Freya had an intoxicating and seductive smile on her face, she leaned close to Jian Yulei's ear, lowered her voice, and said in a passionate voice: "Otherwise, why would I specially add the hottest Where's the sauce?"

Jian Yulei's expression froze, and he really wanted to ask Freya how to say blood-cold words with a blood-boiling voice.

'correct!I still have Brother Qiong! '

Jian Yulei felt that he had found a life-saving straw. He quickly turned his head to look in Lin Qiong's direction, only to find that Lin Qiong, who was squatting beside him a few minutes ago, had disappeared without a trace.

'That rascal! ! ! '

Jian Yulei's mentality has collapsed!



"Hey, it's really dangerous!"

Lin Qiong sat on the sofa opposite Loki, and then said with a look of fear: "You don't know, that Freya walked over on her big white legs, with her arms still on her chest, that's called a big……"

"You guy-"

Loki looked at Lin Qiong with a dark face, and said, "Are you afraid of her or are you greedy for her?"

"That must be scary! I feel like she is the type of woman who eats people without spitting out their bones -"

Lin Qiong smacked his lips and said, "But beautiful is really beautiful! I can only say that she is worthy of being a goddess of beauty. This nickname is indeed correct."


Loki raised his eyebrows, and then said with a smirk: "If you are interested in the God of Beauty, how about going to Happy Street? We can introduce you to another God of Beauty in Olalie— —”

Another beauty god?

Lin Qiong touched his chin and asked, "Did the beauty you mentioned refer to Ishta?"

Loki was stunned for a moment, and then said with a surprised face: "You actually know Ishtar's name? Hey, I said, you must have been to Happy Street, right? Good boy! I must tell Erina Meimei you This guy is dishonest—”

"Believe it or not, I will try my best to attack your beautiful Ai Simei when I turn around, and then make out with her in front of you, so that you can only grit your teeth and shed blood and tears?"

"I'm sorry, I admit that I spoke a little louder just now, please don't attack our beautiful girl Ai Si!"

Loki lowered his head wisely.

No way, based on her understanding of Ai Si, as long as Lin Qiong shows his strength and tells Ai Si "I can teach you", then Ai Si, who is also obsessed with "becoming stronger", will definitely be easily hooked.

Damn it, I must protect the purity of Miss Aisi!

"As expected of Loki, he is very good at integrity." Lin Qiong gave Loki a thumbs up, and then propped his chin and said: "But I have to say, if the International Beauty God Review Conference is held, take The champion should be Ishtar, not Freya."


The teacup in Loki's hand fell on the tea table. She looked at Lin Qiong dumbfounded, and said suspiciously: "You, are you serious? Although we don't like Freya that much, but... are you serious? ?”

The two consecutive "Are you serious?" fully proved the shock in Loki's heart at this time—no, why should Ishtar compare with Freya?

"Loki, I think you don't understand at all!" Lin Qiong shook his finger, and then said solemnly: "Although in my aesthetics, Freya's beauty can surpass Ista's by [-]." Street, but Ishta’s skin color is so correct, so she will definitely win the championship!”


Question marks popped up in Loki's head, who had no idea how powerful "Ni's power" was. She couldn't help asking: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand at all?"

"Tsk, you make me look stupid."

Lin Qiong smacked his lips in disinterest. He couldn't help but sigh: "At this time, the importance of Miss Know-It-All is revealed. She is the woman who can perfectly pick up all my jokes -"

"I'm really sorry that we couldn't catch your stalk!"

Loki looked at Lin Qiong angrily and said, "Did you come here specifically to make me angry today?"

"Hey, of course not, I'm here to bring you a present."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, winked at Loki, and said, "Have you finished reading the inventory you brought over last time? Do you want to update it?"

Rocky came to Lin Qiong with a swish, then knelt on the ground with one knee, raised his right hand high, and sang like the Takarazuka Troupe: "Praise Lin Qiong, you are my sun, you are my sun, Faith born of God is my road sign, my lighthouse in the mist, my food in my hunger, and my stove in my cold—”


Lin Qiong couldn't help shivering, and then took out the mobile hard disk in his arms with a look of disgust, then handed it to Loki, and said: "Take it and copy it yourself, Xingzhichi, Shauniang Lishi, Baiyin 81, Lu Yexi, Zhu Momo, and Shui Miao have all been updated a lot, enough for you to watch for a while."

"UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuushauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuIt is really the greatest luck in our lives that we can get to know you——"

Loki couldn't help but smacked his nose, then wiped his tears with his sleeve movedly, and said: "We, we don't know how to thank you! Woooooooo——"

"Then it's better to put Aisi—"

"Don't talk, crawl."

"Oh, you woman, you can change your face faster than you can turn a book."

Lin Qiong glanced at Loki with contempt, "Then I won't give you my second present."

"I Zhuo, there is a second gift? Didn't you say it earlier?"

Loki was shocked and knelt down on one knee again in front of Lin Qiong, raised his right hand again, and then shouted in bel canto: "Ah, my sun, my moon, my stars, my of……"

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Lin Qiong hurriedly called to stop, then took out two brown wine jars from his backpack with a speechless face, and said, "Here, Master Abe brewed the wine with ingredients from the gourmet world, and let Di Yalu from the elf world The card accelerates it into a century-old wine."

"My dear mother!"

Loki saw that the eyeballs of the two wine jars were about to pop out, she jumped down and knelt down in front of the coffee table, then stretched out her hands and hugged the wine jar into her arms, rubbing against the beautiful legs of the eldest lady like Lin Qiong. Looking at the wine jar, he said happily: "This is a miracle, no, this is a miracle that even gods cannot create, hehehe, hehehehe——"

Lin Qiong shook his head in disgust, and said, "You don't look like a god at all! What a shame!"

"What do you know!"

Loki glared at him and said: "If these two jars of wine are put up for auction at Orario, each jar will be sold for 1000 million, no, 5000 million, no, no, even if it is [-] million faries, we are willing to buy it. !”

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand expressionlessly: "Then pay."

Loki pondered for a few seconds, then took the two jars of wine into his arms, and ran out of the office without looking back.

Mud oils the road! !

Chapter 0353 No Promise!

After leaving the Loki family, Lin Qiong went to visit his other friends in Olalie—for example, the slave blacksmith who did not want to be named, and the slave pharmacist who did not want to be named.

In the former, Lin Qiong bestowed Feng Wang with a sacred fire, which can speed up the removal of impurities when black slave blacksmiths hammer materials, and make the forged weapons have the effect of "slowly recovering the user's physical strength";

In the latter, Lin Qiong presented some petals that naturally fell from Xie Mi's body. These petals have the characteristics of absorbing toxins and converting them into vitality, which made the black slave pharmacist's excited nostrils dilate a few points.

"You guy, borrowing flowers and offering Buddhas has a hand that belongs to—"

Standing on Lin Qiong's shoulder, Feng Wang couldn't help complaining, "You actually gave away my sacred fire!"

"What does this prove? It proves your place in my heart, you understand?"

Lin Qiong smiled, and then said confidently: "Otherwise, why didn't I give Victini's V Heat Flame or Reshiram's Blue Flame? This proves that in my heart, Feng Wang, you are No.1! Fire Department Do you know how to handle it?"

"Hey, that's what I love to hear!"

Feng Wang became angry, she raised her head arrogantly, and said: "There are many fire-type beasts in the audience——

Victini?The stinky brother who only knows about the pursuit of victory and volatility!

Rashiram?The stinky man who only knows how to pursue the true brave!

That Gulardo?Just a smelly crawler who can't fly!

For the fire element, in the end you have to look at me, the Phoenix King!Only I am the only savior of the fire system! "


Lin Qiong nodded his head, put his hands on his hips, and said, "Oh, since Ah Jian was captured by Freya, we can only entrust Erlang to train me to provoke him!"

Feng Wang was startled, then looked at Lin Qiong with some anger, and said suspiciously: "Are you sure you didn't just have a good time eating fried chicken, so you suddenly had the thought of 'Wow, Feng Wang is so powerful, then she "The meat is definitely delicious, right? I wonder what it tastes like." With this thought in mind, are you ready to join forces with the two wolves to seize me and eat the meat?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Feng Wang, and then showed a thoughtful expression.

Feng Wang: "You don't think so!"

Lin Yuqiong smacked his lips imperceptibly, and then licked his lips.

Feng Wang: "You don't think so, do you?"

Lin Qiong showed a caring smile towards Feng Wang.

Feng Wang: "No... right?"



The gourmet world, provided by Yilong on the island.


The second wolf showed the same wretched expression as Loki, then hugged the wine jar in his arms with a fascinated look, and said: "This is really, hiccup, for this wine jar, I might even beat Arceus. "

'Arzeus provoked you? '

Lin Qiong couldn't help but scratched his cheek, and reminded: "Then what, brother Erlang, you are also a hunk anyway, can you stop showing such a wretched expression?"

"That can't be done!"

Erlang carefully placed the wine jar on the wooden shelf next to it, then raised his fingers and said solemnly: "This is the supreme treasure, do you understand treasure?"

"Is that directly related to your wretched expression?"

"That's not obscene! That's respect for fine wine!"

Erlang snorted, then walked slowly in front of Lin Qiong, moved his shoulders a little, and said, "That's the end of the chat, let's start the training."

"Eh? So fast?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard Erlang's words, and said, "Aren't you going to catch up with me, talk about something else?"

"No need to reminisce about the old days! You have come up with such a great gift, of course I have to hurry up and train you—" Erlang smiled, and said a little drunk: "Okay, let's attack with all our strength! I need to adjust the strength of the seal acupuncture point according to your current strength."

"alright, I got it!"

Lin Qiong nodded his head, he took a deep breath, adjusted the rhythm of the magic in his body, his eyes turned golden, and said, "Then, I'm on it!"

"bring it on--"

Erlang grinned, and then thought in his heart: "Brother Lin Qiong, you are my savior!"Every time I make you stronger, your chance of encountering danger becomes smaller, so...'

Just let me play a little bit harder!




King Feng looked at Lin Qiong who was covered with scars all over his body, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth empathetically, and said, "You were beaten too badly, didn't you?"

"Hahaha, the second wolf is too strong—"

Lin Qiong lay on the ground and let out a weak laugh: "Raise your hand quickly, my whole body is in pain right now."

"I'm really convinced—"

Feng Wang fluttered her wings, and the milky white sacred fire flew out of her wings and landed on Lin Qiong's wound—in just a few seconds, Lin Qiong's body was wrapped in flames.

"I'm burning! You should know, right? My holy fire will only burn wounds!"

Feng Wang twitched the corner of his mouth, she landed on the edge of Lin Qiong's head, and couldn't help saying: "So your current situation means that you don't have a good place on your body—"

Erlang, how did you manage to make Lin Qiong hurt so evenly?Could it be that you turned him around in a caring way?

"How many times do you think I have been healed by you? Of course I know this kind of common sense—" Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth, then sat up from the ground, and said dumbfoundingly: "To be honest, when I was beaten by Erlang, I feel like beef that is going to be used to make Chaoshan beef balls!"

Guigui, it was really being beaten over and over again, the chest was beaten and the back was beaten, the arms were beaten and the legs were beaten, Lin Qiong almost lost his mind.

Looking at Lin Qiong whose flames were gradually extinguished, King Feng couldn't help but sighed, and said, "I can't help but feel sad when I think about you not having to beat me up for a week."


Lin Qiong let out a strange cry, and then joked with a teasing face: "I didn't expect our Master Feng Wang to love me? Oh, I'm so happy!"

"Bah! I love you? You're thinking about shit! I'm feeling sorry for myself—you've been beaten so badly, I can't treat you? If I treat you, I can't be exhausted? I'm exhausted, I must not be reprimanded by Arceus?" Feng Wang looked at Lin Qiong with disgust, and said angrily: "When I think that I will be punished when I go back, I don't want to care about you!"

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