I blanch, I blanch!It turned out to be such a thing! !

Miss Wanshitong showed a shallow smile, and joked: "The analysis is very correct! As expected of my dearest Mr. Lin Qiong~"

"Hmm, can you praise me more?"

"Oh, let's leave this kind of thing to Erina-san~"

Miss Wanshitong chuckled, then looked at the False Gods, and said, "I need to collect information on your new initial interpretations, so please show your initial interpretations."

"Yes—" x5

Seeing that Miss Know-It-All was busy again, Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, then hummed a tune and walked towards the bedroom - hum, I'll ask Erina to praise me!



"Whoa, Erina, Tie Tie~~"

Lin Qiong hugged the eldest lady's waist, then put his face against hers, and said coquettishly: "Tie Tie! Rub Tie! Kiss!"

The eldest lady sighed helplessly, and then said in a self-defeating manner: "Can you wait for Fei Shazi to leave before posting? And Fei Shazi, can you stop taking pictures? Take ten thousand steps back, even if you want to take pictures , can you stop being so serious?"


The secretary lay on the ground in a very anti-human posture, then stared at the picture on the camera seriously, and said: "Miss, I am recording the beautiful moments of your life, please don't stop me!"

'No, it's fine if you take a photo with your mobile phone as a souvenir, but why don't you buy a Nikon Z9 plus a Yegami F0.95? The eldest lady tugged at the corners of her eyes, as if she recalled the scene of her boyfriend using the 13900K plus 4090 in the e-sports room to play FreeCell - the key is that Lin Qiong is the most coquettish before he has played.

"Well done, as expected of a secretary!"

Lin Qiong gave the secretary a thumbs up in a cheerful manner, and then said happily: "Take more photos and arrange the highlights! When Erina and I get married, I will select materials from you and make them into videos. Play it back, you know what I mean?"


After learning that the photos he took could actually be played at the wedding of the eldest lady and the eldest young master, the secretary seemed to be on fire, exuding amazing momentum.

But the eldest lady is not calm.


She pushed Lin Qiong's chest with a flushed face, and stammered, "Marriage, marriage, what does wedding mean!"


Lin Qiong was taken aback, and he said as a matter of course: "Isn't it possible for us to never get married for the rest of our lives? That's so bad——"

Even if the "certificate" of the food halberd world is useless in other worlds, there must be a formal wedding, right?

"I mean wow, missy!"

The secretary also looked at the eldest lady in disbelief, and said, "How can we not hold a wedding?"

"That's not what I meant!"

The eldest lady patted the bed angrily, and said, "I mean, yes, yes..."

The second half of the words got stuck in her throat like this, she hesitated to speak, and after several times of wanting to speak, she uttered a mournful "woo", then shrank back, covering her face with the quilt .


Lin Qiong pulled the quilt with a question mark on his face, and said, "No, Erina, what's the matter with you? You come out—"

But it doesn't work.

"Don't don't!"

The eldest lady firmly grasped the edge of the bed, and said, "Don't go out!"

Lin Qiong said in an innocent voice with a playful face: "Oh, Erina, you have to tell me why you are shy, right?"

The eldest lady who tucked her head into the bed: "No way! I won't say anything!"

Lin Qiong immediately gave the secretary a wink, and the understanding secretary said in a natural tone: "Oh! You are so serious, young master. The eldest lady must have shrunk in because she didn't want to take pictures! Otherwise? Why not?" As for being shy because of the picture of marrying the young master?"

The smile on Lin Qiong's face was even worse, but he said in a suddenly enlightened voice: "So I didn't want to take pictures! Hey, I thought Erina was shy because she thought of the scene of marrying me!"

As Lin Qiong and the secretary observed, the eldest lady who had shrunk into the bed suddenly shook, and then twisted in the bed like a maggot. She was obviously venting her shyness.

'It's terrible! '

Lin Qiong and the secretary looked at each other.

Lin Qiong: It is recommended to step up efforts!

Secretary: I second it!

The secretary suddenly shouted loudly: "How is it possible! This is the eldest lady, how could she change into a pure white wedding dress because of fantasy, and then step into the auditorium with the young master, and exchange rings with the blessings of everyone, And shy?"

Lin Qiong covered his mouth and gave a thumbs up gesture to the secretary, and then continued in a stunned tone: "Oh! You are right! How could our Erina and I hug each other at the wedding just because of fantasy? Happily looking at the commemorative photos we left behind, and then having a pledge kiss under the applause of everyone, and being shy?"

'Maybe!I might!Stop talking! ! '

The eldest lady covered her face with her hands, and then twisted her body in the bed like a maggot, 'Ahhh! !Shame to death, shame to death! ! '

What the young miss who was writhing crazily didn't see was that Lin Qiong and the secretary beside her were already so amused by her cute reaction that they couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear.

Miss, you are so cute!

Chapter 0366 belongs to Lin Qiong's swastika

Lin Qiong and Miss Passionate, who have never quarreled and have an unbelievably close relationship.

in argument.

"Do not be like that--"

Miss Wanshitong picked up the snack on the table with a smile on her face, and then brought it to Lin Qiong in a flattering manner, as if coaxing a child and said: "Eat some! Come on, come on -"

"I will not eat!"

Lin Qiong turned his head away, then glared at Miss Wanshitong angrily, and said, "Don't speak in such an attitude either—do you think this is a joke?"


Miss Wanshitong scratched her head and said helplessly: "You are being cold and violent by refusing to communicate like this? My dear Mr. Lin Qiong is definitely not a scumbag who will be cold and violent towards girls, right?"


Lin Qiong clenched his fists tightly, then turned his head back, looked at Miss Know-It-All who was smiling, and said fiercely: "No smiling faces! Have a good attitude!"


Miss Wanshitong saluted, then sat down in front of Lin Qiong in a well-behaved manner, and said with a low eyebrow and pleasing expression, "Host, are you satisfied with this attitude?"

“I’m telling you, couldn’t you have informed me before doing these things??”

Lin Qiong stood up angrily and grabbed Miss Wanshitong's face, then ravaged it like rubbing dough, and said, "I'm your partner anyway, right? You should tell me about this kind of thing no matter what!"


Miss Wanshitong uttered an innocent cry, she looked at Lin Qiong helplessly, and said, "But, if we discuss it with you, you will definitely not agree?"

"Isn't this natural!? No, how did you..."

Lin Qiong let go of Miss Wanshitong's cheeks, then covered his forehead, and said dumbfoundingly: "Turning yourself into a 'Zanpakuto', is this the 'solution to food demons' you said?"

"Hey, isn't this the best way?"

Miss Know-It-All smiled, supported her chin with both hands, and said: "After the Food Demon is forged into a Zanpakutō, it has a one-minded relationship with the user, so naturally it can no longer erode the host's appetite."

"I admit that the method you mentioned is indeed very useful, but you don't need to convert yourself into Zanpakuto, right?" Lin Qiong hammered the table angrily, and said, "No, based on our relationship, is it necessary? ?”

"Oh, listen to my explanation~"

Miss Know-It-All squatted in front of Lin Qiong, put her hands on his lap as if to please him, blinked and said, "Listen, listen~ good host~"

"Speak well!"

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth, and Kana Ueda's voice was acting coquettishly here, who can resist this?When Red A comes, you have to blow up a few spiral swords to add to the fun, okay?

"First of all, starting from pragmatism - your strength is getting stronger and stronger now, and the upgrading of equipment is getting faster and faster. You can't go to Hephaestus to forge new weapons for you every other month, right? "

Miss Know everything sat back on the chair, then coughed lightly, and said: "After I became your Zanpakuto, this problem was solved easily. You are equivalent to having a weapon that can grow infinitely, and you don't need it anymore. I'm worried about the problem of insufficient weapon strength."

Lin Qiong could not refute. The first-generation dragon scale equipment he brought out from the Earth World has now become a collection - its strength may not be as strong as Lin Qiong's own physical strength.

"Secondly, starting from idealism - host, in your opinion, I transformed myself into your Zanpakuto, which has affected our relationship, right? But this kind of thinking is actually wrong!"

Miss Wanshitong raised her finger with a smile, and said: "Zanpakuto is constructed from the soul of the god of death, which is equivalent to the splitting of the soul, another self—isn't this relationship one of the most intimate relationships? "

Lin Qiong covered his forehead, and he found that he had a little sign of being persuaded by Miss Wanshitong—indeed, the god of death trusted his Zanpakuto the most, so he would only use it after the swastika was taken away. His face turned pale with shock, revealing the expression of the suffering master.

"In the end, it's my own fault - the real reason why you're angry is probably because you think that after I turned myself into a Zanpakutō, I put myself in the position of a 'tool', right?" Miss Know-It-All He came in front of Lin Qiong, then stretched out his arms to hug Lin Qiong's neck, and said softly: "I am very grateful that you think so, value me so much, and care about me so much! But I also have my own little thoughts - - What do you think, I turned myself into your Zanpakutō, so after using me again and again, will you become dependent on me? Then you will have to coax me, otherwise If I'm angry, I won't cooperate with you in fighting! Right?"

After listening to Miss Know-It-All's words, Lin Qiong couldn't help but slap her butt hard, and then sighed helplessly as she smiled "hehehehe".

Lepiyah, I'm totally fucked by this woman.

bad woman!



Today's training ground is a little noisy.

Not only Nilu and her two pendants, as well as the virtual god who had started practicing again and mastered the swastika, but also the guardians and members of the maid team who had been hidden for a long time were gathered together.

Of course, Miss Zhenggong, the secretary, Yoyo, and Feng Wang squatting on the shoulders of the eldest lady are also indispensable.


Lin Qiong, who was standing in the middle of the field, let out a breath, then looked at the onlookers on the sidelines, scratched his face subtly, and said, "How should I say it? I feel a little nervous."

"Meow haha, host, don't worry!"

Ms. Know-It-All's eyes were bent into crescents, her spirit body floated behind Lin Qiong, put her arms around his shoulders, and said softly, "Come on, try my strength!"

"Stand under the sky! The White Night King—"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and softly called out Miss Wanshitong's "liberation language".


The magic power visible to the naked eye wrapped around Lin Qiong's arms, and in an instant, it condensed into a pair of hand armor with white as the background color and dotted with black patterns - its armor part has been covering Lin Qiong's arms. At the forearm, Lin Qiong can also use the forearm to block the enemy's attack.

Lin Qiong let out a long breath, then tried to swing two punches, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "As expected of Miss Know-It-All, whether it is comfort, fit or feel, it is unparalleled and perfect."

"Hmph, isn't this a matter of course?" The golden jade on the back of the hand flickered a few times, and Miss Wanshitong's voice came out from it, "Okay, Shijie is just an appetizer, let's signal the swastika—then That's the main event!"

"Okay, that's the solution—"

Lin Qiong made a pair of fists in front of him, and then said in a slightly excited voice, "Swastika! Solution!——"

Blue light enveloped Lin Qiong's whole body, and with the sound of metal rubbing, his body was enveloped in a set of extremely handsome metal suits.

"—Star God White Night King!"

Lin Qiong, who was wearing full body armor, performed a set of practice punches on the spot and commented with satisfaction: "Physical fitness, reaction power and magic control ability have greatly improved. It can be said that this is the most suitable swastika for me - indeed. It’s Miss Know-It-All, tailor-made.”

To put it simply, the basic abilities of Lin Qiong's "White Night King" are very similar to Kurosaki Ichigo's "Zanpaku", both of which are Zanpakuto that maximize their combat power.

"It seems that you are very satisfied with our ability~ Hehe, it's not in vain that we have spent so much thought."

Miss Know-It-All's voice was full of joy, "But, host, don't you look at your current appearance?"


After receiving the prompt from Miss Wanshitong, Lin Qiong turned around, and appeared in front of Yoyo in a flash, and said, "Yuyo, show me the whole water mirror."


Yoyo, who was so handsome in armor shape, nodded, she waved her fingers slightly, and a clear water mirror appeared in front of Lin Qiong, allowing him to clearly see her current attire——

Like the previous hand armor, the overall color of the armor is still white, dotted with black patterns, and on the back of the hand and shoulders, there are golden, shimmering gems.

'The style of the armor is probably based on the armor of the White Dragon Emperor and the Red Dragon Emperor, but it is simpler than the two, without so many spikes -' Lin Qiong moved his shoulders a little, looking slightly satisfied. He nodded and said, "Isn't this very handsome!"


At this moment, the mask on Lin Qiong's face suddenly opened, and then retracted into the armor together with the entire helmet, exposing his head.


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