Suddenly, Nilu, who was running, stopped, sniffed her nose suspiciously, and then showed an even more confused expression.

"What's wrong? Nilu—"

Peixue came behind Nilu and asked with concern.

"Well, I feel, I smell a good smell..."

Nilu sucked her fingers, her big eyes filled with even greater doubts, "It's a smell I've never smelled before, but it's very fragrant!"


Peixue and Dondchaka looked at each other, then imitated Nilu and sniffed the air.


A few seconds later, Pei Xue said in a slightly hesitant voice: "It seems that there is indeed a very fragrant smell! It is completely different from the smell I have smelled before!"


Dondchaka nodded his huge head and said naively: "It's such a sweet fragrance that makes people feel so happy just by smelling it!"

At this moment, Nilu suddenly ran towards the nearby sand dunes, shouting: "Over there! Nilu smelled the fragrance coming from the direction!"

"Hey, wait, Nilu!!"

Peixue and Dongde Chaka hurriedly followed.After turning over the sand dune, the three-person team immediately found their target—it was a strange young man squatting in the shadow of the sand dune, guarding a fire.



"I love horses——"

Lin Qiong was humming a song while roasting marshmallows on iron sticks with the newly lit fire.

That's right!This is his "Nelo Trap"!

'Looks like he took the bait——'

Lin Qiong glanced at the three Arrancars that were sneakily approaching here, and then said lazily: "Three people over there, what are you playing at?"


Nilu made a panicked sound, and she stammered: "You, you, you, how did you find out about Nilu?"

Lin Qiong turned his head dumbfounded and said, "None of you have thought about hiding your spiritual pressure. Of course I can find it."

"Okay, amazing!"

Nilu ran in front of Lin Qiong with a stern look on her face, shouting and laughing, "It's such a powerful fragrance!"

"Is this the best part?"

Lin Qiong rubbed his head subtly, then handed the roasted marshmallow in his hand to Nilu, who was drooling on the ground, and asked: "Want to eat?"


Hearing these words, Nilu raised her head blankly to look at Lin Qiong's face, then threw herself on Lin Qiong's face, crying loudly, "Wow - you are such a good person!!"

'I received a good guy card inexplicably, which makes me feel really mixed——'

Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth, and just as he was about to say something, he felt his scalp cool down.

Lin Qiong: "..."

Nilu: "Wow——"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Nilu: "Wow--"

Lin Qiong took a deep breath, then pulled Nilu's clothes off his head with bruises all over his face, and said, "Don't just drool on other people's heads...... Wow, it's even Come on, how sticky is your saliva!"

"Hey hey!"

Nilu smiled proudly.

"I'm not complimenting you!"

Lin Qiong put Nilu down with a speechless expression, then glanced at Peixue and Dongdechaka who were acting funny as if they were performing a mime next to them, and said with a smile: "You two should sit over here too, the marshmallows are still there." There are quite a few, enough for everyone to eat together.”

"Then we're welcome!"

Peixue swaggered and pulled Dongdchaka to sit next to the fire, and then asked curiously: "What is the origin of this thing called marshmallow!"

"This, this is a very remarkable thing!"

Lin Qiong raised his index finger with a serious look on his face, and looking at his serious expression, Nilu, Peixue and Dongdchaka swallowed their saliva in unison.


Lin Qiong pinched a roasted marshmallow and stuffed it into Nilu's mouth at lightning speed, causing Peixue and Dongdchaka to exclaim "Wow, ah, ah, ah..." Voice.

"You, you, what are you doing!"

"Nilu! Nilu spit this out!"

"Don't eat things from unknown sources!"

"Nilu ahhhh——"

Nilu looked at Peixue and Dongdechaka who were jumping around her in a panic. She couldn't help but smacked her own mouth, and then said blankly: "It's delicious——"

"Huh?" x2

"This is delicious!"

Nilu clenched her hands in front of her chest and said in a voice full of surprise: "Pei Xue! Dong De Cha Ka! This is so delicious!"

"That's right!"

Lin Qiong made a "yeah" gesture towards the three people with a proud look on his face and said, "This thing called marshmallow is super delicious!"


After a period of silence, Pei Xue couldn't help but ask: "That's it?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He said angrily: "Please! Do you still have any dissatisfaction? Marshmallow was born just to be delicious? It has dedicated its whole life to the word 'delicious'? Apologize to it quickly!" "

Facing Lin Qiong's momentum, Peixue and Dongde Chaka couldn't help shrinking their heads, and then said to the marshmallow in front of them in a polite manner: "I'm sorry——"

"Ah, very good!"

Lin Qiong crossed his arms, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Then, let me introduce myself—my name is Lin Qiong! How about you?"

Nilu showed an innocent smile towards Lin Qiong and said, "Hey, hey, I'm Nilu!"

When Peixue and Dongde Chaka on the side were about to introduce themselves, Lin Qiong waved his hands casually and said, "Ah, there's no need for the two of you here! You look like that kind of dragon role, right?"

Peixue looked at Lin Qiong furiously, and yelled, "Hey! Did you say something very rude just now as if nothing happened? I'm going to be angry? I'm going to be angry!"

"Yes, sorry, sorry—" Lin Qiong apologized in an unapologetic voice, then raised the iron stick in his hand, put the roasted marshmallow in front of the two of them, and said, "Do you want to eat it? "

Peixue and Dongde Chaka looked at each other, and after they squeezed a piece of marshmallow into their mouths, they immediately showed expressions of being healed.

Ah, what a treat!

"So, what are your names?"

"Paxel Cadish!"

"Dongd Chaka Bilstein!"

Lin Qiong nodded his head, then handed a piece of roasted marshmallow to Nilu who was drooling beside him, and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, the mask on Nilu's head—could it be said that Nilu is a broken face? ?"

"Hmph, that's right!"

Nilu pointed to her head proudly, and said, "You know it when you see this mask? Nilu is a broken face! Isn't it amazing?"

Lin Qiong showed a smirk.He raised the iron stick in his hand, then looked at Nilu whose eyes were following the marshmallows strung on it, and asked, "Speaking of which, is Nilu stronger or the marshmallow stronger?"


Nilu's eyes widened blankly at that time. She looked at the fragrant roasted marshmallows, then looked down at the linen clothes on her body with her fingers in her mouth, showing a very tangled expression, and said: " Yes, it’s marshmallow…no…it’s Nilu…no…it’s still marshmallow…”

Lin Qiong raised his hands to cover his face, and then subconsciously clenched his fists—what is going on with this cute creature!The well-behaved little loli is too cute! !

At this moment, Lin Qiong suddenly felt two very sharp gazes. He turned his head and found Peixue and Dongde Chaka glaring at him——

"You bastard, don't bully Nilu!"

"That's it!"

Facing the accusations from the two, Lin Qiong plucked his ears calmly, and said, "Just say you're not cute?"


The two looked at each other, then coughed a few times in embarrassment.

"So admit it-"

Lin Qiong looked at the two of them proudly, and said, "You guys were also taken aback by Nilu's conflicted look just now!"

"But, damn it! I can't refute—"

"It's been taken care of!"

Peixue and Dongde Chaka let out a mournful cry.

Where is Nelu?What is Nilu doing!Nelu, help me——

#Query the status of Nilu#

"So hot, so hot, so hot..."

Nilu blew the marshmallow on the iron pick, and after it cooled down a little, she happily put the roasted soft marshmallow into her mouth, and then showed a happy smile.

send!Nilu has been captured by Food Raiders!

Chapter 0358 Nilu Capture Operation - Part [-]


Nilu exhaled a long breath, then touched her belly and lay on the ground, and said happily: "Nilu, you are full!"

Pei Xue sat on the ground holding his legs, looking at the fire in front of him like a melancholy handsome man, and said: "Huh, that's all."

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth and complained: "Who almost made Nilu cry just to grab the marshmallows?"

"No Road Race!" Pei Xue quickly explained: "I did it just to let Nilu know the dangers of the world!"

Someone is in a hurry, but I won't say who it is.

"Yes Yes Yes-- "

Lin Qiong waved his hand, and then added a few wood-like things to the fire—don’t ask me why this thing can burn, it’s magic—and said: “Speaking of which, broken faces shouldn’t all live. Is it in Xuye Palace? Why is Nilu running around outside?"

"That's not the case!"

Nilu shook her head, looked at Lin Qiong with a proud face, and said, "Only the super-powerful Master Shaman can be in Xuye Palace? A rookie like Nilu can't get in at all!"

'So what's there to be proud of? '

Lin Qiong, dumbfounded, rubbed Nilu's head and said, "So is there such a rule? I don't even know -"


Nilu opened her mouth wide and looked at Lin Qiong, and exclaimed, "Ming Mingqiong is also a faceless person, how could he not know?"

"Ah, really—"

Peixue and Dongde Chaka also reacted, they stared at Lin Qiong, and then came to Lin Qiong in the posture of sliding down the seat with a "swish".

"Ju, Ju, Ju, he is actually a completely Arrancar-sama!!"

"This, such a big man actually appeared in front of us—"

'My acting skills are so bad...'

Lin Qiong had a tangled expression on his face. He couldn't help but wave his hand and said, "What are you talking about? I'm not an Arrancar!"

As he said that, he raised his finger and pointed to his head, and said, "Look, don't I have a broken mask on my body at all? There are no holes or anything like that."

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