Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows at that time, then leaned closer to the water mirror, and said, "I lost it! Ms. Know everything, you didn't tell me that there is such a change!"

Lin Qiong's hair at this time has changed into the same white hair that exudes light fluorescence, just like Miss Know-It-All, and his eyes have also turned into a golden color that activates the ability of gourmet demons, but the most conspicuous thing is the slight bulge on both sides of Lin Qiong's forehead small, sharp corners.

The voice of Miss Passenger came from the armor: "Don't worry, these changes will disappear after you undo the swastika."

'It would be nice if I could change back—'

Lin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief. Although white/silver hair was considered an XP for Chinese people, he still liked his black hair.

At this time, the eldest lady approached Lin Qiong curiously, blinked her eyes and looked at the slender horns on his forehead, and said, "Qiong, can I touch them?"

The secretary who also came over to the side also raised his hand: "And me and me!"

Yoyo also raised her hand embarrassingly: "I want to touch it too—"

Nicole, Zoe and Nilu beside them also showed longing expressions.


Lin Qiong showed a somewhat tense expression, and he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

'No, shouldn't you be concerned about how much my strength has improved after the Swastika solution?Why are you all interested in my horns?You are wrong! '

The eldest lady, the secretary, and Youyou: "Qiong (young master) with white hair and long horns seems to be a little bit cute!" '

0367 - Devil Armed

After the forging of Lin Qiong's Zanpakuto was completed, Miss Wanshitong began to forge the Zanpakuto of several of Lin Qiong's companions - the young lady's samurai sword, the secretary's scepter, and Yoyo's staff.

"Sure enough, these weapons will appear in the shape that the owner is best at——"

Miss Wanshitong looked at the three new Zanpakuto in front of her, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "In this way, you don't have to worry about strange things appearing."

To give a simple example, if the male protagonist saves Rukia on Bipolar Hill, and then fights Kuchiki Byakuya, he shouts: "卍解——"

Then, a hardcover triangle horse appeared in front of him, and his attire changed into a mask, leather jacket, black net stockings and a slender leather whip.

In this case, even Aizen would take three steps back, right?

After recording the initial solution data of several people, Miss Wanshitong continued: "Several people, let's try the situation of Xijie again."

"Then let me come first!"

The eldest lady took two steps forward, then raised the samurai sword in her hand, and said softly: "卍解——"

A blue storm of magic power swept across the training ground, and then exploded under the inflated magic power of the eldest lady, revealing a figure in a pure white uniform and holding a black katana, "——The Supreme Blade Cong Yun cut!"


The eldest lady waved the black blade in her hand a few times casually, and said: "The characteristic is still sharp, and it is the same as Qiong's swastika, which greatly increases my various abilities, and also has the ability to let me in a small range. The ability to teleport at will."

"Next it's my turn—"

The secretary and the eldest lady passed by each other. After she took a deep breath to calm down the tension in her heart, she hurriedly said: "Swastika——"

Exactly the same blue magic storm, and when the storm dissipated, a secretary wearing thick golden armor and holding a two-handed heavy hammer appeared on the field, "——Holy Light Scepter Thor's Hammer!"


Lin Qiong looked at the heavy-armor hammer king version of the secretary in front of him, couldn't help but took a breath, and said, "Good guy, I call him a good guy! Secretary, you are going to use the beginning to explain the truth, and then use the swastika Explaining physics, huh?"

"Talent, talent, talent, no!"

The secretary ran towards Lin Qiong in a hurry, his seemingly light but heavy footsteps made Lin Qiong tremble with fear.

"Secretary! We have three chapters in the agreement. When the city of the sky is embedded in Aincrad, you are forbidden to swear in it!" Lin Qiong looked at the floor tiles under the secretary's feet, and said a little calmly: "I I'm really afraid that your foot will be pierced through the floor, and then you will fall directly from the [-]th floor to the first floor."

"Yeah, I won't!!"

The secretary anxiously waved the hammer in his hand, and stammered, "Young master, please don't slander me! Although this set of armor looks heavy, it is actually very light!"

"Fei Shasha, the 'very light' you say is only for yourself——"

The eldest lady pulled the corners of her mouth and said helplessly: "You may not have felt it yourself, but when you were running just now, the ground was trembling."

Secretary: Σ( ° △ °|||)

She looked at Youyou in shock, and asked tremblingly: "Really, really?"

The most honest Yoyo nodded her head very honestly, and said honestly: "It's true, the shock was severe, and the total amount is conservatively estimated to exceed one ton."


The secretary fell to his knees on the ground in an orz position, and then let out a desperate voice: "Uh, ah, I, I am also a young girl..."

Lin Qiong squatted on the ground and whispered, "Secretary, don't forget that you are already in your 20s, and you can't call yourself a young girl."


A certain chord in the secretary's mind seemed to be broken.


She staggered up from the ground, then raised the sledgehammer in her hand, and shouted in shame and indignation: "Smash the darkness with thunder!!"

"I boil it!"

Lin Qiong staggered his hands in front of him, and then shouted, "Swastika—Star God White Night King!"

The next moment, Lin Qiong's figure was like a baseball being hit by a home run, and he was hit by the secretary's hammer of judgment and flew into the distance in front of everyone—it even flickered for a while, which can be said to be very Rockets up.


The eldest lady and Yoyo stared at each other dumbfounded, and then shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze! Hurry up and find Qiong back!!"



"I have to say, Secretary, you have already blazed your own path on the road of Li Da Fei Brick."

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, looked at the secretary who was kneeling in front of him, and said, "Oh, don't be like this, I'm not injured, I just got blown away when I didn't notice—good guy, I really didn't expect you to be so strong!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L l l L L L y

"But this kind of contrast is very popular?" Lin Qiong laughed, "Think about it, isn't Weta holding a giant hammer cute?"

Gritting his teeth, the secretary raised his head and looked at Lin Qiong angrily, "Keweta is a child! Her height is only 1 meters!"

To be precise, it is a very dangerous 1 meters—just a little higher than the 22 meter line, which perfectly angered two imperial generals who did not want to be named.

"Oh, this swastika is already formed, it's useless for you to be shy~"

Lin Qiong chuckled, then put his gaze on Yoyo, and said with a smile: "Yuyo, among the four of us, you are the only one who hasn't shown your swastika yet!"


After seeing the topic shifted away from himself, the secretary nodded hurriedly and said, "Yuyou, let us see your swastika quickly!"

The secretary roared in his heart: "The best solution is the bazooka, and the swastika is the star destroyer, which attracts my attention away!" '

"Okay, okay."

Yoyo nodded a little embarrassedly, she trotted to the center of the training ground, and then raised high the staff in the shape of a pentagram at the top of her hand.


As the magic storm scattered, the black robe shrouded Yoyo's body, and then one after another accessories exuding a faint magic power appeared, "——Zhiyuan·Elemental Homophony!"


Seeing Yoyo in full armor, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary all made exclamations of amazement.

"Tiaras, earrings, necklaces, armbands, belts, bracelets, rings, and leg rings..."

Lin Qiong counted the accessories on Youyou's body from top to bottom, and couldn't help but say: "The function of these things should be more than just decorations, right?"

"No, it's not."

Youyou quickly shook her head and explained: "The headgear can increase my mental power recovery speed, the earrings can increase my casting speed, the necklace can increase the power of magic, and the armband is..."

After listening to Yoyo's words, Lin Qiong and the others couldn't help but click their tongues—good guy, this set of accessories can be said to be the graduation equipment that spellcasters dream of, and it fully increases Yoyo's strength from all angles.

"Okay, our family Youyou's strength has also experienced a surge!"

Lin Qiong touched Yoyo's head, then raised his head, and said with a smile in his eyes: "It seems that the only 'sequelae' of the gourmet cell has been solved by us?"

"Yes~ so you can now safely transfer the creatures from the Gourmet World to Aincrad—" Miss Know-It-All appeared beside Lin Qiong, "Of course, at this stage, it is not suitable to breed animals with too high a hunting level. Tall creatures—but I will find a way to increase the strength of Aincrad."

"Wuhu, as expected of Miss Know-it-all, she's really reliable—"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands in satisfaction, and then joked: "Having said that, now that you can turn a gourmet demon into a Zanpakuto, what we worry about is no longer 'what kind of gourmet demon will be parasitized', It's 'Will the gourmet demons be plucked by us'."


The young lady at the side couldn't help laughing: "I think the number of gourmet demons shouldn't be exhausted, right?"

"Don't worry."

Miss Wanshitong waved her hand, and said calmly: "There are hundreds of millions of gourmet demons? You squeeze them hard, and I will find a way to make artificial gourmet demons for you!"

"Oh oh oh-"

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady were immediately overwhelmed by Miss Wanshitong's arrogance, and they clapped their hands involuntarily.

Miss Know-It-All: Do you understand what is an interstellar gourmet devil? (Tactical back.jpg




afternoon tea time.


Lin Qiong supported his chin with his left hand, then held a pocky in his mouth and said, "I think the name 'Zanpakuto' is not suitable for our newly created weapon?"

"Ah, indeed—"

The eldest lady rested her hand on her chin and said, "After all, they have completely deviated from the shape of 'knife'—for example, the elemental homonym of Yoyo has nothing to do with the knife, right?"

The reason why a Zanpakuto is a "sword" is precisely because its most basic form is a katana.

"So, what do you want to call it?" Lin Qiong held the back of his head with both hands, looked up at the ceiling of the gazebo, and murmured, "Blaze? Teigu? Noble Phantasm? God Extinguisher?"

"These names are completely inconsistent with the actual situation, right?" The eldest lady drank a sip of black tea dumbfounded, "It's better to call it a demon arm - anyway, it's made with gourmet demons as the core."

Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then touched his chin and said, "I think it's ok? Demon armed... sounds pretty good!"

The secretary also nodded his head and said: "I support the eldest lady unconditionally!"

Yoyo swallowed the cake in her mouth like a hamster, and then hurriedly said, "I, I have no objection."

Seeing that the name she said casually was approved by unanimous votes, the eldest lady couldn't help but looked at the other three people dumbfounded, and asked, "Are you serious?"

"Hmm." x3

Therefore, the new armed forces were officially named "Devil Armed Forces"!

Chapter 0368 Nilu Evolution

After the techniques of deification and transformation of demonic weapons had matured, it was the turn of Nilu and her two pendants.

Nilu's overall changes are not big, only the sunburn marks on her face and the antelope bone mask on her head have disappeared, but the other two...


Dongde Chaka covered his mouth, then pointed to Peixue and said, "Peixue, you look like an orc now, and you are a rare orc who can speak human language."

Lin Qiong nodded aside. Peixue's appearance really resembled Jingwen's uncle who returned from another world—especially the jaw-length hair and thin cheeks.

"Shut up! You short and fat guy has the nerve to laugh at me!" Peixue clenched her fists and said angrily, cursing, "You potato jerk! It's funny!"

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, because he found that the image of this guy, Dongde Chaka, was very similar to a character named Big Sweet Potato in "Old Master Q".

Absolutely, you are an uncle from another world, an old master, right?

"Okay, okay, stop arguing."

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