"Ah, really! But, it's not a shaman, but a humanoid creature."

Nilu stared blankly at Lin Qiong, talking to herself while analyzing.Then, as if she realized something, she couldn't help showing a horrified expression, and shouted: "Die, die, die..."

"No, no!" Lin Qiong interrupted Nilu's speech, dumbfounded, and said, "I'm not the god of death either! Look, I don't even have the Zanpakuto that comes standard with the god of death."

Peixue and Dongde Chaka looked at each other.

Peixue: "Not the God of Death?"

Dongde Chaka: "Isn't it a broken face?"

The two looked at Lin Qiong at the same time, and asked strangely: "Then what kind of creature are you?"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up to the three of them and said, "I am a genuine human being!"

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Nilu, Peixue and Dongde Chaka looked at each other for a few moments, and the three of them laughed "hahaha" at the same time.

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his lips and said, "I am neither Xu nor the God of Death, so why do you think I am not a human being?"


The laughter stopped.


Nilu, Peixue, and Dongde Chaka sat on the ground with their hands folded, and began to think hard about what kind of creature Lin Qiong was.

'These three people, I'm afraid their CPUs are all burned out——'

Lin Qiong looked at the trio whose heads were starting to smoke, and said helplessly: "What kind of identity am I, it doesn't affect our relationship at all, does it? So is it necessary to get entangled like this?"

"oh oh--"

Pei Xue jumped up and patted Lin Qiong on the shoulder, saying, "You still say some really amazing things occasionally! Yeah, yeah, I'm very impressed with you!"

"Thank you so much for the compliment—"

Lin Qiong expressionlessly reached out and patted the place where Pei Xue had just patted, and said, "Okay, then I-"

"Ah! Ah-"

Peixue looked at Lin Qiong's actions, and immediately shouted: "Did you make a very rude move just now? And you did it in front of me, super rude move!!"

"No, you read it wrong." Lin Qiong waved his hand with a smile, and said, "It's just that a grain of sand just happened to float on my shoulder."

"Oh, that's it -" Pei Xue nodded, then waved his hands suddenly as if he were performing a comic, and said, "Did you think I would say that? It's obvious that you dislike me! That's right!"

"Let me tell you, Mr. Peixue—" Lin Qiong showed a complicated expression, and he said softly: "There are some things that we all know well, and there is no need to say them."

Pei Xue jumped up angrily on the spot: "You guy, what you said just now is even more outrageous than your previous behavior! Woohoo, why are you doing this to me? It's too much, it's too much -"


Lin Qiong rubbed his arms and took two steps back, then said with a little disgust: "Sorry, can you stop making such a disgusting expression? I feel a little uncomfortable..."

What Peixue didn't expect was that Dongde Chaka on the side also nodded his huge head and made a sound of "hmmm" in agreement.

"Oh, damn it! You two..."

Pei Xue jumped up in anger and said, "Master Pei Xue is angry! So angry! It's terrifying when I'm angry!!"

"Wow, it's so scary——" Lin Qiong said in an unwavering voice, "I was scared to death, I was trembling, it was so scary."


Peixue felt that his brain nerves were about to explode, he clenched his fists and said, "Damn it, Master Peixue is going to be angry!"


"I'm really going to be angry!"



Nilu next to her was already so amused by the two's performance that she lay on the ground and hammered the ground with all her strength. It was precisely because of Nilu's reaction that Lin Qiong, Peixue and Dongde Chaka joined forces to have a noisy fight. Perform to tease her.

By the looks of it, the effect is still very good!



After another half an hour, Lin Qiong stood up, stretched his waist and said, "Well, it's almost time, I should go back to eat!"


Nilu, who was having fun, raised her head blankly and asked stupidly: "Is Aqiong leaving?"

Lin Qiong bent down and touched Nilu's head and said, "Yeah, see you next time."


Nilu sucked her fingers, and said with some disappointment, "When is the next time?"

"Well, I can't say for sure? But if there is destiny, we will definitely meet again!" Lin Qiong scratched his head, then patted Nilu's head comfortingly, and then turned to Peixue and Dongde Chaka He waved his hand and said, "Then, goodbye!"

After saying that, Lin Qiong turned around and ran towards the Sky City at a speed that was neither too slow nor too fast.As he ran, he used the waveguide to observe the movement behind him, and said to himself in his heart: 'You must be calm, you must be neither too enthusiastic nor too indifferent, and keep your attitude at an appropriate distance...etc. Wait, why does it feel like abducting a stray cat and bringing it home? '


Behind Lin Qiong, Nilu sat on the ground blankly with her fingers in her mouth, watching Lin Qiong's back getting smaller and smaller in her sight.

"Nilu, are you very reluctant to part with him?"

Peixue squatted on one knee beside Nilu, and asked in a gentle voice.

"Hmm..." Nilu hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded vigorously, and said vaguely: "Nilu likes Aqiong so much! The marshmallows he bakes are super delicious, and he treats me very well, The story he told was also very interesting, and when she was with him, Nilu was super happy!"

Seeing Nilu's expression so happy that her eyes were shining, Peixue and Dongde Chaka couldn't help touching Nilu's head together.


Nilu seemed to have thought of something, she waved her hands in a panic, and stammered, "Dang, Dang, of course, I'm also very happy when I'm with Peixue and Dongde Chaka!"

"It's okay, Nilu!"

Pei Xue raised his right thumb and said, "We understand what you want to say, so let's catch up!"

Nilu stared at him blankly: "Huh?"

"Catch up with him!" Peixue stood up, and then made a few leg presses, looking eager to try: "Didn't he just say that? Going back to eat or something - Nilu doesn't want to rub his house Is there any food for you?"


Nilu was stunned for a moment, then showed a bright smile. She got up from the ground with a "wow" sound, and then excitedly rushed towards the direction where Lin Qiong was running, shouting: "Pei Xue, Dong De Chaka! Let’s go find Aqiong to have some spicy food!”

"Oh! Let's go!"

The two of them immediately ran happily behind Nilu.

'Lord Nilu——'

Seeing Nilu's carefree back, Peixue's eyes were extraordinarily soft: "Don't worry, no matter where you are going, Dongde Chaka and I will definitely follow you!" '




Just as Lin Qiong was jogging at a tortoise's speed (in his own opinion), with the sound of "da da da" footsteps, Nilu with her arms outstretched had already swooped onto his back.


Nilu hugged Lin Qiong's head like a face hugger, and made a choked up voice: "Nilu don't separate from Aqiong! Nilu likes Aqiong so much—"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Nilu: "Wow..."

Lin Qiong: "..."

Nilu: "Wow..."

Lin Qiong glanced at Peixue and Dongdechaka who were laughing next to him, then he lifted Nilu off his head with black lines on his face, and said through gritted teeth: "Nilu, I remember what I said, right? , you are not allowed to hold my head and cry, and you are not allowed to drip saliva on my head... Wow, this time it actually extended for fifteen centimeters without breaking, what is your saliva made of!?"


Nilu touched her head with embarrassment, and said, "Nilu's saliva is very strong, right?"

'No, I'm not complimenting you...'

In this case, Lin Qiong looked at Nilu's happy expression, but was still unable to say it.

Damn it, how can a reliable, non-single adult with a loving girlfriend ruin a child's motivation! !

Chapter 0359 Encounter

"Hey, Aqiong, do you know! Nilu's saliva is amazing!"

Nilu sat on Lin Qiong's shoulder, hugged his head happily, shook her feet and said in a childish voice, "Nilu's saliva is super strong!"

Lin Qiong grabbed Nilu's ankles with both hands to prevent her from falling off her body because of being too excited, and then asked casually, "Oh? How powerful is it?"

"Hmph! Nilu's saliva can heal wounds!"

Nilu put her chin on the top of Lin Qiong's head, and said proudly: "As long as Nilu puts her hand into her mouth and pinches the dick in her throat, she can spit out a lot of saliva! Then the wound will heal La!"

"Nilu! Girls are not allowed to say words like small penis casually -" Lin Qiong glanced sideways at Peixue and Dongde Chaka who were following him, and couldn't help but complain: " Can't you two pay attention to Nilu's emotional education? Ah, I really can't imagine what Nilu will be like when she grows up!"


Peixue waved her right hand angrily, and said, "We are hypocrites, we are bad faces! How can there be any sentimental education, hey!"

"No Road Race!"

Lin Qiong glared at Pei Xue and said angrily: "Forget it about a stinky man like you, but Nilu is a girl? Of course girls need to be educated well!"

Nilu shyly raised her hands to cover her face, and let out a shy laugh: "Hey hey, Nilu is a girl, hey hey——"

Pei Xue looked at Lin Qiong expressionlessly and said, "Did you just make a very outrageous and sexist statement?"

"Don't get me wrong."

Lin Qiong smiled slightly at Peixue and said, "I am not sexist, I am Peixue."

"Isn't this even more excessive!!"

"Did I? Did I? Didn't I? Are you right, Dondchaka—"

"I don't think so."

"Ah, ah! Dongde Chaka, we are companions! We have been companions for so many years! You actually betrayed me!"

"Is there? I don't have it? Are you right, Aqiong!"

"I don't think so!"


Peixue was so angry that she jumped like thunder, while Nilu was so amused by the three people's performance that she couldn't stop laughing.




Lin Qiong, who was running, stopped in his tracks, then wrinkled his eyebrows and muttered: "How did you meet these guys?"

"What's wrong, Aqiong?"

Nilu lowered her head strangely and asked, "Does your stomach feel uncomfortable? Do you want to have a bowel movement?"


Lin Qiong covered his face, stretched out his hand to lift Nilu off his body, and then threw it into Dongdchaka's arms, saying: "A few troublesome guests are here, let me deal with them. "

Dongde Chaka caught Nilu, and then asked with a blank face: "The troublesome guest? Who is it?"

Lin Qiong scratched his face and said, "Well, it's probably broken face?"

"Broken, broken face!!"

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