomes bad when he has money?"

"Brother Qiong, that's not what you said! I'm just, uh, enjoying the tranquility of life!" Jian Yulei blocked the sun with his hand, then glanced at Lin Qiong, and explained: "Besides, I'm ...Hiss, Brother Qiong, come over there is a top-quality one, guaranteed to be S-rank! Those legs are so big, no, those breasts are so white, no..."

Hearing that Jian Yulei was speaking incoherently, Lin Qiong looked over with confusion, and immediately saw a heart-stoppingly beautiful silver-haired beauty walking enchantingly in front of Jian Yulei in a slim-fitting dress.

"Oh wow-"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then quietly moved two steps to the side, and drew a cross before walking, secretly praying: "A Jian, may God bless you, Amitabha——"

(Meanwhile, Jesus and Buddha fought in heaven.)

"Ah, this..."

Jian Yulei looked at the stunning beauty standing in front of him awkwardly, and said with a guilty look on his face: "Isn't this Freya? I wonder what you want from me?"


Freya looked at Jian Yulei condescendingly and said, "I have an acne."

Jian Yulei: "Eh?"

Freya bent down, then pointed at an acne on her pretty face with cold eyes, and said, "I said, I have an acne!"

"This, this..."

Jian Yulei blinked blankly and said, "What does your acne have to do with me?"

"Because the fried chicken in your store was so delicious, I accidentally ate some more——" Freya clenched her fists quietly and said, "In the end, she ate too much chili pepper, so she... Got a pimple.”


Jian Yulei's face was filled with a kind of confusion. He couldn't help but said: "Then it's useless for you to find me? It's better for you to ask Mi He for this kind of thing -"

I'm a god of war, but I'm not a god of medicine? ?

Seeing the confusion on Jian Yulei's face, Freya showed a bright smile and said: "You are wrong, A Jian! I am not here to treat you, but to take revenge on you -"

After finishing speaking, she clapped her hands lightly, and saw a dark-faced hunk coming out from behind Jian Yulei, and then carried Lord Valkyrie on her shoulders.

Jian Yulei's expression was a little flustered, he looked at the sweetly smiling Freya, and hurriedly said: "Freya, you, how are you going to take revenge on me?"

"Ha ha--"

Although Freya kept a bright smile, her voice seemed to be floating out of the Nine Hells: "In the next week, you'd better eat three meals a day with the spiciest sauce on it. Let’s get the family bucket set meal!”


Jian Yulei's expression changed immediately, and he hurriedly said: "Wait, wait! Freya, I'm from the Far East, I, my taste is relatively light! I can't eat spicy food!!"


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