"Is this my line?"

Feng Wang complained expressionlessly: "What were you in a daze just now? I called you several times and you didn't respond!"

"Uh, cough, I was thinking about some very important things just now—" Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, then raised his head, looked at the red light cannon that was getting closer and closer, and said with narrowed eyes: "Speaking of which, That's why you called me, right? But you underestimate me too much, this level of attack, I can go on with my instinctive reaction, okay?"

Before speaking, Lin Qiong threw a right fist casually, and the fist wind generated by breaking through the sound barrier directly penetrated this red flash, and even Xu's head with the flash was blown off.

Lin Qiong curled his lips and said, "After all, it's just a Killian—"

Chapter 0355


Killian, who lost his head, fell slowly, and then gradually decomposed into the most precise spirit particles from the wound.


Lin Qiong patted himself on the head, and muttered: "If you are not careful, you will be given a second. Shouldn't it be better to grab it and use it as a test product?"

"What were you thinking, idiot—"

The know-it-all cat gently patted Lin Qiong's forehead with the meat ball on its paw, "A big and stupid guy like Killian is not suitable to be a guinea pig!"

"Well, that makes sense! Then let's focus on Yachukas."

Lin Qiong crossed his arms, nodded seriously, and said, "I remember that most Hollows don't hide their spiritual pressure, so -"

The power of waveguide, spread!

With the forest dome as the center, light blue ripples began to spread from his feet, quickly covering the surrounding area.

"found it!"

Lin Qiong turned his head to look at the sand dunes in the distance, and muttered, "Did he be attracted by Killian just now? He's approaching here."

"I don't know what form Achukas will be—"

Phoenix King fluttered his feathers, and then showed an evil smile that was completely inconsistent with her identity: "Jiejie, it's best to be Achiukas in bird form!"

Lin Qiong rubbed his head and said, "Let me take a bold guess, you are planning to name the other party 'Lugia', right?"

"Oh! You are indeed my best friend——"

Feng Wang showed a very happy expression, she patted Lin Qiong's neck with her wings, and said: "The one who knows me is also Lin Qiong!"

"You really face your own desires faithfully—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but sighed, "Maybe I'm going to disappoint you, it's a centipede-shaped Yachuca... Hey!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Qiong jumped into the air, and where he was standing before, a giant centipede covered with a white carapace appeared.

Centipede looked at Lin Qiong standing in mid-air, and let out a classic queen-style three-part smile: "Oh ho ho! Let me see what I found - the lost God of Death? Jie Jie! Become Bridget obediently. Extra nutrients for adults to become stronger!!"

"Wow, it's really a standard actor's line——"

Lin Qiong crossed his arms, looked at the centipede-shaped Yachukas who was condensing into a virtual flash, and said delicately: "But why is it a woman? Could it be said that the first person with a name and a surname that the hero meets when he comes to a different world?" Is the law that the role of the character must be a female role valid?"

Feng Wang couldn't help complaining: "Is there such a law? Why don't I know?"

"There are so many things you don't know—"

Lin Qiong opened his hands, gathered a hexagonal magic shield in front of him, and said, "Let her calm down first!"

"Wait a minute, dear host! If I remember correctly, Xu should be a creature that extremely pursues powerful creatures and will follow them." Know-it-all Maomao interrupted his actions, and said, "So Aizen Only by relying on his own formidable strength and the power to make Xu's appearance, that guy can gain a large group of Xu's followers—"

Lin Qiong touched his head and said, "It seems like this? But why are you talking about such things now?"

"Because, we have a bold idea—"

The know-it-all cat smiled, and she patted Lin Qiong's head with her hand, and sent a message, saying, "Host, try our plan!"

"Ah this-"

After Lin Qiong completed the steps of "save as-decompress-load" the file in his mind, he couldn't help showing a subtle expression, and said, "Is this really all right?"

Know-it-all Maomao urged indifferently: "Try and you don't need money! If it succeeds, we will have a steady stream of guinea pigs who voluntarily cooperate!"

Lin Qiong rubbed his face, showing a dignified expression: "Okay! Since it's Miss Wanshitong's request—then, I'll do it!"

The know-it-all cat raised his right hand high and said, "Go!"

King Feng: "?"

Phoenix King: I should be on the soles of my feet, not on my shoulders!Obviously the three of us are at the instrument, but you are chatting privately, right?




After more than ten seconds, the centipede stopped his virtual flash panting, looked at the empty sky, and couldn't help spitting: "Cut! Are there no bones left? Huh, my lord's poison False Flash is indeed terrifyingly strong! Jie Jie, maybe even Valstord--"

Just when the centipede's face was showing color, a cold, high-pitched voice sounded from behind her: "You are also worthy of saying the name of Valstord because you are such a scumbag?"


Centipede Xu is like fighting an ancient battlefield in class. When she turned her head and found the student sitting behind her, the dean was shocked. She turned around in a hurry, sweating profusely, looking at the student Lin Qiong behind him stammered, "You, you, how could you be unscathed!? Obviously my poison..."

"You mean the toxin mixed in the false flash just now?"

Lin Qiong showed a disdainful look: "Are you going to rely on it to defeat Varstord? What are you kidding, that level of poison, but even the steel skin of Varstord can't be corroded—"

"No, it's impossible..."

The centipede showed a shaken expression as if she saw her idol booing in the men's bathroom, her tail desperately hammered the ground below her, and said hysterically: "Impossible! I, my poison, is the strongest! !"

Looking at the other party's reaction, Lin Qiong admired him from the bottom of his heart: "As expected of Miss Know-it-all!"Toxin is indeed the biggest support of this Xu, and the source of her self-confidence. '


The next moment, a ball of dark purple corrosive liquid was spit out from the centipede's mouthparts, and Lin Qiong was only wrapped in the venom ball.After Centipede Xu saw that his move had hit, in order to cover up his guilty conscience, he let out a very proud laugh: "This is concentrated venom, and it is not at the same level as the one mixed in Void Flash—absolutely, absolutely can Vasto..."

Just when Centipede Xu was rampant and triumphant, Lin Qiong's cold and disdainful voice came from the venom ball: "It's useless to say everything."


Accompanied by a gust of wind, the venom ball that wrapped Lin Qiong was blown to pieces amid the stunned expression of the centipede, and the scattered venom fell on the surrounding ground, immediately corroding the desert into deep pits one after another.

Seeing this scene, the centipede said in a daze, "How, how is it possible? My poison, why doesn't it work..."

"The answer is very simple, isn't it?" Lin Qiong put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked at Centipede Xu with an indifferent expression, "Because the quality of your spiritual pressure is so bad-"


The next moment, spiritual pressure that was so heavy that it could make the air thicken burst out from Lin Qiong's body.

Centipede Xu's heart was full of fear: "Wa, Varstord...it's actually Varstord..."

Lin Qiong walked up to Centipede Xu expressionlessly, looked at her condescendingly like she was looking at scum, then raised his right foot and stepped on her mask, saying indifferently: "You still think I'm cheating. You?"

"Don't dare--don't dare-"

The centipede who was still rebellious just now became as docile as a tamed puppy—even when Lin Qiong stepped on her face, she didn't feel any dissatisfaction, but a little bit...


This is Varstord!Standing at the top of the virtual circle, the most powerful virtual!

'In a sense, most Hollows are really simple and easy-to-understand creatures -'

Lin Qiong said to Maomao, the know-it-all, in his mind: "Except for a few rebels. '

Don't look, it's you, No.40 Blade, Neupera!

Neutra: ?

Know-it-all Maomao nodded his head and said: "After all, it is a creature that follows the law of the jungle - keep going!" '

Lin Qiong: 'OK. '

He let go of his right foot, and said in an indifferent voice: "I remember your name is Bridget, right? Do you want to become stronger?"

Centipede Xu raised his head with surprise and said excitedly: "Sir, can you make me stronger?"

Lin Qiong replied in a cold voice: "I can give you a chance to become stronger, but if you don't make it through, you will die—"


Centipede Xu's expression froze slightly, and a drop of cold sweat appeared on her forehead, as if she was caught in some kind of intense inner struggle.

Lin Qiong did not urge her, but once again deployed the power of the waveguide, sensing the fluctuations of spiritual pressure around him - after he used magic to simulate Vastod's spiritual pressure, he thought that all the Hollows around him should have run away. Only one person should be naked, but to his surprise, there were still very few Xu Zheng approaching this way.

'It appears the plan has worked. '

The know-it-all cat chuckled and joked: 'If nothing else happens, we will soon have a steady stream of guinea pigs who cooperate voluntarily——'

Lin Qiong scratched his head with a strange expression, and muttered: "Speaking of which, if this continues, we won't develop into the second Xuye Palace, right?" '

'oh?Are you interested in becoming the king of virtual circles? 'Miss Know-It-All flicked her tail and said with a smile: 'If you want to, it's not impossible--'

Lin Qiong quickly shook his head and said with great resistance: "No, no!"I don’t want to be a king, it’s too much trouble! '

'Meow haha——'

Seeing Lin Qiong's attitude, the know-it-all cat suddenly let out a pleasant laugh—Lin Qiong always felt that she seemed to be expressing the meaning of "we will know".


A few seconds later, with the sound of ringing and moving, one after another medium-sized Yachukas appeared around Lin Qiong in a surrounding shape.

'A dinosaur, a bird, a reptile, and a dog. Lin Qiong glanced at it, then raised his right hand indifferently, and a sphere flashing red light appeared in his palm: "You guys, what are you going to do?"

"This Lord Vastord—"

Niao Xingxu lowered his head, and said politely: "My name is Bayeri! I hope to follow behind you and become your servant—"

If it was in another world, Lin Qiong would definitely complain about the author's watching too much, but this kind of plot happened in the virtual circle, but it made him Not surprising at all.

Lin Qiong didn't answer, but looked at the other Xu, and asked, "Do you also think the same?"

"Yes—" x3

Dinosaur Xu, Reptile Xu, and Dog Xu all lowered their heads, showing a submissive gesture.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance to follow me and become stronger!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand to the right, and a thick imitation flash shot out from the palm of his hand, blasting the desert over there into a bottomless pit, "However, if you don't have the qualifications to become a strong person , there will be no dregs left—how? Do you still have the guts to challenge?"

Chapter 0356 Shampoo in broad daylight, strange——

Castle in the Sky.

"Unexpectedly, all of them followed—"

Standing on the wall, Lin Qiong looked at the five Yachukas squatting obediently in the square of Sky City, and said, "Even the centipede immediately gave an answer."

"Hmph, although I got five Achukas-level materials at once, I can't be careless—"

The know-it-all cat squatted on the stone bricks of the city wall, licked its paws gracefully, and said, "Host, can you do us a favor?"

"Say something like 'can you help me'?"

Lin Qiong reached out and pinched the ears of the know-it-all cat, and said angrily: "What's the relationship between the two of us? If you have something to say, just say it—"


The know-it-all cat let out a hum of unknown meaning, she stopped the upturned corner of her mouth, and said softly: "Up to now, most of the broken faces in the virtual circle live in Xuye Palace—that is, Aizen—— rule, with one exception..."


Lin Qiong thought for a few seconds, then hammered his palm and said, "Oh! You mean Nilu?"

Original No.30 Blade, Nellie Lu Duo Dexiufanke!

The know-it-all cat smiled and stretched out his right hand: "The answer is correct! As a reward, I can let you touch my tender meatball—"

"oh oh!"

Lin Qiong leaned in front of Maomao with a look of surprise, and then happily pinched the pink and tender meatball in her palm, and said, "Wow, this kind of touch, cats really have healing power!"

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