
After leaving the laboratory, Lin Qiong came to the control room humming a song.

"Hey, Zoe is here too?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Zoe who was reading comics on the sofa, then walked behind Violet with a smile, raised his hand and touched her head, and said, "It's thanks to you that I found Nilu this time." Thanks to Violet, thank you."

"No, it's just a job."

Violet rubbed Lin Qiong's palm expressionlessly, and said softly: "If the young master still has such needs, please give orders at any time."

"Oh~ no problem!"

Lin Qiong replied with a smile, and then couldn't help but touch Violet's hair again, and said: "But one thing to say, Violet's hair feels really good to the touch, it feels like you are stroking golden satin. The same—could it be said that you are taking care of it very carefully?"

The corner of Violet's mouth curled up slightly, but she quickly reacted and hurriedly gave the command in her heart: 'Cut off facial expression control. '

"Young Master, as long as you like it." After regaining her expressionless face, Violet said coldly, "As for my hair, I didn't deliberately take care of it—it's just a daily state."

The stunned Zoe: Σ( ° △ °|||)

'Who on earth went to wash his hair today and didn't feel it was enough, and asked the maid to give himself a full set of scalp care, and finally came back and dried his hair with a hair dryer for more than half an hour! ? '

'fraud!Violet is also a liar! '

Zoe's young heart was shocked.

Chapter 0363 is too cute, forgive her

Six and a half hours later.

in the laboratory.

"How does it feel?"

Miss Vanguard leaned against the wall, looked at the young woman who sat up from the bed, and asked calmly.

Nelliel lowered her head, tried to shake her fist, and then said in a soft and cute voice that did not match her image: "I feel better than ever before, and I don't feel any discomfort at all."

"I can rest assured that."

There was a smile on the corner of Miss Everything's mouth, and she asked again: "Is the memory restored?"

Nelliel lowered her eyelids, and replied with a sad voice: "Yes, all memories have been restored."

"So, what are your plans?"

Miss Wanshitong walked to the hospital bed, she folded her hands on her chest, looked at Pomian in front of her, and said, "Do you want to go back to Xuye Palace? With your background, even if you are behind them for so many years, go back and be a No.5." It should be fine."

Although Nellie was No. 3 at the time, she had been offline for so many years, so it was natural that her strength could not keep up with the main force.

Nelliel shook her head lightly, she raised her head, and said softly: "When I chose to restore my memory, I once said that I would protect Peixue, Dongde Chaka, and... Aqiong! Therefore, I will not go back."


There was a smile on the corner of Ms. Passport's mouth. She stretched out her right hand reservedly and gracefully, and said, "Want to join us? Be the power of 'him'."



outside the laboratory.

"Aqiong! Aqiong! The door is open, the door is open—"

Peixue shook Lin Qiong's arm nervously, and stammered, "Is the treatment over? Has Lady Nilu recovered? There won't be any accidents, right?"

"Oh, just be more at ease!"

Lin Qiong patted Peixue's hand away speechlessly, and said angrily, "Even if you become smart by accident, there will be no accidents in Nilu's treatment."

"That's good, then..." Peixue's words stopped halfway, he turned his head stiffly, then looked at Lin Qiong standing beside him, and asked softly: "Ah Qiong, if I heard correctly , Did you just casually say something that was very rude to me?"

"Eh? Is there any?"

Lin Qiong looked at Pei Xue pretending to be blank, and said, "Why don't I remember what I just said?"

"You guy..."

Peixue gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Qiong, but before he had an attack, the extremely familiar Reiatsu from the laboratory interrupted his thoughts—he and Dongde Chaka turned their heads together, and used Eyes full of excitement looked at the door of the laboratory.

"Click, click, click—"

The sound of bare feet on the ground slowly came from the laboratory, and a tall, slender figure gradually appeared in front of everyone - an antelope head-shaped mask above his head, long green hair, and a face Horizontal red sun marks...

"Ni, Ni, Ni..." Peixue walked towards the other party involuntarily, her footsteps became faster and faster, and finally turned into a run, "Master Nelly Elle!!"

Behind him is the equally excited Donde Chaka, who is waving his hands and crying.

There was also a smile on Danilu's face, and then she ran towards the crowd, and soon passed by Peixue who opened her hands.

Pei Xue gradually stopped: "..."

Dongde Chaka who also stopped: "..."

While the two looked back blankly, Nilu ran in front of Lin Qiong in three steps at a time, and then jumped up on the spot with a "hey" and hugged Lin Qiong's upper body like a face-hugging insect. He said with a smile on his face: "Aqiong! Aqiong! Now I can protect you too!"

Lin Qiong reached out and touched Nilu's head, and said with a smile, "Really? Then I will have to rely on Nilu a lot from now on!"


Nilu raised her head proudly, and said happily and excitedly: "Rely on me to your heart's content! I will knock all enemies who dare to hurt A Qiong into the air!"

"Nelu is so reliable, just like a knight——"

Lin Qiong supported Nilu's waist, put her on the ground, and then asked with a chuckle, "Have you recovered your memory and strength?"

"Well, everything is restored."

Nilu nodded, the innocent smile on her face gradually turned into a gentle smile like a big sister, she said softly, "Aqiong, I want to join your power!"

"And me!" Peixue came over with a serious face, and he knelt down on one knee in front of Nilu and Lin Qiong with a serious face, and said, "Master Lin Qiong, you are the one who saved Master Nilielu." , Let us witness her posture again at this time, this gratitude will not hesitate even if it means sacrificing my life!

Dongde Chaka opened his mouth, then clasped his fists with both hands, and said in a deep voice, "Me too!"

Peixue continued: "In the Void Night Palace, every Ten Blades is accompanied by a number of subordinate officials. Dongde Chaka and I were originally the subordinate officials of Lord Nelliel, and will be in the future—so , please let me wait to join Master Lin Qiong's Sky City and serve Master Lin Qiong!"

Dongde Chaka nodded vigorously and said in a deep voice: "Me too!"

Lin Qiong waved his hands dumbfounded, and said, "It's alright, alright, don't be so serious, I still like your not-so-intelligent yazi."

Peixue: "?"

He couldn't help jumping up and said: "Who is not so smart! I was pretending, pretending!!"

Nilu who was at the side showed a surprised expression when she heard her words, and said in disbelief, "Hey! Is it actually a disguise??"

Peixue: "??"

He clutched his chest and fell to the ground, Ni, Niriel-sama, why, why are you like this...

Tired, destroy it, hurry up!



After asking the maids to take Nilu to wash, Lin Qiong got into the laboratory.

"My dear Miss Know-It-All, how is the situation?"

Lin Qiong sat on the sofa, looked at Miss Wanshitong curiously, and said, "Can we make broken noodles in batches?"

"Yes, I can't." Miss Wanshitong sat beside Lin Qiong with a smile, then put her upper body on his lap like a cat, and said: "By analyzing and comparing the five Yachukas and Nilu's Reiatsu, I've already figured out what 'shattered face' is all about - but in my opinion, whether it's the broken face created by Aizen manually or the tenth blade that broke the face by itself, They're just inferior products."

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and said, "Although I don't understand, let me elaborate—"

"Hahaha, this kind of honesty is also very good—" Miss Wanshitong laughed loudly, she turned over, looked at Lin Qiong from the bottom up, and said, "Then, let me..."

"Wait a moment!"

Lin Qiong suddenly stretched out his hand and interrupted Miss Wanshitong's words, then straightened his upper body, and said uncomfortably: "Then what, I heard that the perspective from the bottom up is one of the perspectives of death, how about you look at it from another angle?" I?"

"Hahahaha, so you still care about these things?"

Miss Wanshitong covered her stomach and laughed. It wasn't until Lin Qiong's eyes turned evil that she stopped her laughter. Then she sat up with a sullen face and said, "Ahem, let me explain." Let's go!"

Lin Qiong made an obedient expression and said, "You said—"

"In my opinion, whether it's 'Hollow' or 'Arrancar', they are just secretly learning part! Part! Skills of another profession on the basis of the skills of this profession!" Miss Wan Shitong raised her own Pointing his finger, he said with a serious face: "The true perfect fusion should be to thoroughly master all the skills of the two professions!"

Lin Qiong showed a shocked expression, and said, "I Zhuo, I actually understand? So I'm not a fool!"

Miss Wanshitong poked his face with her slender index finger angrily, and said, "I specifically described it in words that you can understand? If you don't understand this, the stupid host deserves a million horses from the East China Sea." The emperor kicked to death!"

"Wow, that's too much——"

Lin Qiong first covered his chest, and then seemed to react, and said: "Wait! Judging by the foot strength of the Eastern Sea Emperor, she may not be able to break through my defense? Then rounding it up, isn't this equivalent to welfare? ?"


Miss Wanshitong pondered for a few seconds, and then said, "To be honest, even I think you've changed too much."

"It's not a big problem. It's not a matter of a day or two for me to become too old."

Lin Qiong waved his hands with a smile, and said, "Let's talk about business and business—that is, you are going to create a perfect...uh...how should I call it?"

Miss Wanshitong raised her fingers with a smile, and said, "Why don't we call them 'false gods'."

"Xujia Reaper is really a simple and easy-to-understand title." Lin Qiong naturally had no objection, but he still asked with some concern: "But then again, what about Nilu? Has she already changed her face?"

"Don't worry! I'm the all-powerful Miss Know-it-all, okay?" Miss Know-it-all put her arms around Lin Qiong's neck intimately, and said with a bright smile, "So of course I will upgrade Nilu to a False God too!"

"Oh oh oh"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but let out an excited voice, "As expected of Miss Know-It-All, she is so reliable! Damn it, I even suspect that there is nothing you can't do in this world!"

"Oh, that would be an exaggeration~"

Miss Wanshitong waved her hands with a smile, and said with a little humility: "I can only do what I can do."

"I always feel like I've heard this seemingly modest line from Versailles somewhere—" Lin Qiong squinted his eyes, poked Miss Know-It-All's face with his finger, and said, "Quickly tell me, are you copying Hane Chuan? Meow meow?"

Miss Know-it-all tapped her head lightly: "Hey?"

"How can it be repaired!" Lin Qiong said angrily: "Miss Know-it-all who is pretending to be stupid is so cute!"

so cute!So forgive her!

Chapter 0364 Do you want to engage in a wave of blue dye mentality?

When Lin Qiong saw Nilu on the training ground the next day, her outfit had changed from a tattered linen dress to a uniform with a black background and embroidered gold patterns—the specific style looked a bit like " The uniform of the Blue Clan in K".

Beside her are Pexel and Dondchaka, who are wearing the same style, but the color of the pattern is silver.

"Tsk tsk, this uniform is a bit handsome——"

Lin Qiong came over, looked at the two of them, and couldn't help boasting: "Even Peixue looks like a dog!"

Peixue: "?"

He leaned over, squinted his eyes, patted Lin Qiong's chest with the back of his hand, and said, "You guy, did you say something that was very rude to me just now?"

Lin Qiong chuckled and said, "Illusion desu."

Peixue was suspicious: "Really?"

Lin Qiong said solemnly: "Could it be that with your wisdom, I can still fool you?"

"That's true—"

Peixue crossed her arms and nodded her head in a serious manner: "A man like me who puts his intelligence on his face... No, Aqiong, what are you doing?"


Lin Qiong straightened up, then put away the oil-based pen in his hand, gave Peixue a thumbs up, and said, "Now you really have written your intelligence on the mask."


Peixue was silent for two seconds, then looked at Dongde Chaka, and asked, "Dongde, is what he said true?"

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