Lin Qiong looked at Harribel, who had become silent since Nnoitra returned to the sword, and asked curiously: "What about you? Aren't you ready to take action?"

"I'm not prepared to get into this fight."

Harribel took two steps back to express her position. She said calmly: "It is unheard of for two Ten Blades to attack one person at the same time. If there is another one...hehe."

Of course, what she didn't finish the second half of the sentence is - if there is another one, and they lose, will Xu Yegong still have the face?

"Then I won't beat you up."

Lin Qiong waved his hands, then turned around and looked at Neutra and Grimmjow who had gotten up from the (released sea) blow, and joked, "Speaking of which, a little praying mantis and a Little Miaomiao, is your Xuye Palace a zoo?"

"How dare you say it, you damn bastard..."

Grimmjow wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said angrily, "See if I don't tear you apart!"

At this moment, a sickle was placed in front of him.

"This is my battle." Neutra looked at Grimmjow with a gloomy face, and said with cold eyes: "If you dare to intervene, I will kill you."

"Hey Hey hey--"

Lin Qiong scratched his head speechlessly. He walked towards the two of them in a swaggering manner and said, "Don't you guys stop fighting among yourself at this time? With your strength, if you don't join forces, you can't even get a hair on my head." It can’t be hurt, right?”

After finishing his words, Lin Qiong raised his right hand to block Neutra's slash, and then said with a smile: "Oh, don't be angry, I was just kidding-"

As he spoke, he crushed Neutra's sickle with his backhand, then grabbed his wrist, and threw him over the shoulder into the arms of Grimmjow who was rushing over.

"Because even if you join forces, you won't be able to hurt a single hair on my head."

Lin Qiong clapped his hands and said with a smile: "We have different levels, do you understand?"

"Just...what are you kidding..."

Grimmjow gritted his teeth and climbed up from the ground, then crossed his hands in front of him and roared: "Tear him to pieces!! Claws of the Leopard King——"

"oh oh--"

Lin Qiong looked at the giant energy claw that seemed to be able to cut through the sky, and couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise - how should I say it?It feels like "checking in at a famous scene"!

You know, Xiao Wu and Xiao Bao should be the most famous among the Ten Blades, right?After all, these two can be regarded as Ichigo's "rival" type characters.


"Too light—"

Lin Qiong chuckled lightly. He turned his right hand into a knife, then swung it sideways and said, "With this strength, do you want to scratch someone to death!?"


The ten claws of the Leopard King shattered under Lin Qiong's swing of the knife.

"What about my attack!!"

Neutra's voice came from behind Lin Qiong. His three left hands and three right hands exerted force at the same time, and six sickles slashed towards Lin Qiong's throat like a guillotine.


Lin Qiong's figure instantly disappeared from Neutra's sight,

'Where are the people?Where did you go--'

Neutra's right eye shrank to the limit in an instant, he opened his perception to the limit, but still couldn't keep up with Lin Qiong's speed, "No, wait, can't keep up, or... can't find it ? '

After such thoughts flashed through his mind, a shock came from his chin, and with the crisp cracking sound of the mandible, Neutra's body spiraled into the sky.

"It's too slow."

Lin Qiong gently lowered his right leg, then hooked his fingers towards Grimmjow, and said, "Little Meow, it's your turn."

"Damn bastard ahh-"

Grimmjow roared, then rushed towards Lin Qiong with all four limbs, roaring: "I must kill you!!"

"Very good! Very spirited!"

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, and then dodged his attack with a sideways move, and hit the back of his head with an arm hammer, knocking Grimmjow unconscious with one blow.

"However, it's still too slow!"


The next moment, Grimmjow rolled his eyes and Nnoitra fell to the ground together, losing the ability to fight.

Chapter 0361 I'm amazing

"Good, good, good, great!!!"

After seeing that the battle was over, Nilu slid down from Peixue's arms, then ran to Lin Qiong's feet with a "da da da" pace, quickly climbed onto his shoulder, and said excitedly: "A Qiong is amazing!"

"Oh, right?"

"Yeah! As good as roasting marshmallows!"

"Hahaha, this must be the highest level of compliment for Nilu, right?"


Nilu nodded her head happily, she raised her hands excitedly, and exaggeratedly said: "Aqiong, super, super, super amazing!"


Lin Qiong carried Nilu on his shoulders, then waved at Heribel, and said, "Miss over there, please take these two guys back."

"...Put it on me."

Harribel nodded slightly, then watched Lin Qiong's back gradually disappearing while chatting with Nilu - she maintained this posture until Lin Qiong disappeared from her sight.


Harribel exhaled slowly, and then said softly: "Apache, Mira, Sunsun—"

"we are at--"

Three subordinate officers appeared beside Harribel.

"Take them back."

"Yes—" x3

The three of them walked towards the two Ten Blades who fell on the ground and lost consciousness, discussing with complex expressions.

Apache: "It's unbelievable that the two ten-blade masters were defeated so easily in each other's hands."

Mira: "What's even more frightening is that the opponent didn't even use the Returning Blade."

Sunsun: "Is this the gold content of Vastord Daxu who broke his face by himself?"

Apache and Mira, who were walking in front, naturally carried Nnoitra and Grimmjow on their backs respectively, and then looked at Sunsun who was standing elegantly in front of them.

"Ah, don't look at me like this—" Sunsun covered the lower half of his face with his sleeves smiling, and said, "I'm different from you, she's intellectual, not very good at physical strength live."

"You guy, are you implying that we are muscular idiots?" Mira twitched the corners of her eyes, and then asked with a face full of displeasure.

"Oh, I didn't say that~"

Sunsun smiled sweetly, then turned her waist and walked back to Heribel under the eyes of the other two who were gnashing their teeth, and said softly: "Master Heribel, if you are facing that Mr. Are you confident?"

Harribel was silent for a few seconds, and then said softly: "He hasn't shown his full strength yet, so I don't know."

'It's just, if I don't return to the blade, can I defeat them so easily? '

Harribel looked at the two colleagues who were being carried by Apache and Mira.

'That's probably not possible——'



Outside the city of sky.


Looking at the castle in front of her, Nilu opened her mouth wide in a daze, and almost fell off Lin Qiong's back, "It's so boring! Is this Aqiong's home?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said in a showy and proud tone: "How is it? It's beautiful, isn't it?"

'This is no longer a question of whether it's beautiful or not, right? '

Pei Xue stood at the door of the Sky City, looking at the soil under his feet, looking at the garden in front of him, looking at the blooming flowers in the garden, and couldn't help but feel a messy feeling in the wind.

You fucking tell me, this is a virtual circle! ?Can Xuquan have such a fucking scenery? ?

Isn't this more fucking realistic than a group of muscular bald men over two meters tall, dressed in black, holding colorful magic girl sticks and fighting with magic star bombs on the street? ?

"Super, super, super beautiful!"

Nilu, who saw flowers for the first time, waved her hands excitedly and shouted: "It's as beautiful as A Qiong!"

Lin Qiong made a list of equations in his mind——

The beauty of the garden = the power of the forest = the deliciousness of the cotton candy.

Um!Sure enough, it's great, right?

"Master, welcome back—"

Vanilla, who was standing at the door, bowed slightly and said, "Miss Lafite asked you to go to her place when you come back - she is waiting for you at the training ground."


Lin Qiong nodded, looked up at Nilu on his shoulder, and asked, "Will Nilu come with me, or go to have some snacks with Sister Vanilla first?"


Nilu sucked in her saliva, then decisively stretched out her hands to hug Lin Qiong's head, and said, "Nilu, don't be separated from Aqiong!"

"Okay, let's go there together."

Lin Qiong nodded indifferently, and then walked towards the training ground, and behind him were Peixue and Dongde Chaka who followed suit and trembled.

Peixue: I don't know why, but I always feel that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at me.

Dongde Chaka: I feel like I’m surrounded by big guys and I’m the only one who’s hot.

Guardians: Humph!


After approaching the training ground, the first thing that caught my eye were the five Achucas brought back by Lin Qiong before - they acted like 40-year-olds whose edges had been smoothed away by life in front of Miss Know-It-All. Middle-aged social animals are as docile.

"Oh~ you're back~"

Miss Know-It-All walked towards Lin Qiong with a smile, then looked at Nilu on his shoulder, and said, "What's the matter with this little creature? This time's spoils of war?"


Nilu nervously hugged Lin Qiong's head, and then said shiveringly: "Ni, Nilu, no, it's not a trophy -"

"That's right, Nilu is my lovely adopted sister—" Lin Qiong transferred Nilu from his shoulders to his arms with a smile, and said, "Don't scare her."

"Yes Yes--"

Miss Wanshitong nodded her head, then set her eyes on Nilu's damaged mask, and asked curiously: "Qiong, is she in this state, is it a broken mask?"

Lin Qiong replied: "Well, Nilu said she is an Arrancar."

"However, I can't feel the oppressive feeling from her body at all." Miss Wanshitong approached Nilu, looked at the mask on her head thoughtfully, and said, "There are still these cracks and scars... "

"Ni, Nilu is... a very weak Pomian..."

Nilu nervously raised her hands and hugged her head, then shrank into Lin Qiong's arms and whispered: "That's why there is no sense of oppression or anything like that."

"That's not right."

Miss Know-it-all shook her finger calmly to deny Nilu's words, "As far as I can see, even the lowest level of broken face has reached the level of Killian—but, in my opinion, you are acting now The Reiatsu that comes out is not even as good as Killian."

"This, this..."

Nilu looked at Peixue and Dongde Chaka in a daze, and said weakly: "Ni, Nilu doesn't know either..."

"That, that—"

Peixue took two steps forward, trying to say something, but she didn't expect Miss Wanshitong to ignore his meaning at all, but bent down on her own, gently rubbed the scar on Nilu's forehead with her right hand, and said: "Although it's just my personal guess, the abnormality on your body may have something to do with the wound on your head—"

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