"Ni, Nilu doesn't know——"

Nilu shook her head tearfully, she buried her head in Lin Qiong's arms, choked up and said, "Aqiong, Nilu doesn't know anything."

"Okay, okay, I don't know, I don't know—"

Lin Qiong helplessly patted the back of Miss Wan Shitong's hand and said, "What a big deal! Let's go, I'll take you to have some snacks."


Peixuehu pretended to be aggressive and made a grimace at Miss Pass, and then hurriedly left behind Lin Qiong with Dongde Chaka—mainly because the five Yachukas behind Miss Pass were staring at her with scarlet eyes. they.

"Big sister—"

The centipede came over, and said in a dark voice: "That guy actually dared to be unreasonable to the eldest sister, do you want to..."

"To shut up."

Miss Wanshitong raised her right hand and snapped her fingers, and a goal-like object made of spiritual particles fell from the sky, and directly pinned the centipede to the ground, "Who allowed you to make your own claims?"

"Yes, I'm sorry—"

The centipede shrank its tail into a ball in fright, then looked at Ms. Know-it-all tremblingly, and thought: "Sister, yes, it's scary—"

Your eldest sister seems to show her gentle side only in front of the boss.




As soon as she left the training ground, Nilu's golden beans began to drip down, "Aqiong, that big sister is so scary—"

"Don't cry, don't cry—"

Lin Qiong, dumbfounded, patted Nilu's vest and said, "Eat some snacks and you won't be afraid anymore, be good."

"Speaking of which, what are the snacks?"

Nelu's voice came from her chest.

"Well, it's probably similar to roasted marshmallows." Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "But it's much more delicious than roasted marshmallows? For example, colorful macarons, after biting off the crispy skin , is a filling filling; such as strawberry cake, sweet but not greasy cream, soft and tender cake and...etc.!"

With a black look on his face, Lin Qiong lifted Nilu off his chest, then looked at the saliva on his face with an expressionless expression, and said, "You guy, don't drool on other people's chests!"

"Suck it-"

Nilu took a sip of saliva, and then said confidently: "It's all Aqiong's fault! I deliberately made that thing called 'snack' look so delicious!"

"Wow, you actually learned how to take the blame!"

Lin Qiong gently pinched Nilu's face, and then said "viciously": "I pinch, I pinch, I pinch -"


Little Nilu suddenly let out a mournful cry. In less than three seconds, she performed a French military salute, and then cried and said: "It was Nilu's fault! Nilu admits her mistake, wuwuwu, Aqiong, please let Nilu go!" "


After defeating a little guy whose mental age was less than ten years old, Lin Qiong rubbed his nose proudly, then put his hands on his hips, and said confidently under the contemptuous eyes of Peixue and Dongde Chaka: " I'm really amazing!"

I, Lin Qiong, can easily suppress the former No. 30 blade!

Great, isn't it?

Chapter 0362 Zoe: They are all liars!


"I, I have lived so many years..."

"No, this is the first time I have eaten such a delicious thing..."

Lin Qiong propped his chin, looked at Nilu, Peixue, and Dongde Chaka who were eating Hesai in front of him, and then remembered something, slowly took out three teacups from the tray next to them, and Three cups of tea were poured.

"Gu oh——" x3

The next moment, as if it had been discussed, the three of them let out a mournful cry at the same time, and then desperately hammered their chests with their fists.

'Sure enough, being able to eat in such a hurry without choking is considered a gift -' Lin Qiong suppressed a smile and pushed the teacup forward and said, "There is black tea here, drink it."


The three of them grabbed the teacups on the table and poured them into their stomachs.

"Ha! I still thought I was going to die!"

"No, I didn't expect that Mr. Kono Peixue almost died on 'Dim Sum'!"

"Damn it, is it useless to have a big face?"


Lin Qiong glanced at Dondchaka who was holding his unusually big head and thinking seriously about the question "Why am I choking even though I have such a big face?" and reminded: "A big face does not mean a big throat." , it is recommended to cut off the neck.”


Dongde Chaka subconsciously covered his throat, then shook his head vigorously, and said in a panic: "How did Ah Qiong say such a terrible thing!"

"Seriously! Dongde Chaka, do you want to modify it?" Peixue rubbed his chin, then looked at Dongde Chaka in front of him, and said, "For example, let the head be directly connected to the side of the stomach. Kind of like this, no matter how much you eat, you won’t be afraid of choking.”


Donde Chaka jumped onto the sofa in fright, and then said tremblingly, "Peixue, you're so scared... huh?"

"Auntie, Nilu!" Peixue stuffed the snacks on the table into his mouth as if the universe was on fire, and shouted, "While the one who eats the most, Dongde Chaka, is not here—"

"Oh! Nilu knows—"

Nilu followed Peixue's example, with a piece of cake in her left hand and a piece of biscuit in her right hand, quickly stuffing the snack into her mouth, as if the memory she choked just now did not exist.

Dongde Chaka: Σ( ° △ °|||)

"Ah, you guys are too much, too much!"

The big-faced king, Dongde Chaka, joins the battle again.



"Eat, I can't eat enough to provoke—"

After eating and drinking, and being overwhelmed by the rising sleepiness, Nilu lay on Lin Qiong's lap and fell into a deep sleep.

Lin Qiong reached out and touched Nilu's head, then raised his head and looked at Peixue and Dongdechaka, and said, "Two of you, let's talk about what happened to Nilu."

"Talk, talk about..."

Peixue and Dongde Chaka looked at the wall next to them with guilt, as if they were studying what kind of material the delicate color was painted with.

"The little praying mantis from Void Night Palace once said 'Long time no see, Nellie Lu', coupled with the analysis of Miss Wanshitong just now..." Lin Qiong looked at Peixue and Dongde Chaka calmly, "So Should you two tell me what happened to Nilu?"


Peixue and Dongde Chaka looked at each other, and then both fell into silence, but from the cramped hands of the two, it could be seen that they were engaged in a fierce psychological struggle.

To say, or not to say?

After being silent for nearly 5 minutes, Peixue said in a slightly dry voice: "Miss Nelliel, she is the [former] No. 30 blade of the Void Night Palace! But about [information deleted] years ago , was attacked by Neutra on the head, not only seriously injured and amnesia, but also lost most of his strength."

"I see--"

Lin Qiong turned to look at Nilu, gently touched the cracked mask on her head and the deep scars under the mask with his hands, and whispered: "Tsk, if I had known, I should have crushed that little mantis to death just now. , let him go in vain."

After finishing speaking, Lin Qiong looked at Peixue and Dongde Chaka, and after pondering for a few seconds, he said, "Then you two, do you think this matter should be told to Nilu?"


The two looked at each other, then stood up from the sofa at the same time, walked in front of Lin Qiong, and hit their foreheads on the ground with a "boom".

Peixue said word by word in an extremely serious tone: "Lord Lin Qiong, we have one thing to ask you!"

Dongde Chaka's voice was no longer as simple as before, but only the solemnity of the "Ten Blade Subordinates": "Please listen to our request, this is a decision we risked everything on."

Lin Qiong was silent for two seconds on purpose, and said, "Let's talk."

"After Nelliel-sama was injured and lost her memory, I swore with Dondchaka——"

"No matter what, even if we are smashed to pieces, we will protect Lady Nelliel!"

"Protect her and stay away from the vortex in Xuye Palace!"

"However, he has recognized Nelliel-sama now!!"

The two pressed their heads tightly on the ground, and said in unison: "Can I ask you to protect Lady Nelliel?"

"Nilu is my younger sister, so I will naturally protect her." Lin Qiong looked at the two people in front of him and said calmly, "It's just that you haven't answered my question yet."

"Because we have no right to answer for Lady Nelliel."

Peixue straightened her upper body, then looked at Nilu who was sleeping with her thumb in her mouth, and said softly, "Let Lady Niliel decide for herself whether she wants to know about the past or not."

Lin Qiong nodded with a chuckle and said, "Okay."



"Nilu, you need to know!"

Nilu clenched her fists in both hands, and looked at Lin Qiong nervously and nervously: "Nilu wants to regain her memory! Find her own strength! Then, protect Aqiong! Protect Peixue! Protect Dongde Chaka !!"


Peixue and Dongde Chaka next to them were like old farmers who saw their little pigs finally able to make cabbage, they couldn't help but shed tears of relief.

Nilu-sama, good, so kind!

"The cries of the two of you are disgusting!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but look at the two of them with disgust, and said: "We are men after all, can you be stronger? Don't cry like this just because of something big!"

"Huh? You still have the nerve to talk about me!"

Pei Xue pointed at Lin Qiong and said angrily: "You must have cried yourself! Wipe your tears away!"

"No way! I didn't cry!"

Lin Qiong wiped the corners of his eyes, and then said confidently: "What do you know? This is called the sweat of the soul, do you understand the sweat of the soul? It's not such a low-level thing as tears!"

"Dare to say..."

Peixue tugged at the corners of her mouth, then folded her hands on her chest, humming and chirping, "Then my side is also the sweat of the soul, hum!"

"Ah, yes, yes, it's the sweat of the soul -" Lin Qiong picked out his ears in an extremely perfunctory manner, then picked up Nilu with a smile on his face and said, "Then let's go."

Dongde Chaka asked, "Eh? What are you doing?"

Lin Qiong walked towards the exit without looking back, and said matter-of-factly: "Of course I'm going to see Miss Know-It-All! Only she can perfectly solve Nilu's problem——"

This is a lie, but in fact, Miss Passionate needs to use Nilu to study what kind of method Aizen's "distortion of the virtual" is, and then optimize it on this basis.



At the door of the dark laboratory, Nilu was stretching out her hand with tears in her eyes, trying to grab Lin Qiong who was standing not far away, crying loudly: "Aqiong, I don't want to restore my memory! Huh, I want to go back, Let me go back—”

Lin Qiong watched dumbly as Nilu was carried into the laboratory by Miss Wanshitong, and then choked out a sentence: "Damn it, why is it exactly the same as when I went to kindergarten."

"Aqiong, will you be all right? Really all will be all right?"

Peixue stood next to Lin Qiong restlessly, and said nervously, "Let me tell you first, it's not that I don't believe you, but this, this..."

The scene just now was too scary, okay?It's the same as the chainsaw killer is bringing the trick B into the meat processing yard!

"Don't worry! As long as my Miss Wanshitong takes action, Nilu's problem will be solved!" Lin Qiong patted Peixue on the shoulder, "I'm going to see other people, you want to stay here?"

Peixue nodded, and said in a low voice, "I want to see Lady Nilu after the treatment as soon as possible."

Dongde Chaka also looked anxious: "I am the same."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Then please watch."

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