"Oh, don't be like this, little Fengfeng, good Fengfeng—"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand with a smile, and let Feng Wang land on his finger, "I know you must love me! How could you let me fall to the ground with injuries all over my body?"

"That's not necessarily true! Maybe I don't feel bad for seeing your injuries all over your body, but you are also very happy?" Feng Wang shook his head and said, "Besides, don't you still have immortality?" Beans? Eating one can heal all injuries, isn’t that more convenient than me?”

Lin Qiong was slightly taken aback. He put his hand on his chin thoughtfully, and said, "It seems to make sense? Why did I forget such a convenient thing as Xiandou?"

King Feng: "?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but patted his thigh, and said, "That's right! If you use Xiandou, you don't need the Phoenix King to consume strength, and you don't need to feed the Phoenix King. Is this much more inconvenient?"

King Feng: "!"

Lin Qiong looked at King Feng and said, "Why don't I send you back to the elf world first? You can also take this opportunity to take a good rest, how about it?"

"No! No, no, no, no!"

King Feng was in a hurry, she leaned in front of Lin Qiong, stared at Lin Qiong, and said: "Xiandou is also a bean, eating too much will make your stomach swell, which is not good for your health! So let me treat you? "

"no, I'm fine--"

Lin Qiong suppressed a smile and pretended to be worried and said, "I can't let you get tired! If you get tired, get scolded, or even get hurt by Arceus' sanctions, I will feel bad!"

Phoenix King looked like he will go to hell if I don't, and he said with his head held high: "You don't have to feel bad for me! Arceus also said that I will feel tired if I neglect to exercise! Please let me treat you a few more times , isn't it just a matter of training me?"

"No! Didn't you come over after not exercising for so many years? Why do you have to work so hard for me? It's not worth it—"

"Why is it not worth it? You are my best brother! It is our duty to treat you!"

Seeing Feng Wang crazily persuading him, Lin Qiongren's abdominal muscles were about to cramp—no, you have to be patient!Otherwise, this little bird would definitely peck the top of his head in anger!

Hey, baldness is a big no-no!



A week later.

Castle in the Sky.


Lin Qiong couldn't help wiping away bitter tears, then threw himself into the eldest lady's arms, and said, "Erina, I was beaten so badly by Erlang!"

"I can prove that!"

King Feng nodded at the side, then clicked his tongue and said: "In the past few days, I have to give him more than five full-body treatments every day, otherwise he can only lie on the ground, unable to even move. No."

"Thanks a lot--"

The eldest lady gently stroked Lin Qiong's hair with her hands and said with a smile: "Then as a reward, today's dinner will be all Qiong's favorite dishes."

"Oh oh oh! Really?" Lin Qiong raised his head with surprise and said with bright eyes: "Is it okay to order all meat and vegetables? Is it okay to not eat vegetables?"

"Baa! For nutritional balance, green vegetables must be eaten~" The eldest lady drew an "X" with the index fingers of both hands in front of her, and said with a smile: "Even if you don't order green vegetables, I will also use seasonal vegetables for you. Make a plate of stir-fried vegetables, and you have to eat them all!"

"Damn it! Human beings have worked so hard to climb to the top of the food chain, not just to be vegetarian!"

"No road race! People who don't eat vegetables are not even eligible to eat meat!"


King Feng squatting on the bird stand looked at Lin Qiong who was suppressed by the eldest lady in a few words, and couldn't help but sighed with hatred: "It's worthless, but she was able to handle it in a few words." '

While poking Lin Qiong's angry cheeks with her fingers, the eldest lady raised her head, looked at Feng Wang who was trimming the feathers with the bird's beak, and asked: "It's hard work Feng Wang Jiang has been treating Qiong, so today Please order as much as you want! I will fully satisfy you!"

"Oh oh oh!"

The Phoenix King immediately flapped his wings excitedly and landed on the coffee table in front of the eldest lady. Then he jumped up and down, chattering to himself about what he wanted to eat today.

Lin Qiong, who was lying on the eldest lady's lap, looked at the joyous Feng Wang, and couldn't help sighing with hatred: "I'm useless, but she was able to handle it in a few words!" '

Chapter 0354 Arrival in the New World


Lying on the window of the control center of Sky City, Lin Qiong reluctantly looked at Aincrad below and choked up: "Oh, damn! Why can't you take it away too? Don't you feel that it is there? Are you crying? It's telling me - don't go, don't leave me alone!"

"Ah yes yes yes—"

The eldest lady grabbed Lin Qiong's collar and pulled him to the control center, and then said angrily: "Do you know how much energy it takes to drive Aincrad? How is it possible that every time you go to other worlds, you stay there?" Hold it!"

"Wooooow, then it is too pitiful—"

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady pitifully, choked up and said: "It was created with great difficulty, but it ended up being left at home. This, this is too pitiful! Isn't this the same as left-behind children!? "


The eldest lady rubbed her head helplessly, then looked at Miss Wanshitong, and sighed, "Rafisan, you can take care of him."

"We can't control him—"

Miss Passer-Talk tapped on the virtual keyboard in front of her indifferently, and said, "If he wants to take Aincrad with him, let him take it with him."

Lin Qiong was overjoyed, and then moved and said: "Miss Wanshitong, you are really a good person daze!"

"It's just that, for now, we haven't found a suitable energy source to drive Aincrad -" Miss Know-It-All pressed the Enter button, then raised her head and looked at Lin Qiong, and said, "So I can only feel aggrieved. You can take on the role of driving energy for the time being, is that okay?"


Lin Qiong hesitated to speak, then he thought for a moment, hesitated a little, and finally learned from the pain and said with a sad face: "I'm sorry, Ai-chan, let's say goodbye again! Remember to think of us when you are at home. ——”

The eldest lady maintained the expression of [→_→], and said: "Qiong, what you said just now is very, very scumbag!"

"No road race! Bearing the energy consumption of the entire Aincrad will drain me! Even if I have food, I can't hold on!!"

"Qiong, men can't say no~"

"I can do it, don't you know?"

"Pfft! You, you, you, you, you, what stupid things are you talking about!"

"Ehe! Are you shy? Phew! Shy Erina is so cute~"


"Gee! Well, what a powerful punch..."

Feng Wang, who was squatting on the bird stand beside him, couldn't help but stare at a pair of dead fish eyes and let out a dog food-smelling burp. Then he glanced at the secretary next to him who was taking pictures and recording, and couldn't help but sigh. tone.

'The whole family is lost—'



Coordinates: 5460

Name: Realm World

Time: Half a year ago when Kurosaki Ichigo broke into the soul world to save Rukia

Location: virtual circle


The eldest lady stood on the top of Sky City, squinted her eyes at the scenery ahead, and muttered, "Isn't this too desolate? No wonder the original book uses phrases like 'except sand is sand' to describe the virtual circle."

"Haha, it's a virtual circle after all! If it's full of flowers, it will make me feel strange—"

Lin Qiong hugged the eldest lady from behind, then put his chin on her shoulder, and whispered: "Besides, if we are together with Erina, the scenery like this will become more beautiful——"


The eldest lady gently covered the back of Lin Qiong's hand, then lowered her head with a flushed face, and whispered, "Idiot—"

"Well, interrupt you two—"

Just as the two were chatting with each other, Miss Know-How's voice came from behind them. Lin Qiong and the eldest lady were so frightened that they quickly separated and stood on both sides of the wall——

Lin Qiong propped up the wall with both hands, then raised his head to look at the dim sky, and whistled without making a sound at all: "咻, 咻咻——"

The eldest lady put her hands in front of her body, lowered her head shyly, then tapped the toe of her right foot to the ground, and muttered softly: "I didn't find it, I didn't find it, I didn't find it——"

'This...what is this...'

Miss Wanshitong tugged at the corners of her eyes, then covered her face with her hands in a speechless expression, and couldn't help but said: "I said, you two have even performed PIAYs like ○○ and ○○○, Why are you still shy because of this kind of thing? Idiot couples also have a limit, right?"

The eldest lady was so frightened that she started to say garbled words: "%*@$&——"

'Although I don't understand what she is saying specifically, I can probably guess that she wants to ask me, 'Why do you know?' 'Something like that? 'Miss Know-It-All looked at the busy eldest lady in front of her with a subtle look, and explained: "Have you forgotten that I have his memory? So I know your usual postures and gameplay..."

"Cuckoo cuckoo!"

The eldest lady squatted on the wall with her hands covering her face, and then screamed hoarsely: "Wow--I can't live anymore--"

Lin Qiong on the side also looked like he was about to cough up his lungs: "Ahem, cough, cough, cough, cough——"

Miss Know-It-All kept her [===] expression and couldn't help but say: "No, you guys are having fun in private, how did you get to-"

"Miss Know-It-All, be merciful—"

Lin Qiong clasped his hands together and interrupted her complaint, begging for mercy: "What is the matter with you coming up to us?"

"Tsk, it's like this—"

Miss Know-It-All scratched her head helplessly and said: "I originally wanted you to catch a few virtual ones and use them as test subjects, but now that I think about it, it seems that it would be better to go directly to the guardian -"

'However, why didn't I go to the guardian immediately, but came to him specially? Miss Wanshitong glanced at Lin Qiong in front of her, and shook her head helplessly, "Of course it's because I want to find him"! '

"Ahem, it's okay, it's okay! I'll just go there—"

Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice. He stretched out his hand and pushed Miss Do-it-all’s back, walked quickly towards the stairs, and said, “But I’m a little bored going alone! Why don’t you turn into a do-it-all cat and go with me !"


Miss Know-it-all walked down the stairs helplessly, and said, "Should I become a cat and follow you? Well, it's not impossible—"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up to the eldest lady, then turned around and said: "Wuhu! You can rua Maomao again, long live!"

Seeing Miss Wanshitong's disappearing back, the eldest lady couldn't help holding her chest and letting out a sigh of relief, and said, "Wow, I thought my heart would burst—"


Leaning against the fence, the eldest lady showed a somewhat disappointed expression. She curled up her legs and muttered softly: "It feels so pity! The atmosphere just now happened to be—"


Why did it appear at such a time!




Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, with his head on the head of the yawning Know-It-All Cat, and on his shoulders stood the Phoenix King who was cleaning out the sand stuck in the feathers, and said: "There is a saying, Hueco Mundo's magic concentration is really high What an exaggeration! It feels like the concentration of magic power is higher than that of Magic Cannon World—"

"Well, after all, according to the setting of the Shinigami world, both Soul Society and Hueco Mundo are worlds composed entirely of 'spirits' -" the know-it-all cat waved his cat paw, and then said lazily: "And For you, the virtual circle is equivalent to a world composed of complete magic power."

"It seems like this - where is the Phoenix King? How do you feel?" Lin Qiong looked at the Phoenix King on his shoulder and asked curiously: "Is there that kind of 'Wow, power, power from The feeling of——!!' welling up in the body?"

Feng Wang twitched the corners of his mouth, and complained: "It's just that the source of power in my body has changed, and it's not that I have acquired the ability to transform—can I still transform into a Super Phoenix King or a Freedom Phoenix King? "

"Zizai Jiyi Phoenix King? Uh, the Phoenix King with a whole body of silver? Uh, for a while, I didn't know what expression to use to face that reality—" Lin Qiong frowned, showing a very With a complicated expression, Feng Wang, who was squatting on his shoulder, showed an expression mixed with disgust and resistance after imagining the picture of himself covered in silver: "No! If you are covered in silver, wouldn't it be the same as Rogiana? Is the guy bumping into color? No, absolutely not!"

'Wow, this guy's hostility towards Rogia is still so strong, can it be said that the first-level gods in every region have this kind of relationship. Lin Qiong crossed his arms and began to think in his mind: "The flightless and fat-headed fish in the Fengyuan area, the space-time dragon in the Sinnoh area, the black and white dragon in the Hezhong area, and the X deer and Y bird in the Carlos area..."

"Lin Qiong, Lin Qiong—"

It seems, it seems, maybe...well, there is indeed a feeling of incompatibility?

"Lin Qiong? Why are you in a daze!"

Eh wait, this situation seems to have changed since the Alola region?The sun lion and the moon bat can form the "Mule Horse Victim Alliance", and the sword shield and the two dogs are simply comrades in fighting the big centipede...

"I said, idiot!"

Following Feng Wang's furious voice, her beak pecked Lin Qiong's face viciously, causing him to let out a mournful cry.


While rubbing his face, Lin Qiong grinned and asked, "What are you doing! It hurts! Do you know how to cut if you break the defense?"

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