
Dongdechaka nodded and said with admiration: "Pei Xue is so awesome, his intelligence is really written on his face!"


Peixue grabbed Lin Qiong's collar and yelled, "How dare you, how handsome you are to me..."

Lin Qiong couldn't help complaining: "No, how handsome is your termite-like face?"


Peixue let go of Lin Qiong, then covered his chest with his hands, and said in pain: "You guy, you, you, how can you call it a termite? At the very least, it should be described as a catalpa type insect!"


Lin Qiong looked at him with disgust, and said, "Is there any difference between termites and catalpa worms?"

"Don't be too big! How handsome is the catalpa worm!"

"Okay, okay, dung beetle?"


Pei Xue was about to shed tears of blood. He gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Qiong, shouting: "You will have no paper when you poop! If you drink water, your throat will choke! If you break your chopsticks, they will break!"

"You dung beetle."

"Oh oh oh!"

Peixue fell to the ground, weakly held Dongde Chaka's hand, and said: "Donde... help me take revenge... promise me..."

Dongde Chaka thought for a while, then shook off Peixue's hand, stood up as if nothing had happened, and said, "I don't know what happened just now."

"Bastard! You traitor, traitor—" Peixue jumped to Dongde Chaka and wrestled with him: "It's time for you to see how powerful I am!"

Lin Qiong bypassed the two people who had no image in disgust, came to Nilu's side, and asked with a smile, "How do you feel?"

"Best ever!"

There was a gentle smile on Nilu's face, she looked at the sky city in front of her with admiring eyes, and said: "The atmosphere here is completely different from that of the Xuye Palace—maybe I can tell you this alone." It's a bit strange to say that, but I do feel the atmosphere called 'home'."

"Hmm, let me see, is it this small mouth that speaks such beautiful words?"

With a smile on his face, Lin Qiong stretched out his hands and grabbed Nilu's cheeks and pulled them to both sides, then looked at the tearful Nilu and said, "But there is a sentence that I don't like very much, what is it? Strange'? What's wrong with Xu? Can't Xu be a family? Can't Xu feel warm?"

"Hey hey, I was wrong—"

Nilu showed a silly smile, she jumped onto Lin Qiong's body with a "swish", then opened her hands to hug his upper body, and said happily: "Nilu likes Aqiong the most!"

"Yes Yes Yes--"

Lin Qiong patted Nilu's waist, then glanced at the Yachukas who were being examined by Miss Pass, and said, "Nilu, what do you think of the qualifications of the Yachukas over there?"


Nilu turned her head to look over there, and then said with some distress: "Ah Qiong, do you want to hear the truth?"

Lin Qiong scratched his face and said, "I can tell from your hesitant attitude, it's probably not that bad, right?"

"Hey hey, it's a little bit different."

Nilu giggled, and she said: "In the Yachukas as a whole, they should belong to the lower middle class."

"Then do you believe in miracles?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Nilu and said with a smile: "The miracle created by Miss Know-It-All——"



What exactly is a miracle?

Nilu thought to herself that she might have seen a miracle.

One day later, the five Hollows completed their Arrancar transformation.

Three months later, the five broken faces advanced to the Varstord level.

Three and a half months later, the five Arrancars evolved into False Gods.

"I, am I dreaming?"

Standing at the edge of the training ground, Nilu, who was wearing a uniform embroidered with golden patterns, looked messily in the wind at the five virtual gods in front of her who exuded an aura that was no less powerful than her own, and said: "Three and a half months ago, they were just Achiukas is below average???”

The results of it?It's only been three and a half months, and the strength of these people is no longer inferior to his own, what is this! ?

"Hey, I'm right, right? Ms. Know-it-All is an existence that can create miracles—"

Lin Qiong looked at the five people in front of him who looked no different from humans, and said with emotion: "After evolving into a virtual god, all the masks were shattered, and even the virtual hole disappeared completely-from the outside, you There is no difference between humans and humans."

"All this was brought about by the young master and Master Lafite——"

Lugia (formerly known as Bayeri) with silver shattered hair knelt on the ground with his hands clasped in fists, and he said in an excited tone: "Although I have said this sentence countless times, I will definitely do it for the sake of the young master. Give your all!"

"Lugia is right." Bridget, who had slightly curly purple hair, knelt on one knee in front of Lin Qiong and said in a choked voice: "I, I never thought that one day I would be able to grow up. To this point..."

"Don't be too happy! Do you remember what I said before? After evolving into a false god, your current power - including the Zanpakutō - will rapidly decay within a week, and finally disappear without any trace. Without a trace." Miss Know-It-All pushed up the glasses on the bridge of her nose and said, "So the power you have now is just a flash in the pan, a flash in the pan."

"But Master Lafite also said that as long as we train hard, we will gain stronger strength than now, right?"

Bridget's face was full of excitement about her new life, and she said in a weird way: "This is the first time I am so looking forward to losing my strength early."

"Hahaha, I am the same!" Reptilian Xu Paluke let out the same laugh, he patted his chest muscles, and said excitedly: "I don't know that after receiving the training from Master Lafite, I will wait for you again." How powerful can it be?"

Miss Know-It-All did not answer their questions, but smiled softly and returned to her laboratory holding the experimental data.



Lin Qiong lay on the table curiously, and asked, "Why can Naiye practice directly, but why does she have to dissipate her power when she goes to Xu?"

"Have you forgotten that Reaper and Void are essentially soul creatures? I have to let them suffer—" Miss Wanshitong shook her cat ears helplessly, and said: "The only creature in the realm world that can directly cultivate, Only the Quincy."

"Oh, yes! I forgot about this!"

Lin Qiong hammered his palm, and suddenly said: "Hey, you are indeed Miss Wanshitong, who is thoughtful and considerate! Admiration, admiration——"

"It's okay to praise me more, okay?"

"I don't know if it's my illusion, I always feel like I've heard this sentence many times—" Lin Qiong squeezed his chin thoughtfully, and said, "Hmph! I didn't expect that Miss Wanshitong likes me so much. Such a compliment, what a greedy woman!"

"Oh, we are greedy women—"

Miss Know-It-All showed a somewhat sickly smile, she held her face and said, "It's such a great feeling to learn new knowledge every once in a while~"


Lin Qiong shivered, then took two steps back, and said, "I'm a bit sick! I don't want to be attacked by a hatchet—"

"Don't worry, I'm not willing to give up the hatchet to you—"

Miss Know-It-All laughed, she lay on Lin Qiong's lap again, and said lazily: "Oh, there are still a lot of things to study - this feeling of fulfillment has not been felt for a long time."

Lin Qiong patted Miss Wanshitong's head, and asked, "Speaking of which, I remember you said that you want to work out a solution to the problem of food demons' erosion?"

Miss Wanshitong shook her little feet, and said calmly: "Don't worry, host! We haven't forgotten, it's just that it's not the time yet."

She has to wait until the five imaginary gods have cultivated their own Zanpakuto, then study it, and then use the Zanpakuto that can be unraveled and swastikaed as a prototype to create a "gourmet weapon" that can be liberated in two stages.

Lin Qiong nodded, then leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and muttered: "Speaking of which, Aizen is about two and a half months away from going backwards, right? Do you want to find a chance to mess with his mentality? "

For example, when the back film is open and Aizen is applying hairspray, stand in the black cavity and shout at him: "Hey! Aizen, hurry up, or it will be too late—the convenience store worker over there Oral books are only half price!"

'Hehe, Aizen must be very happy, right? '


I fucking thank you!

Chapter 0365

A week later, the power of the five false gods dissipated completely, but at the same time they also gained precious bodies.

"First of all, I want to congratulate you."

Miss Wanshitong stood in front of the five False Gods with a smile on her face, looked at the five who were extremely weak, and said, "From this moment on, you have obtained a 'passport' to step up to a higher level."

"Thank you, Lord Lafite—" x5

The five replied in unison.

Miss Wanshitong said without any fluctuation in her eyes: "Next, I will give you a set of cultivation methods, and I will check your cultivation progress every day, understand?"

Low emotional intelligence: observe your body changes;

High EQ: Observe your cultivation progress.

"Yes—" x5

"So, before we begin—"

There was a smile on Miss Know-It-All's lips, and she asked softly: "Experience the feeling of powerlessness at this moment!"


On the balcony on the second floor, Lin Qiong was sitting on a chair, with Fairy Ibrahimovic in his arms, and Phoenix King standing on his shoulders, enjoying a delicious snack time.


Lin Qiong crushed a piece of cookie, then fed the piece in his hand to the fairy Ibrahimovic in his arms, and said to Nilu who was sitting in front of him: "Don't worry, when their cultivation is on the right track, they have collected After enough information, you, Pexue, and Dongde Chaka will also evolve."

Nilu nodded her head, then smiled at Lin Qiong, and said, "It's okay, Aqiong! My pursuit of power is not as urgent as others."

"Oh, Nilu, you are so bleating, bleating nano~" Lin Qiong shook his finger and said seriously: "You said you would protect me, right? But your current strength In Xuye Palace, you can only fight with the sword in front of you, right?"

Nilu froze for a moment, and then immediately showed a troubled expression: "Yes, yes! I want to protect A Qiong now! Huh—"

Lin Qiong looked at the tangled expression on Nilu's face that seemed to be "wanting to eat sweets but afraid of gaining weight", showed a satisfied smile, and took a sip of black tea.

Jie Jie, the beautiful girl's tangled expression is really delicious!


A week later.

Training Course.

A little accident happened.

"Cut everything, Shiratori—"

Along with Lugia's chanting, a katana with a slender blade and a bird-wing-shaped blade appeared in his hand.

"Master, Master Lafite, the situation is like this—" Rogia waved the samurai sword in his hand, and said respectfully: "This is my initial solution."


Lin Qiong rubbed his head with some headaches.

According to the five virtual gods, their awakened "Zanpakuto" did not appear in the form of a materialized samurai sword as before, but floated in the depths of the soul in the form of a phantom.When they chanted the words of initiation, the phantom in the depths of their souls would materialize and become a real weapon.

Lugia is a katana, Bridget is a claw, Paluk is a gauntlet, Carbensis is a spear, and Pochi is a pair of daggers.

"That is to say, you have to solve it first, or you don't have a weapon, right?" Lin Qiong showed a strange expression, "Let me confirm again, after you are sure that you have started to solve it, your own strength has indeed become stronger?"

Rogia nodded firmly, and said: "This is not just a simple weapon materialization, but a real initial solution."

"Hey, something weird——"

Lin Qiong scratched his head and muttered, "How did the Zanpakuto in Realm become the Flame Fang in Absolute Double Edge?"

"I think this is a normal phenomenon instead—how did the Shinigami Zanpakutori come about?" Miss Wanshitong pushed her eyes on the bridge of her nose and said calmly: "The freshmen with qualifications are joining After the Shino Academy of Spiritual Art, they will get a shallow sword made by Ermei Yawangyue, and the freshmen will be able to awaken their own Zanpakuto by injecting their spiritual pressure into the shallow sword through the "sword Zen" over time— —Have you found the key point?"

Lin Qiong showed a thoughtful expression, and said, "You mean, the key lies in the shallow fight made by Wang Yue?"

"That's right! It's precisely because Nikaiya Oue created a katana, so the Zanpakutō will be in the form of a katana - if he created a dagger, then the Zanpakutō will be a dagger!"

Miss Wanshitong raised her finger, and said with a smile on her face: "After the broken noodles are broken, they will also split into a Zanpakuto, because their broken noodles are transformed through Aizen's hands. The completion of the collapsed jade was naturally influenced by Aizen's subconscious!"

"I boil—"

After such an analysis by Ms. Wanshitong, Lin Qiong suddenly showed a dazed expression. He slammed his palm and said, "That's why there is no Zanpakuto in the tenth blade—because his face-shattering is done by himself. Yes, I didn’t borrow Beng Yu’s power at all, so I won’t be affected by Aizen!!”

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