"Thank you for the compliment——" the know-it-all cat shook her tail gracefully, "Can I ask you to wander around the virtual circle, find Nilu and bring her here?"

"Yes, yes."

Lin Qiong raised his head and asked doubtfully: "But, can I ask why? I always feel that Miss Know-It-All is not someone who does meaningless things."

'You really understand me——'

Know-it-all, Maomao chuckled, and said, "Because I'm going to study the shattering of virtuality—although it's okay to do it by yourself, but it's easier to have a reference, isn't it?"

"oh oh!"

Lin Qiong nodded suddenly, and he gave his thumbs up to the know-it-all cat, and said, "Leave it to me! I will let Violet release mechanical scouts to help find it together!"

Know-it-all Maomao nodded in satisfaction: "Thank you for your hard work!"




Miss Know-It-All was wearing a black uniform, then lazily yawned, and looked at the five animals in front of her with indifferent eyes.

"Bayeli—" the bird said.

"Bridget—" Centipede whispered.

"Paluke—" the reptiles were silent.

"Carbensis——" Dinosaur Xu.

"Boqi—" Inu Xu.

After calling out the names of several Yachukas, Miss Passionate tilted her head with a smile, and said kindly: "I called the wrong name, right?"

"Woman, who are you?" Dinosaur Hikari Bensis stretched out his head, and then showed a joking expression: "Are you Lord Qiong's attendant? Jie Jie, do you think that relying on your master's love, you can win the prize?" Can you show off your power in front of us?"

Miss Passionate shook her head helplessly, and said, "You are really simple and easy-to-understand single-celled organisms—"

In Xu's brain, there is no such concept as "beating a dog to see its owner"!The only thing that can make them obey is the criterion of "power".

After hearing the comment "single-celled organism", Cabensis suddenly said angrily: "Huh? What the hell did you say -"


The spiritual pressure, which was only slightly inferior to that of Lin Qiong, burst out from Miss Know-It-All. She raised her head slightly, narrowed her golden eyes and glanced at the five Yaskas in front of her who had turned into quails. She looked disdainfully. Said: "Are you really embarrassed? Don't take yourself too seriously, scum——"

"Yes..." x5

The five tremblingly put their heads on the ground, they even lowered their own breathing to the limit, lest their breathing louder would lead to death.

"Oh, it's not good, I accidentally exposed my original temper—"

Miss Know-It-All patted her face gently and said to herself: "No, no, I am now the host's lovely Miss Know-All, and I am no longer the white devil before -"

This will scare him!




Lin Qiong stood on the desolate desert, and then clasped his hands on his chest with some distress, and said to himself: "What a headache! Although I promised to help Miss Wanshitong find the traces of Nilu, the matter of finding someone, as expected, It’s not something you can find casually—”

Very headache!

He raised his head with some sadness and looked at the mechanical scouts (in fly form) spreading around like black mist in the sky. He couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Sure enough, I can only put my hope in Violet." On your body?"

Thinking of this, he folded his hands together and clapped them in front of him, then rubbed his palms: "Please! Flies, you must find Nilu!"

"Ah, speaking of—"

Lin Qiong put his left hand on his hips, scratched his hair with his right hand, and said to himself: "Nilu has green hair, and the mechanical fly is also a blowfly that was stretched by a thief. Maybe there is a forgiving resonance between the two? "

No no no, impossible, right?



Void Night Palace.

"Hey, hey, do you feel it too?"

"No.60 Blade" Grimmjow Jakajack, with light blue hair and a tooth-like bone mask on his cheek, was looking at his colleagues with an excited expression, "That trembling Reiatsu ! There is no doubt that it is the new Varstord—"

"You're too excited, Grimmjow."

"No.40 Blade" Ulquiorah Cifer calmly looked at Grimmjow who looked like a manic patient, and said calmly: "The new Reiatsu is a long way from the Void Palace. Take care."

"Huh? I can't pretend that I didn't hear such words—"

A tall and thin man wearing a weird big hat and an eye patch covering his left eye, "Blade" Neutra Gilga showed a dissatisfied expression, he looked at Ulquiorra with a gloomy face, and said with a sinister smile: " Shouldn't you represent Aizen-sama to recruit a new Vastord? Of course, if the other party refuses..."

'You can hunt it openly! ! '

If Grimmjow is manic, Nnoitra gives people the madness of a psychopath.His right eye was full of excitement and distortion, as if he was already fighting an enemy.


Sitting on the throne, wearing a bone crown, the obese "No.20 Blade" Balegon Ruisenbang propped up his side face, and looked down at Neutra and Ge with disdainful eyes. Limjoo.

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about, you old man!"

Grimmjow's face was full of unruliness, with his hands in his trouser pockets, he stared at Balegon like a delinquent boy.


Bailegang sneered. He glanced at the two of them with a condescending look of pity, and said disdainfully: "You guys in Yachukas don't even know how powerful Vastod is! Bastards like you don't know how powerful Vastod is!" Want to touch Porcelain Stoddard? Hehe——"

"This guy……"

Veins that symbolized rage suddenly appeared on the foreheads of Grimmjow and Neutra. The two of them stared at Bailegang in front of them, as if they would pounce on them in the next second.

"Well, this is not a place for you to argue."

"No.30 Blade" Tiya Herribel, who was wearing a high-necked top that exposed the southern hemisphere, leaned against the wall with her hands folded and said in a cold voice: "Neutra and Grimmjow, I will accompany you." Let's go together."


Grimmjow made a surprised sound. He kicked his chair vigorously, and said in displeasure, "What nonsense are you talking about? When will I join forces with other people?"

Neutra looked at her with cold eyes, and said with murderous intent: "Are you looking down on me? Woman——"

"Why are they all a group of problem children..."

"The Tenth Blade" Ke Yatai Stark, who was sitting in the corner and was touching fish, covered his face with his hands speechlessly, then sighed weakly, and tried his best to reduce his sense of existence to less than before. Lower, 'You can't see me, you can't see me—'

"Enough, it's so noisy!"

Bai Legang hammered the table, and then said with an irritable expression: "Either the old man goes out alone, or the three of you go together - choose one!"

"But, damn—"

Facing the high-pressure policy of the No.20 blade, the fifth and No.60 blades showed expressions of reluctance but had to obey.



"Abba, abba aba—"

Lin Qiong lay on the desert with a dazed expression on his face, then looked at the empty, pitch-black sky, and said with straight eyes: "Speaking of which, after staying in the virtual circle for a long time, you will become nervous, right?"

No wonder the virtual circles are getting weirder, more paranoid, and more insane!

It is not surprising that there are ghosts in production in this environment!

 "Buzzing buzz—"

Just when Lin Qiong was so bored that he wanted to take it out and paint with urine in the sand to pass the time, a blowfly landed on the tip of his nose and rubbed its paws.


Lin Qiong sat up, then raised his hand, let the fly land on his fingertips, and asked, "What's going on?"


Accompanied by the slight electric sound, Violet's voice came from the fly: "Master, the former 'No.30 Blade' Neluelu you are looking for has been found on the east side of Void Night Palace."


Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to say: "Violet, quickly open a navigation for me!"


Following Violet's answer, the fly's eyes projected a small arrow, pointing to the right front of Lin Qiong.

"Very good! Let's make a quick decision!" Lin Qiong picked at the spot, then smiled and said to the fly: "Good job, Violet! When I bring Nilu back, I must touch you well." head, hahaha—”

Let's go! !



at the same time.

Laputa, control room.


Violet, who was working, suddenly stood up from her chair, causing Zoe, who was fishing and reading manga next to her, to tremble in fright.

"Wow! It scared me to death!" Zooey patted her heart, and asked with a confused face, "Violet, what are you going to do?"

Violet, who had already reached the door, paused slightly, and replied, "Shampoo."


Zoe scratched her head full of question marks and muttered: "Why should I wash my hair in broad daylight? Weird——"

Chapter 0357 Nilu Capture Operation - Part [-]

"Okay! The target found——"

Standing on the top of a man-made building near Xuye Palace, Lin Qiong looked at the green-haired little loli who was playing a game of ghost and man with his two subordinates in the desert in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Wow! , It's really hard to connect this kind of Nilu with the grown-up Nelliel!"

'However, if you appear directly in front of them, you will definitely be suspected, right? '

Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, thinking: "So, as expected, a capture device is still needed, so that the other party can take the initiative to deliver it to the door—"



"Hahaha, hahaha——"

Nilu opened her hands and ran across the desert with a smile on her face, "Peixue! Dongde Chaka! Come and catch me! Hahahaha——"

"Wait for me—"

The slender Peixue deliberately ran towards Nilu with clumsy steps, and shouted, "I'll catch you soon!"

"That's right!"

Dongde Chaka also ran towards Nilu staggeringly. He opened his hands and stopped in front of Nilu, saying, "Hey, you can't run away now!"

Unexpectedly, Nilu lowered her head and ran over from the armpit of Dondchaka. She let out a triumphant laugh of "Hey hey hey" and said loudly: "Dondchaka is an idiot! Yeah, I'll hide away - —”

"Ah, you idiot!"

Peixue complained about her partner very naturally, and said, "It took me so much to drive Nilu over here!"

"Damn it! I won't make a mistake next time!"

Dongde Chaka looked at Nilu pretending to be angry, then opened his hands again and said, "Wait for me!!"


Nilu's innocent laughter that day echoed on the desert in Xuquan, adding a warmth to this desolate environment—it's a pity that this warmth is something that Xuquan doesn't need.


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